The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 28, 1918, Image 6

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U riti# Hack iU C olor and Cuatre
w ith (ira n d m a ’a Suge
T ea Recipe.
verely. "Go sway from here Instantly rccoiumeud to your distinguished con­
and prepare me all the dinner In the sideration."
Common garden aage brewed Into a
There it reason to believe that Ember and the young woman, who
He was out of earshot, within the heavy tea. with sulphur aud alcohol
establishment, lest an evil fate over­
helped Whitaker after hit fight on the beach with the atrange tpy,
bungalow, before Whitaker could think added, will turn gray, streaked and
take you."
have some sort of plan concerning Whitaker which they don’t want
"It la written.” returned Sum Fat. up an Adequately Insolent retort. He faded hair beautifully dark and luiurl
him to understand. It it outlined and strong hints are given about
“ thnt 1 die after eight seven year» of could, however, do no less thnn smile ant. M liln g the Hago Tea and Sulphur
% it in this installment You will be puzzled by developments.
honorable life, from heart failure on Incredulously at the beautiful world— ! r *P** at homo, though, la troublesome.
Whitaker, you know, had married an innocent girl to save her
L ‘ °r
receiving long-deferred raise In wage»." so much, at least, he owed to Id- self- J “
use preparation Improved by the add I
% honor five >ears previously— at a time when he expected soon to die
lie shuffled off. chuckling.
, * ,
... ^
. , Hon of othor Ingredients coating about
% —and left the country. He returns, healthy and wealthy, and finds
"I fancied I saw the flutter o f a pet­
In the deepening twilight a mental 50 cents a large bottle, at drug stores.
* the wife, now a famous actress known as Sara Law, engaged to
ticoat through the trees, us I cauie up shadow ettme to cloud the brightness known as "W yeth 's 8»i;«i and Sulphur
% marry Drummond, his old partner. She disappears. Drummond sup­
of Whitaker's confident contentment. Compound,” thua avoiding a lot of
to the house.”
Neither good food nor good company muss.
While gray, faded hair la not sinful,
% and goes to the country home of his friend Martin Ember to recover.
nble to lultlgute tils sudden
% He surprises a mysterious spy at work, fights him, sprains an ankle
"Miss Flake I" There w as unfeigned seizure o f despondency, lie ant gloom­ wo all dostro to retain our youthful
% and is helped by a handsome girl living near Ember's place.
ing over his plslc and glass, the bur­ appearance and attrac venesa.
amazement In the echo.
darkening your hair with W y e t h ’s
“ Anything wonderful about that?” den o f Ids conversation yen, yea and Hag« and Hulphur Compound, no one
Inquired Whitaker, sh rply. "I fancied | nny, nay. Ills bust diagnosed his com­ can tell, because It does It ao naturally,
When Anally they came to the end from what she said that y»u two were plaint from beneath shrewd eyebrows.
Cent nued.
ao evenly. You Just dampen a sponge
of the d»K‘k. he paused, considering the rather good friends."
“ Willtaker,“ bs anlfl at length, “ 1 or soft brush with It and draw this
“ What I wished to convey was sim­ three-foot drop to the deck of the mo­
"Just surprised that’» all," said | pessimist has been defined us u dug through your hair, taking one small
ply my in*
■ >n o lo: cor to boar my tor boat “ I f It weren't low tide . .
strand at a time; by morning all gray
Ember, recovering. "You see, I didn’t that won't scratch."
masoullr.t \< _-!:t -.-.pen a women—ei­ he explained, crestfallen.
hairs have disappeared. After another
Well?” said the other sourly.
think the Flske place was open till»
ther you or any other woman."
“ But, si nee It Is low tide, you’ll have year.”
