New Houston Hotel N»«»h aiul Kvcirlt S«».. l'»rtl*»J. Ort. Kour Musk* from Union ItanoC Two block* from N .w rnaluffld. Mutar n and flrauro -f, Orwr 100 outaid* ram *. Kata* 71a to »»/It. » UH AS. C. HOPKINS, Manann. > ----- Hotel Rowland On» arid ality-flv« Kuoma. all Mo Uro ImprovetfMiitUi. fro« phontM on • v«ry fio r. Rotoo: 75 c 1.50 por day; $ 2.50 5.00 p«r weak. to $ $ to Oiipoalt« Courthounr. 2 block« fr.»m Pontofllrr, Fir«» Troof. H. I* and Or«aon KJaotric paaa door, A stern TR u c k A t t a c h m e n t FARM TOOLS READY Make Needed Repairs on Machin­ ery Before Spring Rush. ACTUAL LOSS CAN BE SAVED Something of War. "la the strenuous looking young wo­ man you showed m » a war bride?" "1 should say so. When »he and her husband g e l to arguing, »he throws the flret thing that comes to hand at him."— Exchange. To reetore a normal action to Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Dowels, take Oarfleld Tea, tho mild herb laxative. All druggist*.— Adv. A re Your Lungs Strong7 Do colds go down to your throat? Are your bronchial tubes easily affected? Above all, do colds settle on your chest? Then your lungs may not be as strong as you expected— consumption often follows. Good Physicians Everywhere Prescribe 7< Past H it Power, "Th ere la one thing no mechanical Farmers Who Walt Until Last Minute genius has ever succeeded In doing.” Before Exsmlning Implements "W hat In that?” Often Encounter Trouble. “ Utilising the hoarse power of a — Piece Ordera Early. cold.” — Exchange. i ° r strengthening delicate throats and weak lungs while its glycerine Garfield Tea la Nature’s laxative and soothes the tender linings and alleviates the cough. blood purifier; It overcome« constlpa Start on S poil's Emulsion t o d a y — It is Nature’s Much time, trouble and actual loss Uon and Its many attendant ailment«. "v n z f ^• wh * »*• «w naatl 00 %*** building-food without drugs or alcohol. In the operation of tho farm can he — Adv. The Imported Norwegian cod llr w o ll o*ed In S t o t t '» F.muhion I* now refined in saved If the Implement» und ma­ our own American laboratorle* w b itb guarantee* it free from im^urilie». "This shortage of sugar ought to be chine» are well eared for and needed Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J. 17-21 Over 1 0 0 0 Satisfied Owners in repair» made before the spring rush easily remedied.” "H ow so?" W ashington and O regon. o f work begin». Home farm er» wait "A ren ’t the whole people raising The most vital point o f a truck attach until It Is time to use the Implement» Cain aheut It?” — Exchange. rncnt in the bearing*. The Western in then haul them out of their winter tho only truck attachment made with a quarter». The man who follows this T wo-inrh Tim ber, Rearing. Other spe­ practice may find that Important Im­ cification* in (rortion. plements need repair», and although Why Huy an Inferior make? the season Is ripe for plowing or seed­ A . J. L O R M O R , Factory Distributor. ing, which should he done without «w>pl« n«*wi«d. C O W C L E A N E R utm Ilehnko Walker liu a in «i Coll#-*«*. Portland* plnrra scuson. obliged to seek relief two or three given quick relief. Keep it on band student« la pod tloni, Enroll *ny tmu . in.- Preserve All Machinery. times during the n ight When the kid and prevent the ruin o f your Catalogue. CO A . Read th*- P ractical H om e All practicable step« should he taken neys clog you must help them flush Veterinarian. Send for free book­ to preserve machinery now on hand. off the body’s urinous waste or you'll let on A B O R T IO N IN GOW8. I f be a real sick person shortly. At first no dealer in your town, write Needless eximsure to the weather you feel a dull misery in the kidney Or Oand Rsbertt Vit. C«, 100 Grufi Aie., WiUesHa. Wa Bought, Sold, Ranted end Rapeirod should he avoided, and In enses where region, you suffer from backache, sick W A I.K K H KLKCTKIC WOKKH It Is not practicable to house machin­ headache, dizziness, stomach get« You corn-pestered men and women Iiumelde, cor. loth. Portland. Ora. ery when Idle, all hearings should sour, tongue coated and you feel rbeu need suffer no longer. W ear the shoes receive u thorough application of matlc twinges when the weather Is that nearly killed you before, says . j Sore F yes, Eyes Inflamed by BIG, STRONG CHICKS heavy oil or grease to