NOTES AND PERSONALS : : One Day Only : : Saturday, Mar. 23 Big Special Sale of Guaranteed-for-Life Aluminum W a re ! $ 2.00 Double Boiler Saturday $1.07 $325 Double Boiler Saturday, $2.79 j This $2.75 Double Boiler i Saturday. $2.29 This Fine $4.50 Tea Kettle Saturday Onlv $3.99 This $2.85 Percolator Saturday, onlv S2.49 This S2.35 Tea Kettle Saturday, only 82.09 A Dandy $2.00 Preserve Kettle Saturday, only $1.79 ! Í Very Handy $3.25 Com bination Set Saturday Only $2.89 GOFF BROS. Hardware, Implements China, Kitchen Ware Phone 683 FOREST GROVE Job printing— phono 821. Farmers, got your blue »tone at M cN u tt’s. 11-0 . An 11-pound son wa-1"1,11 M " 11 day to Mr ami Mr« Albert Kirk* The Boys at the Front Depend on YOU to keep them supplied with munitions, fissi, clothing and wood. other ‘ war supplies. To purchase these supplies, YO U R New and up to-date merchun- | dise all the time at A. G. Holt- government will on April 6th place on sale the third issue o f man & Co. Liberty Bonds. These bonds m ust be sold if the war for Wanted— To give away, n Liberty and Democracy is to be won and the lives o f our small dog about 8 months old. soldiers and sailors safeguarded. Have you Iregun to plan Phone 103. It* on how to take rare o f your share o f this responsibility? Blue Andalusian eggs for hatch Fach of us must do his and her share. Begin to plun today. ing. 15 for *1 IK). J. I. W l>ur-1 Let's plan together for the common good. ston. Route 1. 10-tf George ( i . Hancock, real es­ tate. farm loan* and fire insur­ ance, new Anderson block 50 of Forest Grove, Ore Gus Linn and son, Frank, of Kimball, N e b , vi ited at the S. L. Carlyle home Tuesday MIMMI» A Strong Bank Safe Delimit Boys' and Men’s Khaki tmus- f ( O f MAL M t S I M V a in a Good Town •VtTBM Boxes for Rent isers, eufT bottoms, belt loops 11 See them C K. Roy Co. Directors M. R. Johnson, President; Chris Peterson, Just received, men’s and boys’ Vie. President; A. J. Demorest, Cashier; Allan Rice and r< gulat on army shoes, Mun-on J. I IsMimis. I ist, at A. (I. Hoffman & Co. We can handle acute as well as ch onio, c a s e s I >r. 1 iarlaml. Little Bernice Via of Buxton is duct m SPECIAL MEETING with home ' Chiropractor and Natmeopath visiting at the home of her grand- forces. I her* will lie gi><>d iin)(inr, Ask Lidyard. the shoemaker, moth« r in this city mix ! ■ »hört sermon by the pastor. The what Dr Darland. Jhe Chiro­ service» will begin promptly ut 7: J.r, Iaiwrcnee Pierce is operating a practor ar.d Natureopath, did for m w M a x w e ll truck purchased ?or r*‘ h evo" in‘f- ^v-ry one is inviu-d to him. ' attend him by hi> father. Our new Spring S uits for men Lach evening lH.-fi,r«* the service the Smith's furniture store is th. C. W. B. M. will conduct a half hour have arrived and you will he I pleased with th*m. John Audi* - home of the Hoosier Kitchen prayer aervice. Next I xml's Day the C abinet ( om e in a n d learn morning theme will t>e the “ Whole son. M r and M r s Hill Templeton " h a la íooti ami labor-saver the Church for the Whole Task” ami the evening “ A M o re Convenient of L.Grande are visiting at the Hoosier i-. 