The DESTROYING ANGEL By Louis Joseph Vanes t t F ate plays strange tricks. Do you ever stop to consider th a t seemingly tr iv ia l Incidents sometimes change the whole course of a person’s life?— missing a train at a Junction point; suffering a slight Injury th at be­ comes infected and necessitates amputation of a lim b; a few words of back-fence gossip; a stolen kiss; a mis­ understood le tter, etc. Fate continues to play strange tricks on W h itaker. Previous installm ents of “ The Destroying Angel” told how Hugh W h itaker, th inking he faced death, m ar­ ried an innocent girl to save her honor and le ft the country im m ediately. Five years la te r he reappeared In N ew York, robust and w ealthy, and found an old friend, Drummond, engaged to m arry his supposed widow, now a famous actress known as Sara Law . She disappeared. Drummond is thought to have committed sui­ cide, as her previous lovers had done. W h ita k e r learned he was endangered by mysterious agents and went to the country place of M a rtin Ember, his friend. Drummond turned up, a raving morphomanlac, and tried to k ill W h ita k e r, who was helped by a beautiful Miss Fiske. They were precisely ns they hnd been, within a certain dlstunce of one another, tolling on nnd ever on like Slitti and Kraratt Sto.. Portland. Ora. strange misshapen spirits doomed to Four blocka frulli Union ItouuL T w o bloc In run an endless race. The harsh, shape­ frutti N ew l ‘ucturtle«. Mularii amt Aropruuf less light of Imminent day alone manu­ Ovar UM ou tabla room.. lu is e 7te lo n.UO. factured a color of difference: Whit­ CIIAS. C. HOPKINS. Mancaci, aker now was able to see as two dark - shapes the men In the body of the lead­ ing boat. Now suddenly the mnn nt the wheel cried out something In a ter­ rible voice of fright, so high nnd vehe­ One burnirmi ami a irty -flv« linoni«. all Moilcrn ment that It even carried buck ngslnst Impruvvnwnta: frac phonon on «va ry Hour the txxmilng gale for Whitaker to hear. K si««: 78c to $1.80 par day: $2.80 to $8.00 por wook. Simultaneously he put the wheel over, with all his might. The other Jumped O p in ait« Courthouc«. I blocke from l ’aalurttr«. Klm Proof. H. P anil Oregon Klee trie paaa dour. from his seat, only to be thrown hark ns the little vessel swung hroudslde to the sea. heeling until she lay almost on her bourn ends. The next Instuut she Are made from your O ld ) CAK- ceased, incredibly, to move— hung mo­ BETS. Kag Bugs woven all sixes. tionless In that resistless surge, an Mail orders receive prompt anti care­ umnxlng, stupefying spectacle. It j ful attention. Send for IxxikleL seemed minutes before Whitaker could NORTHWEST KUC CO. force his wits to comprehend that sho 1 E. 8th and Taylor Sts. BortUnd, Or. hud struck ami lay transfixed upon < some submerged rock or reef. MONEY FOR YO U . A long, gray roller swept upon nnd ; train«*! votine t»«*>i»l«i ThounmJa o í trained young p «o p l« $$«*«!«■ I . over her, brimming her cockpit with j H#hnk« Walker B w ÍM M Cfetttm. PurtUnd. foaming water. As It passed he saw ; al intenta ln puailion«. Bntttll muy Um*. r>M New Houston Hotel Hotel Rowland BEAU TIFU L RUGS ing nhend, ho could distinguish dimly toward the shore, then shot Into the shapes about the dock and upon it that mouth of a narrow indentation. For “ The most amiable person l know I1 seemed to bear out his most cruel two or three minutes he could see noth­ fears. The power boat was passably ing o f the other. Then he emerged he cried, elated. “ Greetings!” She paused by the steps, looking up, distinct, her white side showing plainly from a tortuous ami constricted chan­ through the tempered darkness. Mld- nel Info a deep cut. perhaps fifty feet a fascinating vision. Catalogue. “ You’re able to stand without assist wny down the dock he made out strug­ In width and spunnod by a drawbridge gling figures— two o f them, he Judged: nnd a railroad