The Third Liberty Loan Pays 41/4 Interest Show your country’s enemies that those Americans not bear­ ing arms will FIGHT WITH THEIR HOLLARS to make the world safe for democracy. The First National Bank offers you its services free of charge in handling your subscription. Bring us your order and we’ll get you the bonds you want. Uncle Sam needs the help of every loyal son and daughter. The First National Bank of Forest Grove, Ore Safe Deposit Boxes for Kent A Strong Bank in a Good Tow n Directors— M. R. Johnson. President; Chris Peterson, Vice President; A. J. Demorest. Cashier; Allan Rice and J. E. Loomis. Job printing phone 321. C. E. Roy had business in Port­ land yesterday. Some very nifty Easter Cards just received at the Book Store. Mrs. Humphreys is this week demonstrating wheat substitutes at the Giltner store. For Side Select Burbank po­ tatoes; $1.00 per cwt. H. N. Robinson, Phone 0224. Our new Spring Suits for men have arrived and you will be pleased with them. JolnA ndei- son. Ladies Attention! Don’t forget the big patriotic rally at K of P. Hall, Forest Grove, next Saturday at 2:30 p. m. In the CHEVROLET you get quality plus the known quantity You purchase a certainty "The Product of Experience.” Wiles & Sohler, Distributers. Now is the time to get pre­ pared for the spring spraying. All fruit trees must be sprayed with Lime-Sulphur. Call in and let us explain why you should use S-W Dry Lime-Sulphur. Littler’s Pharmacy. Mr. and Mrs Otto Parsons, who were married in Portland just before last Christmas and left immediately to spend their honey­ moon in California arrived in this city last Sunday and are now at their Gales Creek farm home. The bride was Miss Elsie Ahlbeck and was a childhood playmate of Mr. Parsons in the old country Farmers, attention ^ The prices of Binder Twine have been settled by the Government; that is, the price the jobber shall charge the dealer. We wish to proteet all the farmers who want to take advantage of our offer. That is, we will take your order for twine at the following prices, to be paid for at the time of delivery. Our profit on twine is so small that we must refuse to give credit at the prices quoted. This offer will hold good until about Ma> 1st; not later, as our jobber will not agree to fill any order after that date. This is a serious condition, farmers. Get busy and buy your twine from some responsible dealer, so you may be sure of having it when you are ready to cut your grain. Our prices are as follows : 550 foot Twine - - 27c GOO feet Twine - - 28 \.c G50 feet Twine - - 30c After April 1st. the Hoffman store will open at 7:80 and close Mrs. C. E. Roy is enjoying a at 6:30, new time. visit from Mrs. Oliver Evans of Senator T. B. Handley of Tilla­ Newberg. mook visited his aunt, Mrs. Z. We always carry a nice large Large, in this city Friday. assortment of Crepe de Chene, Glenn Tumbleson, who has been Georgette Crepe and wash silk working in a barber shop at Sea­ waists. A. G. Hoffman & Co. side, has returned home sick. FOREST GROVE CORNELIUS Judge Bagiev last Tuesday ad­ Joe and Mamie Loomis, who journed circuit court in order that are attending the University of the jurors and witnesses might at Wa-hing ton, at Seattle, are home and carry a bigger stock. Thank­ Conservation Meeting tend to putting in their crops. Recital W as M eritorious for the Easter vacation. ing all my friends for th«*ir past The n e x t meeting of the The recital given Tuesday ev- Too late for publication in this patronage, I desire to invite them T h e CHEVROLET c a r is issue, the Express received the made with extreme care. The car en'n'-i by the pupils of the P. I’, Woman’s C l u b ‘‘Conservation to visit me at my new stand, Washington county cow - testers always make a good impression. C onservatory of Music was of a Committee” will be held at Ding- which will be kept open during i high order and speaks well for the ley hall at 3 o’clock next Monday the noon hour. report. Same will be published Wiles & Sohler, Distributers. next week. Respectfully, Attorney W. P. Dyke made a instruction given at the Conser­ afternoon, with discussions on vatory. Those taking part were the subjects of “Canning Vege­ M r s . B l a n c h e R ic h a r d s . Steel range, heating stove, two business trip to St. Helens Satur- Di-he.s” iron beds, with mattresses, two day in regard to settling up the Margaret Morgan, Katherine tables,” “ Economical Labor-Saving Devices” ” Mr. and Mrs. J T. Hay of - Saving Devices 8x12 rugs and 8 rods of 5 foot estate of the late W. H. Ho-kin. Bratzel, I,ela Barnum. Gertrude and “ "Labor I’orler, Edith Moor ft, Gladys is welcome. Seattle, the latter a daughter of Everybody i- chichen wire for sale cheap. In- W. J. McCready has spent sev- Clarke, Mabel Ra-musen, Helen j Mr. and Mrs. John T. Fletcher, quire at the Book Store. 