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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1918)
5 (Flu' ÌFnn'tìt dirmi? Imirraa 0 A N IN D E P E N D E N T W E E K L Y N E W S P A P E R Voi. a FOREST GROVE. OREGON, TH U R S D A Y , A P R IL 4, 1918 No. 13 nitions, food and clothing and by eating such foods as are not need Impressive Services A Liberty Loan B IG A M E R I C A N D R I V E ed by our fighting forces and their at Christian Church The address w a s very Mass Meeting allies. STARTS N EX T M ONDAY forceful and undoubtedly gave The services last Sunday morn some in the audience a new con Following a cafeteria lunch of ing at the Christian church were The Huns have made their > ands of schools months and months ception of that thing the Huns great variety and unsurpassed ex pronounced by many in attend drives and have fallen far short ago. call “ kultur.” cellence in the K. of P. banquet An effort is being made to in of their objective. They have The meeting was poorly attend ance as the most impressive and terest the pupils of the schools in hall, l a s t Saturday afternoon, ed, considering the amount of ad largely attended Easter service failed, in part, at least. gardening and if enough signify the s a m e b e i n g given by vertising given it, less than 100 ever held in the local church. A Now the Americans propose to an interest, an instructor will take atriotic women, headed by Mrs. few even said it was the best they make a drive that will be felt charge of and advise the pupils la y Thomas, there was a mass persons being in the audience. had ever witnessed anywhere. from Dilley to Berlin. Soldiers during school and vacation time meeting in the large K. of P hall, Young Man Called The occasion was an Easter-patri under arms are not going to be which was addressed by local and Death last Friday relieved the Schools in War Savings Campaign imported speakers. The meeting otic program and the unfurling of asked to take part in the great suffering* of Ernest Willis, aged In view of the fact that the was for the purpose of explaining ! 29, of the Thatcher district, who the new service flag, containing Patriotic Drive we are now talk Government has stated that ev to citizens in general, and women has for several years been a suf 40 stars. ing about. This is to be a drive ery man, woman and child in the in particular, the great need of be- ferer from tuberculosis. The church interior was beauti for us chaps who have not gone to nation must own at least $20.00; jng pr0m t in taking up the third Deceased was born in Michigan fully decorated in the colors and war. Some of us are not fit to go worth of Thrift or War Stampj Liberty I and issue, whieh goes on March 15th, 1888, and came to with break fern, Oregon Grape to war; others are too timid or by December 31, and with a n 1 sale Saturday of this week. Oregon 16 years ago. He is sur and flowers of various kinds. T o eagerness to do their part in the Mrs. Thomas presided and an vived by a widow and two small the right of the pulpit wa§ sta think we are too busy. Hut no world war, the pupils of the For nouncer! the purpose of the meet children, a father and mother, tioned a large white cross covered body need be too busy or too est Grove schools are making a ing, after which Thos. E. Isaacs three sisters and one brother, all with lilies, which added to the timid to take part in the drive hou«e to house canvas for the sale led t h e audience i n singing living in this county except two beauty and impressiveness of the which starts in Washington county of Thrift and War Savings Stamps. “ America." of the sisters. Mr. Willis was a program. The different schools have been next Monday. It is a drive for very ambitious young man before Quoting President Wilson’s say- organized into squads of four The large audience listened at his illness sapped his strength, D O LLA R S. The timid can send pupils in each squad, the higti 1*"« ^ . ‘ America exists to save tentively to the entire two hour their dollars out to fight. Dollars school having two such squads ithe world, Rev. Patten declared was a kind and affectionate hus program. T h e special Easter are cold, unfeeling and unafraid, while the Central school and the that we should not take credit for band and father and a good music and the sermon, “ Christ's making sacrifices when purchas neighbor. Victory for the W orld" were en but they ran do a work that noth Lincoln school each have one Fnneral services were held at ing bonds, for the Liberty Bonds ing else can do— they can buy souad. The town has been divid were a safe investment, paying a 1 he late home at 2:30 Sunday af joyed by all. ed into quarters and each squad The patriotic part of the pro ternoon, Rev. J. M. Barber of bread, bullet*, blankets and other has been assigned a definite quar good rate of interest and assisting gram from eleven to twelve o’clock ficiating. and the remains were in in saving the world. He explained things necessary for the boys who ter as its field of endeavor. was mo>t impressive. The aud terred in Forest View cemetery. are neither too timid nor too busy The student selling the greatest that most banks would be glad to ience stood at attention and sang sell bonds on easy payments and to fight the cruel enemy of Lib number of stamps will be award “ Star Spangled Banner,” while Wife and Mother