The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 21, 1918, Image 7

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    another form o f munition plant to pro-
duce shells filled with a most valuuhle
and nutritious food. Iu other worda,
producing eggs.
“ The part thut the Ainerlrnn hen
can play In winning this war can be
materially Increased by Ihe establish­
By. J. O G D E N A R M O U R . Chiunnsn Food, Fuel and Conservation
ment of thousands o f backyard poultry
Committee, llluiou Sute Council o i Defeme
plants all over this country. That
“ food will win the war” Is brought be­
fore our attention dally, and the rea­
There in ■ m lf problem in thin country and it has not been §olved son why food run and will play such an
by the pica to thw American houaewife to ntop buying veal. Nor would Important part 1* because It Is Just as
nec'-soery and Important as ammuni­
a law stopping the butchering of ralvcH pri'Wiit the solution.
tion to obtain ultimate victory.
More calve* were slaughtered during the pant year than any previous
“ That poultry and eggs cun be pro­
year. I hoii*nnds upon thoiiHundH o f young animal* capable o f Ixung devel­ duced more quickly and by a larger
number o f people than any other form
o p « ! into good beef at a profit were vealed. Million* of pound* o f meat of animal food I* the all-important rea­
were thereby wanted. Whether the waste wan actual or theoretical, thin son why Uncle Ham Is making a na­
fact stands out and stare* u* in the face: The proeerit world meat ebortage tional effort and a strong appeal to
every city and suburban dweller to
might have been considerably alleviated hail a wiser policy in the han­
produce isdiltry. und especially egg*.
dling of calve* prevailed during the pant year*.
“The equipment for such an enter­
1 In-re are two general kind* o f calve* and they require totally d if­ prise need not be large or costly. A
ferent treatment. There in no cxcumc for the slaughter o f beef calve* lot 25x30 feet Is ample to accommodate
a flock o f twelve to twenty-five hens,
and there i* no justification for the maturing o f all dairy calve*. The which should produce sufficient eggs
problem i* to raise all l*ecf calve* to maturity and to prevent the waste for the average fuintly. By building a
o f food by extended feeding o f excen* dairy calves. It i* a waste o f food simply constructed poultry house out
o f dry goods or piano boxes, and sup­
to raise dairy calve* that are not to Is* kept for dairy purpose*. There plementing the regular feeds with
i* just as much need for slaughtering exec s dairy calve* when they reach table scraps, eggs can be produced at
the veal age as there i* for encouraging the farmer* to mature their beef but llttlo cost. Thus the backyard
flock will not only help In reducing the
cost o f living and make possible strict­
It is difficult to discuss calves without touching on baby beef. Itaby ly fresh eggs, but at the same time It
beef is economic from every angle. A great many o f the beef calves which will fill n national need as a source of
food production.”
ShaO W e Kill the Calf?
wore sent to the Fort Worth and Kansas City markets during the past
year were o f the type that would pay if matured as baby beef. T hey aver­
Washington’s Death Was
age around three hundred pounds, and in the hands of capable farmer*
Caused From Diphtheria
who had the necessary feed available, they could have been made into
According to Physicians
eight hundred to one thousand pound meat animals before they were two
years old and ut less cost than three years olds, because young animal*
In most histories It Is stated that
Washington died from pneu­
will make fle*h out o f u greater proportion of their feed than will older
monia or quinsy, but Dr. J. A. Nydeg-
ger o f the United States public health
Spring Typhoid
Comisuuuarr ol H<«liK of PtnuyWinia
army, who Is responsible for the prop­
er burial o f the American soldiers who
| die In France and for the registration
and marking of their grave*.
Tw o officers and 50 men In each di­
vision do thl* work, and these
unit* will be Increased Inter on. Tw o
American cemeteries have already been
laid out In France and several smaller
one* hnvc been plotted nearer the
front. Much grave Is marked with an
Iron marker and In each Is deposited
the soldier with proper Identification.
In uddltlon photographs and descrip­
tions of the spot are made and sent
to the soldier's relntlve* at home.
Ttie new» o f the I o n * o f our trans­
port reminds us of the way tu which
we are to l»e rohhed of our young
people during this war and should
awaken ti*. who
remain at home,
to the necessity of
guni'dlng our live*
n n d
ourselves against
disasters no less
dangerous. From
now on typhoid
must he carefully
In line with the big campaign to con­
watched as an en­
serve foist ttiat Is being conducted by
Old winter tin* the fissl administration, the United
stored the filth of States department o f agriculture Is
the season on our making n direct appeal to every family
hillsides and along to produce food In so far as It can.
