I o f land, more or less, all in Township Job printing—phone 821. i one South o f Range 6, West Will. Money to loan— Valley Realty Mer. which mortgages were given by R. C. Hill spent Sunday with Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf the defendant« as follows: Mrs. Hill in this city. Warranty deed and mortgage Jan. 29, 1914, for the sum of $200.00, Farmers, get your blue stone! blanks for sale at this office. recorded ill book 71 o f the mortgage at M cN utt’s. 11-tf | reconla of Washington County, Ore­ Carol McFeeters of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Parsons of gon. at page 6 thereof. Fruits and Vegetable** in Seaaon Gales Creek were shopping in visited Miss Virginia Roy over May 11th, 1914, for the sum of town Tuesday. Sunday. $200.00, recorded in book 71 of said Dorris Mace will be Queen o f 1 Mrs. E. Thompson arrived I records at page 49 thereof. Plaintiff PHO NE 701 the May at P. U ’s 1918 May Tuesday from Omaha for a visit prays for a decree forclosing aaid with the 0 . S. Higby family. festival. | mortgages, and that said real ea- South Main Street - Forest Grove, Ore Blue Andalusian eggs for hatch­ I tate he sold in the manner prescribed C. A. Brodersen has adorned ing. 15 for $1 00. J. I. W. D u r-1 the front of the new Hoffman | by law to satisfy said judgment, at­ ston, Route 1. 10-tf j block with some signs that make torney fees and costa, amt that the terest which the within named de­ the judgment o f »aid I). S. McBride. proceeds of said sale tie applied to the Mrs. Dora Saltus of Sherwood you take notice. fendants, and each of them had on Now therefore, by virtue of »aid ex­ visited at the J. S. Buxton home J. E Carpenter has been ap­ January 16, 1914, the date of the ecution, judgment order, decree and payment of the aeveral sums found to last Saturday. pointed assessor for Forest Grove mortgage herein foreclosed, or since order o f »ala, and in compliance with tie due plaintiff, and to the coat« amt »aid date had in and to the above de­ George G. Hancock, real es­ and is now around looking for scribed property or any part thereof, the command» o f »aid writ, I will, on disbursements o f said sale. That the . May 6th, 1918, at ten o ’clock, A. M., defendants, and all iiersons claiming tate, farm loans and fire insur­ truthful men and women. to satis r v »aid execution judgment or- Ht the Sodth front door of the County --------„ der and decree, interest, coat» and ac i Court llotiNe in Hillsboro, Washington by, through or under them, or either ance, new Anderson block. , 50 Buy your groceries, fish, veg- cruing coat». County, Oregon, sell at public auction o f them, he forever barred and pre­ Mrs. Anna E. Dixon has joined etables and second-hand house­ Dated this March 28, 1918. 1 (subject to redemption) to Ihe highest cluded from any interest or title in or the Chevrolet car owners and was ' hold goods of the Economy store bidder for cash in hand, all the right, to said premises, and for aurh other J. C. APPLEGATE. trying out her new car Sunday. Dodge bldg., cor. 3d street and Sheriff of Washington County, Ore. title and interest which the within- and further relief as may be just and named defendant, Allen A. Dale, had 6-tf Boys’ khaki military suits now Pacific avenue. H. T. BAGLEY, on the 16th day of February. 1914 , Of equitable. being shown at our store. Come Attorney for Plaintiff. 12-fit since that date had in and to the above D. V. Buell and family depart­ This summons is served U|mn you by described property or any part thereof publication by order of the Hon. Geo. see them, boys. John Anderson, ed Monday for North Dakota, , .. to satisfy the execution, judgment or­ the leading clothier. 13-tf where they will make their home , .. n , .. , . der, decree, interest, cost and accru­ R. Bagley, Judge o f the above en­ Mr and Mrs. F. E McBride of on a big faim for vthich Air. titled court, which order was made at Oregon, for the County of Washing- ing costs. Dilley were in town Tuesday and Buell recently traded. ton. Hillsboro, Oregon, on the 25th day of J. C. APPLEGATE, purchased of Wiles & Soler a March, A. 1). 