Called ed a War Savings Stamp. The there were few people in Forest erty and Justice. Mrs. John T . Martin passed *he B? r Scouts raised the Amer- second highest will receive eight Grove too poor to buy at least away at a Portland Hospital Sat- lcan an(* then ail saluted The men who have charge of If he could find a Thrift Stamps, while the third one $50 bond. “ Old Glory.” After a brief prayer urday morning, March 30th, lack buyer for his automobile, he the drive for Forest Grove met prize is four Thrift Stamps. would gladly invest the proceeds j ing just one day of being 44 years Sadie McCoy sang very sweetly yesterday and made partial plans “ Keep the Home Fires Burning." A L L VO TERS in Liberty Bonds, which he con i of age. for the drive. They are under the Following this there were three Myra LaCroy was born March South of First Avenue and sidered a better investment than leadership of W. J. McCready, a West of the center of Third Street a pleasure car. 31. 1874, near Oregon City, and short addresses: “ Preparation” by G. E. Richards; “ Sacrifice” by B. go-get 'em hustler, and he has se must R E G IS T E R . The line be After a vocal solo by Mr. Isaacs, lived all her life in the state of J. Simpson and “ V ictory" by H lected as team captains H. E. In- tween Southeast and Southwest B. J. Simpson gave a very force her birth except a few years spent F. Wilson. E a c h speaker did low, Thomas Isaacs, W. P. Dyke. Forest Grove Precincts has been ful address on “ Loyalty,” giving in Clickatat county, Washington. splendidly and kept within their changed from First Street to a few definitions of his conception On Feb. 2d, 1898, she was united Mrs. Brady Chowning and W. C. Hazel Stockman fol in marriage with John T . Martin. time limit Third Street. The voters in these Benfer. Each of these captains is two blocks of streets have here of loyalty. “ Loyalty means giv Early in life deceased became lowed with that very appropriate ing up somethirp for a principle," to select five assistants and then tofore been in Southeast and are the Speaker declared. He gave iden’ ified with the Primitive Bap-1 s° l.°‘ ‘ ‘Th,? Little Blue Star in the Window." A t this juncture her start out Monday morning and now in Southwest Forest Grove. the people of Washington county tist church and she has always brother Guy, who has been called visit every man and woman sus R E G IS T E R with Manche I.ang- credit for being liberal in two Lib ; led a wholesome Christian life, to the Colors, had to leave in or ley before April 16th if you wish erty Bond drives, in two Y . M . i For the past twelve years the pected of being patriotic enough to vote at the Primary Election. C. A. drives and other patriotic family has lived near Dilley.where der to catch his train. to lend Uncle Sam $50 or more, The audience w a s greatly the bereft husband and seven A vacant house, corner of Sec movements. Another phase of touched by the response on be- with a Liberty Bond, bearing 4J* children mourn the loss of a faith- ond avenue, south, and Second loyalty was in the conservation of ful wife and devoted mother. The half of the parents by Mrs. A. B. per cent in erest, as security. street, owned by John Wegner, foods. Too many people did not The captains and their teams caught fire in a mysterious man take the conservation propaganda youngest child is a boy of two Todd and Mr. Chas. Aydelott. months. The minister next read the Roll will meet around a banquet board ner between 1 and 2 o’clock this seriously, but it was time they Funeral services were held at Honor of 40 names (three hav- at the Hotel I.aughlin Saturday morning a n d w a s practically did so, for the people of France Dilley at 10 o’clock Monday in? ^een added since) and made a wrecked by flames and water. were but three days ahead of evening, at 6:30 and complete the The house being repaired for oc hunger and if America failed to morning, Rev. John Ebert of this £ne* presentation address in which Interment w as: g a v e six reasons why the plans for the drive. These work cupancy by the Wegner family, keep food coming, the French city officiating. - ---- churches should have a service ers are expected to be patriotic was insured for $1.000 in favor soldiers might have to cease fight in the Hill cemetery. flag. He then asked that all stand enough to pay for their own of George Keine of Hillsboro, ing and thus throw additional and sing “ America." The first Juncker-Gilpin meals, give up their time for sev who had an equity therein. The burdens on the American soldiers. R ev. R. L. Putnam Sunday stanza was sung by the old soldiers Miss Goldie Peterson of Port eral days (three days should suf fire department was called too late ^ e ir w*ves> the second by the united in marriage two of the I to do much good. land favored the audience with fice) and then buy bonds them j most popular young people of the young people, the third by the two excellent vocal solos, after Thatcher district — Miss Myrtle relatives and fourth by the whole selves. which John A. Lee of Portland, ! L. Gilpin and Mr. Louis Juncker, audience. Then while the chorus Washington county is to buy who spent fifteen years of his the marriage taking place at the sang, ‘ God save our splendid boyhood in Forest Grove and $278,000 worth of bonds and For Christian parsonage. The bride men" etc., two sailor boys dressed