% I PUY RONDS according to your ability to invest and plan to buy more bonds of the United States government—the safest and best investment. — Practice thrift in every good form; save, save, and record your savings in the purchase of Thrift Stamps. —Dig out th* “ slacker” dollars, wherever they may be. If they are hidden, bring them to light and make them work at some useful occupation. —Plan to make the dollars work night and day in useful, productive occupations, producing crops, manufacturing use­ ful and necessary goods, carrying on useful and necessary commerce of all kinds. The First National Bank of Forest Grove, Ore A Strong Bank in a Good Town CONDENSED NEWS NOTES MEMBER ' fe d e r al reserve S Y S TE M Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent W. R. Goley of Vancouver was visiting old friends in the city Tuesday. Miss Nora Keen Smith of Hillsboro visited Forest Grove friends Monday. Mrs. W a y n e Stannard of Brownsville yesterday visited her cousin, Mrs. H. R. Bernard, in this city. Coo'er sleeping garments are now in order; just what you want in Night Robes and Pajamas, $1.00 to $1 50. C. E. Roy & Co. Farmers, attention ! The prices of Binder Twine huve been settled by the Government; that is, the price the jobber shall charge the dealer. We wish to protect all the farmers who want to take advantage of our offer. That is, we will take your order for twine a t the following prices, to be paid for at the time of delivery. Our profit on twine is so small that we must refuse to give credit at the prices quoted. This offer will hold good until about May 1st; not later, as our jobber will not agree to fill any order after that date. This is a serious condition, farmers. Get busy and buy your twine from some responsible dealer, so you may be sure of having it when you are ready to cut your grain. Our prices are as follows : 550 feet Twine - - 27c 600 feet Twine - - 28 '*c 650 feet Twine - - 30c GOFF BROS. We buy Mohair and Wool. A. G. Hoffman & Co. Job printing—phone 821. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hoffman are in Portland today. FOREST GROVE Vernon V. Gould of Newberg CORNELIUS visited friends in this city Sunday. J. A. McCoy has closed his tin shop to engage in other work. DON’T, DON’T, suffer with furled w ith a p p ro p ria te cerem onies, to stomach trouble. See Dr. Dar- Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Aljen had which the public ia cordially invited. land. Chiropractor and Natur­ business in Portland yesterday. The I.adieu’ Aid society will m ee t in opath. the Ked C ross rooms n ex t W ednesday Will Crabtree has sold his hops Mrs. Katie Creighton of Bend, aftern o o n . and is hauling them to market. Ore., a former resident of this Because they have quite a num JO H N BBBET, P asto r. Claude Smith has purchased a ber of useful articles remaining city, is visiting friends he:e for a Notice o f Sheriff's Sale Ford and is remodeling it for a from the«r recent "Superfluity” week. N otice is hereby given th a t by v irtu e delivery car. sales, the ladies of the Red Cross o f an execution. Mrs. Norris Rogers arrived yes J u d g m e n t ord er, d e­ are going to hold a public auction cree ami o rd e r o f sale issued o u t of terday from “ Mack” for a visit Before you buy look at our new A good “Trench Dinner” at the suits for men and boys. A. G. in t h e Miller building. Main. and , under .. the seal o f th e C ircuit C ourt with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. j Congregational church at 6:30 street, at 3 o’clock next / Saturday 1 to me H. R. Bernard. * , , i .• I directed and d ated A pril II, I91H, upon tomorrow evening for 35c for Hoffman & Co. a f t e r n o o n . I/> ts o f u s e f u l a r t i c l e s . a r«rK],.re)f and en te re d in Men’s muslin Gowns, French adults; 25c for children under 12. On page 3 the Express publish­ Friends are asked to contribute Stud C ourt on A pril 5, 1918, in favor o f neck, short and long sleeves; col­ es an interesting letter fiom Rev some cook’ (1 foods for this s a le . 'D»**«?} jo s s e , plaintiff, and ag ain st The spring shirts are handsome lars and long sleeves. $1.00, Dunlap, former M. E.- pastor. K. C. Kaldra and S arah J . Bnldra, de- The last sale brought in $40. New styles and patterns: soft $1.25. C. E. Roy & Co. fendanta, for the sum of $¿00.00 w ith 1'he public school pupils have te re st thereon a t 8 per cen t tier a n ­ Pakro Seedtape is the simplest cuff; laundered cuffs; flat and placed in the postoffice lobby a Be sure you see our Fancy in num from J a n u a ry 20. 1917, and th e military collars, 75c to $5.00. C. and most effective labor saving booth for the sale of War Savings Sport Pongee silks. Just what sum o f $75.00 a tto rn e y ’s fee and th e method of planting seeds. For E Roy & Co. you want. A G. Hoffman & Co. costs and disb u rsem en ts herein tax ed Stamps. a t $19.00 and the costs of ami upon sale at Littler’s Pharmacy. Thirty - five members of the James Stephens, the old soldier, E. E. William'), who visited his said w rit ami com m anding m e to m ake DON’T, DON’T, DON’T, OP­ Workers’ Sunday School class of suffered a sudden attack of ap­ Bale o f th e follow ing described real ERATE for Piles, Goiter or Ap­ the M. E. church met at the oplexy Friday, but is recovering -on, Ray, at Camp Ix.