H. T. GILTNER of land, more or less, all In Township Money to loan— Valley Realty one South o f Kanj^ B, West Will. Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf Mor. which mortgages were given by Dr. Lowe, April 26. Warranty deed and mortgage ' the defendants ss follows: Farmers, get your blue stone blanks (or sale at this office. Jan. 29. 1914, for the sum o f $200.00. at McNutt’s. 11-tf A ten-pound son was born last recorded in lx>ok 71 o f the mortgage Billy Ives of Vancouver was Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. H. W. records o f Washington County, Ore­ looking after business in this city Emmerson. Fruits and Vegetables in Season gon, at page 6 thereof. Sunday. T. H. Littlehales recently sold May 11th, 1914, for the sum o f Mrs. Benfer returned Sunday the residence property of Miss $200.00, recorded in Ixxik 71 o f ssid evening from a visit with Port­ Mary Sias to Mrs. L. A. Man­ records at page 49 thereof. Plaintiff P H O N E 701 land friends. gold. i praya for a decree forclosing said mortgages, and that said real es­ George G . Hancock, real es­ Thos. T. Frith, an insurance South Main Street Forest Grove, Ore tate be sold in the munner prescribed tate, farm loans and fire insur­ adjuster, was in the city Friday, I by law to satisfy said judgment, at­ ance, new Anderson block. 50 looking up the fact in connection torney fees and coats, and that the E. J. McAlear and family of with the Wegner fire of lost Thurs­ terest which the within named de­ the judgment of snid D. S. McBride. pr«ls of aaid sale be applied to the Hillsboro visited the D. N. Morris day. fendants, snd each o f them had on Now therefore, by virtue of said ex­ payment o f the several sums found to January Id, 1914, the date of the and W. J. Good families Sunday. Buy your groceries, fish, veg­ ecution, judgment order, decree ami 1 mortgage herein foreclosed, or since Walter Watkins left Saturday etables and second-hand house­ said date had in and to the alaive de- order o f sale, and in compliance with be due plaintiff, and to the coats and the commands o f said writ, I will, on disbursements o f said sale. That the for Mare Island, after a two hold goods of the Economy store scribed . property or any 1 - -. part . thereof, May 6th. 1918, at ten o'clock. A. M., defendants, and ail persona claiming to satiaf fv said execu weeks’ visit with his wife in this Dodge bldg., cor. 3d street and execution, judgment or- „t the South front door of the County der and decree. interest, costs and ac- Court House in Hillsboro, Washington i by, through or under them, or either city. Pacific avenue. 6-lf cruing costs, County, Oregon, sell at public auction o f them, be forever barred an«l pre­ Joe and Mamie Loomis left Grant Mann of Cornelius wants Dated this March 28, 1918. (subject to redemption) to the highest cluded from any interest or title in or Saturday to resume their studies to be sheriff, having filed for the bidder for cash in hand, all the right, to said premises, and for auch other J. C. APPLEGATE. at the University of Washington, republican nomination. Sheriff o f Washington County, Ore. title and interest which the within- and further relief as may be just and named defendant, Allen A. Dale, had Seattle H. T. BAGLEY, on the 16th day o f February. 1914, or I equitable, The officers of the Washington Boys’ khaki military suits now Attorney for Plaintiff. 12-5t since that date hud in arid to the alarve This summons is served upon you by Come County Poultry association, at a being shown at our store, described property or any part thereof ' publication by order of the Hon. Geo. recent meeting, invested $50 in a Executrix's Notice to satisfy the execution, judgment or­ see them, boys. John Anderson, R. Bagley, Judge of the ab«>ve mi- Liberty Bond, thus showing the der. decree, interest, cost and accru­ In the County Court o f the State of the leading clothier. 13-tf tit!«*d court, which order was made at patriotism of the members and Oregon, for the County of Washing­ ing costs. We have on hand all sizes of j i he pro-perity of the association. ton. Hillsboro, Oregon, on the 25th day of J. C. APPLEGATE, drain tile for farm drainage, Notice is hereby given that the un­ Sheriff o f Washington County, Ore. March. A. D. 1918. A. Baldwin has moved his sec­ dersigned has been by the County us quote y o u p r i c e s . Forest Dated this :10th day of March. 