The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 28, 1918, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
British Front Object of Heaviest
Daily News Items.
Attack of War.
Events o f Noted People, Government»
Hmokr Barrage Screen« Teuton Lines
and Pacific Northwest and Other
W hile Artillery Duel Itages Along
Things Worth Knowing.
F ifty Miles
The ways and means committee has
tentatively agreed on a bill to give
Secretary McAdoo power to issue $8,-
000,000,000 in certificates o f indebted­
ness, double the sum now authorized.
General Pershing cabled the War de­
partment Tuesday that two regiments
o f American railroad engineers are at­
tached to the British forces on the
front attacked by the Germans.
German tanks, reinforced by cap­
tured British tanks, says a Berlin
semi-official statement Tuesday on
Sunday’s fighting in the West, "took a
leading part in breaking the brave
enemy resistance."
The war correspondent o f the Berlin
Lokal Anzeiger reports that Field
Marshal von Hindenburg remarked
after the opening battle: "T h e thing
is over.
We have begun to move.
The first act is ended."
An extraordinary demand for Lib­
erty bonds, particularly the second
fours, at an advance o f J to 1 per cent
to 9TJ, was the striking feature of
Tuesday’s early dealings on the New
York stock exchange.
in these bonds in the first half hour ap­
proximated $5,000,000 par value.
The long range guns bombarding
Paris, according to a Vienna dispatch,
are o f Austrian manufacture, having
been built at the Skoda factory. The
gun itself is not new, but its novelty
comes from a new type o f shell and
the explosive gases used in the gun.
There are said to be only two or three
o f the guns.
Information received in Washington
Tuesday by the British military at­
tache, Major General James D. Mc-
Lauchlan, is that the situation at the
battle front decidedly improved during
Monday. The advices are based on
the repulse of the Germans to the East
bank of the Somme between Peronne
and Morschain.
Most night trains technically w ill be
one hour late next Sunday morning, as
a result of the new daylight saving
bill. Director-General McAdoo order­
ed the railroads to move their clocks
ahead one hour at 2 o’clock Sunday
morning in conformity with the law.
Trains w ill leave for destinations Sat­
urday night at the old time.
A dispatch from Plymouth, Mass.,
says: A government scout patrol boat
struck a rock off the Gurnet, between
Plymouth harbor and Brant Rock early
Tuesday and went to the bottom three-
quarters of an hour later. Life-saving
crews from two stations which re­
sponded to signals of distress took off
the crew. First reports were that all
were saved.
Five business men o f Delphos, near
Lima, O., a German settlement in
Western Allen county, accused o f pro-
Germanism. were hunted out by a vol­
unteer vigilance committee o f 400 men
and 50 women o f that town, taken
into a brilliant downtown street, forced
to salute publicly and kiss the Am eri­
can flag, under pain o f being hanged
from nearby telephone poles.
Emperor William at German main
headquarters on Sunday, according to
an official announcement at Berlin,
conferred the iron cross with gold rays
on Field Marshal von Hindenburg, and
the grand cross of the order o f the iron
cross on General von Ludendorff. The
emperor also gave various decorations
to the departmental chiefs, along with
a signed photograph with the date of
the battle, March 21-23.
It has been learned through official
sources at Berne, that the steamer
Sterling with a large cargo o f grain
for Switzerland, has just been sunk as
the result of a collision.
Trapped in an upper corridor, one
man lost his life early Friday in
Butte, Mont., when fire destroyed the
W olftone Block lodging house. F ifty
other guests dazed by the smoke were
led or carried out o f the building.
A call for a general strike beginning
Monday morning in sympathy with the
strike o f laundry workers and drivers
was issued in Kansas City Tuesday by
local labor leaders.
Labor leaders
claimed more than 25,000 persons
would obey the call.
E. E. O 'N e ill m il W . S. Kirkpatrick.
O f supreme moment is the issue o f
the war. The price o f wheat and the
turn o f politics are serious matters—
but— the Third Liberty Loan means
more than all. It means—
Backing up the boy9 who have been
sent to the overseas battlefields.
Prompt and abundant loans o f spare
cash to the war treasury, in local trade
terms, is the translation o f money into
airplanes, guns, ammunition, provis­
ions, ships and every device o f modern
war for the American. War expendi­
tures reach every avenue o f business
in the Northwest.
Prepare for the Third Ix>an which
open Saturday, April 6, with Victory
celebrations everywhere.