1918. Sheriff of Washington County, Ore. A . Baldwin has moved his sec- Notice « hereby given that the un- . , , . j _ a . __! dersigned has been by the C ounty Dated this doth day o f March, 1918. Chevrolet touring car. I-. M. GRAHAM. ond-hand store and agate grinding j o ourt 0f the State o f Oregon, for the First publication, April 4th, 1918. Attorney for Plaintiff. We have on hand all sizes of shop to his new building, west of County o f Washington, duly appointed Last publication May 2nd. 1918. Residing at Forest Grove, Oregon. drain tile for farm drainage. Let Brodersen’s paint shop, First ave- I and confirmed Executrix o f the Last SUMMONS us quote y o u p r i c e s . Forest nue south, near S. P. pa senger Will and Testament of William H First pub. Mar. 28; last May 9. 1 Hoskin, deceased, and has ijualified as In the Circuit Court of the State of Grove Planing Mill Co. 9-tf depot. Call on him. 13 tf such. I Oregon for Washington County, Vic Fuqua is remodeling the Political Announcements Now therefore, all persons^ having | George Wise, Plaintiff, building recently vacated by A. claims against the estate of the said Notice of Final Settlement vs. G. Hoffman & Co., and will oc­ Notice is hereby given that the un­ William H. Hoskin, deceased, are | ANNOUNCEMENT Henry Staveley Waudby and hereby required to present the same to cupy it with his stock after June dersigned has filed in the County Court To the Republicans o f Washington the undersigned at the law office of Maria Waudby, Defendants. 1st. County; o f Washington County, Oregon, hisj W. P. Dyke, in Forest Grove, Oregon, To Henry Staveley Waudby and Maria I hereby announce myself as a can­ A meeting of the W. C. T. U. final account as administrator o f the together with the proper vouchers Waudby, Defendants: didate for the nomination on the Re­ will be held at Mrs. Bishop’s Fri­ estate o f C. Frederick E. Braun, de­ within six months from the date o f this IN THE NAME OF THE STATE publican ticket for the office o f State day, April 5th, at 2:30 p. m. ceased, and said Court has fixed Mon­ notice. Dated this 28th day of March. 1918. OF OREGON: You, and each o f you. Representative. Members please bring thimbles. day, April 15, 1918, at 10 o’clock A. M. are hereby required to appear and RACHEL ANN HOSKIN. I seek the nomination because I am as the time and the County Court room K. B. Penfield. Executrix o f the L a s t Will and answer the complaint filed against you The inhabitants of Herrick Hall in Hillsboro, Oregon, the place for the Testament o f William H. Hoskin, .de­ in the above entitled court and suit on willing to work, to work hard, and to work all the time to win this war for enjoyed a picnic dinner in the hearing o f objections, if any, to said ceased. or before the last day of the time pre­ the free voice and rule of the fieople of woods Saturday evening and made final account and the settlement o f this W. P. DYKE. scribed in the order for publication of Attorney for said estate. 12-5t the world, to promote the liest inter­ good use of Prof. Bates’ strong estate. this summons, to-wit. On or before ests o f the State of Oregon, and to Dated this March 14, 1918. arms and back. the expiration o f six weeks next fiom Notice o f Sheriff’ s Sale keep the home fires hurtling brightly in E. I. KURATLI, Administrator. Joe A. Wiles would like to In the Circuit Court of the State of and after the date o f the first publica- j Washingion County. H. T. BAGLEY, Attorney. write your insurance. Will give Oregon for the County o f Washing­ tion o f this summons, viz., the 28th ! I seek the nomination because I have First pub. Mar. 14; last, Apr. 11. you service that will be to your day of March, A. D. 1918, and if you j . j ton. experience in legislation, and be­ advantage. West side Main St„ fail so to appear a n d answer th e 1 Nena L. King Judson, Plaintiff, lieve I can give "value received’ ’ for Notice of Sheriff's Sale north of Tucker’s garage. plaintiff will apply to the court for the vs. every effort expended in my behalf. Notice is hereby given that by virtue relief prayed for in his complaint, to- Frank Meresse and family of of an execution, judgment order, de- Allen A. Dale I seek the franchise o f the |>eople wit,—That plaintiff have judgment L. A. May. and Linnton visited relatives in this and, if