1918. L. M. GRAHAM. ond-hand store and agate grinding Court o f the State o f Oregon, for the First publication, April 4th, 1918. Grove Planing Mill Co. 9-tf Attorney for Plaintiff. County o f Washington, duly ap(x>inted Last publication May 2nd. 1918. shop to his new building, west of The Sherwood News is author­ Brodersen’s paint shop, First ave- ami confirmed Executrix o f the Last Residing at Forest Grove, Oregon. ity for the statement that Sher­ i nue south, near S. P. pa senger Will and Testament of William H SUMMONS First pub. Mar. 28; last May 9. Hoskin, deceased, and has qualified as In the Circuit Court o f the State o f wood is to have a logan juice fac­ .depot. Call on him. 13 tf 3uch. Oregon for Washington County. tory in the near future. Now therefore, all persons having Political Announcements George Wise, Plaintiff, DON’T, DO N ’T, punish your claims against the estate o f the said Notice o f Final Settlement ♦ vs. William H. Hoskin, deceased, are i child for bedwetting. He can be Notice is hereby given that the un­ ANNOUNCEMENT required to present the same to Henry Staveley Waudby ami cured. See Dr. Darland, Chiro­ dersigned has filed in the County Court hereby the undersigned at the law office of To the Republicans o f Washington Maria Waudby, Defendants. practor and Naturopath. o f Washington County, Oregon, his W. P. Dyke, in Forest Grove. Oregon, County: To Henry Staveley Waudby and Maria A. C. Smi h, the poultryman, final account as administrator o f the 1 together with the proper vouchers I hereby announce myself as a can­ Waudby, Defendants; last week received from Petaluma, estate of C. Frederick E. Braun, de­ within six months from the date of this didate for the nomination on the Re­ I notice. i IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Calif , 1,000 white leghorn baby ceased. and said Court has fixed Mon­ Dated this 28th day o f March, 1918. OF’ OREGON: You, a>'«l each o f you. publican ticket for the office o f Slate chicks for next winter’s laying day, April 15. 1918, at 10 o ’clock A. M. RACHEL ANN HOSKIN. are hereby required to appear and Representative. Howard McGill has purchased as the time and the County Court room I seek the nominstion because I sm Executrix of the L a s t Will and answer the complaint filed against you an attachment that converts his in Hillsboro. Oregon, the place for the Testament of William H. Hoskin, de­ j in the atxive entitled court and suit on willing to work, to work hard, and to bicycle into a motorcycle and hearing o f objections, if any, to said ceased. or before the last day o f the time pre­ work all the time to win this war for now spins about the country with final account and the settlement of this ! W. P. DYKE. scribed in the order for publication «tf the free voice and rule of the people of Attorney for said estate. 12-5t estate. perfect ease. i this summons, to-wit. On or ktefore the world, to promote the best inter­ Dated this March 14. 1918. The Congregational Working ! the expiration of six weeks next fr«tm ests o f the State o f Oregon, and to Notice o f Sheriff’ s Sale E. I. KURATL1, Administrator. keep the home fires burning brightly in Society will serve a ‘Trench Din­ In the Circuit Court o f the State of and after the date o f the first publica­ Washington County. H. T. BAGLEY, Attorney. ner” at the church tomorrow tion of this summons, viz., the 28th Oregon for the County o f Washing­ I seek the nomination because I have First pub. Mar. 14; last, Apr. 11. (Friday) evening, at 6:30. The | day of March, A. D. 1918, and if you ton. hail exjierience in legislation, aixl be­ public is invited. i fail so to appear a n d answer the Nena L. King Judson, Plaintiff, Notice o f Sheriff’ s Sale lieve I can give “ value received” for | plaintiff will apply to the court for the Joe A. Wiles would like to vs. Notice is hereby given that by virtue every effort expended in my behalf. , relief prayed for in his complaint, to- write your insurance. Will give Allen