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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1918)
I AN IN D EPEN DEN T WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Vol. 3 FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1918 ted and hoped they would get that help. Methodist Pastor sen This was the first time many of the citizens had met Rev. Ebert Given Welcome and wife and the meeting accorn ------------ WHY WE ARE AT WAR WITH GERMANY | of good faith , a b r u t a l i t y t h a t have ■tamped h e r th e o ry a s Involving a re t u r n to b a rb a ris m . By th e a p p lica tio n of G e rm a n th e o ry we w ere forced, u n w illin g ly , to go to war. B u t to d a y we kno w t h a t th e r e w as no escape from a w a r betw een tw o c o n tra d ic to ry ideals. G e r m a n y ’s eco nom ic obje cts a r e m a n y a n d la rg e ( th e y will he p o in te d o u t ) , b u t t h e basic ca u se of t h is w a r was t h e G e rm a n Meal of a d o m in a n t n a tio n . T h a t Ideal, by G e r m a n y 's own challenge. Is on tr ia l In arm s. A g a in s t it we m u s t prevail, o r we shall perish. No. 12 British Cavalry Punishes Huns plished tha' for which it was held. Eighty-six tickets were sold to; Mrs. Ebert has just recovered A dispatch in this morning Ore gonian states that British cavalry the Brotherhood dinner given at from a slight attack of meashs.for By yesterday dealt the Huns a stag the Method'mt church Tuesjlay : which recovery her new-foun I E P H R A IM DOUG LA SS ADAMS gering blow, rapturing many pris E x e c u tiv e H ea d , H istory D e p a rt evening l>y the ladies of the Aid friends aie duly thankful. oners, and that the allies are now m e n t Society in honor of Rev. a n d 1 New Teachers at P. II. on the offensive. L eland S ta n f o rd J u n io r U nlvereity Mrs. John Ebert, the first-named It is estimated the Huns have Miss Anna Bagstad, instructor being the new pastor of the local in French, German and public lost .300,000 men in the past week. c t o f t h l e v*» r 1« t o d e l i v e r M. E. church. The dinner was a shaking at Pacific University, t h e “ T h f r * e e o b pe je op The Russians have resumed lee of th o w o r l d f r o m th e T h is Is t h e first of s s e r ie s of te n w er o f a w a tt fighting and have recaptured the good one and was faultlessly was lavt week called to South m m e i l n i t a a c r e y an e a d t a b t h l l e a h a m c e t u n a t l co po ntr s r tle le s by P ro f e s s o r A dam s. olle d b y an city of Odessa. served. Dakota to give attention to her s Ir e re c r a e p t o ly n a lb p l lo a n n g e o d v e to r n m d e o n m t i , n a w t e h i c t h h , e h w a o v r i n l d g , CONDENSED NEWS NOTES proc ee ded to c a r r y o u t th e p l a n w l t h e u t After tho dinner, there were mother, who is an invalid, and r e g a r d e i t h e r to t h e ta c re d o b l i g a t i o n s o f t r e a t y o r t h e l o n g - e e t a b l l e t ed p r a c toasts from leading citizens, with ! Mile. I'erlot of Portland has been ! tic Miss Jessie Buxton is visiting a n d lo n g - c h e r l a h e d principle» o f I n engaged to teach the French t e r e» a response by Rev. Ebert. n a t i o n a l a c tio n and h o n o r; . . . T h l t friends at “Mack” today. . It It II. E. Inluw, president of the clashes, coming o u t Mondays, t p h o e w e r r u t h le le a no a t m t a h t e t e r f l v o m f a t h n e pe O ople e r m a n pao- Loren Watkins of McMinnville Wednesdays and Fridays for th a t, ile. . . . I t la o u r buelnaee t o see Brotherhood, presided as toast-1 f t t h a t t h e h l a t o r y o f t h e r e s t o f t h t e o visited his family in this city Sat purpo e. The new French teacher! Thirty-one Washington county w o r l d I t no lo n g e r l e f t t o I t t h a n d l i n g . ” master and opened the talkfest urday. babies, between the ages of six with a neat little after-dinner is a native of France and is so — P r e s i d e n t W l l e o n , A u g u e t 27, 1917. T H E G E R M A N S AS A CH O SEN A son was born yesterday to months and five years, were ex speech that surprised everyone, patriotic that when she was ask d PEOPLE if she could teach German, replied j Mr. and Mrs. Perry Gabbert of am ined at the parlors of the Con b* cause seldom is Mr. Inlow in so gregational church last Friday to mellow a mood us he exhibited that she could, but wouldn’t. She | T h e f o u n d a tio n ca u se of th is w a r Is the vicinity of Timber. is teaching French in the Portland G e r m a n y 's Arm belief th a t »he alone Mi«8 Mary Beach is now help determine their mental and physi Tuesday evening. night school and has a private h a s th e rig h t to d ir e c t th e progress of In speaking of