% Send for Swift & Company’s 1918 Year Book It shows that Swift & Company sells the meat from a steer for less money then the live steer cost! IDEAL HOUSE FOR CHICKENS Proceeds from the sale of the hide, fat, and other by-products covered all expense of dressing, refrigeration, fr e ig h t , s e llin g expense and the profit of $1.29 per steer as show n b y Sw ift Com pany’s 1917 figures as follows: W h e rtv ir Possible Building Should Have Southern Front— Fresh Air and Sunohlnt Holp. & Plenty o f fresh air ami sunshine^ •long with freedom from drufta nne nud It Is better If there Is some protection, as n grovo o f trees, to the north. This will give the house plenty o f sunlight dur­ ing the grenteet possible time and will also protect It from the cold winter winds. PORTABLE WHEELED FRAM E W ill positively last^longerfandSdo lo s wider^range o f work than any other portable power sawing machine made. W ritfjo r particulars. GET EGGS AND MEAT FROM KITCHEN WASTE THE THOMAS ENGINEERING WORKS Makar* af H igLG rade Lagging a ad Farm Utilities. (Prepared by the United States De­ partment of Agrlrullura.) \ ' > \ J j | I | || < > <. < • JI * * - < > < > !! In every household, no matter how economical the housewife, there Is a certain amount o f ta­ ble sernps and kitchen waste which has feeding value, but which If not fed, finds Its wny Into the garhngn pall, Poultry Is the only class o f do- mestlc nnlmals which Is sultnhle for converting this waste mate- rial, right where It Is produced In tho city, Into wholesome and nutritious food In tho form of eggs and poultry meat. Bach hen In her pullet year should produce ten dozen eggs. The average size o f the back­ yard flock should be at least ten hens. Thus each flock would produce In a year 100 dozen eggs which, at tho conservative value of 25 cents a dozen, would be worth $25. By keeping n hnck-yard poul- try flock The family would not only help in reducing the cost of living but would have eggs o f a quality nnd freshness which are often difficult to obtain. Itcmcmhcr that eggs produced by the back-yard flock cost very little, ns the fowls are fed large- ly upon wnste materials. 1 2 5 E . Water S t., Portland, Ore. < < < < < < * < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < i < < < i i > < **«*»*«a a i VvfcsTERN IW uck A ttachment |' • * | ' • «• Over 1000 Satisfied Owners io Washington and Oregon. Hides, Pelts, \ i «■ ] J U ~ M -» 4 - 4 ^ 4 -4 -+ + + » 4 -+ 4 - » + » + 4 ^ 4 ~ t~ EARLY HATCHING IS DESIRED It will Increase Number and Size of Fowls and to Farmer It Means Much Larger Profits. (Prepared by the United Btatee Depart­ ment of Agriculture.) T o the country at large early hatch­ ing by every chicken raiser means much. Early hatching will Increase the number and size o f fowls and the number o f eggs produced next year. It will mean bigger birds and birds that will lay In the winter months. T o the Individual farmer It means more profit. H e will get more chickens •s a larger proportion will live; he w ill get more actual meat, not only be­ cause more w ill live but because hU chickens w ill be larger; end he will g et more egg*, when eggs are scarce fo r early hatched pullets will lay to jtfca winter. Something Sinister. Dr. William H. Crawford, president of Allegheny college, said on bis de­ parture to do war work at the front: ‘ ‘Don't ask me for an Interview. There Is something sinister about an Interview. It suggests that I'm never | coming back. The most vital point o f a truck attach­ "Y es, you make me feel almost as ment is the bearing*. The Western is blue as the rich old fellow whose little the only truck attachment made with a nephew said: Two-inch Tim ben Bearing. Other spe­ " ‘Uncle, wifi you please make a cifications in portion. noise like a frog?’ Why Buy an Inferior make? ‘"W h y , W illie !’ said the rich uncle, A . J. L O R M O R , Factory Distributor. laughing heartily, 'W hy on earth do you desire me to make a noise like a « 3 35 AM* Sin*. Portland. O r.to o . frog?’ ' “ 'Because,' said W illie, ‘whenever I And There It Ended. ask papa to buy me a pony or bicycle Policyholder— I nearly had my skull or anything, he always says: ‘ W ait till fractured on the icy sidewalk yester­ your uncle croaks.’ ”— Exchange. day. Don't I get something for that? Adjuster— If you can produce a doc­ His Real Worth. tor's certificate we may nearly give “ Did you see the widow o f our late you something.— Boston Transcript. friend?” “ Yes, but when I told her I had called to extend ray condolences, she asked my congratulations instead. W« wa* ,1 ym kata. WrW i* Print aaGhggn* Tig* She had just received his insurance THE H. F. NORTON. COMPANY, money.”