11 eral days this week at Portland, Brunner, Dulcina Brown. Bessie Bring the page of patriotic visited the parental home in this Misses Doris Ma c e . Grace adjusting the income tax of the Smith, Beth Crandall, Eleanor songs clipped from last Sunday’s city Monday and, in the after- Zerba and Donna Mack have 1 lumber companies in which he is Peterson and Russell Beals ¡Oregonian and come prepared to noon, accompanied by Father and been nominated as candidates for interested _. , , sing th< in at the big patriotic M other Fletcher, went to the The CHEVROLET is built for Iime lhant*es Sunday .Morning 1 rally given at K. of P. Hall, For- home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter the election of a May Queen by the students of P. U. next Thurs the man who likes to fee! proud On page 4 of this issue is an I est Grove, Saturday, March 30th. Sargent, at Gale< Creek, to spend of his purchase without paying article advising people to set fheir 1 2:80 p. rn. Bring your best voice thi night. On Tuesday Mr. and day. for it. Wiles & Soh clocks ahead Sunday night, buf, w th you. Mrs. Hay resumed their journey The CHEVROLET standard excessively ler, Distributers. home, having been on a visit to since the railroads change time on of construction insures long life to Buy a pair of Utz & Dunn's Southern California for their Sunday morning, it would be best A. Baldwin will have his-ec- an automobile, for great care has dress shoes to go with your Fasti r in the ond-hand store moved been taken in the design. ...................... , , . _ to , his for everybody to change their gown and he ■-ure of style and health. selection of material, and in the new location, west o, the Broder- clocks before retiring Saturday i proper fit A. G Hoffman & Go E. U. ( ’ate, who has under­ construction of the car. Wiles & sen Pal[>t shop, on First avenue, night. taken the job of supplying every Sohler, Distributers. south, by the first of next week. To the Public worth-while resident of Columbia Notice of S heriffs Sale Francis A. Porter, who is called During the first part of next rour],v with a Chevrolet ear, with Notice is hereby given that by virtue Sunday night a crowd of loyal to report at Hillsboro tomorrow , , . i r headquarters at Rainier, came of an execution, judgment order, de- Tillamook citizens took two men to join ten other m n in a trip to week I Will move my stock of home Monday to move his family t ■ , , . -, e and or of Bale issued out of and into custody and fo’ced them to of the rircuit court of waists, .-¡arts, ribbons and fancy to Hood River, where Mrs Cate kiss the American flag. One of Camp Lewis, visited his mother, un(Jtr the brother and S i s t e r in this City the Washington County. Oregon, to me goods to the room west of the and the children* will look after the men was J. B. Delsman, trav­ of the week. upMl Star I heater, where I will have, their fruit farm the coming sum- eling for a correspondence school, more room to display my goods fm.r and a former resident of Hills­ Claude Davis has been dis- a judgment rendered Hiid entered in boro. The other was John Plask- charged from the navy because said court on March 22, 1918, in favor er, Tillamook restaurant owner. of some slight physical defect and of .J. C. Kuratli, plaintiff, and against Both had made remarks not com­ visited friends in this city over Richard Baldra and Sarah J. Baldra. plimentary to the United States Sunday, leaving Monday for New defendants, for the sum of $700.00 with berg to visit his folks. interest at the rate o f 7 per cent per government. NOTES AND PERSONALS r y GOFF BROS. - SCHULTZ’S Ï88g STORE DON’T TAKE A CHANCE higher. tern. on getting your Clothes late in the season. If you need clothes, don’t hold off—get them NOW. Woolens are bound to go Come in and talk it over. We’ll reserve your pat- Suits, $17.50 up You’ll need EASTER FIX IN’S—Neckties, Collars, Hosiery, Hats, Shoes, Shirts, with soft cuffs, laundered cuffs, mili­ tary collar and flat collar; Underwear, etc. C l? PHV JfcV PH i . E j . lVU I VvU. FOREST GROVE annum from January 21, 1917, and $75.01) attorney's fees and the costs and disbursements herein taxed at $19.01 and the costs of and upon said writ and commanding me to make sale of the following described real prop­ erty, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the north side of Block 11, Simmon’s Addition to the Town (now city) of Hillsboro, Ore­ gon, said point being 100 feet east of the northwest corner of said Block; running thence east on the north line of -aid block, 100 feet to the center of the north side line of said block; thence south parallel with the west line of said block, 1*0 feet to the center of said Block 11; thence west parallel with the north line o f said Block, 100 feet; thence north 180 feet to the place of beginning, being Lot 4 and the east half of Lot 5. said Block 11; I will, on Saturday, April 27, 191H, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the south door of the Court House in Hillsboro, Ore­ gon, sell at public auction (subject to redemption) to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and in­ terest which the within named de- ' fendants, and each of them had on January 16, 1911, the date o f the mortgage herein foreclosed, or since said date had in and to the above de­ scribed property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment or­ der and decree, interest, costs and a c­ cruing costs. Dated this March 28, 1918. J. C. APPLEGATE, Sheriff of Washington County, Ore. . H, T. BAG LEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. 12-5t Between , King and Caples JEWELER OPTICIAN and Co-Operates with the U. S. “ Food Man”—Hoover (U. S. Food Administration License No. G .'14147) yNLY TV v e _u ^ ___ yp v ■PUZZLc-riNU TH E SLA Q 'FR A New Ruling We have been informed by the Food Adminis­ tration that when a customer Guys 100 lbs. of Potatoes with 41) lbs. of white flour, ho will be required to buy only 25 pounds of other substitutes. We have the potatoes and other substitutes, Rhone (MSI M. J. Abbott Personal Attention Abbott building Forest Grove