is overlooked. This committee alao deals with Forestry matters. A Clip jfarrat Gmntr tExjirpfia ! ! erally little action by the Oregon member Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon. might have brought the state’s forest W. C. Renier, Editor and Publisher. reserve tim ber largely Into use for Entered as second-class m atter Jan. 12. 1916, at the nostotfice at Forest Grove, shipbuilding and airplane manufacture. Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 Nothin' doin'. From the Appropriations Committee Subscription Rates Oregon got a little "small change” for Paid in advance On Credit C rater I.ake Park, its two lish hatch­ $1.50 eries and its two life saving stations. .ea- $LM One year Six months M s S'" months IBooks like this committee hail declared .40 a moratorium on Oregon payments. Three Months * Three months Coast defenses? There is where we THURSDAY. .MARCH 28. 1918 do not shine. We still have one coast left. Fort Stevens, supple­ Scarcely a dav passes that we hour on the night of March 31st defense mented by two do n o t read of one or more schools This is to secure more daylight!, # forts „ , on the Washing- eliminating the teaching of the hours in which to speed up work.! super-drvadnaught ®f th?.Co!un. 'b,“‘. type A of single of the the vivi iiu*ii language If Germany There is no penalty for not obey German keeps on with her atrocities, the ing the law, except the penalty of '1,ur V,*rm.“ny '» «^lut to -borrow' LUMBER If you art* going to build a Silo, Garage, House, Barn or Chicken Coop, U*t us tell you the cost. We buy cheap anti we sell cheap. Our Mr. Copeland does the buying for all our yards, in­ cluding this one. Everything, like Doors, Hoofing, Mould­ ing, us well as all Lumber and Shingles, is bought in car lots. We get prices the man with but one yard cunnot get, and we are willing to pass this saving on to you. We want your business. Let us figure your bill. time is not far distant when a being an hour behind the rest of , *m Kustil* cou,tl *H the coast German conversation will be the the country. For instance, if you umbiM ._!!!“** basin oi th* Gateway to the Col- without «1 any time living signal for brickbats to get busy. fail to set your clock ahead you in danger itself. telling no secret, may he an hour 1; te whi n you for this situation I’m is as well known to Kansas farmers sell hides tojhe want to take a train; if you are a our enemies as to ourselves. packers for 9 cents a pound. The business man, your competitor (Copeland & McCready) feather into which the hide is will be doing business an hour River and Harbor'* Appropriations Phone 531 Forest Grove, Ore. manufactured is sold back to the ahead of ypu and if you have-an for this service, as well as for w ater­ ways in general, are handled by the farmers at So cents a pound. The appointment (to get married or Commerce Committee in the Senate. same farmers sell dressed hogs to buried' the thing may be over MARY ANI) HOPKKP per cent on if 1,000 for unmarried the butcher at 15 cents a pound. )Gng before you get to the ap How we have fared in that bill 1 have men. Their sons living in town buy it pointed place. Better set your already pointed out in a former artiele. Mary had a little lamb. The English income tax rate We got £150,000 out of twenty millions. it back at 50 cents. There are clock But the wool-grower* nay one hour when you We should have two millions. also increases more rapidly with That some innocent persons who won go to ahead every year a million lamba bed Sund >y night. W hat are our members on the Public the growth of the income than Of M ary’« go astray. der why the farmers are Hocking Lands Committees doing? We certainly OUTS, a $3 0(H) income being taxed into the Non-Partisan league.— THRONE HI NTING little lamba that Mary haa, Oregon Journal. Trouble; much trouble for those got a rotten deal on the Oregon & 14 per cent, $5.000 16 percent, These With aa white aa snow. Scandinavian countries California Land Grai.t Bill, and th a t’a $10,000 «¿0 per cent, and $15.000 Are torn fleece by doga, and wolvea, Portland has at least one ci’izen neutral per cent, while our correspond- The prey of every cayotea which had rather starve than join about all that'» been doing in that j 25 foe. who deserves a place in the Hall civilization ing taxes for married men are re­ And Mary'a lamba are not like those in the war against' committee of late, affecting Oregon. spectively of Fame, if he means what he say- German barbarism! two thirds of 1 per cent. The committee room has the air of a when he announces that he will Germany’s design is now clearly cem etery; bnt I sup|iose the clerks 11 .