The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 28, 1918, Image 10

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Christian Church
Bible School, 9:45 a. m.
F aster Service, 10 to 11 a. m.
Communion service.
E very y e a r the B ritish governm ent
Song by Chorus.
l>aya $200,000,000 tow ard th e coat of
th a t n a tio n 's w ar bread. T h a t la the
S cripture Reading.
p rin cip al reason why English bread
P rayer.
p rices a re low er todny to th e eousuiuer
G irls’ Q u a rte t— ‘‘S cattering E aster
than In Am erica.
Incidentally the Lillies.”
B ritish b read Is much (MMirer than the
Solo—"H o san n a,” Mrs. Hum burg.
A m erican.
Mate Q u a r t e t - “ Shout H osanna.”
G re a t B ritain has taken over all
Sermon - “ C h rist’s Victory for the
hom e grow n grain, bought a t an a rb i­
t r a r y price, und all Im ported w heat W orld.”
Decision Service.
bought In m a rk e ts of th e w orld a t p re­
vailing prices. This Is tu rn e d over to
th e m ills by th e governm ent at a price
11 a. m. to 12 M.
th a t allow s th e sd u lteru tcd w ar bread
“ Star-Spangled B anner.”
lo af o f fo u r pounds to sell a t 18 cento.
Raising of American Flag by Boy
T h e tw o pound louf costs I) cents, and Scouts.
th e one ppund louf sells for 5 cento.
In m illing, how ever, 14 p er c e n t
“ Keep the Home Fires Burn­
m ore flour Is ex tracted from th e w heat
th a n In A m erica. And th e re is a com­
p ulsory a d u lteratio n of ‘JO per c e n t Short Addresses
and an ollow nlde a d u lte ra tio n of SO
“ P reparation”
0 . F. Richards
p er c e n t
B. J . Simpeon
C om pared w ith Am ericun bread, the
"V icto ry ”
H. F. Wilson
B ritish product la only about OS per
Solo - “ The Little Blue S ta r in the
cent, p u re a t Its b e e t
W indow,” Hazel Stockman.
In F ran ce, u n d er conditions some­
Response of Mother and F ather.
w h at sim ilar, but w ith a la rg e r extrac- |
Addresa “ Why a Ser­
tlon. th e fo u r pound loaf sells fo r 18 !
i vice Flag?” R. L. Putnam .
"A m erica,” Chorua.
U nfurling of Service F'lag (38 sta rs),
Closing Remarks.
M\Ve m u st not overlook the fa c t th a t
Solo—“ When the Boys Come Home”
R ussia collapsed, not because of the
G erm uns on h er borders, but because Ray Jackson.
she failed to organize and feed her
The members of the Grand Army,
own citizenship," th e food a d m in istra ­
tion announced
W. R. C., Honor Guard, Boy Scouts
“ We m ust be w arned th a t If we a re to and relatives are extended a special
em erge victorious from th is w a r we can ­ invitation and places will be reserved
not risk th e ovilapse o f a n o th e r of our for them.
asso ciates In th is w ar from th is cause.
"A nybody th a t is looking fo r th e col­
lapse of th e G erm an p e o p le on the food
q uestion h ad b e tte r tu rn aro u n d nnd
look a t th e moon, because th e resu lts
will be th e sam e. G erm any Is In no
m ore d an g er o f collapsing on th a t
sco re th a n we are. If a s m uch.’*
T he 1917 w h eat crop In F ra n c e w as
less th an h a lf norm al, using th e crop
of 1913 as a b asis of com parison.
T here was a sh o rta g e of 178,000,000
bushels, o r 58.8 p e r c e n t T h e p o tato
crop w as only w ith in o n e-th ird o f n o r­
mal. T h e su g ar beet crop show ed s
H e r m eat
deficit of 87.9 p e r c e n t
h erd s in th e early fall show ed a sh o rt­
age of 1,800,000 animals.
T hose a re a few o f th e reaso n s
A m erica m ust feed h e r a sso c ia te s In
th e w ar. T hey a re no longer ab le to
feed them selves, an d unless we come
to th e rescue a re face to face w ith
starv atio n . And s ta rv a tio n m eans de­
feat In th e war.
