an, and found In her appearance quits being a home the year round. Thera as much to confound iiutlclputlon and Isn't nuy boat—” deepen perplexity. What she had “No boat I” worn the night before he could not “Not a sign of one, that I can find— say; but It certainly could have had except this wreck.” Mho indicated the nothing In common with the woru, catboat. stained, misshapen Jacket covering her “But you can't do anything with shoulders, bcncuth It the calico wrap­ this,” ho expostulated. per scant aud crude beyond belief, up­ The deep, wide break In Its slda on her feet the rusty wrecks that once placed It beyond consideration, even had beeu shoes. If It should prove im > hs 11)I o to remedy As for himself, his once white flan­ Its tunny other lucks. nel trousers were precious souvenirs, “No. The people who live here must even though the cloth had contracted huve a boat—1 saw a mooring buoy out to an alarming extent—uncomfortable there”—with a gesture towurd the wa­ as w ell; while his tennis shoes re­ ter. “Of course. How else could they mained tolerably Intact, and the can- get nwuy?" vas brace hud shrunk ui>on his nukle “The question In, how we are to get TO MAINTAIN GRAVEL ROADS until It gripped it like a vise. away,” ho grumbled, morose. But these details he absorbed rather "You'll find the way,” she told him Never Hard and Smooth Enough to Prevent Immediate Rutting by than studied, In the first few momenta with quiet confidence.* Wheele of Wagons. subsequent to his awakening. HIs “II I’ll find the way? How?” chlefest and most direct Interest cen­ “I don't know—only you must. Thera tered upon the woman. There was must be some way of signaling the Gravel rouds are never hard and warm color In the cheeks that he hud mnlnlund, some means of communica­ smooth enough when opened to travel Some minutes passed before he be­ 0 last seen livid, there was the wonted tion. Murcly people wouldn't live here, U* prevent almost Immediate rutting by came uwuro that they were closing In 0 D you ever risk your life play of light and shadow In her fas­ cut off from all the world . . . P er­ t*ie wheels of heavily loaded wagons. 0 quickly to the shelving bench. He 0 and come within a breath cinating eyes; there were gracious haps we'll find something In the farm ­ In fnct. a gravel which contains enough glanced over his shoulder. They were 0 of loalng It while trying to rounded curves where had been sunken house to tell us what to do. I didn't clay to pack Immediately under the 0 on the Hue of breukers. Behind them 0 save a friend? There is a surfaces, hollowed out by fatigue und huve much time to look round. I roller or In a few days under travel a heavy comber was surging In, crested 0 strain; and there remained the In­ wanted clothing, mostly—and found will always prove to give a muddy 0 mighty thrilling episode pictured with snow. Its concave belly resembling 0 in this installment. road when the frost Is going out In the eluctable nlluremcut of her tremendous a vast sheet of eineruld. In nuother these nwful things hanging behind tho spring 0 and during prolonged wet spells vitality. . . . Taking up the thread of the 0 moment It would be upon them. It kitchen door. And then I wunted 0 story, you will recall that Hugh at other scusons of the year. If such “You are not hurt?” he demunded. was the moment u seasoned swimmer something to eat. and 1 found thnt— 0 gravels are found on u road they cun 0 “You are—all right?” W hitaker, returning to New would seize. some bread, not too stale, uud plenty 0 York five years after his sup­ His eye sought the girl’s. In hers he “Quite,” site told him with a smile of eggs in the henhouse. . , . And be greatly Improved by covering the 0 0 posed death, finds his wife, now surface with a thin layer of sandy rend understanding and assent. Of one significant of her appreciation of his you—you must be famished!” 0 gravel, applied when the road Is soft mind, they struck out with all their generous feeling. “But you? Huveu't 0 a famous actress known as 0 Sara Law, engaged to marry aud allowed to mix under travel, the strength. The comber overtook them, you slept at all?” • 0 “Oh, surely—u great deal, But I've 0 0 W hat do you suppose W hit­ road being kept smooth hj the frequent clasped them to Its bosom, tossed them 0 Drummond, his old partner. 