< per cent. 3* j**r cent and 5 Belonging to liiqieep; alone they’ll not come home not keep any of the profits of a make Finland a minor German draw their salaries as usual. |>er cent, and only slightly more If Or left grow up to be aheep. shipyard in which he is a stock­ to Irrigation question I dealt with for the unmarried, due to the monarchy. It is even announced,1 in The holder and vice president. This semi So Congress haa been asked to help my last article. Our representatives smaller amount exempted, the - authoratively, that Oscar, stood man’s name is Eric V. Houser the Kaiser’s rate being the same. The W est to save its aheep. a pair of trays. Montana son, has been walked pat off on with and he has two sons in the ser­ elected for the fifth throne, Including M ary's little lamba over twelve million and that Arizona seventeen. We got less than COVERNMKNT INSFRAN( E vice and he is the owner of the the Aland islands are to and And Ihnac of Miaa Bopeep. made Multnomah hotel. Long may he a second H ligoland, with be NEEDS NO COLLECTOR For on these little lambs de|iends position r,ve million- though we put in over ten. live and may his tribe increase and power to shoot up anything Die difference was in the kind of rep­ Soldiers, sadois, or their bene­ The wool for soldiers’ socks. until John Rockefeller and his coming ta t ion Montana and Arizona had. ficiaries under the soldiers and And if we would have wool enough rt'-‘,entat'ori tribe are benevolently assimilated. Sweden out of N o r w a y and i resen Indian affairs? We haven't even sailors’ insurance law need not We must conserve our flocks. E. M. Time in its flight is almost cer­ T h a t Germany meditates some hetta ab,# to appropriation» for im- « “ P 1^ attorneys or claim agents indi-! Provement *,h1 ne*'M new building» to collect the insurance, according tain to bring every one into their sort rtofa cleanup is plainly the largest -------................................... modern Indian school in 11° ,n Treasury Department. Department I G ; B- Abrahani of Gaston,while own rightful place. The standing irated by the sudden 1 and unani for the Northwest, Chemawa. Our Indian Circulars have lately been sent c.ulUnK w‘/ od at his home yester- of the Sioux savage of the early mous attack, by the German Affairs representation is "cultus. ” out by claim agents and loint- collecting their claims. Kauffman ays it will lay him up treaties made by the Sioux with toward the entente, "'t'lvs and Abraham, who at the beginning of the present The procedure for the present a- ; ^,r the civilized whites were kept.' But can you blame the king of| ment lion and collection of insurance 'n service as session. If the chance is offered, he but Kai>er Bill and his crowd j Prussia? When you’re in the 1 should work and vote to remedy the claims is simple. Blank) may be volunteer, *he will se'ective forego going to have broken all they ever mad- kinging business and have hung, iniquitous burden of taxation imposed secured from the Bureuu of War-1 for a fortnight. He is with civilized people. The Sioux on until a lot of sons have grown on the North and W est by the Kitchin Risk Insurance at Washington. sore alsiut his accident was not such a bad fellow after Up y0U have to go hunting for bill. The name of the person in service ?n< S‘D S that no one ne»d think all. He wanted only a^small part thrones, or you run great risk of I will speak of the Naval Affairs w ho w as killed o r in ju re d , an d he was trying of the earth, while the pre-ent your sons going hunting for your Committee, however. The Congress- th e relatio n sh ip w hich he bo re fo boro Argus. to sidestep. Hills­ day savage wants it all. own. History is loaded with in­ man who represents us on that com the person making the claim, Spraying Stone Fruits stances wherein eager sons didn’t m ittee is supposed to tie a "live one.” should be given. SET YOUY CLOCK wait until pa really wanted to But I've not noticed that he got us any Corvallis, Ore,, March 26.- M AHEAD SUNDAY quit. One of the big disappoint­ naval base appropriation for the mouth Brown rot of stone fruit*, Cali­ MOTC SolflllTS ( «lilt'd President Wilson has s’gned ments in the great Napoleon’s life- of the Columbia. T hat’s the thing he The Washington county draft fornia Peach Blight, causing fruit the bill, passed by both houses, was that he couldn’t find thrones should work on now, if he’s working board has called William J. Ruff, pot of peaches, other directing that all clocks in the enough to suit all his relatives — this year. We may seriously need that Henry M. Clemens, Wilbur L destructive pests and and many diseases United S ates be set ahead one Portland News. naval base if the scene of naval activ- Thomas, G u s Olson, Gerhard may all be greatly reduced by ities is transferred to the Pacific ocean j Classon, Jesse G. Cunningham, proper methods which are set F. C. HARLEY on account of the Russian situation. j Francis A Porter, Jacob Weil, forth in the new bu letin, Spray­ The Quick and the Dead By Mayor of Astoria By the way, this Congressman and | Guy VV S ockman, Joe Seder. ing Stone Fruits, just olT the press one of his colleagues were offered a j C* cil I) Bennett and Winfield at 0 A. C Washington, D. C.. March 25—1 estry. Appropriations, Coast Defenses, ; place on the River and Harbor Com- 1 Dill to appear at Hillsboro to- Of all the fruits, none are mote have been making a “ little journey,” Commerce, Indian Affairs, Irrigation of m ittee of the House, and both turned morrow for entrainment for Camp 'important in the present war as Elbert Hubbard used to call it, to Arid Lands, M anufacture], and Public it down,, though it is the most impor- i Lewis. This is the final quota o f' **mefgency than the stone fruits, that mammoth marble pile, the abode Lands (two members on last named.) tant committee, from Oregon’s stand- Washington county for the first! prunes and canned peaches and cherries form an important of the “ quick and the dead,” the It has membership on five other com -; point, in the list. Why did they do it? draft part of the food stores of the mittees, but, a s 'th e y are practically Ifthere is