T Farmers, attention ! How Do Your Sacrifices Compare With These? The prices of Binder Twine have been settled by the Government; that is, the price the jobber shall charge the dealer. We wish to protect all the farmers who want to take advantage of our offer. That is, we will take your order for twine at the following prices, to be paid for at the time of delivery. Our profit on twine is so small that we must refuse to give credit at the prices quoted. This offer will hold good until about Ma> 1st; not later, as our jobber will not agree to fill any order after that date. This is a serious condition, farmers. Get busy and buy your twine from some responsible dealer, so you may be sure of having it when you are ready to cut your grain. Our prices are as follows ; 550 feet Twine - - 27c 600 feet Twine - - 28 '*c 650 feet Twine - - 30c The American Boy who goes to war »rives up the position which means so much to his future, or the little business which has just begun to show promise of success. He severs home ties, »rives up home comforts, leaves behind parents, friends, wife or sweetheart. He faces the probability of being obliged to take up life anew when he returns ; of losing all ^ h e advantages which years of hard work have won for him. He •faces the possibility of coming back incapacitated for earning a living and of being dependent upon his friends or upon charity. He faces the possibility of never coming home again. What will he think, how will he feel, if we complain because we are asked to make a few sacrifices for him—sacrifices so insig­ nificant when compared to his? Show him that to invest in Liberty Bonds is not a SACRIFICE, but a PRIVILEGE—an appreciation of his sacrifice. And When You Buy, Buy AH You Can ! • The First National Bank We carry the latest styles in Mrs. Benfer is visiting friends NOTES AND PERSONALS ladies' shoes and pumps. Let us in Por land. fit you. A. G. Hoffman & Co. GOFF BROS. FOREST GROVE CORNELIUS Mr. and Mrs. C. V. B. Russell Christian Church E. Williams is visiting his COUNTY SCHOOL NEWS visited friends in Portland yester­ A fine line of . new simmer son, E. Lieut. Ray T. Williams, at Next lo rd day in the lunt d*y of The next meeting of the Wash­ our minintry 's here. day. shoes, in leather and canvas, just Camp Lewis. It in planned to County Teachers’ associa­ make it an all day fellowship We buy wool and mohair and received ^ t John Anderson's The Red Cross work rooms are ington tion will be held at Gaston, Sat­ The Kansas City brethern will meeting. will pay the highest market price I Don’t punish your feet by wear­ open every Thursday, a new sup­ urday, be in in April 13. ing winter shoes. A. G Hoffman & Co. a body. A baaket dinner will be served ply of material having arrived. There are now 47 members of at the noon hour. The membership are DON’T, DON’T, suffer with Lester Hughes, who gave up his Mrs. L. P. Rock wood is enjoy­ Junior Rainbow regiment i n requested to see J. A. Parker about stomach trouble. See Dr. Dar- appendix last week, has recovered ing a visit from her aunt, Mrs. Washington county who have what to bring in your basket. Let us land. Chiropractor and Natur­ so rapidly that he has been moved Mary Dodd, of Toronto, Canada. been reported thru the coum y make it a grand day. There will be to the home of his parents, south opath. office. S o m e services morning and evening. The Mrs. Harve Baldwin left the superintendent’s of Pakro Seedtape is the simplest town. names have been sent in to the morning theme is "The Supreme Hat- Portland hospital yesterday and and most effective labor saving Sheriff Applegate yesterday ar­ will probably be home before an­ state office direct, so we do not tlefront.” Kverybody cordially in­ method of planting seeds. For rested Ludwig Nitschman of the other week. have their names. Those who vited. R. L. PUTNAM, Minister. | Shadybrook district for having sale at Littler’s Pharmacy. have sold over $50 worth of W. to turn in a target rifle, The Masons will give a dance S. S. since the last report are Le­ Methodist Church Services Mr. Carroll, who formerly lived failed I at the new I. O. O. F. building on Ludwig being an alien. The regular services of the church one Kerr, Laurelview; Margaret on the Baseline road, but now Saturday night, April 20, for the Derr. I-aure|; Leonard Cornelius, will be held next Sunday beginning makes his home at Lebanon, vis­ Cheap—One steel range, 1 heat­ Arcade; Carl Shaltenbrand and with the Sunday School at 9:4ft, and the ited at the W. F. Johnson home ing stove, bed and mattress, two benefit of the home bQilding fund. Gerday Anderson, Middleton; pastor will preach at 11 and 7:30. bed springs, 50 feet rubber hose, For your Summer underwear James Kelley Tuesday. Mirsel Liven- Classmeeting at 7:00 p. m. and the de­ see A. G. Hoffman & Co. Ou>- j DON’T, DON’T, DON’T, OP­ lawn mower and many other ar­ stock is complete and the price is good, Reedville, and and Frederick votional meeting of th e Epworth ERATE for Piles, Goiter or Ap­ ticles. Bernard’s Book Store. right. Koehler, Orenco. League will be held at 6:30. Topic: pendicitis. These can be cured. Judge and Mrs. J. W. Goodin nderstanding and Doing Christ's The highest numlier of Junior "U See Dr. Darland, Chiropractor of North Plains visited Mr. and Come to the Star Theater Fr - Rainbow Will.” Classmeeting