0 Drummond supposedly commits use of the road drag. few 0 aker and Miss Fiske will find high upon Its great glassy shoulder. been awuke for some Urn 0 0 on the island—a solution of the hours.” On any gravel rond, dragging with 0 suicide. Sara Law disappears. They fought madly to retain that place, 0 0 W hitaker, assailed mysterious­ a suitable road drag should begin after and to such purpose that they rode it “But I— l What time Is It?” 0 whole mystery? 0 0 the first good rain following the com­ 0 ly, goes to the country place of over a dozeu yards before it crashed “I haven't a watch, but late after­ /%%«%%»%%%%%%«• 0 Martin Ebmer. pletion of the rond and be continued noon, I should ’think—going by the upon the bench, annihilating Itself in 0 tTU UK CONTINU ED .) sun. It’s uearly dowu.” ufter euch subsequent rain until the 0 He becomes acquainted with a furious welter of creaming wutera. 0 charming Miss Fiske, living near W hitaker felt lund beneath his feet “Good heavens l” he muttered, OLD MINE RADIANT CAVERN 0 0 by, and discovers spies are The rest was like the crisis of a dashed. “1 huve slep t!” 0 watching her. One night she Is nightmare drawn out to the limit of “You earned your right to. . , , Shafts In Thuringian Forest Filled 0 abducted in a motor boat when human endurance. The undertow tore You needed It far more than I.” Her 0 With Stalactites Are a Beauti­ at W hitaker's legs as with u hundred eyes shon« warm with kindness. 0 W hitaker starts to make a call. ful SighL 0 He follows the kidnapers in an­ She swayed almost Imperceptibly to­ murderous hands. He came out of It 0 ward him. Her voice was low pitched other launch and sees their boat eventually to find himself well up on 0 0 wrecked on a reef. An old ubundoned mine near Sanl- j the beach lenning against the careened and u trifle broken with emotion: 0 feld. In tho Thuringian forest, whlcb hulk of a dismantled catboat with a “You saved my life—” 0 gaping rent in Its side. At a little dis­ “I—? Oh, thut was only what any In the time of Luther wua worked for silver, copper, alum und vitriol, bus tance the woman was sitting In the other mun—” CHAPTER XIII. beeu discovered by n Berlin geologist sands, bosom and shoulders heuvlng “None other did 1” 15 to huve developed Into one of tho most | “Please don’t speak of It—I mean, convulsively, dump, mutted hnlr veiling Debacle. beautiful caverns. In the course of consider It that way,” he stammered. her like a curtain of sunlit seaweed. The Trouble, meantime, was closing centuries the water percolating "W hat I want to know is, where are In upon the scene of tragedy with little He moved with painful effort toward we?” through tile minerals bus built up less than locomotive speed. W hitaker her. She turned up to him her pitiful, Her reply was more distant. "On throughout the mine a wonderful applied the reversing gear; then, while writhen face, white ns parchment. labyrinth of stalactites and stalag­ the engine reversed with a heavy and “Are you—hurt?” he mnnnged to ask. an Island, somewhere. It's uninhabited, mites, thrown together with o profu­ I think.” resentful pounding In the cylinder- "I mean—Injured?” and brilliance of color which la heads, he began to strip off his coaL She moved her head from side to He could only echo in bewilderment: sion to be without pnrnliel. The boat, moving forward despite the side, as if she could not speak for pant­ “An Island . . .1 Uninhabited said Deep greens, vivid blues, the purest . . .1” Dismay assailed him. He got white, yellows resistance of the propeller, drove ing. shudes—In tact, heavily against the wreck, broadside to “I’m—glad," he said dully. “You up, after a little struggle overcoming the entire sculc of of all is reproduced Its stern. As this happened W hitaker stay—here . . . I’ll go get help.” the resistance of stiff und sore limbs, over and over aguin. color und yet the col­ and stood with a hand on the coaming ors melt into euch other leaped to the wreck Just in time to He raised his eyes, peering inland. so gently grasp the coaming and hold on against Back of the beach the land rose In of the dismantled catboat, raking the that nowhere Is the Impression Wsll-Kspt Gravel Road. of die- the onslaught of a hurtling comber. long, sweeping hillocks, treeless but island with on Incredulous stare. ngreenblc contrast produced. Thunderlngs benumbed him, und he be­ green. HIs curiously befogged vision She stirred from her plnce and of­ Although unknown before the war. road surface becomes so hard and smooth that heavily loaded wagons gan to strangle before It passed. . . . made out a number of shapes that re­ fered him a hand. "Please help me this fulry grotto has already become I rnage no impression on the surface, up.” He found himself filling his lungs sembled dwellings. famous among the scientific men of: n U{ dragging must be frequent tin» with free air and fighting his way to­ “Go . . . get . . . help . . .’ He turned eagerly, with a feeling of Germany. The aged Haeckel has bad nnit f„ , unt„ wlnfrr wt(( ln ,h<. he repeated thickly. ward the cabin doors through the wa­ chngrin thnt she had needed to ask himself carried through It In his In­ following spring until the middle of ter waist deep. In another breath he He started off with a brave, stagger valid chair, und has agreed with other May or the first of June. After that had torn them open, wide, discovering Ing rush that carried him a dozen feet scientists thut It Is the most remark­ the dragging will not be very effective, the woman, her head and shoulders inland. Then his knees turned to wa­ able natural curiosity In Germany. unless the rains are of long enough showing above the flood as she stood ter, and the blackness of night shut duration to soften the surface slightly, upon a transom, near the doorway, down • npon • his • senses. On the Level. • • • • and may therefore he lens frequent. grasping a stanchion for support Her At the Pluyers’ club In New York But dragging will he found very effec­ eyes met his, black and blank with ter­ When W hitaker awoke the afternoon Ihey were discussing the English poet, tive and efilrient In the Into fall anil ror. He snatched through sheer in­ was cloudy-warm and bright, so that Alfred Noyes. In the spring when the frost Is coming stinct at a circular life preserver that his eyes were grateful for the shade of "Poor Noyesy!” suld an editor. '“He out and before the gravel Is fully set­ floated out towurd him, and sim ultane­ a white parasol that a girl was holding used to make poetry puy, but the wur tled. ously managed to crook an arm round over him. He grew suspicious of his has created a slump In the poetry inarv senses; and when the parusol was her neck. ket, und to get along today Noyes Is MUST MAINTAIN GOOD ROADS transformed into the shape of a wom­ Aguin the sea hurled them beneath writing advertising Jingles. W hat a tons of raging dark water. Green light­ an wearing a clumsy jacket of soiled come down, eh?” covert cloth over a nondescript gar­ nings flashed before his eyes, and in Much Money Spent for Construc­ “A come down?" said n critic, his Too tion his ears there was a crashing like the ment of weirdly printed calico—then and Too Little for Proper eyes twinkling humorously behind Ills crack of doom. His head was split­ he was sure that something was wrong Maintenance. pince-nez. "Humph. What kind of uils ting, his heart on the point of breaking. with him. Is he writing?” The wave passed on, roaring. He could Besides, the woman suddenly turned In many n county In the South the "Sausage ads,” said the editor. and bent over him an anxious face, ex- breathe. Now if ever . . . condition of the roads Is the same as “Then,” said the erltlc, “It’s no As if stupefied beyond sensibility, cluimlng In accents of consternution: come down. Noyes always «lid write ,*IOS0 which the editor of the < llnton the woman was passive to his hand­ “O dear! If he’s delirious— l” Democrat n«ll- It Is recorded In "The Memoirs «>f LI from neglect; that we have bur­ They came to the surface in the hol­ woman, calmly; “so I brought w ater Yun Lung” that two notorious silver- tlon, dened our posterity with a debt that low of a deep, gray swale, fully fifty Here . . .” surlex, Bu Nko and Chang Chong llong, lias prove«! to be n rather had Invest­ feet from the wreck. W hitaker re­ She offered a tin vessel to his lips. met formally on u New Year’s day, ment. We have burdened our children tained his grasp of the life-preserver He sat up suddenly, seized the vessel shook their own hands—the artless with the bonds will he mighty line. The woman floated easily in the and buried his face in it, gradually tilt­ custom of Cuthay—and were profuse hard to pay, and that we will have to an­ support. He fancied a gleam of live­ ing It, while its cool, delicious sweet­ In their utterances of gooil will. The swer for a great deal, If for their lier