NOTES AND PERSONALS Dr. Lowe, Friday. Remember t h e R e d Cross Judge K. (). Stevenson had “ Superfluity Sale” in the Miller business in town Saturday. building next Saturday. Money to loan Valley Realty Leon Sills was in from the Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf Thatcher district Tuesday, trad­ Mr. and Mr«. Jim Nichols were ing with local merchants. shopping in town Saturday. We have on hand all idzes of drain tile for farm drainage. Let Warranty deed and mortgage u* quoit* y o u p r i c e s . Forest blanks for sale at this office. Grove Planing Mill Co. ii-tf Mr. and Mrs. Will Crabtree Claude Smith has so much work were in from their farm Saturday. on week days that he found it M r. and Mrs. George Mann of necessary to lay linoleum in a six- Gales Creek were shopping in room house south of Cornelius town Friday. last Sunday. N o other garden tool is such a Wilfred Rriggs, one of Uncle Sam’s sailor boys, visited his par­ labor saver as the “ Iron Age” I combined seeder and cultivator. ents at Dilley last week. See it at Gordon’s Hardware Mrs. W. C. Henfer spent Sun­ Store. 10-tf day and Monday visiting friends A. L Tumbleson has closed his and relatives at McMinnville. barber shop, in the Hames build­ Lime-Sulphur spray, d r y or ing, and is moving the fixture* to liquid, in any quantity, at Van- Wheeler, where he will continue Koughnet & Reder's drug store. his profession. Mrs. (!laude Smith and little Mrs. Blanche Richards has daughter spent Sunday with rela­ lea-ed the J N. Hoffman building, tives at Portland and Vancouver. west of the Star Theater, and M r. and Mrs. H. R. Bernard will move her fancy goods into are now comfortably domiciled in the -•amc some time next week. The work of layn laying the “ hot apartments over the First National stuff” on the Rex-Tigard road is wi-ll under way and it is expected H u g h Watson of Chehalis, that inside of 60 days there will Wash., visited the Claude Smith be a paved road from Newberg to family and other friends in this Portland. city Sunday. Walter W olf of this city is very Henry Hesacker Saturday >roud of a silver medal awarded brought to this city two porkers lim by the Southern Pacific for that weighed 1100 pounds and (eeping the local sub-station in brought 15c per i>ound. letter shape than any other on Mrs. J. L. VanKirk left Tues­ the division Mrs. W F. Johnson Saturday day for Seattle, where she will spend a few weeks visiting her accompanied her aunt. Mrs. Lucy Williams, to McMinnville, where sister, Mrs. Sadie Cummins. the latter will remain for a few M r. and Mrs. Bernard Ortman days. Mr s . Johnson returned and their two big boys, George Saturday night. and Clarence, were looking after Auctioneer J. W. Hughes Fri business in town Saturday. day sold for A. B. Clark and Wm. Mr. Hardy, traveling freight and [tassenger agent for the Ore­ Freeman seven head oi horses, gon Klectric, was visiting his which brought only moderate rices. They had 16 head for sale, company’s patrons in this city ut called the sale off after selling Friday. seven head. Buy your groceries, fish, veg­ R. C. Hill, who is working in etables and second-hand house­ the box factory of the Union Meat hold goods of the Kconomy store company, near Kenton, visited D o d g e J>ldg., cor. 3d street and Mrs. Hill over Sunday Mr. Hill Pacific avenue. 6-tf finds the work so light and pleas­ Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barker and ant that he says he’d rather work daughter visited relatives in Port­ than loaf. land and St. Johns Saturday and Sunday, taking in Vancouver bar­ Washington County Transfers racks while away. Mary Bisbee to W. H. Bagley, jr., Bank. e Uncle Sam’s Agents H. T. GILTNER Thrift Stamps and War Savings Certificates may be purchased from any of the following-named firms and individuals: Fruit« and Vegetable« in Season The Postoffice W. F. Schultz Co. Shearer & Son Caples & Co. VanKoughnet & Reder Ottice Shearer V I Fuqua G G Paterson Copeland & Mc- Cready O M Sanford H R Bernard G H Baldwin R P Nixon Chas Hines J J Wirtz W F Hartrampf Good Inveatmt C Staple and Fancy Groceries P H O N E 701 South Main Street - Forest Grove, Ore Making Fruit Boxes A t groat expense, we have in­ stalled a machine for making Fruit Boxes of all sizes and we would like to quote prices to box users. Forest Grove Planing Mill Co. 9-tf Edward, the ten-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. M . R. Johnson, ustained a broken nose last Fri­ day when a baseball thrown by a larger hoy struck him in the face. Edward is getting along nicely and is hoping his nose will come s'raight again. Executrix’ s Notice In the County Court o f the State of Oregon, for the County of Washing­ ton. Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been by the County Court o f the State o f Oregon, for the County o f Washington, duly apjiointed and confirmed Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of William HJ H uh kin. deceased, and has qualified as such. Now therefore, ail persons having claims against the estate of the said William H. Hoskin, deceased, are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned at the law office of W. P. Dyke, in Forest Grove, Oregon, together with the proper vouchers within six months from tne date o f this notice. Dated this 28th day of March. 