Junior Rainbow Regiment is
growing in Washinging County.
The following have Mold over $50
worth of W. S. S. since last week’s
report: Alice Weisenback of Jack-
son school; Rayford Hall, Beaver­
ton; Annie Inglish and Lloyd
Turk, Manning; Herbert Elwert,
Middleton; Caroline Baker and
Annie Bothman, Wilson school;
Huston Johnson. Spring Hill;
Lawrence Flint, Kinton; Raymond
j Forney and Elizabeth Forney,
Oak Bark; Paul Koehler and Ixe
Wann, Orenco.
N . C. Maris, Industrial Club
organizer, has found unusual in ­
terest in all the schools visited.
Some had organized before he
visited them.
The following list of schools
having Industrial Clubs may not
be quite complete as our records
have not always been kept as ac­
curately as they should be. Roy
Grable, McKinley, Rock Creek,
Fir Dale, Fir Grove, Fern Hill,
South Tualatin, Wilson. Lyda,
Gules Creek, Watts, Bethany,
( iarden Home. West Union, Mid­
dleton, Laurel Ridge, Tigard,
Metzger, Reedville, Aloha-Huber,
Laurel, Midway, Kinton. Farm­
ington, Mountaindale, Arcade,
Academy, Shady Brook and Bux­
ton, Chapman, Luthern School,
Mr. Maris will be in Washing­
ton county again next week
A number of changes will be
made in the Oregon Electric time
card next Sunday. The corrected
Methodist Church Services
E aster Sunday services will begin table appears on this page, new
with a sunrise prayer m eeting a t 6:30 time. No changes on S. P.
to which ail are invited. Sunday School
wRI be held a t the usual tim e with a
few special features. We would like to
see ail the children present in the Sun­
day School Being F aster we will have
a decision day service. A t 11 o ’clock the
pastor will preach an E aster sermon,
his subject being “ And He Could Not
Be H id.” The choir will render special
music for both morning and evening
The evening service will be of in te r­
est to all. You are welcome.
Senior and Interm ediate Epworth
le a g u e s in evening. Topic: "Lessons
from the Risen C hrist’s Forty Days.’
JO H N EBERT, Pastor.
Itatwl Hrpl. It, 1*17
L». r. G.
6:20 a
7:00 a
8:15 a
•9:45 a
110:35 a
1:05 p
4:05 p
6:40 p
7:35 p
9:30 p
* Sunday
8. P.
Arr. Pt. If. Pt.
Arr . r. c.
m 7:40 6:50 a m 8:07
m 8:25 8:15 a m 9:32
m 9:35 10:25 a m 11:40
m 11:00 1:15
P m 2:25
m 11:60
m 2:20 4:00 P m 5:15
m 5:20 5:10 P m 6:25
m 7:55 6:10 P m 7:26
m 8:50 7:46 P m 9:05
m 10:46 11:00 P m 12:20
only; tDaily, except Sunday
L». P. G.
Arr. Pt.
6:35 a m 7:50
t7:20 a rn 8:45
s9:30 a rn 10:45
t9:41 a rn 11:10
12:35 P m 1:50
t2:00 P m 3:20
3:40 P m 4:56
t4:22 P m 5:50
t6:22 P rn 7:45
9:35 P rn 10:50
Lr Pt.
f. 15
t i l : 16
ssl :00
Arr. F. G.
a m 8:35
a m 10:32
a m 12:15
P m 3:30
p m 4.50
P m 7:00
P m 7:35
p m 9:20
P m 12:36
P m 2:2(1
The “50-50” ratio has now
been extended to breakfast foods.
That is, if you buy a package of
wheat food, you must buy one of
The CHEVROLET motorcar, oats, corn or some other substi­
used with care and given proper tute. Ask your merchant.
attention, will last for years.
William Clapshaw of Hillside is
Longevity depends on the car the new clerk at the Allen hard­
first and the owner afterward. ware store.
t —Thru a—S at sa—S at & Sunday
Wiles & Sohler, Distributers.