consciousness In her staring eyes, ness Irrigated his arid tissues, until spectators wore edlflcrd. Going out of 000 we leave them a legacy of mu«l- and noticed with a curiously keen feel­ every blessed drop was drained. Then, the door, Bu, glaring, says t«> Chang, ing of satisfaction that she was not und not till then, he lowered the pail The Backwash of the Surf Had Them "I wish you the same you wish me.” holes, a heritage of sand and water. of the main «lefects In our pres«*nt only keeping her mouth closed, but had und with sane vision began to renew in Its Grip. “You want to begin again, d«> you?” One program, we think. Is the fnct thnt we done so, apparently, while under water. acquaintance with the world. Chang, "livid with rage." This are spending For an Instant he had both her asks all of our money on con­ Then suddenly, the lift of a wave dis­ He was sitting In the lee of the him. anecdote t«*nrhes us the sincerity of hands, warm and womanly, ln bis true forgiveness. struction nnd nre not taking proper covered to him the contour of the beached catboat. The woman he had grasp, while she rose by his aid, and thought for the maintenance of the shore. Instead of being carried in to rescued sat quite near him. The gale for an Instant longer—possibly by way ronds.”—The Progressive Farmer. the rock-strewn beach, they were In was still booming overhead, but now of reward. Then Poor Outlook. she disengaged them Cassidy (visiting sick friend)—Well, the grip of a backwash which was with less force (or so he fancied); with gentle firmness. and the surf still crashed In thunders bearing them not only out of immedi­ Mike, an’ how are ye this mornln'? ate danger, but at the same time along­ on the beach a hundred feet or more She stood beside him so tall and fair, O’Brien—Porely, Tim, porely. Share TO MAINTAIN CONCRETE ROAD shore toward a point under whose lee aw ay; but the haze was lighter, and so serenely Invested with the flawless I’m that wake ye’ll be cornin’ to me Observe Same Rulee of Drainage as he hoped to find less turbulent condi­ the blue of the sky was visible, If tar­ dignity of her womanhood that he no wake before the end of the wake.— Apply for Earth Read»—New longer thought of the Incongruity of B«»ston Evening Transcript. nished. tions. Surface fer Concrete. Three times he essayed to apeak be­ The sands curved off in a wide cres­ her grotesque garb. "You’ve been up there?” he asked, fore he could wring articulate sounds cent, ending In a long, sandy spIL Tha 8peclal Way. The maintenance of concrete roads from his ¿racked lips and burning There was a low, ragged earth bank far too keenly Interested to scorn the “Talking about ships and men—” consists of observing the rules of th ro a t rising from the sands. Midway be­ self-evident. “W e lir as for earth roads, and In “Ton . . . all right?“ tween the beach and where the hazy She gave a comprehensive gesture, “When opposing ships meet they drainage filling with tar any cracks that may She replied with as much difficulty: uplands lifted their blurred profile embracing the visible prospect “All hall. When opposing men meet they develop. Nothing can be done for the “Tee . . . you may . . . let against the faded sky, stood a com­ over. . . . When I woke. I thought storm .” surface when It begins to deteriorate go . . •” monplace farmhouse, in good repair, surely . . . 1 went to see, found and break down. It will serve as a To relax the swollen fingers that strongly constructed and neatly paint­ nothing living except the sheep and The Eternal Feminine. for some of the higher types e f grasped the lifeline was pure torture. ed ; with a brood of out buildings. some chickens and turkeys In the farm ­ Manager of 'Bus Company—And 00 base bituminous surface, and after the con­ He attem pted no further communica­ Here and there. In scattered groups yard. And the farmhouse—apparently you want to leave? crete has served Its usefulness It tion. None, indeed, was needed. It and singly, sheep foraged. it’s ordinarily Inhabited. Evidently Conductorette—Not If you will put should be resurfaced with a bltumln- w as plain th at she understood their With puzzled eyes W hitaker sought the people have gone away for s visit me on service 18. I'm tired of being o«a wearing surface. sannsel and enlightenment of the wom­ somewhere. It gives tha Impressla« sf asked If I'm 461—London Opinion. situation. BUILDING ï' D $ — -