chosen, I will serve them hon­ ., ci j t - i i • • icree and order of sale issued out o f and city over Sunday. Frank >s evi-1 under the seal of the circuit Court of D. S. McBride, Intervenor, Defend­ against you for the sum o f $234.!15 on | estly and economically, note and mortgage with interest there- ! dently prospering, as he is driving Waahi ton ^ 0 to me ants. LOYAL M. GRAHAM. on from March 23rd, 1918, at the rate ! By virtue o f an execution, judgment a high-grade automobile. .. . , , , . , „ . ® Forest Grove, Oregon. . . directed and dated March 28, 1918, upon order, decree and order o f sale issued o f eight per cent per annum as a first | Advt) . SU?e ‘ range, heating stove, two a judgment rendered and entered in out of the above entitled Court in the lien and for the foreclosure o f the iron beds, With mattresses^ two 3ajd court on March 22, 1918, in favor above entitled cause, to me directed, mortgage upon the following described j and dated the 27th day o f March, 1918, 8x12 rugs and 8 rods o f 5 fo o t 0f c. Kuratli, plaintiff, and against ■B Æ ! upon a judgment rendered and entered real estate securing said sum as a first N O TES A ND P E R SO N ALS H. T. GILTNER Staple and Fancy Groceries chichen wire for sale cheap, ft!* Richard Baldra and Sarah J. Baldra, in said Court on the 7th day o f March, I cause of suit; and for judgment quire at the Book Store. 11 I defendants, for the sum o f $700.00 with 1917, in favor of Nena L. King Judson, | against you for the sum o f $229.86 on During t h e five years that i interest at the rate of 7 per cent per plaintiff, and against Allen A. Dale, ! note and mortgage and for the auin o f Pakro Seedtape has been on the annum from January 24. 1917, and I defendant, for the sum of $522.00, and j $16.83 for taxes with interest on both the further sum of market it has gained great popu- $75.00 attorney’s fees and the costs further sum o f $28.25, $75.00, and the all with interest sums since March 23rd, 1918, at the larity. Why spend your time and disbursements herein taxed at at the rate o f 8 per cent per annum j rate of eight per cent per annum, and with the old inconvenient bulk | $19.00 and the costs o f and upon said from the 7th day of March, 1917, and a i for the foreclosure of the mortgage seeds? Littler’s Pharmacy. ; writ and commanding me to make sale further judgment in favor o f D. S. Me U| m > ii the following described real es- Bride and against Allen A. Dale, for Roberta1 E., t h e month-old ! of the following described real prop­ the sum of $312.75, and the further | tate securing said sums as a second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd erty, to-wit: sum o f $40.00, all with interest at the cause o f suit, and for costa ain^dis- Beginning at a point on the north rate o f 8 per cent (>er annum from the bursements and for attorney fees. L. Martin, passed away at the day of March, 1917, and upon this family home, East Pacific Avenue, I side of Block 11, Simmon’ s Addition to 7th That the mortgages described in the Town (now city) o f Hillsboro, Ore­ writ commanding me to make sale of Sunday morning of dilation of gon, said point being 100 feet east o f the following described real property, plaintiff’s complaint were executed by the heart. Services were held at the northwest corner o f said Block; to. wit: the defendants to Emma W. Cox ami the Buxton chapel Monday after­ running thence east on the north line Beginning at a point on the East line by said Emma W. Cox assigned to the f said block, 100 feet to the center of o f Section Six (6) Town One South, plaintiff, thereby conveying the follow noon and the remains were in­ ‘ ' o the north side line o f said block; thence Four (4) West o f Willamette mg described real estate located in terred in Forest View, Rev. Put­ j south parallel with the west line of Range Meridian, One Hundred Twenty (120) Washington County, Oregon, and de­ nam officiating. \ said block, 180 feet to the center of rods South of the Northeast corner scribed as beginning at the northwest | After a careful examination, said Block 11; thence west parallel thereof, running thence South Eighty corner o f the southwest quarter of the , with the north line of said Block, 