trestle. At the farther a nee?” W e s t e r n IhucK A t t a c h m e n t “ As a matter of fact. I can move a man nt close grips with a frantic end o f this tldegate canal connecting woman. And where the structure tli' Great West bay with the Great only at the cost of excruciating agony, She considered him with a sober face Joined the land, u second pair, agnln a I econlc, the leading power boat was nnd smiling eyes. “ I don't believe you. man and a woman, strove und swayed. visible, heading out nt full speed, the For all his haste, he was too slow; half-mile lead fully re-established. You’re a fraud. Besides, I didn't he was still a fair thirty yards away Empty o f ull other craft, weird nnd come to see you at a i l ; I came to And when the struggle on the dock ended desolate lu moonlight, the Little Be­ out why Mr. Ember dares so to neg abruptly with the collapse of the wom­ come waters widened and theu nar­ Washington and Oregon. lecf me. Did you deliver my invita­ an ; it was as If, he thought, her rowed about the flying vessels. Shore The most vital point o f n truck attach­ tion?” strength had fulled all In an Instant— lights watched them, now dim nnd far, ment in the boaringa. The Western 1» "I did. unwillingly. He was deso­ as if she had fainted. He saw the man the only truck attachment made with a now bright and near nt hand. Shelter lated. but he couldn’t accept— had to catch her up In his arms, where she lay Two-inch Timban Bearing, Other "|x> Island sound received them, slupped run back to town immediately after eifleationa in portion. limp and unresisting, nnd with this their flunks encouragingly with its rac­ dinner." Why Buy an Inferior make? burden step from the stage to the boat ing M M “ I l r ’s as great a fraud ns you are. and disappear from sight beneath the I ,ld"e thu! tow i e l w « V * A. J. LORMOR, Facisr? Dulntasr. But since he isn’t here. I shall go.” coaming. An Instant later he reap- strfctTshnrax 0 3 3 i Utm SSwt, Portland, O f . f o . “ Please— I’ m famished for human so­ poured, standing at full height In the - ~ " ,n,° ,h* 'vaste» ciety. Have pity. Sit down. Tell me cockpit. Without warning Ids nrm o f Gardiner’s hay. Their relative po­ sitions were unchanged: still the Trou­ where you’ve been with the boat.” * straightened out and a tongue of flame "Merely to the head of the buy to jetted from his hand ; there was a re­ ble retained her position. When the chase rounded the buoy. have the gasoline tanks filled. A most port ; in the same breath a bullet burled boresome errand, if 1 promise to come Itself in the low earth bank on Whit­ Instead of standing, as any reasonable >t*lngs might have been expected to, over this evening nnd play you a rub­ aker’s right. Heedless, he pelted on. on to I isher's Islaud or at u tangent ber or two— will you permit me to go The shot seemed to signal the end of home now?” ftaap 3 S «. O ia lM O B l 2Ä mmd M o . the other struggle nt the landing stage. north toward the Connecticut littoral, “ On such terms I'll do anything you Scarcely had it rung out ere Whitaker they swung off something south of east onn possibly suggest.” he declared, en­ saw the man lift a fist and dash It —a course that could lead them no­ K . U P - l i chanted. "But . . . how will you brutally into the woman's face. With­ where but to the Immensities of the TkSLITI W sea itself. [ Ml* A c o t O m THE »MC get here? Not alone, through the out a sound audible at that distance Hhltuker's breath caught In his woods! I can't permit that." she reeled and fell away; while the “ Elsie shall row me down the shore man turned, ran swiftly out to the end throut us he examined this startling q c C and then go back to keep cook com­ of the dock, cast off the hendwarp nnd prosjiect. He shook a dubious, vastly troubled head. But he held on grimly my á n m ¡Jiro“ ** £ 0 pany. Sum Fat can see me home— if jumped nbonrd the boat. Fa* rises. Aboard