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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1918)
Jfarrat Ûkmn> IE xjutsh AN IN D EPEN D EN T WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Vol. 3 FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1918 OVER THE TOP ON THE THIRD LOAN “ MICKIE” Woman’s Club Considerable routine business was transacted at last Monday's meeting, including a decision to purchase a Liberty bond. May 1st was chosen as the date for the club’s "Guest Night.” On request of Superintendent Inlow, the club will co operate with the school board and Com mercial club on school gardens. Clean-up day was discussed, but left to the city council. After informal ballot for officers, meeting adjourned. No. 14 Monthly Meeting of the City Council With all members present, the city council h e l d i t s regular Forest Grove, Washington county and the state of Oregon monthly meeting Tuesday even have subscribed more than their (|uota of the Third Liberty Bonds ing. Bills to the amount of $1,- and this city has a chance of getting a special Honor F’lag for hav 140.86 were allowed and the res ing been the first to subscribe its quota. Friday afternoon Presi olution raising the salary of the dents Johnson and Thornburgh j f the two local banks agreed to take light commissioner $25per month, the city’s quota of $80,850.00 and a message was filed to be sent the water commissioner $5 and the state chairman at 9 a. m. Saturday, the hour of the opening of the light and water collector $10, was given last reading and passed. the drive. This is said to be the first guarantee sent the state chairman, although Mosier boosters claim to have telegraphed Street committee reported that First avenue would be graveled ’Frisco headquarters earlier in the day. from A street to the cannery. Forest Grove and vicinity have exceeded the quota by more The cannery owners and adjacent than $13,000, while the county is $39,000 over the mark. Hillsboro property owners pay for the grav is the only town in the county which was below its quota last night. el, the Oregon Electric railroad It is customary for newspapers hauls it free and city employes The state has gone $4.000,000 over its quota of $18,495,000.00. to say pretty things about all will spread it to a depth of one This city reached its quota Tuesday evening, but some of the home talent entertainments and foot and width of 24 feet. workers had not seen all their allotted customers and kept after the public would be dbappointed The Warren Construction com them, with the result of an oversubscription. in the paper that did not follow pany reports that it will soon re Foremost among those entitled to credit, after the purchasers, i Above is a fair lik<-ne-s of a red this rule. Sometimes an editor pair the worn places in the First for this splendid victory are John Thornburgh, county chairman, headed printer’s “devil” theedi- is compelled to stretch the truth avenue pavement. andW . J. McCready. city chairman. Some of the subscriptions ^ called the lad close to the snapping point in pr- City treasurer was instructed , . j . ., , ..... - . 1 I Mickie. He was a sophisticated der to praise a school or other to pay $405 interest on street im were .so heavy, considermg the supposed ability of the subscribers, young8ter and was almost as fond home talent entertainment, but bonds and $750 inter that they astonished the solicitors, while others were smaller than ;0f hearing h.s own voice as some no si retching of the truth is nec- provement est on refunding water bonds. was expected. 1 ej-editO ’s we have met. With so es-ary in order to praise the mus G. Morgan, chief engineer at Bonds will be on sale at the local banks until May 4th. much talking ‘Mickie’’ was bound ical entertainment given at the the S. power station, reported that to make some bright a ser vat ions Star Theater Friday and Satur- the Coast Power company had rn , r« * i , , , i , nr . , The best of these gems have been dav nights of last week by the installed a meter to measure the amount of electric current used r i A 1 T t 1 oo ~ ! rile Express, beginning next week, high school. The entertainment by the city. now used* * rest ljCH>k ,on Jdi,torial page next was a light opera, called “Polished Water commissioner was auth now used, I hey are to I mil rest- wet>k for "Mickle's Sayings.” Pebbles.” and so carefully had the aurants to 6 pound of white flour orized t o connect t h e Watts 6 pounds of w h it« f lo o r ....... ........