Oregon’s climate class of children from some of the th e world a n d to exploit Its resources. ing her Uncle Sam, having ac cal qualifications, the tests being and resources, the toastmaster most prominent of Portland’s, F o r t h e la s t t h i r t y y e a r s th e m ilita ry cepted a position as stenographer under the direction of the Eugen stated that when he came to Ore families. Mile. Perlot has already a u to c r a c y of G e r m a n y has Keen to It with t h e Portland exemption ics committee of the Forest Grove Woman’s club, Mrs. Clifford E. gon he was so weak that he could made a favorable impression on t h a t t h is belief w as t a u g h t In th e board. schools, a n d toda y t h a t a u to crac y Is not walk and was forced to sub the students of P U. Mrs. J. C. Latta arrived Sun Walker, chairman. Dr. Kather r e a p in g t h e benefits of a blind obe day from Tacoma for a two ine Myers, Dr. Patton, women sist entirely on liquid food As he Mrs John Dopp, who has had dience to its will. G erm an political weeks’ visit with her parents. Mr. physicians; Dr. David Kerr, den now weighs in the neighborhood experience in the University of w ritin g of re c e n t y e a r s Is full of the and Mrs. H. B. Johnson, and tist, Mrs. John Risley, all of Port of 200 pounds and is the picture Colorado a s an instructor in pub id e a t h a t t h e G e r m a n people Is "God's other relatives. land, and Prof. H. L Bates of of health his story sounded good lic speaking, will take charge of chosen people, d e s tin e d to lmi>ose Its (this city made the test. The fig to the new pastor, until he learned The CHEVROLET is built for ures have not yet been received, r' upon all o t h e r peoples." that the reason the toastmaster of that branch, while Dean Clark •K " u T ltu h e G e r m a n soul is th e w orld's the man who likes to feel proud but the members of the examin will teach what little German is j couldn't walk when he came here soul, God a n d G e r m a n y belong to ons of his purchase without paying ing committee stated that the was tha he was born in Oregon. taught, there being but one small a n o t h e r ." " G e rm a n y Is th e c e n te r of excessively for it. Wiles & Soh babies were the finest they had class in that language with indi Rev. Patten welcomed the new cations that the students will es God's p la n s for t h e w orld." " W e hope ler, Distributers. seen in many a day. t h a t a g re a t m issio n will he allotted pastor and his family on behalf chew Germ in entirely ere long. Steel range, heating stove, two A cafeteria lunch was served to us G e r m a n s . . , and th is G er of the churches and made the m a n m ission Is; t o look a f t e r th e iron beds, with mattresses, two the visitors and members of the welcome very cordial, enlivening Stouts Sell Out w orld.” " G e r m a n y Is chosen, for h e r 8x12 rugs and 8 rods of 5 foot committee by the refreshment his remarks with a number of The Stout Auto company’s ow n good a n d t h a t of o th e r nations, chichen wir for sale cheap. In committee of the Woman’s club. witty stories. After wishing the business, tools and location in to u n d e r ta k e t h e i r guidance. P ro v i quire at the Book Store. 11 The day was very stormy and new worker in the vineyard an this city has been sold to Otto dence h a s placed th e appo in ted people, Au- tin Buxton of Molalla is at this fact, together with the fact unworried and unwearied success, Erickson & Co , who own garages, a t th e a p p o in te d m om ent, rea dy for the Good Samaritan hospital to that measles and mumps are Rev. Patten thanked the ladies of i in Beaverton and Hillsboro. The t h e ap p o in te d t a s k . ” day for an examination and his abroad in the land, prevented the Aid Society for the excellent Forest Grove garage is in charge I " T h e O e r m a n peopl» ia a lw a y s r ig h t, dinner and said he was more than or A. lb Pugh, an experienced re-1 because it Is t h e G erm a n people, an d brother. Jake, went to Portland ‘some children from being brought to the contest. Practically all ever in favor of church federation, i pair man, who promises satisfac n u m b e r s 87.000,000 so u ls ." " K u lt u r is this morning to be with him. On behalf of the Commercial tion or no pay. The company is i best prom oted w hen th e s tr o n g e s t in- j Theodore, the 13-year-old son parts of the county were repre club, President A G Hoffman headed hy Otto Erickson as pres d iv id u a l K u ltu r , t h a t of a given n a of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Goodrich, sented by lusty youngsters, com welcomed the new family to th e ) ident, with George E. Beedle as tion, e n la r g e s Its field o f a c tiv ity a t living between this