"Como on.'" B e 7 sport Have a good
o r two yauf hair becomes
•n.tch on
beautifully dark, glossy, soft and lux
A smile *v:it«-ndcd m »meiitarlly with to let me help you again," the girl re­
He stared suspiciously at Whitaker,
.. .. .
uriant and you appear years younger.
the frown, and triumphed brilliantly. torted, Jumping lightly but surely to
hut the luttcr was transparently In­
" ,ltnker Krlnncd reluctantly and W yeth’s Hage and Hulphur Compound
“ I mean to ask you." he said delib­ the cockpit
is a delightful toilet requisite
It la
erately. “ to whom am I Indebted— ?"
She turned and offered him n hand,
"She expressed an unaccountable
"W here’s my w ife?" he demanded not Intended for the cure, mitigation
To his consternation the smile van­ eyes dancing with gay malice.
or prevention o f dlaeose.— Adv.
desire to see you—told me to tell you.” abruptly.
ished. as t!: m^h a cloud had sailed be­
“ Like till men, you must turn to n
Such being the case, one
“How In blazes— I”
fore the sun. IVuht and something woman In the end—however brave your
"There you nre I" Whitaker com-
Advance by Retrogression.
would think she might’ve waited.”
strongly resembling Incredulity In­ strut."
“ She had lust started home when Plained. “ You make great pretensions.
WB* beln»t lmkuu to tho
formed her glance.
“ Oh, It’s that way, Is It? Thank you. you drove In." Whitaker explained with and yet you fall down flat on your fool-
• Qulck promotion.” he muttered to
“ Do you mean to say you don’t but I fuuey I can manage."
eluborate ease.
"She'd merely ruu Ish face three times In less than ns tilmweir. "I am already In charge of u
know?" she demanded after a moment.
And with the aid o f the clothes-prop over for a moment to Inquire ufter innuy hours. You don’t know who the squad of men.” — Boston Transcript
“ Surely Sir. Ember must have told he did manage to make the descent
my ankle, and couldn't wult. I say, Fiske* nre. you've lost track o f your
without her hand and without disaster. who are the Flakes, uuywny?”
pet my th, Drummond, nnd you don't H E LP IS OFFERED, and Is freely glv
“ Ember seemed to be laboring under
The girl started the engine nnd took
«11 to every nervous,
"Well . . . the I lakes are the know where I can find my wlfa.”
the misapprehension that the Flske the wheel as the boat swung droulng people who own the next cottage."
delicate woman, by
"M y dear man, I myself am begin­
place was without a tenant.”
Dr. Bierce's Favor­
away from the dock. Not until she
“ I know, hut— "
ning to doubt her existence.”
ite Prescription, lie
“ O h H e r tone was thoughtful. had once or twice advanced the spark
“ Oh. I never troubled to Inquire;
“ I don’t see why the dickens aha
member Ingredients
"Has he gone back to town?”
and made other minor adjustments have a hazy notion I'lske does some­ doesn’t go abend With those divorce
on label— In Tablet
“ Business called him. At least such did she return attention to her pusseu-
thing in Wall street.” Ember passed proceedings I" Whitaker remarked mo­
or Liquid form.
was the plausible excuse he advanced g*r.
smoothly over this flaw In his profes­ rosely.
In every "fem ale
for depriving himself of my exclusive
Then, In n cnsual voice, she In­ sional omniscience.
“ Ilow did you
“ I've met few men so eager for full
quired: “ You've been out o f the coun­ happen to meet her?”
larity, or weakness,
membership In tlio Allihony club.
” 1 see,” she nodded—“ I see . .
try for some time, I think you said?”
nnd In every ex­
'Oh. mere accident. Over on the What’s your hurry?”
“ But aren't you going to tell me?
“ Almost six years on the other side beach this morning.
hausted condition of
“ Oh, I don't know."
Which was
I slipped and
Or ought I to prove my human Intelli­ of the world— got back ouiy this
• ho female system, tho "Prescription”
hurt my ankle.
