ŒI jp Sterrai (ßrmic Sxprraa I’ ii M ih I hm I «very Thursday nt Foreat Grove, O regon. W. C. Itenfer, Editor and l'uldiaher. Entered I 'M i d mm aecond-rlaaa matter J hii . 12, 1916, M t the ixMttoflh-e at Forest («rove, Oregon, under the Art of March 3, 1879 in advaru'« One year Six inonthN Three Month« Su bscrip tion Rat«** On Credit $1.(81 One year .60 Six montha .26 Three month« i H l ’ KSDAY, APRII. II, P.HH CONDENSED NEWS NOTES ILK) .76 .4 0 CHEVROLET! Do you know what a valve-in-head motor does? It works directly to the point— without any waste in power or gasoline consumption. Valve-in-head efficiency means working directly to the place where the explosion takes place. This means working through a short-cut path— the cutting out o f all unnecessary angles and com ers in get­ ting action. In other types o f motors, o f the side chamber con­ struction, the impulse does not strike the piston head di­ rectly. In these motors the propelling force comes into contact with the piston head at a glancing angle. It is not a full blow. It is not “ maximum pow er.” Motor efficiency, o f the valve-in-head sort, is gotten in the following manner: The gasoline, vaporized and mixed with air, is admitted into the cylinder head. There is no side waiting room for it to loiter in before ignition. It is brought directly over the piston head which it must drive downward by the force o f its explosion. This is a short-cut from the first. For when the ignition occurs, the impact o f explosion strikes flat over the piston head and drives it directly downward. Men are now accustomed to directness o f action. It is essential everywhere. And it is especially desirable in a motor car, for no energy is lost, no motion is wasted. The valve-in-head motor belongs in this age. Chevrolet cars have valve-in-head motors. Job printing phone 821. Mr«. J. F. McGill visited her The Rebekahs will have several «on, Clinton, and wife in Portland candidates next Wednesday even­ over Sunday. ing. For Sale Select Burbank po­ Lawrence Pierce has taken a tatoes; $1 00 per cwt H. N. milk route with his new auto Robinson, Phone 0224. truck and is hauling milk to the 'I'he people of Norih Yamhill local condenser. cleared more than $1 0 for the Blanche Britton, a little daugh­ Red Cross last Friday fiom two ter of Mrs. Babe Britton, is under dances and a supper. the doctor’s care at her home on Sam Walker has been ailing for north Main street. several days, but is pegging away Carmel Good has purchased a repaiiing the soles and uppeis of 17 acre farm of Sam Short, near his neighbors. I)i ley, and expects to seed it to Going to wear o of those dill pickles and sauerkraut. smart soft Mats t hi s spring? ' Mrs L. A. Humphreys, the Most men are. Yours is here. substitute demonstra or, has gone $3 00 to $3 50. C. F.. Roy & Co. | to Yamhill county to show the For Sale— 12x10 garage, with ladies how to save white flour. 8-foot doors, and portable 0x12 Mrs. C E. Roy, who accom- j modern chicken house. Dr. E panied her friend, Mrs Oliver ^ Brook bank, residence phone 14-i f Evans, to her home at Newberg 0373. Sunday, returned home yesterday. Harley LaMont, who is night Rev. John Ebert and Chas A. foreman of the labor department Lit tier last Friday attended the at the Standifer ship yards, No'th mid year conference of the M. E. Port land,visited his parents in this church, Salem dist> ict, at Oregon city Sunday A fine line of new summer City. shoes, in leather and canvas ju-t Mrs J. C. I«atta returned yes­ received a t John Anderson’s terday to her home at 1 acom a,1 |)on’j punish your feet by wear- aft*r a short visit with her par- , j winter sho,.s . ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B John-1 Any time is a good t ime—now son. Distributers for is the bes' time to see our new Byron LaMont has accepted a spring and summer simples of W ashington, Yam hill and Columbia Counties clerical position with the Standi- men’s suit, $17 50 to $50.00. Fit Salesrooms, Forest Grove, Ore. f e r shipbuilding company a t ami satisfaction guaranteed. C. North Portland and left Tuesday E. Roy 8c Co. for his work. Cheap—One steel range, 1 heat­ The office of the Oregon Land ing stove, bed and mattress, two company has been moved to the bed springs, 50 feet rubber hose, Chowning bai her shop, in the An­ lawn mower and many other ar­ derson budding. Wm. VanAnt- ticles. Bernard’s Book Store werp, Manager. 