- parts been assigned and so thor- At its regular monthly meeiing school with the water mains, but held last week the Board of Edu for each 90 meals served. short talks by eighth grade pupils. ougly had the singers been drilled application of Mr. Bratt, on the cation elected teachers for the by their director. Prof. Earl E. A Delightful Event The exercises closed with the pre- Thos. Todd place, was denied, as ensuing y«ar. Several members Fleischmann, that a stranger One of th most delightful Pr*zes for the three too expensive for the revenue in of this year’s teaching force have 1 best bird houses on exhibit. The might have thought the singers sight. social events of the pas» week was signified their intention of accept pupils of the Lincoln school a t were seasoned veterans (in exper Water commissioner instructed ing positions elsewhere at higher the "Japanese” tea given, for the tended the exercises. ience, not in years). The writer to clean out Clear Creek dam. salaries or will not teach next benefit of the Belgian-French Re heard many people say this was Complaints were made of sev year. The following have been lief Fund, at the home of Mrs. A. Teachers’ Association at Gaston (the best school entertaiqjaent ever eral evil-smelling outhouses and elected and have filed their ac B. Patten. health committee instructed to The rooms were artistically . Th o r t r r ceptances: take action. with cherry blossoms, City Superintendent — H. E. decorated Japanese lanterns and parasols. Mayor Paterson reDorted pay Inlow (Re appointed at an eailier Jardiniers of spring flowers also ing out $1,259 24 in the sewer meeting.) U » m * m the^high sdwoi*.'"l)oeL-.Tbose^ taking solo parts were j lawsuit added to the general attraction of since last meeting. Attor High School Principal—J. A. the decorative scheme. [of the speakers will be Prof. H Mis-es Celia Bernards,Edith Dar ney Tongue thinks the case will Dopp. land,Maude Craft, Margaret Mar A committee of ladies, decidedly of t he W ashington tin Kathryn Collierand Ellen An be resumed next Monday, after a High School Teachers— Annabe in gay ktmonas, with Portland. 1 he address wi.* der,on while the male Darts were 1 vacation of three weeks. Be- F. Taylor, Mary E Cole, Celia Japanesey. fans and flowers assisted in enter- of interest to school boards oerson, wnuetne male parts were 1 tween two and three weeks should lana ana no were, asswiea in enter-, , memhers as can are taken bV Glenn Hoar, Irvin Hunkins, Ruth Norman, Helen taming and later pre ided at the J * m e m b e r s as can are Thomag and WilIjg Goff( , he ,ast see the finish of this expensive McDonald. ; named two furnishing the comedy. suit, unless it is appealed to a Grade Principals G. E. Rich tea urn* and in serving the dainty ur#Ml lo attend, A. P. PATTEN. Pres. higher court. refreshments. ards, Elsie K. Lathrop. Then t h e r e w a s a female A pleasing program concluded Monday, May 6th, was desig Grade Teachers — A m y O. “Churning Quartet.” a “Patching CONDENSED NEWS NOTES nated by the council as “Cleanup” Pechin, Grace Dawson, Florence a well spent afternoon, the first Quartet,” and the boys appeared day. People should burn all in Enphede, F l o y Norton, Eloise ntimb< r on the program being an A son was born yesterday to in a “ Hoeing Quartet,” and a flammable trash and place all interesting paper on “ Manners Watson, Blanche Morey. “ Milking Quartet,” with some and Customs in Japan” by Miss Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cady. pretty and tuneful marching songs other kinds in securely-tied sacks It was decided to eliminate German from the hiffh school and V®1'®1? ¡Ioward- followed a A good “ Trench Dinner” at the The orchestra was composed of on the curb line prior to May 6th. German irom me mgn scnooi and li^Htful group of stories by Coucreizaiional church at 6 30 Misses Emma Craft, Frances City teams will haul all such sacks thu, ha, been done, the c!a«ea, Hashimuri Togo rea.l by Mia, tomorrow rom oirowevening for 35c for Benjamin Katherine Gentle and away free of charge. taking up, instead, a study of the Dorothy Hall and in conclusion a children under 12. adults; 25c for Mayor Paterson reported hav Mr. Newton S h i p l e y , violins; slandaids and ideals of American paper of merit on "Education in ing discharged Sam Ridgley as George Jackson trombone; H. W democracy. Cooler sleeping garments are Japan” by Miss Helen Newman. assistant engineer at light plant Danielson and Miss Aileen Hoff The Board of Education has A note-worthy feature was th e ! Pow ?rdeCi what you want and placed Herb Hubbard of man, flutes; G. E. Richards, clar approved a plan for departmental neat sum netted for this needed *n a?d . * aJanJ?s* work in the u p p e r grammar j,'und $1.00 to $1.50. C. E. Roy & Co. ionet; Ernest Wolf, cornet, and Dilley on the job. He asked Russell Beals, piano. And the Hubbard’s confirmation a n d grades next year. This plan will j orchestral music was a pleasing council complied with his request. Rev. Putnam at Vancouver :, « f l™. permit all the work in a given „ tion met last night and tlecided feature of the show. ! (Ridgley informs the Express he subject to be taught by one Rev. Ralph L. I utnam, pastor i elect new dilectors next Wed - was discharged for roasting his teacher who is especially prepared of the ( hr 1 stian church, left nesday night, at which time i t . „ C. H. Lenneville, Mural La- „ , T T . , chief (Mr. Morgan) for refusing