— Baltimore American. Wool & Mohair Portland. Or#.. Seattle, W n „ SHIP IW-lIIngham, Wn. Veal, Pork,* Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce, to the Old Rallahle Kvanting house with a record o f 46 yrara of Square Pooling*, and ba assured o f T O P M A R K E T PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE, 45-47 Front Stroot, Portland. O r*(o n FREDJDUNDEE MOTOR CAR REPAIRING MACHINE WORK MAGNETO SERVICE STATION ALL KINDS O F W ELDING CYLINDER GRINDING PROMPT ATTENTION T O ALL ORDERS Bread way at Flanders, Part land, Or. P. N. U. Ne. 18, 181« LOSS OF POWER and vital force fol­ low loss o f flesh, 0 r emaciation. These come from 1 m p o v e r i s hed blood. Dr.Pierce's Golden Medical D i s c o v e r y en­ riches the blood, stops the waste of strength and tissue, and builds up healthy flesh. Thin, pale, puny and scrofulous chil­ dren are made plump, rosy and robust by the “ Discovery.” They Ilka It too. In recovering from “ Grippe,” or in convalescence from pneumonia, fev­ era. or other wasting diseases, it speedily and surely Invigorates and builds up the whole system. As an appetising, restorative tonic. It seta at work all the processee of dlgeetlon and nutrition, rouses every organ Into natural action, and brings back health and strength. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. Constipation la the cause o f many diseases. Cure the eause and you cure the disease. Easy to take as candy.— Adv. LISTEN TO THIS! SAYS CORNS LIFT RIGHT OUT NOW It’s Grandmother’s Recipe Restore Color, Gloss and Attractiveness. to Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compound­ ed, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streak­ ed or gray. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make It at home, which Is mussy and trouble­ some. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for “ W yeth’s Sage and Sul­ phur Compound,” you w ill get a large bottle of this famous old recipe, Im­ proved by the addition of other In­ gredients. for about 69 cents. Don’t stay gray! T ry it! No one can possibly tell that yon darkened your hair, as It does It so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another ap­ plication or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, gloesy and attractive. W yeth’s Sage and Sulphur Com­ pound Is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire dark hair and a youthful appearance. It Is not Intend ed for the cure, mitigation or preven tlon of disease.— Adv. A Unique Suggestion. A constable In a Vermont town re­ cently rounded up a number of ho­ boes. "Come along,” he said to them. “ You have all got to have a bath.” This announcement was, of course, received with considerable perturba­ tion, especially by the eldest o f the men. “ W h a t!” he exclaimed. “ A bath! A bath with water?” “ Sure thing," said the constable. “ Look here. Mr. Constable," said the apprehensive one. “ Couldn’t you man­ age it with one of them vacuum clean­ ers?” — Case and Comment You corn-pestered men and women need suffer no longer. W ear the shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a few drop« of freexone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callous ■tops soreness at once and scon the corn or hardened callous loosens so It can be lifted o u t root and all, with­ out pain. A small bottle o f freezone costs very little at any drug store, bat w ill positively take o ff every hard or soft com or callous. This should be tried as It Is Inexpensive and Is said not to Irritate the surrounding skin. I f your druggist hasn’t any freezone tell him to get a small bottle for yon from his wholesale drug house. It la fine stuff and acts like a charm every time.— Adv. M O N EY FOR Y O U . Thousand! o f trained young _ people needed. Behnke-Walker Businea* Collage, places College. Portland, Portland. | students in positions. Enroll any time. Free Catalogue. 100 Bairia Hotel Hoyt Cornar Sixth and Hoyt Sts.. Portland. Ore. LOU HIMES. Manager. RATES — 75c to *2. S P E C IA L -W eek or Month Q _ „ - Granulated Eyelids* ^ l l s l * W Eye* inflamed by expo- suretoSna.DaliodW M quickly relieved by Msriss EyeRemedy. No Smarting, Just Eye Comfort. At Druggiftt or by mail 50c per Bottle. Mwlas Eye Salve in Tubes 25c. r or Boek el (be Eyt EBEB ask Marine Eye Remedy Ce. BIG, STR0N6 CHICKS Is the result o f using Peta­ luma Incubators and Brood- era. That’s the kind you want. W rite for our big Free Catalog No. 60. To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. They regu­ late liver, bowels and stomach. PETALUIU IHCUBAT]R CO. Petaluma. California He Wouldn’t Work. Mistress— So your msirimonial life was very unhappy. What was the trouble? December wedded to May? Cbloe Johnson— Lan' sake, no mam! It was Labor day wedded to de day ob res t— Life. Anxious Days. "Both my w ife and I are praying that It w ill be a girl.” “ Why, I thought— ” "Yea, I know, but the other day our cook remarked that she doesn't like boy babies.” — Boston Transcript Heal Baby Rashes That ltcb, barn and torture. A hot Cuticura Soap bath gives Instant re­ lie f when followed by a gentle appli­ cation o f Cuticura Ointment. For free samples address, “Cuticura. Dept. X, Boston." A t druggists and by mall. Soap 28, Ointment 25 and 50.— Adv. Clear Pimples W ith Cuticura And Be Happy Se*p ?5c. OlatoMDt t f %a«t 50« WE WANT YOUR BEANS ) Call at 206 Alder street or mail aamplea. We buy all the time and pay the hiirhoat market price. Don't fail to get in touch with us before selling. W S are th e O n l ly y Exclusive Bean Dealers In r e g o n . Wo want more agents at Orsa country points. Cleaners and dealers please write for our agents' terms. S. c. D ALTO N CO., PORTLAND. ORE.