14-tf Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smi h and The local Cannery people have daughter, Pearl, and Mrs. Claude i'T 5 ” a grade Jersey owned by workman and will be a valuable Making Fruit Boxes Behrman, Jr. Both high addition to the force at the gar­ purchased an aulo truck to do Smith attended th** funera' of At great expense, we have in­ their hauling and will probably j Mrs. John Carstens at Hillsboro cows for the month were in their age. With Tucker. Schall and stalled a machine for making Stribich on t h e job. busine s use it in gathering up fruit d u r-. last Friday, the lady being a first month of lactation. should be brisk at the Main street Fruit Boxes of all -izes and we The her«ls in which there were I sister-in-law to Mrs. Hugh Smith, ing the busy canning season. would like to quote prices to box cows making over 50 lbs. of fat garage. users. Forest Grove Planing Quite a number of local Grand who nurse«] the decea ed in her w.re owned b y t h e following John Stribich, Carl’s fath*r, Mill Co. 9-tf Army men went to Portland Sat-i la?t illness. dairymen: L. R. Campbell, Robb will continue the wagonmaking urday to take part in the Liberty » p c inrv Bros., J. J. Van Kle*-k & Sons, and blacksmith business hereto- Unde Sam’s Agents parade and they report it a very * r a aw,IJ Wm Behrman Jr., Frank Connell, fore conducted by himself and inspiring affair. The department Charley Staley reports having Thrift Stamps and War Savings Geo. F. Biersdorf and Chas. Bam -> son Certificates may be purchased fife and drum corps wa- a feature, I***118 10 bloom in a Forest Grove garden y«sterday, April from any of the following-named of the parade. I'he association for the month . lOih, but says this is nothing to firms and individuals: Guy McNutt writes his parents, what he saw’ here one season, ° / January led all associations in ' The Postoffiee First Nat’l Bank Mr. and Mrs. C S. McNutt, that . w hi n a neighbor planted eat ly the western sta es division for W. F. Schultz Co. Forest Grove Nat’ l he has at last been assigned to a peas, gatheied t h e c r o p and average production. The dairy- __ „ ^— - „ . . _ Bank ship as firemen and he is as tickled raised a second crop (the same men are looking with interest for The firm of Otto Erickson & Cades & Co Goff Bros. as a boy with his first pair of long y «-an from ?e«d from the fir-.t reports of the other states for the Co , who recently purchased the vanKoughnet & A G Hoffman & Co. pants, us training camp life was ! crop. month o f February t o learn ¿>fout Garage, in the K. of P. Reder Chas Littler ge ting tiresome. He was not al­ E F Burlingham whether the association holds its building, evidently mean not only Ottice Shearer Gordon & Gordon to sell Ford cars but to keep V iFuqu» lowed to give the name of the Some Excellent Milk Records standing. H T Giltner ship, so it is probably on a fighter. them and any other make of car|Copland ftMc N. C. JAMISON, mel John Anderson C H. Bryant, tester for the County A g en t.;10 repair, as well. New tools and Cready M J Abbott Henry Carstens and family and Washington County Cow Testing C V B Russell ------------- ‘ ¡machinery for taking care of car O M Sanford John Carstens and daughter-in-1 association, makes the following« C S McNutt Dr. Brookbank to Leave | troubles have been added to those H R Bernard law, Mrs. Alma Carstens, and two J reP ? '1 b>r the month of February :j G H Baldwin Pac. Barber Shop Claude E Smith After practicing medicine in this Purchased from the Stout com ­ R P Nixon children, of the Roy district; Mrs. 1 t hree hundred and thirty-two W C Benfer Mallei Smith and little daughter co" 8 were tested du. ing the month city for six years and building up pany until f the Erickson company Chaa Hines J J Wirtz Brady Chowning wood and ‘ • J ’ . *ara* « and W F Hartrampf of Sell oenWLKKi arid Claude vaautie Smith o m n n — “ 'h* average production of a .» practice of w. which any » . . j physician K..jo .v ..c . , ■ • ± M S Allen & Co. A com and family enjoyed a dinner with m Ik per cow was 656.7 and the flig h t be proud, Dr. E. B Brook -1 ^t‘ t^‘. ' n- Good Investmt Co. News-Times Office patent repair man will look after Mr. and Mrs. Mrs Hugh Smith in this! ^ era g e ptoduclion of butterfat j bank has decided that a large city A>k any agent for particulars. 