A. Dale o f an execution, judgment order, de­ I seek the franchise of the fieople ! wit. That plaintiff have judgment you service that will be your L. A. May, and cree and order o f sale issued out o f and and. if chosen, I will serve them hon­ advantage. West side Main St„ under the seal of the Circuit Court o f ! D. S. McBride, Intervenor, Defend­ 1 against you for the sum o f $2:<4.35 on estly and economically, j note and mortgage with interest there­ north of Tucker’s garage. ants. * Washington County, Oregon, to me j LOYAL M. GRAHAM. on from March 23rd, 1918, at the rate Steel range, heating stove, two directed and dated March 28. 1918, upon j By virtue o f an execution, judgment Advt) Forest Grove, Oregon. order, decree and order o f sale issued ( o f eight per cent per annum as a first iron beds, with mattresses, two a judgment rendered and entered in j ; out O f the above entitled Court in the lien and for the foreclosure o f the 8x12 rugs and 8 rods of 5 foot said court on March 22, 1918, in favor i I above entitled cause, to me directed, chichen wire for sale cheap. In­ o f J. C. Kuratli, plaintiff, and against and dated the 27th day o f March, lSHX, ; mortgage u|«>n the following described \ upon a judgment rendered and entered real estate securing said sum as a first j quire at the Book Store. 11 Richard Baldra and Sarah J. Baldra, j in said Court orj the 7th day o f March, During t h e five years that defendants, for the sum of $700.00 with j 1917, in favor of Nena L. King Judson, ! cause o f suit; and for judgment , Pakro Seed tape has been on the interest at the rate of 7 per cent per plaintiff, and against Allen A. Dale, against you for the sum o f $229.86 on i market it has gained great popu­ annum from January 24. 1917, and i defendant, for the sujn of $522.00, and I note anti mortgage anti for the sum o f j larity. Why spend your time $75.00 attorney's fees and the costs | the further sum o f $75.00, and the $16.83 for taxes with interest on both further sum o f $28.25, all with interest with the old inconvenient bulk and disbursements herein taxed at at the rate o f 8 per cent per annum sums since March 23rd, 1918, at the I rate of eight p«;r cent per annum, and seeds? Littler’s Pharmacy. $19.00 and the costs o f and upon said from the 7th day o f March, 1917, and a for the foreclosure o f the mortgage , Mr. and Mrs. Archie Nichols writ and commanding me to make sale further judgment in favor o f D. S. Mc­ upon the following described real es- \ Bride and against Allen A. Dale, for of Portland visited the former's o f the following described real prop­ the sum of $312.75, and the further tate securing said sums us a second parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nich­ erty, to-wit: sum of $40.00, all with interest at the cause o f suit, and for costs and dis­ Beginning at a point on the north rate o f 8 per cent per annum from the ols, north of town. Sunday, as bursements and for attorney fees. well as Mrs. Nichols’ parents,near side of Block 11, Simmon’s Addition to 7th day of March, 1917, and upon this That the mortgages described in the Town (now city) o f Hillsboro, Ore- j writ commanding me to make sale o f Cornelius. gon, said point being 100 feet east of the following described real property, plaintiff’s complaint were executed by James and Thurston Buxton the northwest corner o f said Block; to. wit: the defendants to Emma W. Cox and Beginning at a point on the East line by »aid Emma W. Cox assigned to the Sunday visited their brother, running thence east on the north line o f said block. 