J. W. Kinghorue o f the federal de­
the hanks of the streams. With the
melting o f thn snow and Ire In the partment of agriculture Is In charge of
spring, all of this tilth will he washed the middle Western stntes In the gov­
Into the Mtrcums and carried to our ernment’s nationwide campaign to
waterworks. This will test the tiller stimulate poultry production, with
plants to their capacities, muny of headquarters In Chicago.
In an Interview Mr. Klnghnrne made
which have too small a margin to care
for an excessive flow o f filth. Break­ the following statement outlining the
downs will occur and the people must ■ nation's needs and the big aid city and
he prepared to protect themselves by j suburban dwellers can give In supply­
Isdllng water for domestic purposes ing them:
“ In hundreds o f ninmunltlon plants
upon the first Indication of trouble
In various parts of our country skilled
with their local water supplies.
In view o f the above, the question mechanics are working day und night,
ought to arise in tlu* people's minds, turning out shells to pave the way for
with all the money that Is helng spent democracy.
“ Contrast this with the possibility of
In the beautifying " f our cities, wheth­
er or not It would not be wiser to use every city and suburban family that
this money for the enlarging ami Im­ has the available ground establishing
proving o f the purification plants no
that our waters may be safe, ami wait
a little longer for our boulevards and
parkwuys. W e certainly must u*e all
known way*', and where possible, de­
vise new ones, to protect the health of
the young population and to conserve
wlmt we now have from unnecessary
American Soldiers Buried
in Soecial Cemeteries in
France. Each Grave Marked
Word hnvlng com« from Washing­
ton that a new organization was be­
ing formed, known as the Purple
Tiros* association, a body o f undertak­
ers who anxious to go to France
to assume charge of the bodies of the
dead, the actual arrangements of tho
nrmy lire worth mentioning, writes n
war correspondent.
The new association wishes to be al­
lowed to follow the troops to tho front
line to receive the body o f every man
who Is killed or dies from natural
causes and after embalming It, ship
It back to the Hlntes. This arrange­
ment Is Impractical, as It would mean
that many ships probably would be
needed for this work.
The American expeditionary force
has a grave registration service, which
la a division In the chief quartermas­
ter*« department. At the head o f this
department Is a major o f the regular
M o s t C onsid erate .
“ I don’t mind lending you this
money, Ollpplng*. hut I ’m nfrald you
won’t pny It back."
"My dear and only friend, I Insist
on your letting me worry about that."
service sends to the Medical Record
n letter written by Dr. Cullen Dick of
Alexandria. Vn., on January 10, 1S00,
which shows that “ he undoubtedly
died o f diphtheria."
The letter recounts the circum­
stances o f Washington’s last hours, the
consultation* of the physicians In at­
tendance, o f whom Doctor Dick, the
writer of the letter, was one, und tells
how Dick urged that the sufferer’s
trachea (windpipe) be cut open so as
to ;>ermlt him to breathe. The other
doctors would not consent to this.
They had bled their nugust patient In
vain, and would not even give a name
to the dlsense from which he was dy­
ing. It appears that Doctor Dick was
reluctant to acknowledge that there
had been an outbreak of croup In
Alexandria, and he would use only the
term "Inflammatory quinsy'* for that
with which Washington was afflicted.
Doctor Dick’s description of the dis­
ease, to which he proposed to give the
name “ cynanche larynges,” wns one of
diphtheria ; he did not use that word
perhaps because It hud not yet been
It Is awfully hard to generate
nny respect for a man who wears
a lot o f rings on his fingers.
Husbands and wives should
remember thnt they married for
worse ns well as better and act
A woman declares that she
has the best husband on earth,
hut that Is no sign that she ex­
pects to meet him In heaven.
A woman who Is satisfied with
her neighbor Is never satisfied
with herself— but who ever saw
a woman satisfied with her
The Public Service commission will
give full consideration to the report of
Engineer Cousin, o f Portland, on the
Pacific Telephone & Telegraph com­
pany’s ratea, and w ill also g ive him a
hearing if he wishes to appear, Chair­
man Miller, o f the commission, slated
Columbia county has just let con­
tracts for $30,000 worth o f improve­
ments on county roada. Included in
♦ he year’s work will he two miles of
the St. Helens-Nehalem road, which,
when completed, w ill make a direct
route to St. Helena from the rich Ne-
halern valley.