a t 7:00 o'clock. Regiment members in The Woman's and Naturopath. Mrs. Dan Parsons yesterday. The day or Saturday night and hear a any one school Missionary is eleven in Mid­ rattling good opera, given by high I dleton The second is five from society will meet in Foreign The people of Yamhill will give Judge is liable to be our next school the 1-eague room singers Admission 35c, Laurel. two dances tomorrow night for county judge. next Wednesday afternoon. Leader, the benefit of the Red Cross and TheRebekahs last night elected all seats reserved. The following schools appear Mrs. A. T. Smith. Sam and Charley Walker will , Mrs. Carrie Graham and Mrs. News comes from Banks that from JOHN EBERT, Pastor. their reports to be 100 per each lead an orchestra. Edna Ross as their representa­ one of the Dooley boys Tuesday cent War Savers, having as many Congregational Church took a couple of shots out of a re­ pupils reported Charley Mertz is now sole own­ tives to the state assembly, which ; volver owning W. S S 11 a. and Anti-Christ, at a man named Spiering, er of the Forest Grove laundry, ! convenes at Seaside on May 21. hard feelings over the war being and Thrift Stamps as are enrolled or Jesus m. and "C the hrist K aiser" will be the ice plant and wood yard, having With a program and lunch, the cause of the fracas. in the school: Mountain Home, theme of Mr. P atten's PATRIOTIC bought the interest of his partner, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Jones Middleton, Reedville, Manning, SERMON. It will be a study in con­ Aden Keen. And Charley is able i Tuesday Miss Elbe Sage, a former resi­ Oak Park and Wilson. evening entertained the trasts, calculated to stimulate interest to run this beehive. of this city and a teacher in N.A.FROST. young ladies and gentlemen who dent in the 3d Liberty Loan. the Dilley schools for several Mrs. Lucy Williams returned as-isted them in producing “All a years, At the 8 p. m. service, the pastor Don’t forget “Buster Brown” who has spent the past sev­ to this city Sunday, after a week’s Mistake,” for the benefit of the eral months will speak "A Man's Fight for her parents, Shoes for children. First because Faith, and the on Faith visit at McMinnville. She was Red Cross on March 4th. Every- | Mr. and Mrs. with makes a man D. D. Sage, at of the last. A. G. Hoffman & fight the Good F ig that accompanied home by Mrs. Dr. i body had a good time, according Oakno, M ont, visited h t." It will be a friends and Co. Woods, who spent the day with to one privileged to attend. challange to up-standing and forward- in this city and Dilley Public sale bills printed at the looking manhood. Mrs. Williams and the W. F. Housecleaning time is certainly relatives Miss Sage has accepted Express office. Johnson family. A. B. PATTEN. Pastor. here and the careful housewife Sunday. a position in the office of a gov­ There will be a Japanese re will want new rugs, paints and ernment supply ception at the Congregational wallpaper to make the home look couver, Wash. house at Van­ parsonage Friday, April 5th, 3 to more cheerful in these depressing 5:30 p. m., for the benefit of the days We have all these, as well A number of Paul Schultz's French and Belgian relief fund. as a good vacuum sweeper and friends called at the Schultz bun­ A silver offering will be taken and o t h e r household necessities, galow last Thursday evening to Co-Operates with the U. S. “ Food Man”— Hoover the public is cordially invited. i Claude E. Smith. give him a send-off on account of (U. S. Food Administration License No. G 34147) 301 his intended« departure to accept a position in a Portland wholesale (T house. Paul was out when the /^A R EFU L OBSERVER.^ will notice that our dust-proof, fly- intruders arrived, b u t Mr s. ^ proof and sanitary display cases, chilled to a freezing Schultz made them at home until point, is their protection against disease, especially during the THINK OF US the lord of the hguse arrived. Then, following a hearty welcome hot summer months. by the guest of honor, there was Have your Suit made to order. card playing and music for several Owing to the fact that the Royal Baking Powder company Fit and Satisfaction guaranteed. hours, followed by a nice lunch, is going to cut down the size of its product in tins, we are go­ partly furnished by the visitors ing to offer the old style H-lb. cans at 22c and the pound cans Good Suits, $17.50 up. and partly commandeered from at 43c, for the Week-End Only. the Schultz pantry. Those in the invading party were Messrs and If you are paying too much for SUBSTITUTES elsewhere, Mesdames A A. Hall, A. J. Dem CALL 0 6 1 Cash for All Produce orest, C. E. Walker, B r a d y Large selection of Men’s Dress Shirts, Chowning, C. E. Roy and W. C. “Go back to the simple life, be content with simple foods, all the new patterns and weaves. Benfer, Mrs. Mabel Evans of simple pleasures, simple clothes; work hard, pray hard, play Newberg, Mrs. Susie Hatfield and Fine line of Spring Hats, Shoes, etc. Miss Pearl Hall. And you may hard. Work, eat, recreate and sleep. Do it all courageously. be sure everybody had a good We have a victory to win.“ —Hoover. time. SCHULTZ’S K STORE When You Think Clothes 0 Men’s Furnishings — C. E. ROY & COMPANY FOREST GROVE M 30C J JEWELER and OPTICIAN M I A Llk/vLI- Abbott building . J. AbDOtt Forest Grove