She— ah—happened largely truth onvenssrad “ I ’d like to neW r f ^ t V b ^ . f l t or c u ™ Æ n .
gence by assuming on logical grounds spring.”
along nnd brought me home lu her g it It over nnd done with.
¡down pains, Internal Inflammation ami
that you're Miss Fiske?"
“ What,” she asked, eyes averted, motor boat.”
ulceration, weak back, and all kindred
“ I f you please,” she murmured, her spying out the channel— “ what does
ailments are completely cured by It.
“ You haven't seen Drummond—or
Intent gaze seeking the distances of one do on the other side o f the world?”
Do you think that E m b ir
It's u marvelous remedy for nervous
the sea.
“This one knocked about, mostly, for
surprised and puzzled to learn
general debility. Insomnia, or In­
"Eh— what?"
Whitaker sat op.
“Then that's settled,” be pursued In his health's sake. “ I did drift Into a
ability to Sleep, Spasms, Convulsions
that Miss Flske lives next doorf
accents of satisfaction. “ You are Miss sort of business, nfter u bit— gold min­
or Kits.
Does he know where Sara Law
Fiske— Christian name at present un­ ing In u haphazard, happy-go-lucky how should I?"
Dr. Pierce’» Medical Adviser (1000
now le?
“ I merely wondered. You see, I . . .
pnges) will be sent free on receipt of
known to deponent. And we are neigh­ fashion—did pretty well ut It and
Well, to tell the truth, I took the llt>- 1 ^
60 one cent stamps to pay cost of
bors. Do you know, I think this a came home to astonish the natives.”
printing and mailing only.
(TO UK C O N T IN U E D .)
very decent sort o f a world after all?”
“ You find things— New York—disap­
Dr Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
“ And still” —she returned to the
Constipation causes many serious
“ I find it overpowering—nnd lonely.
charge— "you haven’t told me what you
It Is thoroughly curod by Dr.
mean to do, since you refuse my help.”
1 Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. One a lain-
Bungalows and Apartments of Today live: two or three are cathartic.— Adv.
“ I mean,” be asserted cheerfully, “ to at the dock; nnd nil the people I used
Have No Place for Orest Plo-
sit here until some kind-hearted person to know are either tnnrrled nnd devot­
Temperamental Science.
ture* of Past
fetches me u stick to serve as emergen­ ed to brats, or divorced and devoted
"D o electrical wires have to be made
cy staff. Then I shall make shift to to bridge; and my game has gone off
"T h e future o f nrt will bo In mty of well tempered metal?”
hobble to your motor boat and thank so badly in six years that I don’t be­
"I don’t know. They seem to get
scums, ns the future o f the dead li
you very kindly for ferrying me home.” long any more.”
Into mischief every time they're
She shook her head in dainty annoy­
crossed.” — Exchange.
The soft, warm wind
quotes George Moore In The Atlantic.
ance, then, light-footed, darted from deliciously.
“ As 1 have said, after the nrt o f th«
•>. _ _ ...
. . , ..
sight round the side o f the bathhouse. whipped strny strands of hair, like
.. . ,
Dr. Pierce s Pellets are best for liver,
temple, the cathedral, nnd the pnlaee, boWcta an(l stomach. One little Pellet
Presently she reappeared, dragging an cords o f gold, about her face. Her
came the nrt of the house, which wm for a laxative three for a cathurtic
eight-foot pole. He rose on one foot j eyelids were half lowered against the
the lust phase; for now the nrt o f th«
and tested the staff with his weight. ! Intolerable splendor of the day. The
Why Bald 80 Young?
house Is dead, since people no longer
“ ’Twill do,” he decided. “ And thank' waters of the hay, wind-blurred nnd
dnrk, seemed r. shield of sapphire fnsh-
live In bouses. They nro all moving Dandruff und dry scalp usually tho
you very much.”