1918. R A C H E L A N N HOSKIN, Executrix o f the L a s t Will and Testament o f William H. Hoskin, de­ ceased. W. P. D Y K E , Attorney for said estate. 12-5t Notice o f Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has filed in the County Court o f Washington County, Oregon, his final account as administrator o f the estate o f C. Frederick E. Braun, de­ ceased. and said Court has fixed Mon­ day, April 15. 1918, at 10 o’clock A. M. aa the time and the County Court room in Hillsboro, Oregon, the place for the hearing o f objections, i f any, to said final account and the settlement o f this I)r. Quentin Tucker has re­ 196.92 sc. in D. L. C.s o f G. W. Fearn- estate. turned, after spending two months ( xide, David Allen and Marvel M. Watts. Dated this March 14. 1918. in study at San Francisco and, 117,000. E. I. K U R A T L I, Administrator. I/)s Angeles, and has resumed hisj W. H. Begley, et ux to Cove OakB H. T. B AG LE Y, Attorney. company, same description, $1.00. First pub. Mar. 14; last, Apr. 11. practice of medicine. 11-tf O. F. Kelsey to J. D. Rode. Its 14, Joe A. Wiles would like to SUMMONS write your insurance. Will give 15, blk 2, Hall Add to Forest Grove, In the Circuit Court o f the State o f $ 10 . you service that will be to your Oregon for Washington County. W. J. Good et al to J. N. Munkers, advantage. West side Main St„ George Wise, Plaintiff, It 8, blk 1, Valley View add, Forest north of Tucker’s garage. vs. Grove, $10. Rememlier, friends, you must W. J. Good to O. P. Kelsey, It. 5, Henry Staveley Waudby and pay in advance to get the Express West Park Add, Forest Grove, $10. Maria Waudby, Defendants. at one dollar per year. The reg­ 0. C. Minkley et vir to Wm. H. To Henry Staveley Waudby and Maria Waudby, Defendants; ular price is $1 50. We pay you Crosley, 284 ac. in Naylor D. L. C., 50c to collect from yourself. IN T H E N A M E OF T H E S T A T E $ 1 . 000 . OF OREGON: You, and each o f you. John Vanderzanden et ux to Peter J. S. W. Dry Lime Sulphur is act- nally Lime and Sulphur not Sol- Vanderzanden, E 1-2 SE 1-4 Sec. 30. are hereby required to appear and nble Sulphur. There is only one 2 N. 3, and 60.70 ac. adjoining, $10,500. ; answer the complaint filed against you Samuel G. Brown to Minnie Nelson. ; in the above entitled court and suit on dry Lime-Sulphur on the market; 100x50 feet in It. 4, blk. 3. Curtis add. or before the last day o f the time pre­ that is Sherwin-W’illiams. Sold scribed in the order for publication o f to Forest Grove, $900. by Littler’s Pharmacy. V. Domon to H. L. H azlitt et ux., this summons, to-wit,—On or before Roy Mayea, who is employed 1 ac. in H. Buxton D. L. C., $10. the expiration o f six weeks next from in a Vancouver shipyard, visit» d V. Domon to Peter Naismith et ux.; and after the date of the first publica­ relatives in th's city Friday. He¡ 15 ac. in H. Buxton D. L. C., $10. tion o f this summons, viz., the 28th is making in the neighborhood of $0 per day and was recently given a premium of $25 for neatness of work performed. This summons is served upon you by publication by order o f the Hon. Geo. R. Bagley, Judge o f the above en­ titled court, which order was made at Hillsboro, Oregon, on the 25th day o f March, A. D. 1918. L. M. G R A H A M , Attorney for Plaintiff. Residing at Forest Grove, Oregon. First pub. Mar. 28; last May 9. Ask any agent for particulars. Schultz sells Forest Grove and Gold Crest creamery butter and Forest Grove and Holsum Victory and Liberty breads. It ’s up to the people to decide whether they want local or Portland bread and butter. _______________ (Advt.j Mrs. C. H. Hamilton of Los- tine, Ore , says she had rheuma­ tism fur 38 years and was help­ less most of the time. W’ent to Dr. Darland 59 days and has been able to do her own work ever since. Now 66 years old. Political Announcements AN N O U N C E M EN T To the Republicans o f Washington County: I hereby announce myself as a can­ didate for the nomination on the Re­ publican ticket for the office o f State Representative. I seek the nomination because I am willing to work, to work hard, and to work all the time to win this war for the free voice and rule o f the people of the world, to promote the best inter­ ests o f the State o f Oregon, and to keep the home fires burning brightly in Washington County. I seek the nomination because I have had experience in legislation, and be­ lieve I can give “ value received” for every e ffo rt expended in my behalf. I seek the franchise o f the people and, if chosen, I will serve them hon­ estly and economically, L O Y A L M. G R A H A M , A dvt) Forest Grove, Oregon. FRED A. EVEREST A t present Deputy Recorder R E P U B L IC A N C A N D ID A T E for Nomination for RECORDER OF C O N V E Y A N C E S Primary Election May 17, 1918. (Paid A dvt) He Gets Days cl Comfort out of a pouch of Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug Miss Carol