keep out moist­ bad. this Cincinnati authority, because a ~ S a n , D u » t and W in d quickly few drops of freezone applied directly ___ _______ ___ relieved by Murine. T ry it In luthnreeult of ueinir Peta­ ure and prevent rust. Eat less meat, drink lots of water; It Is believed V / ''n - r /f . C your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes. luma Inrul«etore and Hruod- on a tender, aching corn or callous also get from any pharmacist four that on uiuiiy farms machinery could •rrn. That'e the kind you Smarting, Joit Eye Comfort stops soreness at once and soon the ounces o f Jad Salts; take a table- went. W rite for our Li* bo more adequately sheltered In the corn or hardened callous loosens so it Marine Eye Remedy Krue Catalog No. GO. buildings available by exercising care spoonful In a glass of water before can be lifted out, root and all, with­ Cy« Salve, in Tube* 25c. For Book of tks E y — Free. breakfast for a few days and your kid­ ffTALUMA INCUBATOR CO In ptnclng them so us to economize neys w ill then act fine. This famous out pain. Ask M arine Eye Rem edy Co., Chicago * Petaluma. California space. A small bottle of freezone costs salts Is made from the acid of grapes Importance of Oiling. and lemon juice, combined with llthla, very little at any drug store, but will More daningc can he done to n ma­ and has been used for generations to positively take off every hard or soft ie Treatm ent chine In half an hour through lack of clean clogged kidneys and stimulate corn or callous. This should be tried oil or grease on some hearings thnn by them to normal activity, also to neu as it is Inexpensive and is said not Call et 2Uri Al-kjrr utrtM't or mail «amide*«. a whole season’s exposure to the trallze the acids In urine, so it no long to irritate the surrounding skin. We buy ell the time end pay the higheet I f your druggist hasn’t any freezone er is a source of irritation, thus end­ weather, sueclallsts of the United market pnrr Ikm l fail to iret in touch tell him to get a small bottle for you ing bladder weakness. with UH liefore acllimf W c a iC tflC States department of Agriculture de­ Clears Dandruff Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in­ from his wholesale drug house. It Is O n l y E x c l u s i v e B e a n D e a l e r s in clare. For this sort of neglect there jure; makes a delightful effervescent fine stuff and acta like a charm every O reg o n . W r went M l * air«*nte at country i«>tnt*. CU-eru-m end dealer« can he no excuse. It Is said. Operat­ litbla water drink which everyone time.— Adv. pleejMi write for our ajct'tita* term«. ing a machine without lubrication, es­ should take now and then to keep the 8 . C. D A L T O N C O .. Bride — This apartment is entirely He— Isn’t that Gen. Blank and his pecially when the bearings are slight­ kidneys clean and active. Druggists too dark for our purposes. 2M Alder HI.. PORTLAND. (IKK. ly rusty, will quickly result In the here say they sell lots of Jad Salts to daughter over there? She— Yes. They say that she has Agent— W hy is it too dark, madam? wearing nwny o f the metal, often to a folks who believe In overcoming kid­ ney trouble while It Is only trouble.— been through more engagements than Bride— Because we want to do light considerable depth. In a very few min­ Adv. housekeeping.— Brooklyn Citizen. her old father.— Exchange. utes. Expensive breakages, ns well A Reasonable Request. Counsel (In divorce case)—! ask that as serious delays, also tuny he caused a recess be taken at this point, your by operating machines on which nuts honor. have worked loose or hove come off Judge—On what grounds? entirely, allowing bolts to loosen or Counsel — My client wishes to drop out. change her gown. She hasn't display­ Some consideration In the use and ed half her costumes yet.— Exchange. care of farm machinery nre: Orders for new equipment and re- Risky Variation. “ A wise man may change his opln — pidr ports should he placed as soon Ion.” as possible. “ Yes,” replied Senator Sorghum, | To produce maximum results with "but ho takes an awful chance If he a minimum of labor, new and modern, rhungoH It more than onco or twice machinery III large sizes should be during tho same campaign."