Holbrook Lodge No. 30, A . F. & A . M. ---------------------------------------------------W IL L GIVE A ---------------------------------------------------- Dancing Party Saturday Evening, April 20, 1.0.0. F. B’ld’g The entire proceeds o f this ball will go into the Masonic Home fund, to build an Oregon Home, one o f the principal objects of which will be to take care o f crippled Masons returning from the front. This merits your support. Tickets $1.00 per Couple You Are Invited For Sale— 12x16 garage, with resents only what was sold by that 8-foot doors, and portable 6x12 school during the two-weeks’ can­ Mrs. A A Hall was shopping modern chicken house. Dr. E. vass. B Brookbank, residence phone in Portland Salurdav. Farmers’ Meeting Called Saturday 0878. 14-tf Mrs Will I ves of Vancouver A meeting of the farmers of William Dalziel, deputy labor visited friends in the city Sunday commis-ioner and factory inspect­ Washington county*is called to Dan Pierce, the draym in, now or, who is a candidat for his meet in the Court House at Hills­ has his office in the Smith furni­ chief’s job, was in town on ! boro at 2: )0 p. tn. Saturday, ture store. April 20 The meeting is called business today. Harry N’ aufTts has started re­ by Wm Schulmerich, president In the first column of a supple­ of the County Agricultural Coun­ modeling the Fuqua build ng, ment to this issue will be found cil. At this time the labor situa­ Main street. a I st of men who have been tion wi:| be discussed and an a t­ Go to t he Erickson garage. K . calle I to Camp Lewis. The sixth of P. building, fo your auto re­ name (James K. Ensley) should1 tempt will be made to standard­ pairs, accessories, tires, gas and have been left out, as he was not ize wages as nearly as possible and an effort will be made to deter­ oils. ca led. mine the labor needs of the Miss Pearl Hall and liste r, county and to what extent there Pupils Deserve Honor Flag Hughes visited Mr. and M rs.1 The Forest Grove public schools j is a shortage at this time. Walter Wolf at Portland over have just completed a two weeks’ Sunday. To Discuss Farm Labor drive for the sale of War Saving Mrs. Mary Chord, s o n Jack Stamps. Four squads of workers J. W. Brewer, a government atid daughter Marie of Portland were chosen from the schools as labor agent, will be the guest this visited Mrs. W. A Ross and follows: Two from t h e High evening at 6:30 of the Forest children at Eddy Sunday School, one from Lincoln school Grove Commercial club at a din­ Mrs. H. P. Stith of Salem, one and one from Central School, mak­ ner at the Michigan house. Mr. of the owners of the Stith & Jones ing a total of sixteen workers in ' Biewer is traveling over the millinery parlors, was looking i the field. Every home in the city northwest to assist the farmers in after business in this city Monday. was canvassed with good results securing labor to plant and har­ vest their crops and he will tell Until further notice the serving since almost all people visited the business men of Forest Grove bought stamps. The total sales of of Sunday dinners at the Hotel each squad were as follow-: Lin-; h-w they can help in the move­ Laughlin will be discontinued un­ coin School $606 10, upper division | ment. Tickets may be secured less meals are ordered at least one of the High School $480.85. lower from President HofTman or Secre­ day ahead. division o f t h e High School tary Reder. A fine line of new summer $316.65, and C e n t r a l School! Endeavorers to Convene shoes, in leather and canvas just $668.25. The group having the The sixth annual convention of received a t John Anderson’s greatest number of sales to it’s Don’t punish your feet by wear­ credit was of Central School. the Washington County Christian ing winter shoes. Pupili of this group with the i Endeavor Onion will open at the The high wages paid workers in amount of sales to their credit I Christian church, this city, at the shipyards have proved so was Donald Randall $212.55, j 7:30 tomorrow morning and good programs will be given every strong a lure to Bill VanAntwerp Elizabeth Todd $308 00, Elizabeth morning, afternoon and evening Tucker $110.00, and James Ran­ that he has solcAis insurance and until 8:00 o ’clock Sunday even­ realty business to George Han­ dall $37 10. P u p i l s selling the ing. cock and will go to work in Port­ greatest number of stamps, who Speakers of more than local re­ will receive prices are as follows: land. nown will be in attendance and Irvin Thomas $400 00, Elizabeth M . J. Fenenga. who has been the members are looking for a holding down an Army “ Y ” sec­ Todd $308 00, and Martha Schuh good time. The Juniors will hold retaryship at Kelly Field, Texas, $278 65 The first prize will be a three sessions Sunday, beginning arrived Sunday for a short visit War Saving Stamp, the second at 11 a. m. with his family. He has been twelve Thrift Stamps and the Because Ford cars are hard to transferred to Camp L^wis and third eight Thrift Stamps. Lin will leave next Monday for his coin School deserves additional get, see Pugh, at the Erickson new post. He lik s the work credit for the sale of war stamps garage, if you want one of those before the drive Fords coming in the next car­ very well and looks like it agreed carried on was started, since the above rep­ load. with him. N O TES A M ) PER SO N ALS