Phillips arrived last! Friday from Nehalem fora week’s visit with Forest Grove friends and reports a storm Thursday night the other side the moun­ tains which Ijlew big trees across the railroad track, delaying traffic many hours Rufus Cheney has been pro­ moted to assistant cashier at the Forest Grove National Bank, (Maude Wagner t a k e s M r. Cheney’s place as bookkeeper and ¡ Miss Ireland has gone to Portland to fill a position in the First National bank. The Porter-Connolly company, grading contractors on the Gales Creek & Wilson River Railroad, have resumed work after a layofF of several months. The winter rains have washed out consider­ able of the work, but the con­ tractors expect to complete their job this summer day o f March, A. D. 1918, and if you fail so to appear a n d answer the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to- wit. That plaintiff have judgment against you for the sum o f $234.35 on note and mortgage with interest there­ on from March 23rd, 1918, at the rate o f eight per cent per annum as a first lien and for the foreclosure o f the mortgage upon the following described real estate securing said sum as a first cause o f suit; and fo r judgment against you for the sum o f $229.86 on not« and mortgage and for the sum of $16.83 for taxes with interest on both sums since March 23rd, 1918, at the rate o f eight per cent per annum, and for the foreclosure o f the mortgage upon the following described real es­ tate securing said sums as a second cause o f suit, and fo r coats and dis­ bursements and for attorney fees. That the mortgages described in plaintiff's complaint were executed by the defendants to Emma W. Cox and by said Emma W. Cox assigned to the plaintiff, thereby conveying the follow­ ing described real estate located in Washington County, Oregon, and de­ scribed as beginning at the northwest corner o f the southwest quarter o f the northeast quarter o f section 13, thence South along center line o f said section 13 160 rods, to the southwest corner o f the northwest quarter o f the southeast quarter o f section 13; thence East 20 rods; thence North 160 rods to the line on the south side o f the northwest quarter o f the northeast quarter o f section 13; thence West 20 rods to the place o f beginning, containing 20 acres o f land, more or less, all in Township one South o f Range 5, West Will. Mer. which mortgages were given by the defendants as follows: Jan. 29. 1914, for the sum of $200.00. recorded in book 71 o f the mortgage records o f Washington County, Ore­ gon, at page 6 thereof. May Uth, 1914, for the sum o f $200.00, recorded in book 71 o f said records at page 49 thereof. Plaintiff prays for a decree forclosing said mortgages, and that said real es­ tate be sold in the manner prescribed by law to satisfy said judgment, at­ torney fees and costs, and that the proceeds o f said sale be -applied to the payment o f the several sums found to be due plaintiff, and to the costs and disbursements o f said sale. That the defendants, and all persons claiming by, through or under them, or either o f them, be forever barred and pre­ cluded from any interest or title in or to said premises, and fo r such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. Firat N at’ l Bank Foreat Grova N a t’l Bank Goff Bros. A G Hoffman & Co. Chas Lit tier E F Burlingham Gordon & Gordon H T Giltner John Anderson M J Abbott C V B Russell C S McNutt Pac. Barber Shop Claude E Smith W C Benfer Brady Chowning M S Allen & Co. News-Times Office Real Gravely Plug is such good tobacco (just enough sweetening to fla v o r ), that a plug of Real Gravely lasts much lonccr than an ordinary plug, and gives the com­ fort and satisfaction of good tobacco. Give any man a chew o\ Real Gravely Plug, and he will tell you th a t’» the kind to send. Send the besll Ordinary plug i* false economy. It cost* let? per week to chew Real Gravely, because a small chew of it lasta a long while. DR. H. C. FORTNER Successor to DR. H. W. V O LLM E R O FFIC E . In First National Bank Building Telehones Residence 332 D. D. & M. B. BUMP Attorneys at Law If you smoke a pipe, slice Gravely with your knife a"i> a little to your smoking tobacco. It will give flavor—improve your smoke. SEND YOUR FRIEND IN THE U. S. SERVICE A POUCH OF GRAVELY D ealers all around hare carry it in 10c. pour he«. A 3c. stamp w ill put it into hia hands in any Train in g C am p or S ea­ port o f tha U. S. A . E ven “ over there” a 3c. «ta m p w ill talco it to him. Y ou r dealar w ill «upply en velop e and Siva you o ffi­ cial direction« how to address it. P. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO CO.. Danville. V r . Bring an ofhtrr nrrJn't proemi hit triti an h oU o f n e t a gooJ thing « a th m o f Ural Crmeipl The Patent Pomth keept it Fresh and Clean anti GooJ —It it mot Real Graoefy withoat this Protection Seal E sta b lish ed 1 8 3 1 Office 333 Loans and Real Estate D. D. BUMP, Residence Forest Grove. Phone 444 J M. B. BUMP, Residence Hillsboro Offices -H IL L S B O R O N. HOFFM AN Attorney A t Law Patent Office Business Solicited Forest Grove, - Oregon