«ter ’-'tesa I Hotel Hoyt a C e r»« suiti arad Ilari Sto.. HuriUod, Or*. L*JU M IM K H . Mañanar. HA I KM: Ito lo M. HI'BCIAL Waafc or Month VvfcSTERN ThUCK ATTACHMENT Over 1000 Satisfied Owners in Washington and Oregon. The most vital |>oint o f u truck attach­ ment IS the h n o r i n g * . The WesU-rn is the only truck attachment made with a Two-inch Timbsn Bearing. Other spe­ cifications in portion. Why Huy an Inferior make? A. J. LORMOR, Factory DiUribulor. I l l IS Alto few*. Port taint. OrtfOB. M O N E Y FOR Y O U . h u u M -- ixU -- a t ------------ t n ln o d 7 - r . u u n i jwopl iMajpla ------- n m la l. _ T -------- Ilahnka W a lk a r llunlliaan Cal allana. . ru rtlan d . placan Mudante In punltlunn. Calnluaua ICnruU nnr Urna. Kras What the Teacher Bant. L ittle Mary atarted to school on her second year laat Monday. When ahn camo home her mother asked: "W ell, Mary, what did tho teacher say to you after the Ionic summer va­ cation ?" "She »aid. 'H ello Mary,” ’ the child replied. "And what else?" asked the mother. "Bhe said, 'When you ko home please tell your mamma that I sent her my rewards,' " was Mary's second reply. It takes Congress to settle a strike, hut an unruly stomach la subdued by Garfield Tea.— Adv. TYPHOID SäSS The Wealth of the Ukraine The etatee of Ohio, Indians. Illinois, Mtchlgau, and Wlsconaln have a com­ bined area about equal to that of the new Ukrainian Republic. Rutting it In another way, Ukralnla, according to a native writer, ia as large as the German empire with the state of Illi­ nois annexed. Mere area In Itaslf signifies little, hut tho extent of land surface com­ prised within the limits of the new republic of Ukralnla contains the most fertile parts of the old Russian empire. It Is known us the "Klack Karth Belt" and lias been not only the granary of Russia but the greatest granary of ousterti Kurope. In 1814 on*»-third of Russia’s total farm products came from this "Rleck Karth Belt," which Is really Russia's wheat belt. Ukralnla produces 80 per cent of Russia's crude migar and 68 per cent of her refined sugar. The tobacco production of the region Is relatively as large as that of sugar. The Ukrainian supplies about 60 per cent o f the Russian live-stock output. Not only Is the Ukraine a great source of agricultural wealth, but in mineral resources It has been to Rus­ sia what the northern provinces of France, now overrun by the Germans, have been to that republic. O f coal. It has produced 70 per cent o f the total Russian product, an equivalent pro­ portion of pig Iron, and of steel nearly as much. Manganese, mercury, pe­ troleum, peat, phosphorite, and kaolin nr*< other Important mineral products of the Ukraine.— From "T h e Uralnlan Republic," In the American Review of Reviews for March, 1818. H u rra h ! How’s This Cincinnati authority says corns dry up and lift out with fingers. Is n o m ora narraaary lip o ». A i m » I U m airara« mlnculoua «fft - e a r r . aad kaoni »Mn i m . ut A atttja kn l» Vaccinarla*. S . r a « Inala» HOW hy JToar »kjra>< Un, ja s aad vaut fnM ilr. H U a m vital Iban bouaa Inauianca. A jk fa u t a » riti kan. draga Ut. or aand fo t lia ra r « kad Trskold/'* tollla s Ot T r k b o l d Vaccina, raa ulta frían ua , aad » a n c a fnara Tjrpbuld Car liara. TV arma laura rorv. amuinr. cal ra o M tia a vacuata a aaavaa va sa i a. > aav. J\ ■W*' > • ■■ ^ a Soothe Your 7 / Itching Skin w¡ii» Cuiicura \ A T a C V tu t 4 - a a. Sraap 2St Oinlaw-al 2Ss 4 SSc C k / v w A Qrualafed Eyelids, a 9 r e SíTuH Ouch 1 ? I ? I I This kind of rough talk will be heard leas here In town If people troubled with corna w ill follow the simple advice of this Cincinnati authority, who claims that a few drops of a drug called freexone when applied to a tender, aching corn or hardened callous stops soreness at once, and soon the corn or callous dries up and lifts right o ff without pain. He aaya freexone drlee Immediately and never inflame# or even Irritates the surrounding skin. A small bottle of freexone w ill coat very little at any drug store, but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callous from one's feet. Millions of America's women w ill welcome this announce­ ment since the Inauguration of the high heels. If your druggist doesn't have freesone tell him to order a small bottle for you.— Adv. B a . ra~ quickly rclirrrd by Martas To keep clean and healthy take Dr. V 0 S fyetosmdy. No Smarting,