Il the Average Family Less Than 10c Per Week (or Packer’s Profit in 1917. The Meat Bill is one of the large items in the family budget but less than 10 cents per w eek goes to the packer in profits. of it In converting live stock into m eat and getting it into the hands of the retail dealer, the packer performs a com plex and essential service with the m axim um of efficiency. * Keep W R I G L E Y ’ S in mind as the lasting confection you can b u y. Send it the boys at th é Mark Twain’s Childhood. Mark Twain used to tell the pathe­ tic story of his childhood. It seems, according to the story, that Mark waa born twins. He and his twin looked so much alike that no one, not even their mother, could tell them apart. One day, while the nurse was bathing them, one o f them slipped In the bath­ tub and was drowned. No one ever knew which twin It was that was drowned— and therein, says Mark, was the tragedy. "Everyone thought I was j the one that lived,” he said, "hut 1 wasn't It was my brother who lived. I was the one that was drowned.”— Exchange. W ar Tim e Econom y in Sweetm eats— Sure! High Heels Cause Corns But T he above statement is based on Swift & Com pany’s 1917 figures and Federal Census data: a 5-cent package o f W R ( G L E Y *S will give you several days* enjoy­ m ent: lt*s an investm ent in benefit as well as pleasure, fo r it helps te e th , b reath , appetite, digestion. Who Cares Now ........................................................... Swift & Com pany’s total output (M eat an d by-product*) - 5,570,000,000 Pounds Swift & Company’s total Profit $34,650,000.00 Profit per pound The Kslssr’s Busy Day. 8 a. in. 9 a. m. Morning hate (pri­ vate). 9 a. m. 10 a. m. Morning hate (full dress). 10 a. m. l l a. m. Thinks about Great German Bword. 11 a. m. 12 m. Congratulatory tele­ gram to the sergeant at-arms of the Landtag of Mecklenburg Schwerin. 12 m.-l p. m. Lunch. 1 p. m.-2 p. m. Lets heart bleed for Louvain. 2 p. m.-3 p. m Has 60 great momenta reverently admiring God's hand In hla- tory. 3 p. m 4 p. m Experiences horror at entente depravity. 4 p. in.-6 p. m. Tries not to think of the German navy. 6 p. in. 6 p. m. Wonders when the war will end.— New York Evening Post. $.0062 U . S. Meat Consumption . . . . . . . ¡70 pounds per person per year 170 pounds at $.0062 = $1.05 per person per year The average family 4*/4 persons = $4.72 per family per year 1918 year book of interesting and instructive facts sent on request. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois Swift & Company You reckless men and women who are pestered w'th corns and who have at leaat once a week Invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called freesone, which the moment a few drops are applied to any corn or callous the soreness is relieved and soon the entire corn or callous, root and all, lifts off with the fingers. Freesone dries the moment It !s ap­ plied. and simply shrivels the corn or callous without Inflaming or even Ir­ ritating the surrounding tissue or skin. A small bottle of freezone will cost very little at any of the drug stores, but will positively rid one’s feet of every bard or soft corn or hardened callous. I f your druggist hasn't any freesone he can get It at any wholeaale drug house for you.— Adv. Chew It After Every Meal Spring Chumpa. The man who rocks the boat. The fellow who didn't know It was loaded. The .susceptible gink who went flower hunting with a girl and got engaged. The man who thought he was lm-j mune from poison ivy. The picnicker who sat on the ground before it was warm and was looked at j sympathetically by his widow's rela- ’ Eat tlves.— Richmond Tlmee-Dlspatch. IE BACK HURTS USE j SALTS M O N E Y S U . S. A . Compound," you will get a large hot tie of this old time recipe, improved by the addition of other Ingredients all ready to use, for about 60 cents This simple mixture can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist says everybody usea Wyeth's Sage Sulphur Compound now because If Mixed with Sulphur it Dark­ and It darkens so naturally and evenly ens so Naturally Nobody that nobody can tell It has been ap plied— It's so easy to use, too. You can Tell. simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw It through your hair, taking Orandmother kept har hair beaut! one strand at a time. By morning fully darkened, gloaay and attrartlvt the gray hair disappears; after an with a brew of S a g e Tea and Sulphur other application or two. It Is restored Whenever her hair took on that dull to Its natural color and looks glossy, faded or streaked appearance, this soft and beautiful. This preparation simple mixture waa applied with won Is a delightful toilet requisite. It Is derful effect. By asking at any drug not Intended for the cure, mitigation store for "W yeth '* Sago and Sulphur or prevention o f disease.— Adv. COMB SAGE TEA IN FADED OR GRAY 0 1 20 CORDS A D A Y A Money Saver! A Time Saver ! A Labor Saver! 