any voice coming from the National Capitol. Fight Grain Smuts nation anil the army abroad. I acknowledge obligations to Hon. “deadones,” it is unnecessary to name tombs, perhaps we shall have an an­ Alvan T. Fuller, Congressman from -them . In the House it has representa- , swer later. But it looks to me that a A new bulletin just ofi the press Massachusetts, for some of the inspi­ tives on Ways and Means, Naval A f­ very great opportunity to serve our at O. A. C. gives complete in­ VNalter VV’atkins, who enlisted ration for the excursion. Being presi­ fairs, Public Lands, and Irrigation of state was thrown a w a y by these formation as to best methods of in the navy as a fireman Nov. 1st treating seed grain for the elimi­ and was sent to Mare Island gentlemen. dent of the Packard Motor Car Co., of Arid Lands, all alive and kicking. Boston, and accustomed to doing busi­ With this bunch of picture cards in Robert Harper, aged 52 years, nation of smuts. Do your part, shortly thereafter, arrived in this for your copy of this bulletin c i t y Thursday evening for a ness according to the American method, their m itts, you'd fairly-.expect th e 1 residing at Gales Creek, was Tues­ send today. It is short and to the week's visit with his wife and Representative Fuller, having been an Oregon Congressional delegation to day declared insane, Dr. E. H. other relatives. He has so far official occupant of the south wing of win a few “ pots,” wouldn’t you? Let Smith examining Harper wras of point; free for the asking. confined his seamanship to trips the capitol for a few months, has made a us analyze the game. homicidal tendency, and hw has Now is the time to get pre­ between the Island and 'Frisco discovery. First, he discovered he was A Senator or Representative who imagined some time that the pared for the spring spraying. and is anxious to be assigned to a member of a committee (Expenditure fails to get his work in at committee neighbors for were against All fruit trees must l>e sprayed some ship. They must take good in the Interior Department) which, as meetings misses more than half h is , him, and he said plotting he was going he expressed it, had "no public busi­ chance to win, for it is there that bills get them before they got him to) with Lime-Sulphur. Call in and cate of the boys, however, as Walter has gained 20 pounds ness to justify it» existence,” and, are whipped into shape for considera- since enlisting. He mentions hav­ second, he discovered there were sixty j tion by the Senate and House. Sure, P L,Uk’r * ing seen Ralph Emerson, Will standing committees of the House, he has another chance in open session, have been coming on for a year I Heretofore, he has been of a quiet ' y ’ Lasham and G uy McNutt oc­ “ more than half of them as useless but he has discarded his best cards. di position. He is a son of David ; Job printing phone 821. casionally at Mare Island. u - and unnecessary” as the one mentioned. I t’s like drawing to a deuce. Main Street Lumber Yard -1 Fuller tendered his resignation as a | How did Oregon fare in the Military **a rPe r - ~ H ll sboro ArgUS. member of the committee named, in a Committee? In no way that you could AMERIC AN AND ENGLISH letter to Speaker Champ Clark, Feb. notice. Yet that committee considers INCOME TAXES every particle of army appropriation 25th. Incidentally, in this letter, he hand­ and army expenditures. An Oregon In comparison with the tax ed the House of Representatives a Senator is chairman of it. Yet Oregon levied in England on incomes our package o f h o t stuff. He raised a got no military post and no army can­ own income taxes are moderate, ruetion. The "dead” began to resur­ tonment. There is no better place on indeed rect and walk about in their grave the Pacific coast for a great military In England the tax on incomes clothes, talking incoherently. Fuller post than Ft. Stevens, O re, or, pass- °f $1,000 is 4,1-j per Cent, in ing the deal, Vancouver, Wash., near America nothing. laughed; so did all Washington. I immediately wondered, what about Portland. O r e g o n offered several In England the tax on incomes those “ quick” and "dead” committees, splendid sites for army cantonments; it ?f $1,600 is 6;!^ percent; in Amer- ica nothing for married men or and how fares it with our Oregon Con­ got zero. gressional delegation in this line-up? I In a special sense the Committee on heads of families, and 2 per cent made a hasty survey of the situation, Agriculture and Forestry looks after on $500 for an unmarried man with the following results: Oregon has the interest of the farm er, but I notice In England the tax On an in- P*** Cent; in memberships in the Senate on these that, while the farm ers of the South Come of $2,000 18 committees, all active and im portant were takan care of by this committee, America nothing for a married Military Affairs, Agriculture and For- \ the Oregon and W estern farm er gen- m an or head of a family, and 2 The Pacific Market Under the new management, this market has been stocked up with a tempting line of Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork Mutton and Poultry. . . . Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Hamburger, Wieners, etc. Also Bread, Cookies, Pickles, Spices, Fruits and Vegetables. Fresh Fish Tuesdays and Fridays Free Deliveries We pay Cash for Veal, 9 a. m. and 3 p m. Pork. Hides, Poultry Phone 03 01 and Eggs