to to give instruction in that sub 1 uesday for Vancouver barracks, I wj|| bt. decided whether or not to Follett,e and Joe Loomis were the ject. It will also accustom the where he has been assigned by the hold a fair this vear general managers, with Harley comply with the new “daylight children to the methods of study Army Y. M C, A. to do religous h Y Barber looking after the stage. ¡saving” regulations. Mr. Paterson and instruction with which they work among the soldiers Mrs. The annual convention of the ¡Miss Thelma Mills looked after says Morgan refused to work with Ridgley after their altercation and must become acquainted in high Putnam and babies left the same Oregon State Sunday School as- (he costumes and properties. he discharged t h e man whose school, thus smoothing the way day for Autnsville, Marion county, sociation will be held at the F irst' The ..Sunbonner chorus was place was easiest filled, and th at’s for entrance upon high school to visit Mrs. Putnam’s parents JJ- E/ i urCL a t ’uAf nl 25’ composed ofLuci l e Robinson, work. wt> and - i. Rev. L. W. Halpenny Mabel Patton, Marguerite Smith, all the Express knows about the for a time. case.) Mr. Ridgley is nov em The members of the Christian of Chicago is the international Marjorie Haskell. Agnes Fenenga, ployed in the Forest Grove Plan- M. E. Service Flag Dedication Ethel Tupper, Margaret Taylor | ing mill. church congregation held an all speaker. Remember the serv ice flag dedi day meeting Sunday, with basket The president has called on and Eleanor Haskell. cation Sunday evening Th at ft the M. | dinner a t noon, as a sort of fare-1 Washington county for 28 more The “Overall” chorus was cum -, A f t e r authorizing Recorder E church at 7:30 1 he nag will J we„ send-off for their departing men for Camp Lewis and they posed of Oscar Humburg, Nor- Dyke to secure a filing cabinet, have 20 or more stars represent.- - 1 j IiastnP pM^or_ Thorp There mn« was unocial special miioii> music are peing selected this week by man Powne, Fredolph Halveison, council adjourned. rs represent ing the bovs who have left for the and short addrosses‘ by T j the exemption board. The work Oscar Schneider. Willie Troutman, Soldier Packages N. Rob- - Lowry, Mrs. - Bayne, Orval - Hutch is slow, because certain farm labor John Garrigus, William Miller camps and the front. H. H M Hereafter, parcels for members ihson will speak for the fathers ens and B. J. Simpson, all the is exempt. and Lawrence Wehrley. and individuals with and Rev. John F)bert will deliver speakers expressing regret at los Mrs. Jennie Reeher Sunday . The house was packed the first t h e American connected Expeditionary a patriotic address. ing this popular young preacher of her children nipht and comfortably fil ed the Forces in Europe cannot be ac The Grand Army will be pres from the local field and wishing had a number dinner. __~ I second night, as it should have home for cepted for mailing or dispatched ent in a body as well as the unless they contain such articles Woman’s Relief C or™ and ¿¡Jy | ¡¡¡JJ '"sia^ o f°th i ' fl' T St\ ' lford University, How- qr.,,..*, ire a ' of ard was home from a northern Mis Misses Aileen Hoffman and only as are being sent at the Scouts Kansas City district will temnor- The public is invited to these i arily fill the pulpit vacated by training camp, Mrs. Dewey was Florence Perry of the M. E. written request of the addressee, out from Portland and Mrs. church; Misses Ernestine Brown approved by his regimental or services. 1 Rev. Putnam. Hoyt was here from Eugene. and Doris Story of the Christian higher commander, or an execu New Bread Regulations Yesterday afternoon the Cen There are many kitchen cabi church and Mrs. H. J. Cheadle tive officer of the organization As owner of the Home Baking tral school held it’s annual Bird nets made to look (a little) like and Miss Ruth Burlingham of the with which he is connected. The company, Mayor Geo. Paterson, Day program, which consisted of the Hoosier, but there is only one Congregational church at ended approved written request must with other bakers of the state, last a number of songs by the primary Hoosier, and that is sold by *he,Oregon Girls’ Conference at also be enclosed with articles Saturday held a conference with department, tw o numbers in Claude Smith, who has recently Dallas Friday and Saturday of asked fon________ Food Commissioner Ayer at Port dramatization by the intermediate shipped cabinets to Yamhill, Port- ,ast week^____________ _ We carry the Hardeman Hat. land. The bakers are instructed pupils, two folk dances from the land and other points outside thisj Mrs. Reba Secour and son vis Better I$ats f o r men. A. G. that, beginning next Monday, they upper grades, and a number of county. It j ited friends in Portland yesterday. Hoffman & Co. “Polished Pebbles” Were Brilliant Gems Teachers Empoyed for Next Year ¡ „ T . p ^ v v^ an,i wi" publi!‘h'din Glee Club»of the Fm>i <;rovc They ¡^w-h-issEi^as fzîüsx