The governor and mayors w ill pro­
claim the significance and urgency o f
participation in the raising o f our local
share o f his defense fund.
lery, machine guns and rifles.
slaughter o f the enemy infantry as it
advanced in close formation over the
1 open has been appalling.
The British losses have been within
the bounds expected, due to the tactics
o f the'commanders. The allies have
lost a considerable number o f men in
prisoners and a certain number of
guns. But very few pieces o f artillery
been taken by the Germans since
Reserves, Long Ready, Expected have
the first day. In fact, the whole with­
drawal has been executed in a master­
to Turn Tide for Allies.
ly manner, showing how thoroughly
the British had planned for the very
events which^have occurred.
It is permitted to say now what
some have known for a long time,
namely, that the British never intend­
ed to try to hold the forward positions
in this region i f the Germans attacked
German Advance Checked — Situation in the force expected.
There ia every reason to believe that
Optimistically Viewed — Events
harder fighting than has yet taken
place will develop shortly.
The Ger­
Show Withdrawal Planned.
mans, in the British view, cannot now
hesitate in carrying on their attack,
and it is a case o f break through or ad­
W ith the British Arm y in France— mit defeat.
The British and French who co-operate
at the junction o f the two armies,
are viewing the trend o f the German
offensive with optimistic eyes. Hard
fighting wa.s in progress, but the latest
Fresh Attacks Fail and Foe is Forced
reports showed little or no change in
to Kecr«>ss Somme — American
the situation in favor o f the enemy
since Sunday, while on the other hand
Engineers Aid in Battle.
the defenders hail pushed the attacking
forces back after a bitter struggle and
Arm y
were holding strongly along the whole
France— A further advance late Sun­
new front to which they had with­
day by the Germans at some points
along the battlefront is reported.
Fighting o f a most desperate nature
American engineers have again been
has been continuous since the initial
in the throes o f fierce conflict in which
attack, but so far the British have
they have done excellent work in
used few troops other than those which
were lv>ldir,g the front lines.
shock troop« have been making ss gal­
Ixmdon— Fresh attacks by the Ger­
lant a defense as was ever recorded in mans have developed northward and
the ar.r.als o f the British army, and as southward o f Bapaume, the war office
a result they have enabled the main ( announces.
body o f the forces to fall back deliber­
The British repulsed powerful at­
ately arid without confusion and occupy tacks Sunday afternoon northward o f
positions which had been prepared long Bapaume.
before the German offensive began.
The British drove back to the east­
The Germans, on the other hand, ward bank o f the Somme bodies o f
operating under the eyes o f the emper­ German troops which had crossed the
or and the crown prince, have been river between Licourt and Brie, south
hurling vast hordes into the fray with j o f Peronne.
utter disregard for lives and have fol­
The statement follow s:
lowed into the abandoned positions,
‘ ‘ The battle continues with great
getting farther and farther away from violence on the whole front. Powerful
their supplies and finding their com­ attempts delivered by the enemy Sun­
munications increasingly difficult.
day afternoon and evening north o f
More than 50 German divisions al­ Bapaume were heavily repulsed. Only
ready have been identified by actual at one point did the German infantry
contact, and many o f these men were reach our tenches, whence they were
simply given two days’ rations and immediately thrown out. Elsewhere
sent over the top into the frightful the enemy’s attacks were stopped by
maelstrom made by the allied artil­ riflle, machine gun and artillery fire in
open air gathering^, speeches, parades,
illuminations, the Ring-it-Again L ib ­
erty Bell on the door o f every house­
hold, and by every means, the citizens
o f our community are urged to forsake
all other activities and join in the
spirit and the work o f the day.
Begin buying a bond the first «lay!
This is the first o f a series o f car­
toons and slogans by well known illus­
trators and writers which will be pub­
lished in this paper.
Berlin, via Ixmdon —Paris has been
bombarded by German long-distance
guns, according to the German official
communication issued Sunday night.
Paris—The German "m onster can­
non,” which has
been bombarding
Paris, has been located in the forest
o f St. G«jbain, west o f Laon and exact­
ly 122 kilometers (approximately 76
miles) from the Paris city hall.
The gun bombarded Paris during the
greater part o f Sunday. The day was
ushered in by loud explosions from the
10-inch shells, and immediately the
alarm to take cover was sounded.
front o f our positions and his troops
were driven back with great loss.
"D u rin g the night and morning,
fresh hostile attacks have again de­
veloped in this neighborhood and also
trr the south o f Bapaume.
"South o f Peronne bodies o f German
troops who crossed the river between
Licourt and Brie were driven back to
the east bank by our counter attacks.”