— Wash­ used wherever possible. ington Star. Serviceable equipment, not needed, should he sold or made available to A t a recent hearing of the Federal Trade Commission there 'Good Medicine ' ¿ J W f rr' " ^ - ,° others. COLDS ANO LA GRIPPI A.k fur Useless machinery should be return­ w a s introduced correspondence taken from the private files of U f C C I f C SNIAK UP-A-CO10 ed to the channels of trade ns Junk. TV CCA3 TABUTS . 25c Swift & Com pany,which showed that the C om pany had been con­ AB « fruirvi.t* nil tlirro. Thorough lubrication and proper rare when In use will materially sidering for some time an educational advertising campaign. ngthen the period of service of farm Hides, Pells, ‘ “S ' Wool & Mohair equipment. Wr vi*l ill TM k*r* Wit, l*r Pint i d Skippat Tip. The need for this publicity has been apparent to us for sev­ More care should be given to pro­ T H E H . T. N O R T O N C O M P A N Y , tecting farm Implements from the eral years. T h e gross misrepresentation to w hich w e have Portland, t>r»., Seattle, Wn.. lleflinahnm. Wn. weather. (P r e p a r e d by tha United Htatea mont o f A g ric u ltu re .) lie p a rt- Raw F u rs Wanted W E W A N T A T ONCE B EAU TIFU L RUGS YES! MAGICALLY! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS ELECTRIC MOTORS Granulated Eyelid*, YOUR t lL jN o WE WANT YOUR BEANS w ith C u tic u r a Swift & Company Publicity I* A THE VOGEL PRODUCE CO. Will wruarnnti»« you top mnrkft price« « t all time« for your Veal, Hotr*. 1’oultry, Kirir*. Hutter. Hide«, Etc. If you h ave not «hipped to u b , try us. P O R T L A N D , O R. 113 Front, SHIP V a a l, P ork , B m (, P oultry, B u tter, Eggs end Farm Prod uce. to the Old Reliable Ererdln* houae with a record of 46 »rar* of Square Dealing*. and bo e**urrd of TOI* M A R K E T PRICES. F . M. C R O N K H IT E 5-47 From» Street Port Und. O t r i M BUY D I R E C T ß [D o T o u r Own Plum bing! Ry baying direct from n* at whoW-.nU price* and «are the plumber’* proflta. Write n* to­ iler your need*. We will | l n you our rock, bottom "dlrect-to-you” price*, f. a b. rail or boat. We actually *av* you from 10 to »6 per cent. All good* guaranteed. North we* t headquarter* foi I e-ad or Water Ryatem* and Fuller A Juhnnon Englnea. ST A R K -D A VIS CO. 212 Third Street. P. N. U. Portland. Oregon No. 12, 1918 Solution of Sheep Problem. Statistics show that six farms out o f every seven In this country are without sheep. The solution of the problem Is to get flocks o f sheep on some or nil o f these six farms. Weights of Milk. A qunrt o f milk weighs ’2 ^ pound — n 40-qunrt can of milk weighs 80 pounds; a R2-gnllon can, 08 pounds; a gallon can, 8*^ pounds; 40 gallons of milk will weight 100 pounds. Attention to Pullets. Through winter the pullets must he depended upon for egg production and are the money makers In n poultry (tlnnt, and they should hi' given every attention from the poultry raiser. Not only will every cord of wood burned snve a ton of eonl that can be used In some war industry, but It will snve the freight necessnry to haul that ton o f eonl— n double saving. Sifted coni ashes make a good ma­ terial for the dust boxes. Wood ashes nre also good, but the lime In wood ashes discolors and destroys the gloss o f the fow l’s plumage. Watch the hog pens for any signa o f sickness. Hog prices are too good right now for the breeder to run any risks by permitting a contagion to braak out la his herds. recently been subjected has convinced us that w e should no longer delay in putting before the public the basic facts of our business, relying on the fair-mindedness of the Am erican people. The feeling against the A m erican packer is based largely on the belief that the income and w ell-being of the producer and consumer are adversely affected by the packers’ operations, resulting in unreasonably large profits. Swift & Company’s net profit is reasonable, and represents an insignificant factor in the cost of living. For the fiscal year 1917 the total sales and net profit of Swift & Com pany w ere as follows: Sales ___________________ Profit« $ 34 , 650 , 000 . ■ This is equivalent to a $3,465. profit on a business o f $87,500. If would cattle, pound Swift Ac Company had made no profit at all, the cattle raiser have received only one-eighth of a cent per pound more for his or the consumer would have saved only one-quarter of a cent per on dressed beef. S w i f t & C o m p a n y , U . S. A . I