city and Dil- peting for the championship of p e n se of th e o th e r n a t io n a l Kul- ley, lost a thumb and two fingers the county. city, “ the prettiest town in Ore-' secretary and treasurer, and will t tu h e r s . ex " " T h e a t t e m p t of Najioleon to Saturday while picking at a ful gon,” and told some of the prob handle Ford cars, having received g r a f t the K u l t u r of W e s te rn E u ro p e Fine Program of Woman’s Club minating cap which he had picked lems of the club, chief among a carload Tuesday. upon th e em p ire of t h e Muscovite up. Several other children were Last Monday’s program of the which was the indifference of the Mr. and Mrs. Stout left Mon en d e d in failure. T o d ay h is to ry has slightly injured at the same Lime. nien who ought to be most en day for Portland and the former m a d e us G e r m a n s th e in h e r i t o r s of the Woman’s club was one of the Mesdames Maud Buxton and most interesting given this year thusiastic He invited all present slat» d to the writer that he ex N apoleonic Idea." “T h e f u r t h e r we to become affiliated with the club. pect« d to enlist in the avaiation c a r r y o u r K u l t u r Into t h e E ast, th e Susie Hatfield last evening enter and Mrs. O. M. Sanford’s able m o r e an d th e m ore p rofitable o u tle ts tained a t'th e Buxton home the paper on the “ New Russia” was President Dyke of the school corps. s^ all we flud for o u r w ares. Econom ic members of the Azalea club, to not the lea't of the interesting board, in his welcome, thought profit Is of course not t h e m a in m otive the n u m b e r of twenty-two. features. Mrs. Sanford has delved Since leaving t h i s city, Mr. the schools and churches should of o u r K u ltu r activity, b u t It is no u n Games, music and a Hooverized Stout has been twice arrested, deep into Russian history and told co operate very closely in their welcome by product.” " O u r belief Is work and hoped they would come charged with questionable busi t h a t th e salvation of t h e w hole K u ltu r lunch made of the affair a very of the old and new Russia, show closer and closer. The first les-! ness methods. On complaint of of E u ro p e depends u p o n th e victory enjoyable function. ing that the Bolsheviki had left sons of democracy were learned in E. E. Sleret he was arrested w hich G erm a n 'M ilita r is m ' is a b o u t to merely a skeleton in placa of the Something Worth While the publ.c schools and he predict-, in Portland Tuesday and released • t h i e v e ." throbbing human m a s s it had A big patriotic rally for the found at the end of Kerensky’s ed that our boys who have gone , on bail. Yesterday he was ar T h e se quo ta tio n s a r e b u t a few of “over there” will give good ac-, rested wh i l e passing through h u n d r e d s of like e x p r e s s io n , a n d th e Third Liberty Loan will be given regime. Mrs. Marsh gave a very Hillsboro, charged with obtaining la s t one cited Is fro m a m a n if e s to i in K. of P hall, Forest Grove, dramatic reading o f Tolstoi’s counts of them elves. money under false pretenses from s ig n e d by thirty-five h u n d r e d O erm an Saturday afternoon at 2:30 p. m. i “Perpetual Sinner.” Speaking on “Organized Pa- Otto Erickson Co., the tom professors and lecturers. R educed to , This meeting is especially for the triotism,” President Simpson of which purchased & his The musical program arranged in sim p le te rm s, th e G e r m a n belief at th e j ladies of Forest Grove and entire the Patriotic League of Washing this city. The charge business and directed by Miss Waggener in this case b e g in n in g of th is w a r w a s : "G od d i community. Splendid patriotic ton county, stated that organized j was dismissed on Stou’’s consisted of a Rus.-ian folk song re c ts G erm any. C iv iliz ation a d v a n c e s j addresses by John A. Lee of Port by Beth Crandall, a double piano and disorganized patriotism were to make good the loss promise only by com bats betw e en K u l t u r s in land, also Rev. A. B. Patten and duet (two pianos) by Misses Eliz very much dissimilar—the Bol- casioned t h e compariy. he H oc w h ich th e stro n g e r a n d G od-directed i s sheviki of Russia were patriotic friends in this city are hoping that one h as th e right to p r e v a il a n d m u s t B. J. Simpson of Forest Grove. abeth Hervey, Bessie SmPh, A cafeteria luncheon will be Helen Brunner and Ethel McKin to a markedd( gree, but they were the two escapades will teach Mr. p revail. T h e im m e d ia te a n d p re se n t Is to m a k e o u r K u l t u r prev a il served at noon for men, women ney; a vocal solo. “Lilacs," by not. really organized. He had that honesty in business is object In t h e E ast (In ‘M