11 m Onfiul u k Week fe il St« For cutting cordwood. rta rin ir land or sawing low*. Otir machine naturally fit« Itiwlf to tho differen t positions while haw * Ins without any adjuBtment. A N E X C L U S IV E F E A T U R E Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative—three for a cathartic. J FOR tlmo a day. in a jiffy the saw blade is put in or taken out of the holder and the operator loeee no time fueelnr with nute or adjustlnr the holder. Thl. feetnre is covered by patent and la only on the V A U G H A N . The bolder belt enquire« under side of blade and holde it firmly up acmtnst lues on top ami face of sa w plate cross heed. Write for furth' - Information, special tarme and prices. VAUGHAN MOTOR WORKS, Inc. 461 East Main St, Portland, Or. t M ' ' ~^V Eyelids, J Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by l S u n . B u t t and W i n d quickly relieved by Murine. Try it in ’ your Eyes and in Baby’s Eyes. A He Smarting, Jnt Eye Comfort Marine Eye UeoHNly 3?^SSS?.',« £ iS Kye S alve, in Tubes 25c. For Book o f Proved. “ I tell you,” said Pat, “ the ould fr ’ind is the best, after all, and, what’s more, I can prove it.” “ How are you goin’ to prove it?” “ Where w ill you find a new fr ’ind that has shtud by ye as long as the ould ones have?”— Last Word. Most folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clog­ ged and need a flushing occasionally, The O bject else we have backache and dull misery “ Why do we have these meatless In the kidney region, severe headaches, and wheatless days?" asked the sel­ rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid fish person. Skin Troubles That Itch stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts "In order,” replied Miss Cayenne, Burn and disfigure quickly soothed of bladder disorders. "that we may have a defeatless army.” I You simply must keep your kidneys and healed by hot baths with Cuti- sctlve and clean, and the moment you curn Soap and gentle anointings o f Cu- feel an ache or pain In the kidney tlcura Ointment. For free samples, region, get about four ounces of Jad address, “ Cutlcnra. Dept. X. Boston.” Salts from any good drug store here, take a tablespoonful in a glass of wa­ Sold by druggists and by mail. Soap ter before breakfast for a few days 25, Ointment 9 ' >nd 50.— Adv. and your kidneys w ill then act fine. Where Most of Them Go. This famous salts is made from the “ Scribbs has a facetious name for acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com blned with lithla, and Is harmless to his waste basket." “ What does he call it?" A W OM AN'S BURDENS flush clogged kidneys and stimulate "T h e grave of his dreams.” — Brook­ are lightened when she turns to the them to normal activity. It also neu­ right medicine. If her existence is | tralizes the acids In the urine so It no lyn Citizen. made gloomy by the chronic weak- j longer Irritates, thus ending bladder nesses, delicate derangements, and | disorders. TO BREAK IN N E W SHOES A L W A Y S USE A llen 's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder. It painful disorders that afflict her sex, i Jad Salts is harmless; Inexpensive; tightness and blistering. Relieves Coras, she will find relief and emancipation makes a delightful effervescent lithla prevent, Bunion,, »n d Swollen. Sweating. A ch in g Feet. from her troubles In Dr. Pierce’s Fav- j water drink which everybody should G iv e, rest and com fort. A ccep t no substitute. orlte Prescription. If she’s overwork- j take now and then to keep their kid Sample FR E E . Address. Allen S. Olmsted. Le ed, nervous, or “ run down," she finds neys clean, thus avoiding serious com­ Roy. N . Y . ________________________ new life and strength. It's a power­ plications. “ Where have you been?" ful, invigorating tonic and nervine ‘T ’ve been to see 'Jack and the A well-known local druggist says he which was discovered and used by an sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who be­ Beans Talk' ” eminent physician for many years, in lieve In overcoming kidney trouble “ W ell, what in heaven's name did all cases of "fem ale complaints” and while It Is only trouble.— Adv. they say?”— Portland Press. weaknesses. For young girls just en­ tering womanhood; for women at the critical "change of life ;’’ in bearing- down sensations, periodical pains, ul- •itlon, Inflammation, and every kin- ' ailment, the "Favorite Prescrip- j will benefit or cure. ’ Id or tablets. Tablets 60c.— Cuts logs in the woods, and by using She Knew Him. Mab— I hear that you are going to marry Jack Swift? Congratulations! Ethel— But I'm not going to marry him. Mab— Oh, then my sincere congratu­ lations.— Boston Transcript. THE V A U G H A N Crorshead or Sawholder SAVES T W O HOURS’ less meat if Kidneys feel like lead or Bladder bothers. SmURtNE Granulated THE LATEST FARM UTILITY The New All-Ste< Thomas Portable W ill drive Pumps, Churns, Feed Cut­ ters, Grindstones, Fanning Mills, Lathes, ilfic n lin n A ir Compressor, and any other work D r o ll Q o u i UdoUIlIlC 1/1 Jdn our Circular Sawing Attachment w ill cut cord wood into stove lengths. within a 4-h. p. capacity. W ill positively last longer than any other Portablr Power Sawing Machine on the market. Write for particulars. COUGHS AND COLDS —take • prompt and effective remedy—one that acta qaickly and contalna no opiates. You can re t each a remedy b y aaklnr for The Thomas Engineering Works PISO’S 125 E A S T W A T E R S T , P O R T L A N D , O REG O N Builders of High G rade Logging and Farm Machinery «