The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 28, 1918, Image 9

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    Supplement to Forest Grove Express
Vol 3
Forest Grove, Ore., Thursday, March 28, 1918.
No. 12
Con Caples of Portland had
business in this city Tuesday.
Thursday a f t e r n o o n
Farmers, get your blue stone
Albert Ahlgren has accepted a Sprague, who is engaged in Y. M.
at McNutt’s.
position as auto salesman with C. A. work at Vancouver Bar­
H. G . King left Tuesday on a Wiles & Sohler, Chevrolet dis­ racks, spoke to the Student Body.
business trip to Wren, near Cor­ tributers.
| Mr. Sprague told his experiences
Buy a Hardemen Hat, “ Better in his work in a very interesting
Mack Cat Hosiery for men, Hats for Men.’ ’ We carry over manner, and his talk will be re-
women and children at A. G. fifty different styles. A. G. Hoff­ I membered by the students for a
long time.
Hoffman & Co.
man & Co.
On Friday afternoon the Travel
Dr. Strickland of Oregon City
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. May and Club presented a play before the
visited his family in this city Sun­ little son arrived Saturday from
assembly. It was entitled “ An
Pasco, Wash., for a visit with the Economical Boomerang,” and was
Blue Andalusian eggs for hatch Good and Morris families.
decidedly humorous. Lucile West,
ing. lf> for *1 00.
I. W. Hur­
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Via of Cas­ Victor Bump, Arlington Marsh,
ston, Route 1.
cade Ix>cks visited the former’s Richard Huson and Cecile Stocker
George G . Hancock, real es­ mother, Mrs W. I*. Via. and other all did excellent work, and fully
tate, farm loans and fire insur­ relatives in this city over Sunday. justified the work and time which
ance, new Anderson block. 50
Smith’s furniture store is the was spent in coaching by Mr.
We can handle acute, as well as home of the Hoosier Kitchen ! Bump and Miss Friendly.
eh'onic, c a s e s . I)r. Darland, Cabinet. Come in a n d learn
Friday evening the basket ball
Chiropractor and Natureopath.
what a food and labor-saver the team played the Hillsboro team
11 I in the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium at
Ask I .id yard, the shoemaker, Hoosier is.
Portland A number of ‘rooters”
what Dr. Darland, the Chiro­
Miss Ruth Austin, who has ap-
the team and cheered
practor and Natureopath, did for j plied for a position in the war de-
victory. This game
Ipartment. is doing typing for At­ was played to decide the cham-
Our new Spring Suits for men torney L. M. Graham while await-
! pionship of Washington county,
have arrived and you will be her assignment.
i which goes to the Forest Grove
pleased with them. John Ande--
ren come to the cafeteria lunch-
Tuesday afternoon Professor
A CHEVROLET reflects fav­ I eon, served at noon at K of P. j Gregory of tne University of Ore­
orably on the good judgment of ; Hall, Forest Grove, Saturday, gon addressed the students on the
its owner. Will*» & Sohler, Dis­ March 30th. “ Good Eats.”
advantages of a college education.
He told a number of stories in
Mr. a n d Mr s .
Orville H.
A dandy new line of Spring Scheetz and baby are expected such a way that, although they
ties for men and boys just re­ out from Portland to spend were thoroughly appreciated by
ceived a t J o h n
Anderson’s Easter with the former's parents, everyone, they served to carry his
point home in a most convincing
Come and see.
11-tf I Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Scheetz
Congoleum Rugs in all sizes at
reasonable prices at Smith’s fur­
Liberty Ginger Bread
niture store. No trouble to show ' accessible, making it easy to care
recipe for ginger
for. This care, which every piece
them to you.
by Mrs.
of machinery should have, yill
We sell the “ Out o ’ Sight" ! make the car good for years, and Humphreys, who makes excellent
mole trap, recommended by the insure a high value at any time. bread from it:
1 cup cooking molasses
O. A. C. mole expert. Come in : Wiles & Solder, Distributors.
cup brown sugar
and see how it works Gordon &
L o y a l M. Graham, Forest
1 cup sweet milk
Grove’s legislative candidate, has
1 cup oat (Hour
Ladies, don’t let the fear of been so crippled with lumbago
1 cup barley meal
high prices keep you from exam­ and rheumatism for the past six
1 cup white flour
ining our spring hats. We have weeks that he has not done much
2 tablespoons shortening
them at very reasonable prices. “ running,” either for office or any­
} 2 teaspoon salt
Mrs. A n n a E. Dixon, Main thing else, but he is steadily im­
} 2 teaspoon soda
proving and expects to be among
3 teaspoons baking powder
Mrs. G. H. Baldwin, who was the leaders in the race.
1 teaspoon ginger
operated on at the Good Samari­
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Through the courtesy of O. M .
tan hospital, Portland, on March Sanford, the editor of the Express
Bake 45 minutes in slow oven;
15th, is getting along famously has read with interest a copy of quantities given make big 2-pound
and, with good luck, will be home “ The Stars and Stripes,” a mod­ loaf.
in another week.
ern 8-page newspaper published
You should find out why the
The Red Cross ladies have in France by the American En­ CHEVROLET is one of the most
more goods for their “ Superfluity gineers. The paper was sent by popular c a r s in the country.
Sale” of next Saturday than they Floyd Tucker, who writes Mr. There are good reasons, indeed,
had two weeks ago. Many of the Sanford that he has signed an ap­ why it is necessary to make up­
articles are new, just out of the plication to become an inhabitant ward of two hundred thousand
stores, and they will go at reason­ of a “ tank,” so that he can get cars a year to meet the demand.
| closer to the front.
able prices I/)ok them over.
Wiles & Sohler, Distributers.