the Moving Boat an Automatlo She began to sheer off as Whitaker in the face of dire forebodings. you find it still necessary to keep up ‘ Aren't you sometimes a little Fluttered. Once out from under the lee of set foot upon the stage. She was twen­ the Invalid pose.” afraid of your w ife?” “ I'm afraid.” he laughed. “ 1 shuil call ty feet distant when he found himself Gardiner s Island, a heavier run of the half-drowned men r«»U*ase the “ Certainly not,” replied Mr. Meek- my own bluff. . . . Must you really both at Its end and at the end of his waves beset them, catching the boats coamings, to which they had clung on ton. “ I do exactly as Henrietta says resource. Frantic with despair, he almost squarely ou the beam: fortu­ Involuntary Impulse to escape being in every particular. Therefore, what go so soon?" “ Good afternoon.” she returned de­ thrashed the air with impotent arms; nately a sea o f long, smooth, slow swept away, scramble upon the cabin reason have I to fear her?” — Washing- murely; and ran down the steps and a fair mark, his white garments shining shouldering rollers, as yet not ungry rtx)f, ami with one uccord abandon ! *on Btar. bright against the dark background of Now and again, for all that, one would themselves to the will o f the next wave oflf to her boat. the land. Aboard the moving boat an favor the Trouble with a quartering to follow. As It broke ov«*r the boat j Smiling quietly to himself. Whitaker automatic fluttered, spitting ten shots slup ,hat " ent a "hower of spray aboard and passed, he cuught an Instantaneous watched her cast the boat off, get un ' ■ J L H ...«te M d . It-„i* .I .„,1 IU m M der way, and swing it out of sight be­ In as many seconds. The thud and : ,ier to t,n‘ n<’h Whitaker and swash glimpse of their bends nnd arms bob- j W w A a L l K k KK k k K I.K C T K IC W O o hKH l Hurnoid«. oar. lo t*. Portland. Ora. hind the trees. Then his smile wavered splash of bullets all round him brought j aoi*lly r,,u,llJ the cockpit ere the self- bing nnd hentlng frantically us they him to his senses. Choking with rage. | ,alliug channels could carry It off. lie tyhirled off through the yeasty welter. and faded and gave place to a look of was flulckly wet to the skin and shlv- But he saw this without pity or com­ acute discontent. Three mortal hours he stumbled back to the land. On the narrow beach, near the dock, j The hour was past midnight, passion. If he had been uble to have to fritter away in profitless anticipa­ a small flat-bottomed rowboat lay. Its i a.n'1 ,fle 8,ronR " lr "hipping in from bis will with them, he would have sunk tion . . . the open sea had a bitter edge. They both ten fathoms deep without an In­ At seven Whitaker was merely nerv­ stern afloat, its bows aground— ns It Cali a t 206 A ln t f ton. Wrto (»< fnm uU " n l T«n shape not twenty yards from where he locks. It la a popular notion tliut the val­ THE H. T. NORTON CO M PANY, “ But. m’sieur, what mean you to stood, showing neither bow nor side­ H eretofore Messages Could Not Be Re­ uable varnishes known as lucquers are Partland. Ora.. HrottUv Wn.. Rellingham. W ». lights: a stealthy and mysterious ap­ do?” vegetable products that exude from ceived on Account of Noise— “ Don’t know yet,” he panted— “ fol­ parition creeping toward the dock with vurlous .rees o f India and the East Difficulty Overcome. something o f the effect o f an animal low— keep them In sight— ” »'Tien thtir twigs are punctured by a V ea l, Pork, B eef, The bludes dipped; he bent his back about to spring. Pou ltry, Butter, Egga Upon his return to London from cochineal Insect. And immediately he heard a man’s to them ; the rowboat shot away. and Farm Produce, One l.lnd o f gum Is, howev-u, actual­ A glance over his shoulder showed Itnly, Guglieltno Marconi, in an Inter­ voice from the boat, abrupt with anger: to the Old Reliable Kverding H ouh «* with a liiin the boat of