30.5. The average cost of feed off« rs a better field for a young crippled, sick and tir£d cars and city Sunday. per cow was $9 40. Of the whole physician than a city the size of Mr Pugh, the manager, inform? The Express prints butter wrap­ Rev. Father Campbell, late of number tested 49 produced over Forest Grove and about May 1st the Exprese that every job of re­ pers with non-poisonous ink. Madelene parish, Portland, who 40 lbs. of fat during the month he will leave for Seattle. In the pair work turned out will be has been a-signed as Pastor of and 8 produced over 50 lbs of Washington city he has been of- guaranteed satisfactory, or no OREGON FH.ECTRIC TIME CARD St. Anthony’s Catholic church in fat. This record is slightly lower fered the pos.tion as deputy health t °harge made for the work. Dat'd April «. 1»1S this city and of the church of Cor Arr. Pt. Lv. Pt. .. , .. ,. - , . than that for January and is, no ; officer, with 4,000 people to look ! A full line of repairs and parts; Lv. r. G. Air. f . g . nelius, held his first services in j doubt, due t0 shortage of feed, it after, and a chance cnance for tor a large for Ford cars will be kept on 7:40 6:50 a m 6:20 a m 8:07 his new parish l a s t Sunday. i bejnK very ,j',ffiou|t now for the private practice in addition. He hand at all times. Also gasoline I 7:00 a m 8:25 8:15 a m 9:32 Father Campbell is a young man dairyman to obtain the feed in has offered his local p ra c'ice to a and lubricating oils of the best 8:15 a m 9:35 10:25 a m 11:40 of splendid appearance and the large quantities and some feed is friend in Central Or< gun and says j brands. *9:45 a m 11:00 1:15 p m 2:25 members of his llocK are pleaded very difficult to get at all Next time your car needs at­ *10:35 a m 11:50 4:00 p m 5:15 if his friend comes, i he people of 1:05 D m 2:20 to have him for their priest. 6:25 The pure bred herd making the Forest Grove may rest assured of tention, take it to the Erickson 4:05 5:20 6:10 p m p m garage. (Advt) 6 :!» 7:55 6:10 p m W. E. Haage of David’s Hill, highest record for the month was good treatment at his hands, 7:25 pm — 7:35 8:50 7:45 p m 9:05 pm Dr. and Mrs. Brookbank have who was in the city yesterday, the herd of 11 cows owned by Grange News 9:30 p m 10:45 11:00 p m 12:20 is very m u c h hurt because Geo. F. Biersdorf The average been very good citizens, taking a * Sunday only; tDaily, except Sunday Gale Grange had a good meet­ somebody had started the report milk production for this herd was prominent part in the civic and ing Saturday. Degrees were con­ that he was a pro-German, and 723 lbs. and the average fat pro- social life of this city and their S. p. ELECTRIC TIME CARD had cursed the government of theduction 40.4 The three highest going away will be much regretted ferred on four can«lidates and two Arr. Pt. Lv. Pt. Lv. F. G. Arr. F. G. United States. This report is a pr«xlucing grade herds are as fol- by a large circle of friends, who were received by demit 6:35 a m 7:50 t7:15 a m 8:35 malicious lie, Mr. Haage says. He lows: Wm. Behrman, Robb Bros, will wish them a full measure of Resolutions from several Grang- t7:20 a m 8:45 t9:15 a m 10:32 was born in Illinois, has lived in and Frank Conne I. The highest happiness and prosperity in their es were read hut will not be aettd «9:30 a m 10:45 11:00 a m 12:15 t9:41 a Til 11:10 this vicinity nearly a dozen y«>ar.s record made by pure bred cow new home. upon until next meeting. 2:15 p m 3:30 and his loyalty has never been was 1182 lbs. of milk and 62.8 lbs. Pomona Grange meets at Hills­ 12:35 p m 1:50 t3:30 p m 4:50 Another Business Change questioned He claims ho is as ¡of fat This record was made by boro, April 24th. We expect ev­ t2:00 p m 3:20 5:40 p m 7:00 3:40 p m 4 :55 t6:15 loyal as any other American, re- La Creelas Amy, pure bred Jersey p m 7:35 T oo late for publication in last ery Granger to attend, as import- gardless of race, creed or com -1 owned by J. J. Van Kleek & Sons, week’s Express, the editor learned ant business will come up which t4:22 p m 5:50 8:00 p m 9:20 7:45 tll:15 p m 12:35 m plexion and wants to know who 1 he highest record of a grade cow that Carl Stribich had purchased will be presented to the State I t6:22 p m 10:50, as 1:00 p m 2:20 9:35 p started the slanderous report con- was 950 lb*, of milk and 60 lbs. an interest in the Tucker garage. Grange meeting at Salem in May. cerning him. I of fat. This record was made by j |OWer Main street. Carl is a good j SE CRETARY. I t—Thru » - Sat »a—Sat & Sunday Wiles & Sohler New Garage Owners Mean Business