100 feet to the center of j Df Section Six (6) Town One South. thereby conveying the follow­ Austin and family at Molalla and ^ n h side .toe o f said ¿".k ; thence Range Four (4) West of Willamette plaintiff, ing described real estate located in report that while Austin is p ro b -1 south parallel with the west line of Meridian, One Hundred Twenty (120) Washington County, Oregon, and de- ably suffering from cancer, he is said block, 180 feet to the center of rods South o f the Northeast corner acribed as la-ginning at the northwest not discouraged and has hopes of said Block 11; thence west parallel thereof, running thence South Eighty corner o f the southwest quarter o f the with the north line o f said Block, 100 (80) rods; thence West Eighty (80) northeast quarter o f section 13, thence getting relief, if not a cure. feet; thence north 180 feet to the place rods; thence North Eighty (80) rods, South along center line o f said section S. E. Fayram, a former Forest o f beginning, being I » t 4 and the east thence East Eighty (HO) rods to the 13 160 nxis, to the southwest corner of half o f Lot 5. said Block 11; place o f beginning, containing- forty the northwest quarter o f the southeast Grove printer, who has been work­ I will, on Saturday, April 27, 1918, (40) acres; all in Washington County, quarter of section 13; thence East 20 FR E D A . E V E R E S T ing at South Bend, Wash., recent­ at 10 o ’clock A. M. at the south door Oregon. nsls; thence North 160 nsls to the line ly, was in the city Saturday and o f the Court House in Hillsboro. Ore­ At present Deputy Recorder Said writ further commanding me on the south side o f the northwest reports that he has accepted a gon, sell at public auction (subject to out o f the proceeds o f said sale to first quarter o f the northeast quarter of REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE position on the Hillsboro Inde­ redemption) to the highest bidder for satisfy the judgment o f said Nena L. j section 13; thence West 20 rods to the for Nomination for cash in hand, all the right, title and in- King Judson, and secondly to satisfy place o f beginning, containing 20 acres pendent. RECORDER OF CONVEYANCES Primary Election May 17, 1918. M r. and Mrs. Stephen Morgan, who spent the winter at Long (Paid Advt) Beach, Riverside, Los Angeles It’s Easy Co Senu IUm and other California points, re­ turned home last Friday and Mr. a pouch of DR. H . C. FO RTN ER Morgan’s health is much im Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug Successor to proved. They saw Charley Odell DR. H. W. VOLLMER and his sister, Mrs. Showers, quite That’s the tobacco for him—Real Gravely frequently and report them enjoy­ Chewing Plug — condensed quality —the most OFFICE ing themselves. tobacco satisfaction in the smallest space, ready In First National Bank Building The men who plow gardens are to give him the solid comfort of tobacco wherever Telehonea having their hands full, every he happens to be. Residence 332 Office 333 Tom, Dick and Harry with an Give any man a chew of Real Gravely Plug, and he will tsQ you that’a the kind to «end. Send the be«tl unplowed garden plot having de­ Ordinary plug ia fal«a economy. It costa less per week cided, all at once, that they must D. D. & M. B. BUM P to chew Real Gravely, because a «mall chew of it last* a have their plowing done this long while. Attorneys at I^aw week. Many people have early pipe, slice Gravely with your knife and If you smoke ' add a little to your smoking tobacco, give flavor— vegetables already showing a nice Loans and Real Estate improve your smoke. growth. D. D. BUMP, M. B. BUMP, SEND Y0UK FRIEND IN TIE U. S. SERVICE A POUCH OF GRAVELY H. V. Meade of Orenco, county Residence Residence Hillsboro Dealers all around here carry it in 10c. pouches. A 3c. Forest Grove. fruit inspector, was in the city stamp will put K into his hands in any Training Camp or Phone 444 Offtoes HILLSBORO Saturday and informed the Ex­ Seaport of the U. S. A. Even “ over there“ a 3c. stamp will take it to him. Your dealer will supply envelope and give press that if fruit growers do not you official directions how to address it. exercise more care in combatting J N .H O F F M A N P. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO COMPACT, Danville, Va. fruit pests than in the past, the state will cut orchards not cared Attorney At Law The Patent Pomch keep* it Freak and Clean and Good —it ia not Read Gravely without this Pfottction Seal for, as they are a menace to those Patent Office Business Solicited "J«#»» mp n rt"p a « Ain in 4 m condition, E sta b lish e d I S a i orchards which receive proper mnat an I m to a d (At Uult «Ai am appetite appetita - -and and A Kam i Cim eli date tatui Forest Grove, - Oregon care. N O TES A N I) P E R SO N A L S Staple and Fancy Groceries 2