11 parental Templeton home in this! Mrs. Frank Smith of Summit, Again we invite you to all city. tire , visit* d Sunday with her our service». Congoleum Rugs in .ill >>i a t brother and sisters. J. G., and K. L. PUTNAM, Minister, reasonable prices at Smith’s fur- Misses ( iara and Alma Sage in niture s ore. No trouble t»> show this city. Methodist Church Services The First National Bank we . 1 ! the »out • I •* s.ghr Q ¡special Music • for r Ttic regular services of the dsntk mole trap, recommended by (he 11 * » t i«i i «■ , with the Sunday School at 9:45. and the ‘•A . C mole expert. Come in I YTOITIUnS U U D IflB C l pastor will preach at n and 7 . 30 . an i >ee how it works Gordon & _ . ,;. Classmi-cting at 7:00 p. m. and the de- Gordon. On invitation of Mi*s Waggefier, Votional mMtinK of lh). Epworth R C Hill went to Portland l,‘ ^ •’ * H’ ’ ’ 'ni *n s rlub will League will b<* held at 6:30. Sunday to t ike a job in a box I,u ’ 1 ° ° clock n**xt Monday The y „unK peoples' Missionary*»o- fuCtory, having decided that a * ' nV«'.n 1 u* (nrn' er »ludio of ^ety will meet tomorrow (Friday) ev- m n und**r TO has no business '^aggener, in Marsh hall, enjng with Mr». A. Davidson in the when* M iss Waggent-r will have north part of town, oafing the~e d a y s . The monthly meeting o f the Sunday Save your shirt* and trousers charge of a *l'*'fi.»l mu ical pro- M ,s 1 Sanford Will School hoard will ho held in the league by wearing the all in-one over­ g'atn gi\** a talk on I h** New Russia room next Wednesday evening, all. We have them in Blue with and other good features will in- JOHN EBERT, Pastor. •ripe, Gr< y and Khaki. C. E. t‘*rest all who come A. J White- Roy & Co house, Sec’y. Congregational fhurrh Call and s e e our splendid! spring Imp of Utz & Dunn shoes A PALM SUNDAY order will he ob- Making Fruit Boxes for ladie . in white kid, b ack and i A t great expense, we have in- **rve‘1 Ml * * mor,,in* "«"••■'hip. Mr. brown ! id with colored tops. A ., ,, , .. Fleiachman will sing “ The Palma,” G. Hoffman & Co. |sfallwl a n , a ' h,ne f*>r making smt the pastor will preach on "Chri»t. Claude Bryant ha» been en Fruit Boxes of ail sizes and we the King.” At the 7:30 evening service, Mr. gage i a- cow-te-ter lor Wash- would like to quote prices to box I ’ ailing Patten will »|M*ak on “ A Man's Work- forest Grove r g on county, to succeed C u m t s . !M f ing Courage; or The Fearless Fight Wilke , who g**-* to O. A . C. to M ill Co. fur I.ivelihiasl and Liberty.” aar-t Prof. Seudder. Christian Church The Ladies' Missionary society will Som* b dy • ook the door of Beginning next Sunday morning and meet next Wednesday afternoon, Frar.c Wh te’s garage off the continuing for two weeks we will con- A. B. PATTEN, Pastor. 'ing*** Sa u dav right, lived H e uto ar.d larer in f h< night brought r b ek, ur iam tged. S’>-<-! rari.e hearing stove two iron bed , wi?h mat tresses two • ig and H rods of 5 foot ehi* b«»n w r for sale cheap In­ Co-Operate« with the IJ. S. “ Food Man” —lioover quire at the Book Store 11 (If. S. Food Administration License No. G 311-171 A daughter was l*orn Friday rriornir.g io Mr. arel Mrs f)avid SEVERAL WAV'* TO SAVE SUGAR-WHICH IS YOUR WAY? [> >. IV ng *,n the < iab*« f r i ek r<> d ar.d both mother arid dungh- t*-' doing very nicely. SCHULTZ’S K STORE John P Jjerhlefs 'J near Gan­ or y. ;,<•< 'cd jri Portiarid la I. / \}t r:-. use b< i* alleg'd to rave mvli- unpatriotic remarks r.d fail 'J to register fot the draft. L 'i> , don't let t he f