*wis last p ro p erty , to-w it: • week, reports that Ray is rankir g Being a portion o f th e D. L. C. of pendicitis. These can be cured church Tuesday evening and en­ slowly. Lieutenant, athletic instructor, W illiam H. B en n ett in T. 1 N. and T. See- Dr. Darland, Chiropractor joyed an evening of parlor games Mrs. Morgan Baker of Mc­ machine gun instructor and insur­ 1 8. K. 2 W. o f the Will. M er.. de- and Hooverized lunch. and Naturopath. __ giv­ scribed as follows; B eginning a t a Minnville vi>ited her mother and ance officer for his company, P ° 'nf 20.552 chs. W. and 8.932 chs. N. sister, Mesdames S H. Hunter ing him plenty to do. H i,V lT » U j of the S. W. co rn er o f the Isaac B utler and Frank Gordon, several day- well and happy. ! and w ife I>. L. C. No. 48, in T. 1 N. i R. 2 W. o f th e Will. M er., thence N. this week. '4.026 c h s .; th ence e a s t 6.212 c h s.: Congregational Church E W. Haines was irr town from Dean R obert C lark will give in ad- thence S. 4.026 chs.; thence W. 6.212 chs. to th e place o f beginning ro n tain - his North Plains hennery yester­ d ress w orship. | ing 2 1-2 acres; day and resorts that he has 50 i A t a th t e the 8 m o orning ’clock ev en in g service, on S atu rd ay , May II, 1918, a t laying hens, all doing their “bit.” Mias M iriam W oodberry o f New York 10 I o will, j ’clock A. M. a t the south door of th e co u rt house in Hillsboro, O regon, Don t forget that we handle will give a stirrin g m essage. sell a t public auction (su b ject to re- paints, oils, varnishes and wall Mr. P a tte n goes to C o tta g e Grove, | dem ption) to the h ig h est bidder for paper. Big stock, tine selection O regon, to he a g u e st of honor and the cash in hand, all the rig h t, title and and reasonable prices. Claude E. closing sp eak er a t the L ane County in te re st which the w ithin nam ed d e ­ fendants, and each of them had on Smith C h ristian E ndeavor Convention. Ja n u a ry 26, 1916, the d a te o f th e A W ** * * ALUMINUM WARE A. B. PA T T E N , P asto r. On page 5 is an article stating m o rtg ag e herein foreclosed, or since said d ate had in and to the above d e ­ The only cooking utensils that have lasted in constant that Dr. Brookbank will leave Methodist Church Services scribed real pro p erty , or any p a rt May 1st, but since that page was daily service 25 years. The only cooking utensils that printed, the doctor has decided The re g u la r services o f th e church th ereo f, to sa tisfy said execution, will be held n e x t Sunday beginning ju d g m e n t order and decree, in te re s t, have lived up to a manufacturer’s guaran- not to leave until July 1st. w ith the Sunday School a t 9:45, and costs and accruing costs. Writing from Camp Lewis un­ th e p a sto r will p r e a c h a t 11. D ated this A pril 11, 1918. ^ spun tee ^ years- Stop in and see them - der of April 5th, Lester Miss Iren e Robinson will lead th e d e­ J . C. A PPL E G A T E , handle them -prove to yourself that there Jones date states that W. C. Handlin, votional m eetin g o f th e Ep w orth S heriff o f W ashington County, Oregon. are no other utensils made that are as formerly athletic coach at P. U , L eague a t 6:30 and th e classm eetin g H. T. BA GLEY, has just left for “over there.” will be held a t 7. . ware . g°od as “ 18-92” ILLINOIS Ware. And A tto rn ey fo r Plaintiff. Acting President Clark of Pa­ A t 7:30 the Service F lag will he un- F irs t pub. A pril 11; la st May 9. • ", • yet “ 18-92” utensils cost no more than cific University has just received made in amer . ca utensils that don t carry a 20-year guar­ a letter of commendation from C antee. F. Longworthy, chief dietician at Washington, D .C , on the menus served at Herrick hall for a week. We don’t specialize on “cheap” Co-Operates with the U. S. “ Food Man”~Hoover furniture, but we sell good, de (U . S. Food A dm inistration License No. G 34147) pendable furniture as cheap as it can be sold at a profit. And we stand behind this furniture for The manner in which the wear and appearance. Claude E. Smith. On Thursday, Friday and Sat­ urday of next week a representa­ 2 '■£ Qt. Double-Lip tive of the Illinois Aluminum Sauce Par. company will be at the Gordon received the Third Liberty Loan was the grandest way to hardware store, demonstrating the display love and devotion for their flaj? and country. celebrated “ Pure Spun” alumi­ Save num ware. You are invited. It That kind of Patriotism prevails at our Store, recogniz­ ed headquarters for Patriotic Foodstuffs, Call and see. W. A. Williams of Portland and Sergeant Christ o f Vancouver went*to Laurel Tuesday and made speeches in f a v o r of Liberty FOREST GROVE, OREGON Bonds. As a result, Laurel al­ We offer 4 pounds of No. 1 Soft-Shell \ most doubled its quota of $4,500 — — — ---------------- M an u factu red b y ---------------------------------------- WALNUTS f o r ..............., .................. The gentlemen spent the night at NT the Harry Giltner home, Mr. Phone OG1 Service Satisfaction III. Williams being Mrs. Giltner’s father. Red Cross Auction Next Saturday STOP April 18, 19 and 20 AT OUR STORE „„ Q T ? ! ? Demonstration By and f c P J i , Factory Expert “ 1 8 - 9 2 ” I L LI NOI S Don’t Miss This Great Opportunity! SCHULTZ’S SSB RE FOOD STO Special Demonstration Offer Buy THIS Regular only $1.15 American People 30C GORDON & GORDON Friday and Saturday, Apr. 12 and 13 96c Illinois Pure Aluminum Co., « " '!