100 northeast quarter o f section 13, thence Portland physicians have pro­ I feet; thence north 180 feet to the place (80) rods; thence West Eighty (80) South along center line of said section rods; thence North Eighty (80) rods, nounced Austin Buxton’s ailment j o f beginning, being Lot 4 and the east thence East Eighty (80) rods to the 13 160 rials, to the southwest corner of a cancer of the lower bowel and, j half o f Lot 5. said Block 11; place o f beginning, containing forty the northwest quarter of the southeast I will, on Saturday, April 27, 1918, (40) acres; all in Washington County, quarter of section 13; thence East 20 wh in Mr. Buxton realizes the rods; thence North 160 rods to the line seriousness of his condition, he ; at 10 o ’clock A. M. at the south door Oregon. ! of the Court House in Hillsboro. O re-) Said writ further commanding me on the south side of the northwest looks upon his affliction in a phil­ gon, sell at public auction (subject to out o f the proceeds o f said sale to first quarter o f the northeast quarter of osophical light. Mr. Buxton was redemption) to the highest bidder for satisfy the judgment o f saiu Nena L. section 13; thence West 20 reals to the born and reared near this city j cash in hand, all the right, title and in- King Judson, and secondly to satisfy place of beginning, containing 20 acres and he has hundreds of friends who will be grieved to learn of his plight and hope for the best. John Wirtz, J. S. Buxton, Tipp, Goff, Al and Ed Ahlgren, Herb i Kappel. Joe Lenneville, Otto Par­ sons, Vic Fuqua, Willis Goff and 1 Claude Smith last Saturday ev­ ening accompanied s^veial hun- ! dred McMinnville Elks to Port-! land, where fifty candidates, in­ cluding several from this city, wi*e initiated. The local boys re port a rollicking good time, with plenty of good eats. _ King Goes Mining L. P. King, who has conducted the King & Co. store in thi3 city for several years, has finished shipping out the stock and before leaving informed the writer that he was done, for the present, at least, w i t h merchandising. He and Jake Myers have a gold and silver mine near Chloride, Arizona, and will put in some time further developing a n d operating he property, which shows every in­ dication of being a money-maker., His Best Friend Sent Him a pouch of Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug You will be »endin'» your friend more to­ bacco comfort and satisfaction in a pouch of Real Gravely Plug than in a half a dozen plugs of ordinary tobacco. Real Gravely is worth sending a long way. It i» condensed quality. Give any man a chew of Real Gravely Plug, and ho will toll you th a t’s the kind to (end. Send the betti Ordinary plug is fal-e economy. It costs lets per week to chew Real Gravely, because a imall chew of it lasts a long while. If you smoke • pipe, slice Gravely with your knife and add • little to your smoking tobacco. It will give flavor- improve your smoke. S E N D Y O U R F R I E N D IN T H E t . S . S E R V I C E A POUCH OF G R A V E LY D t a U n all around Kara c a r r y it in 10c. p o u ch ««. A 3 c . «tam p will pul it into his hands in any Trainina C am p o r S eaport o f the U .3 . A . Even ’‘ o r * r thara” a 3 c . stam p wi|l taka it to him. Y our d a a lcr w ill supply e n v e lo p « and g iva y o u o fficia l directions h ow to address it. P. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO COMPANY, Danville, Va. After the day’s grind, a red and a chew of Real Gravely. This is solid tobacco comfort; and to dunk—Sis sent it, tool The Patent Poach keeps it Fresh and Clean and Good —It is not Real Gravely without this Protection Scot E sta b lish e d 1 S 3 1 FRED A . E V E R E ST At present Deputy Recorder REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE for Nomination for RECORDER OF CONVEYANCES Primary Election May 17, 1918. (Paid Advt) DR. H. C. FORTNER Successor to DR. H. W. VOLI,M ER OFFICE In First National Bank Building Telehones Residence 332 Office 333 I). D. & M. B. BUM P Attorneys at Law Loans and Real Estate I). I). BUMP, Residence Forest Grove. Phone 444 M. B. BUMP, Residence Hillsboro Offices—HILLSBORO J N . HOFFMAN Attorney At Law Patent Office Business Solicited Forest Grove, - Oregon