Persistent attacks with strong forces
o f infantry and lavish use o f artillery
have not enabled the Germans to break
through the British defense, and, after
four days, the great offensive blow in
Northern France has not yet brought a
decision for the attackers.
fighting is in progress around Hapau-
me, near Peronne and where the B rit­
ish and French fronts join.
Destroy Communication Linen, Ammu­
nition Dumps and Billets.
With the American Arm y in France
— On the Toui front there was consid­
erable artillery activity during Sunday
night. American guns heavily shelled
the German front line positions.
emy batteries replied, using many gas
shells. Later photographs were taken
from airplanes o f the damage inflicted
by the Americans.
American artil­
lery on the Toul sector continued to
Bhell effectively enemy first-line and
communication trenches, the town of
St. Baussant and the billets and dumps
north o f Boqueteau.
Many o f the
American shells have fallen in the
German trenches and the first two lines
in at leaat one place have been virtual­
ly abandoned.
Much Gas Used.
Franco.— Th e Gormans Thursday fore­
noon launched a heavy attack against
the British lines over a wide front In
and near the Cambrat sector. The
»««s u it strongly suggests tho begin­
ning o f tho enemy's much heralded
grand offensive.
Hard flKhtlng la proceeding from a
point north of Ixigulcourt, southward
to Gauche wood, just below Oouzeau-
’ court.
The attack was preceded by a heavy
bombardment from guns of all calibers
and the duel between tho opposing
heavy batteries has been rocking the
country side for hours.
The Germans have employed gas
«hells freely and a constant stream of
high velocity shells has been breaking
with frightful concussion far back of
the British lines.
The bombardment began In earnest
at 5 o’clock In the morning. About
five hours later the enemy forces hurl­
ed themselves upon the British front
line trenches north o f Ixtgnlrourt and
Loutvcral, tho latter placo lying duo
west of Bourslers.
At the same time other German
forces advanced behind a smoke bar­
rage along the rldgo running north­
ward from Gouzeaticourt.
It may he said that the attack In this
region was by no means unexpected
by the British and that they had made
great preparations to meet tho on­
The two vast forces have been lock­
ed In a hitter struggle over this wide
front for hours. Tho bombardment
was o f tho most terrific nature, and
finally the Infantry «Irnve forward
ngalnst numerous points In the Cam-
bral sector.
The preliminary bombardment had
extended from a point below St. Quen­
tin, north to the river Hcarpo, and at
last reports sanguinary fighting was
In progress as far south as the region
o f Harglcourt and as far north as Ilul-
Tho early stages of the battle would
seem to Indicate that the enemy was
trying to drive a wedge on both sld«w
of the Tambral salient and pinch It
2500 M AJO R IT Y F O R L E N R 0 0 T
James Thompson Believed Defeated in
Wisconsin Senatorial Contest.
Milwaukee, WIs.— Irvine L. I,enroot,
Republican, will have approximately
2500 majority over James Thompson,
reputed to represent the Ixt Follette
sentiment In Wisconsin, In the contest
for the nomination for United States
senator, according to latest unofficial
Reports are current to tho effect
that pressure will be brought to bear
upon elth«T Davies, Democrat, or Ix»n-
root to withdraw In favor of tho other
to prevent success of nny possible
combination between Thompson and
Victor Rerger, Socialist nominee. It
Is known positively that Davies will
not withdraw and Lenroot has stated
that no one has been authorized to
make a statement that ho contem­
plates doing so.
It was said Friday that someono
would Introduce a resolution at n con­
ference o f tho Wisconsin Loyalty Le­
gion requesting that either Lenroot or
Davies withdraw from the race, but
officials of that organization, which
Is non-partisan, said that nothing was
known o f such a step.
T r e a ty Revision Planned.
Washington, D. C. — The Rrltlsti
and Canadian - Amerlcai
draft treaties were returned to th
state department by the senate Hatui
day at the request o f President Wll
son, for certain changes before rattfi
cation. Amendments have been agreei
upon by the governments which wll
exempt Irishmen and Australians li
this country from draft, by provldlni
that the provisions o f the treaty shal
not apply to men not subject to cod
scrlption In their own countries.
T a x Slackers A re W arned.
Washington, D. C.
Tax slackers
who fall to file their Income tax report
by April 1 will bo prosecuted as vigor­
ously and relentlessly under the war
revenue act as draft slackers were
under the selective service act. accord­
ing to a statement made Thursday by
Daniel C. Roper, commissioner o f in­
ternal revenue.