the marauders already view with British Journalists, gave the ly produced by the lns«»c« itself. The “ Not this place, you ass— the next.” record o f 46 yearn o f Square Itaalmgn, and I n ? m u r e d o f T O P M A R K E T PRICES. She now wore running following information : “ New develop­ minute larvae begin to secrete the gum “ Shut up,” another voice replied. well away. F. M. CRONKH1TE, lights; tiie red lamp swung into view ments will not only muke wireless as srxin ax they puncture the tender "There's somebody on that dock." 46-47 Front Straat, Portland, O regon At the same time the bows of the as he glanced, like an obscene and sar­ communication in this war more «‘in­ bark and begin to xuck the plant Juices. boat swung off and the shadow slipped donic eye. T h e y were, then, making dent than ever before, but will make It In favorable circumstances the red se- away to westward— toward the Fiske eastwards. He wrought only the more more difficult for tiie enemy to Inter­ cretlfin gradually envelops the larvn in cept messages. These Improvements a hard lump, which protects It from lustily with the oars. place. will apply to instruments In aeroplanes attack. Frequently, however, the A wondering apprehension of some Happily the Fiske motor boat swung nameless and desperate enterprise, at a mooring not a great distance from nnd airships. Hitherto aeroplanes hnve larvae nre so crowded that a mass of somehow involving the w om an'who the shore. Surprisingly soon he had been nt a disadvantage with airships gmn Is formed, and then the unpro­ obsessed his thoughts, crawled In Whit­ the small boat alongside. Hastily he In wireless work, for nlthough they tected larvae gradually die o f starva­ W ill guarantee you top market p rie«« at all tlmea for your Veal, H og., Poultry, Kg*». Hutter, Hldea, tion «ir exposure. aker’s mind. Automatically lie turned disengaged the mooring hook, located were able to transmit messages, they Kte. I f you have not ahlpped to ua, try ua. hnve not been able to receive them. Experiments hnve shown thnt If the back, let himself down to the beach, the switch and started the motor. H alf 113 Front, PORTLAND, OR. and began to pick his way toward the a mile away the red light was slipping This was because the receiving signal Inrvne were transferred nt the proper was too faint to he distinguished, be­ season to bunches of straw fnstened to \ Fiske dock, half running despite his sw iftly eastward over slivered waters. stiff ankle. But he had not gone half The Trouble leaped out like a live ing drowned by the noise of the nero twigs In favorable situations, the the way before he pulled up with a thing, settling to its course with the plane engine. Now we hnve been able larvae would migrate to the tender thumping heart, startled beyond ex­ fleet precision of an arrow truly loosed. to strengthen the receiving signal suffi­ branches under the best conditions. pression by a cry in the night—a cry Probably no more severe critic o f his ciently to enable messages to be The discovery hns greatly Increased the production of Inequer In India. o f wild appeal and protest ringing own chivalrlc foolishness ever set him­ taken.” clear down the wind, a voice whose self to succor a damsel in distress. B etter Thsn H e Hoped. His Job. timbre was unmistakably that of a Withal he entertained not the shadow “ I ’m afraid you went to sleep dur­ By buying direct from ua at wholroale pHeaa “ Please, mister, have you got any wom an: “ Aux secours! Aux secours!” o f a thought o f drawing back. As long and oava th« plumber'a proflta. W rit« ua to­ Tw ice It cried out, and then was as the other boat remained in sight; as work for a poor man what ain’t had ing that learned discourse,” suld the day your need. We will giro you our rock- woman with a strong sense of duty. hushed as grim ly as the first inco­ long as the gasoline and his strength nuthln’ to eat for three