Into bungalows, or, which Is the «am« cause and Cutlcura the remedy. Hub
But even with Its aid, his progress loned l.y nature solely to set off In
thing. Into upurtments— and In n bun­ the Ointment Into scnlp. Follow with
toward the boat necessarily consumed clear relief her ardent loveliness.
galow’ there Is no room for a rt W « hot shampoo o f f'utlcura Soup. For
a tedious time. It was Impossible to
have futile uttempts at art for the free »ample address, ‘‘Cutlcurn, Dept.
favor the Injured foot to nny great ex­ mainland shores were disclosing the
bungalow, as we sbnll have pretended X, Boston. At druggists nnd by until.
tent. He made little or no attempt to finer details o f their beauty, could
art for the Pullman car, for the motor, | Soap - T Ointment '-?> and W>.— Adv.
converse while In motion, so she had have wished the bay ten times us wide.
for the aeroplane. The great picture«
....... .....................
plenty of opportunity to make Up her
o f the past, having hung In houses fol
Hie Simple Request,
mind about him.
now prepared to answer any
If her eyes were a reliable Index,
not only because people nre moving
10,18 y ° u ,nay care to ask, said
The Mousetrap.
she found him at least interesting. At
. ,
. . ,
. ■ the lecturer,
Late In the afternoon o f the same
out o f bouses, but because new soc n
, „ „ , . ....
times their expression was enigmatic
, !
Any one barred? asked a man In
day. Ember, appearing suddenly In
lhl. audlence
beyond any reading.
Agnin they
front o f the bungalow, discovered
and making It Impossible to keep vain
"Certainly not” replied tho man on
seemed openly perplexed.
At all
able art works from one K«*n»-rntlon tc the platform.
times they were warily regardful. Once Whitaker sitting up In state; a com­
another. In England now three death
"Then Just wait a few minutes, will
she sighed quietly with a passing look fortable wicker chair supported his
duties will break up the greatest eetnt« you mister, till I run homo and get
of sadness of which he was wholly body and a canvas-seated camp stool
one of his feet; which last was dis­
In the kingdom. You any you still have l *“ lt four-year-old kid o f mine. He's
unaware. . . .
creetly veiled In a dripping hath towel.
houses In America und millionaire«
l'ar,l ones that I ’d like to
“ Odd—about that fellow," he ob­
with money enough to buy plcturesl |,ftvc ?ou a,lawer for mo.’ Detroit
served during a halt. “ I was sure tie
In white flannels and, by his seraphic He Rose on One Foot and Tested the All, but think of what they buy I It 1 Free Press.
was Drummond—until I saw— ”
smile nnd guileless expression, seemed
takes a lifetime to learn to recognize a
“ Drummond 1”
It takes Congress to settle a strike,
“ Friend o f mine . . . You don’t abnormally ut peace with his circum­ erty of camping on tils trull, while In good picture, and how can u man who but an unruly stomach is subdued by
has spent bis best years making a for­ Garfield Tea.— Adv.
hy nny chance know Drummond, do
Halting, Ember surveyed the spec­ town. But I couldn't find any truce of tune expect to know a masterpiece
tacle with mocking disfavor.
when be sees It? When I was In Purl«
“ I ’ve heard the name.”
“ Oh, I say!” Whitaker expostulated, forty years ago your rich Americans
A lle n ’ a l'uut-K^w-, t h . Anti«<ptlc |xm il.r. Male#-*
“ You must have. Supposed to have
tixh t or m-w «h o «« feel «a «y .
ita lie v «« Corns.
draw ofT his gantlets as he ascended touched by this evidence of disinterest­ were buying trash 1”
committed suicide— jumped off Wash­
Kuniona. Hot. Hwoli«n. Ti-mlnr, Arhituc K «rt. Solai
“ You persuade
the veranda steps nnd dropped Into ed thoughtfulness.
« v r r y whiara*. 26c.
fton’ t ar,-«pt any aulmlituta*
ington bridge a week before he was to
Sam p!« F It EE.
Aildrnaa. AtU-n S. O lm ata!. L *
another wicker chair.