graduated from Pacific University, est Grove and vicinity are expect is the daughter of M r. and Mrs. _ in T uniform, , . Claude Davis and gave a stirring address on the L. C. Gilpin and is a most charm- Walter Watkins, came forward, ed to take $80,000 of the amount. Huns and their cruel philosophy ing young lady, well educated and saluted the American flag and Be ready when Uncle Sam’s LAH CK part o f the of “ Might makes right.” He de endowed with a full quota of slowly unveiled the beautiful ser world Is comlnft to solicitors call on you. And re clared the subject too grim for vice flag which was stationed be the position that flights of oratory and then pro common sense. The groom has neath the large American flag member that they are w orking1 Belgium Is In ; com lived in the Thatcher district j ceeded to show just how devilish for you just as much as for any- ing to the stage about ten years and all one h^ars j raised at the opening of the ser is the foe America and her allies where the pri body else. of him is to his credit. Mr. and vice. While all were standing at have undertaken to put in her mary and Im Mrs. Juncker will reside on a attention, t h e minister, with All bonds bought through the place. He declared if the work of portant thing finger pointing at the unveiled farm in the Thatcher district. local banks will be credited to I n l i f e Is Washington and his brave Con flag, very dramatically recited: enough f o o d tinentals and of Lincoln and his Forest Grove. Dr. Kauffman Called ‘‘Border of red for courage high— to keep alive. equally brave Yanks was to stand, Courage staunch and true. Surgeon General Gorgas h as Pood has now Hurley Sells Out the Huns must be vanquished, taken a domi wired Dr. H. R. Kauffman of this With a field o f white for purity, for should Germany and her allies The Express learns, officially, nant position In the war. The Where the name stars glimmer blue— city to report for duty as a sur win the war, liberty would vanish American people must prepare that A. E. Scott has purchased geon by a week from next Mon Blue for the man who lives and serves from the earth. Kaiser Wilhelm themselves to sacrifice far more the interest of his late partner, J. Where echo the fierce war cries. day. Dr. Kauffman offered his than was at first thought neces is the most unprincipled, most P Hurley, in the News-Times, services several months ago and But gold for the one who gives his life sary. greedy and cruel monarch on and that the N .-T will make an And dies as a hero dies. The cold facta a r e : Prance, God’s footstool and he must be this is an acceptance, but he has nouncement of that fact in its is not been told where to report. Italy and England have Just “ Border of red for courage high— made harmless. Defeat for Ger sue of today. Whether Mr. Hur enough food to keep them going Courage that’s staunch and true. man militarism would be the best The operetta, “ Polished Peb ley will leave this community the ten or twelve week«. When With a field of white for purity, thing that could happen for the bles,” at the Star Theater to writer did not learn, nor does he America's food shipments stop— Where the name-stars glimmer blue— German people in general, the morrow and Saturday nights is the allied nations begin consum care. Hurley yesterday resigned God grant that our men come home speaker declared. The masses of ing Into this slender store and going t o b e worth attending. as chairman of the Liberty Loan again begin a swift march Into actual Germany have been taught that Seats at Littler’s. committee and W . J. McCready, Out of w ar’s furious hold; fnmlne conditions— which would the state can do no wrong— that a very able man, was elected in God grant that the blue stars on the mean defeat In short order. There will be a Japanese re what is done by the governing his stead. And the “ Squatter" Europe then must live on flag ception at the Congregational class must be right. Until that still squats. America's surplus. Your saving Change not to the stars o f gold!” notion is knocked out of the Ger parsonage Friday, April 5th, 3 to Increases our avnllnhle stocks 5:30 p. m., for the benefit of the Nix on the Cherman man mind by the troops of the Ray J a c k s o n immediately Just thnt much and nctually feeds French and Belgian relief fund. stepped forward and began sing allies, there is no hope of peace, some person In the countries with The directors of Forest Grove except through surrender to the A silver offering will be taken and ing “ When the BoysCome Hom e;" which we are associated In our (N o. 15) school district, at a meet the public is cordially invited. war against the Central Powers. Hun way of thinking. then all joined in singing, “ Praise ing held Tuesday evening, decided Our surplus wheat has already God from whom all blessings Those of us who are not fight that during the period of the war Fred Everest, republican can been shipped to the allies. ing on European soil must do our didate for county recorder, visited flow," etc., and the minister pro the teaching of German in the U. S. PO O D A D M IN IS T R A T IO N fighting at home— by furnishing Artisan lodge in this city Tuesday nounced the benediction, high school should cease. This is the funds to purchase arms, mu night. following an example set by thous- —Contributed. K Food Will Win the W ar