uscovy’), a n d iu a c and children. Come and enjoy a Miss Crandall and a piano solo by learned through Rev. Dunlap,who Stout c o m p lish in g th is we sh a ll also gain good luncheon at trifling expense. Miss Bessie Smith. All the mus was succeeded by Rev. Ebert, just the best and only policy. econom ic advantages. T h i s Is t h e first Given under auspices Forest Grove ical numbers were excellent and how much a r e a l l y energetic • t o p In o u r world d o m in a tio n . ” Woman’s Club. preacher can do of patriotic work those ladies who missed the meet W h e r e does A m eric a s ta n d In t h i s ! and he hoped t h e newcomer ing certainly missed a rare treat. th e o ry of a “chosen peo p le" ? A m e ric a would throw himself into the work denies t h a t th e o ry ; s h e den ies th a t Another Auxiliary Organized as his predecessor had. He be God h a s chosen a n y o n e people as Messrs. Erie Bolt, Y. M C. A. lieved the man or woman who Mesdames Elizabeth Todd and H is ow n: she a s se rts r a t h e r th a t th e r e loved God most would love their secretary at Vancouver barracks, a r e m a n y civilizations, e a c h w ith its Dorothy Seymour and Messrs. At t h e gymnasium Friday, W. H. Hollis, B. J. Simpson and country most and expected much j and O . E. Tyler, northwest secre- j ow n m e r i ts and defects, a n d t h a t to March 29 the Camp Fire will Herbert Deuell went to Fern Hill patriotic work from the ministers. | tary for the same organization, each m u st he left th e w o r k i n g o u t of give a grand council to com Friday evening and assisted in Us ow n problems. were in the city yesterday, con Replying to the kind words of j memorate the fifth anniversary of the organization of a Red Cross Wo A m eric an s a r e u n a b l e to u n d e r sulting with Rev. R. L. Putnam the several speakers, Rev. Ebert | s ta n d , or s y m p a th iz e w ith , a people the National Organization and auxiliary, with seventeen mem of the Christian church, who some stated that when he left South ; ho conceive of th e m se lv e s as a chosen dedicate their W ar-chest, the bers. Speeches w e r e made by Dakota t he district superintendent! months since signed an applica w people, chosen of God—a people to ' funds of which are used by the tion to do religious work for the Messrs. Hollis and Simpson and had told him if he didn’t like Ore w hom all th in g s an d actio n s, ho w ev e r organization f o r war Mr. Deuell gave several readings, gon or the people didn’t like him, Army "Y .” The gentlemen in | I n h u m a n o r bru tal, a r e r e g a rd e d as national work. The dedication uf the chest in addition to which there was a he should “come back to South formed Rev. Putnam that he was perm issible, even holy, b ec au se of a is accompanied by a patriotic pa good program of music and reci Dakota.” Already he felt that j needed at Vancouver, where a big f a it h in th e ir s u p e r io r m issio n and geant participants of which are tations. The officers are Mrs. “ Y” hut was being erected, and ! he would not go back He hoped i civilization. To us s u c h a belief is children of Europe who plead to Huson, chairman, Mrs. Voegel, he will get his affairs in shape to d ire ct evidence, not o f a leading, but the people of the city would like! “ Liberty” and the happy Ameri secretary, and Mrs. Kay, treas «assume his duties within the next of a lagging civilisation. him as well as he had already can children for help, a war-worn urer. two weeks. T h is G erm a n ideal, w h en expressed learned to like them. As to pat French soldier, and Boy Scouts as m e re ly In theory, even th o u g h ta u g h t riotic work, he was willing at all A number of McMinnville and in G e rm a n y for th e la st t h i r t y years, American soldiers who come to Paul Schultz expects to leave times to give to his country of his Forest Grove E'ks will go to Monday morning to work for s t i r r e d but indifferent I n te r e s t In o th e r their aid. time and energy. He realized the Portland Saturday night to s- e a E u r o p e a n nations. In t h i s w a r G e r Relatives and friends are in Lang & Co. of Portland. Mrs. churches needed the help of the very interesting side degree con m a n y h a s revealed In t h e application vited. A silver offering will be Schultz will remain in this city schools, of the Commercial club ferred on a number from these of h e r theory a lu st fo r w orld pow er taken in the chest at the close of until P.aul finds a suitable home and other organizations repre-j two towns. • i th e expense of o t h e r peoples, a lack the program. , in the metropolis. \ Washington County Has Fine Babies \ — \ Local Minister Called to Vancouver Patriotic Grand Council of Camp Fire Girls