“ What the yourself too much, old man. You set
Good Work of American Chemists.
marry Sara Law, the actress? . . .
Itoy. N . Y.
up an Inference and Idolize It ns an
deuce’s the matter with you?”
Prior to August, 1014, Ichthyol, no
I may ns well tell you— It’s no secret,
Why. you had tao asphaltic material employed as tin an­
“ Game leg, thanks.
Twisted my immortal truth.
although only a few people know It—
ankle again, this morning. Sum Fat going for a while. Only last night tiseptic medicament, was Imported
Ember saw Drummond, or thinks he
hns been doctoring It with Intense en­ there was a fellow skulking round from Europe. It Is derived from a
did, alive, In the flesh, n good half-hour
For fa t ntufT o f irood f|imlity"w«"wil| pay' m fo l­
thusiasm, horse liniment and chopped here, und I was just dippy enough, bituminous rock, filled with fossil fish, low*:
after the time o f his reported suicide.”
ice. By tomorrow morning I’ll be skip­ thanks to your Influence, to think lie that Is found In the Austrian Tyrol, OroHHorl pork. 20c.
“ How very curious!”
There was
ping like the silly old hills in the Scrip- resembled Drummond. But Ibis morn­ fit view o f the Inadequacy of the for­ Small, droaaod veal, M r.
nothing more than civil but perfunc­ lures.’’
veal up to too Iba., 12c
ing I got n good look at him, and lie's eign supply to meet the domestic de­ L III?
iv e rnontern. 22c.
tory interest In the comment. "Are
"Hope so. Well, you must’ve had a no more Drummond than you nr«.”
mand under present conditions, Amer­ DreflfMwl nmall troat*. 12c.
W e do not link commiMaion.
you ready to go on?”
Immediate pay-
pretty rotten stupid time of It, with
Ember sat up, eyes snapping, “ Who ica has come to depend on Its own re­ menL
And another time, when they were thnt storm.”
was he, then? Tell me about him — sources. Ho far ns known, there nr« F R A N K L. S M I T H M E A T
near the boat:
“ Oh, not at all. I really enjoyed It,” everything.”
In ibis country no ib-ponlts o f aaphnltlc
"E is titln s the llm-f T ru a t."
“ When do you expect Mr. Ember?” Whitaker protested.
Whitaker resignedly delivered him­ material of the peculiar type from 228 Alder St.,
asked the girl.
"Oh, If you forgive me for leaving self of the tale o f the m ale’s lies! ns which Ichthyol Is derived, but Araer-
"Tonight, probably."
you alone so much, we’ll call It square.” he still regarded It. When ha had route lean chemists have solve«] the problem
“ I shall be glad to see him,” said Ember lifted his voice: “ Sum FaL
to the lame roncltialon thereof, ICmber of supplying the domestic needs In thli
the girl In what Whitaker thought a ahoy 1”
rcgnrd, nnd favorably recommended Soothe the Irritation and jron relieve the
yawned nnd rose.
diatresa. Do both qnlckly ami effrrtlvely
curious tone. “ Please tell him, will
The Chinaman appeared In the door­
for Ichthyol, prepared from —by promptly oalne « dependable remedy—
“ What nre you going to do shout It?"
you? Don’t fo rg e t”
way, as suddenly and silently as If Whitaker Inquired with Irony.
domestic materials hy aynth«rtlc moth-
" I f that’s the way you feel about magically materialized by the sound of
"Wash nnd make myself fit to eat uds, are now available In th» market»
him, I shall be tempted to wire him his name.
food,” wns the response. ” 1 me? pots-
not to come.”
“ You’re a sulphur-colored wizard slbly think n little. It's nn exhilarat­
Envy oo man'» talent
“ Absurd 1” she laughed.
with pigeon-toed eyes," ssld Ember se­ ing exercise which I don't hesitate la
Ship Y our Produce
y»ur awn.