Final arrangements
were made
Thursday for the Portland xoo auction
sale. It will be held Wednesday a fter­
noon at 2 o ’clock at the Washington
Park xoo. The animals to be offered
to the highest bidders w ill be one cub
bear, three grown bears, four buffa­
loes, 12 elk and 50 canary birds.
Articles incorporating the Western
Dredging A Exploration company, with
a espial o f $400,000, wore filed at the
county courthouse in Baker Saturday.
The incorporators are T. A. Almatead,
Joseph Meksuvsky and T. L. Hubbard.
Baker ia named as the principal office
and place o f business for the firm.
A committee from the Umatilla
County war fund committee has been
named to prepare for a patriotic cele­
bration in Pendleton on April 6, the
date of the beginning o f the third Lib­
erty l.oan drive. A patriotic speaker,
man from the
trenches, will be engaged and patriotic
music arranged.
A ll is in readiness for the opening of
the Pacific Potato Starch company at
Beaverton. With the turnng on of
elecrtricity Friday the factory began
grinding potatoes, but the remainder
of the week was spent in making nec­
essary adjustments and gettin g the
machinery in order and the workmen
fam iliar with the processes.
H oped It W o u ld Qo.
Baking is one o f the most satisfac­
tory mehods o f cooking fish. Large and
small fish may be baked, but small
ones are usually broiled or sauted,
baked with the head and tail on, or
removed, and the body split open.
Steaks and filets may also be baked.
Fish may be stuffed for baking, or
baked in a sauce, such as tomato or
brown sauce, or may be brushed with
; fat, and sprinkled with fine bread
crumbs or corn meal. Fish without
decided flavor is improved by being
marinated with a mixture o f vinegar
and spices for an hour or two before
baking. Granyfish, red snapper and
flounder are good prepared in this way.
Salmon trout and rock cod are good
stuffed and served with tomato sauce.
Halibut, red snapper and catfish are
good baked in tomato sauce. Bake
fresh mackerel in brown sauce, covered
with crumbs.
Baked Catfish W ith Mock Holland-
aise Sauce— Dressed catfish, salt, pep­
per, melted fat, fine bread crumbs.
Wipe and dry the catfish.
with salt and pepper and rub with
melted fat. Sprinkle with crumbs and
bake until tender, basting frequently.
Serve with mock Hollandaise sauce.
Mock Hollandaise Sauce— 3 tbsp
vegetable oil or butter substitute, 3
tbsp cornstarch, 2 eggs, 2 cupe milk,
1 tsp salt, juice o f one lemon, speck o f
cayenne. Melt the fat, stir in flour,
and blend well.
Add milk slowly,
stirring constantly until thick. Add
lemon juice just before serving.
Stuffed Rock Cod— Rock Cod w eigh­
ing 3 lbs., salt, melted fat, pepper.
Dress fish, leaving on the head and
tail. Remove scales, beginning at the
tail and working toward the head.
Rinse the fish and dry well with a
cloth. Fill the cavity with fish stuff­
ing. Sew the sides together, using a
piece o f twine. Place in a dripping
pan; bake until tender; baste fre ­
quently with melted fat.
Serve with
Northwestern growers must thin tomato sauce.
their apples and irrigate them during
the coming year, in order to produce
larger sizes, was the message taken to
Hood R iver recently by Kenneth Mc­
Kay, former manager o f the Fruit­
growers’ Exchange, who spent the
past winter in the Middle West and
Wheat— Bulk basis for No. 1 grade:
South, developing new markets for the Hard White— Bluestem, Early Bart,
Northwestern Fruit Exchange.
Allen, Galgalus, Martin Amber, $2.05.
Pile driving at the portage on the
Siuslaw, for the last bridge needed to
complete a highway suitable for travel
from Eugene to Florence was started
Saturday. The road w ill connect the
seaport town o f Western Lane county
with the highway system o f the state.
The bridge w ill serve the coast link of
the Oregon Central Highway.
It is
regarded as a matter o f especial im­
portance by Ftornece people at this
Professor F. G. Young, o f the eco­
nomics department o f the University
o f Oregon, has received appointment
as representative o f Oregon on the
national war prison board. Professor
Young has wired his acceptance, and
been instructed to nominate county
representatives to act under him in
the new work.
Redd— Going to the
T h o u g h t H e rse lf Qualified.
show ?
The Califom ia-Oregon Power com­
Greene— Oh, yes.
pany, o f Klamath Falls, has been ap­
“ Whatever
“ Are you going nlone?"
pointed by the Federal authorities as
duced you to think
"W ell, I want my car to go If it w ill.” agent to make a survey o f Southern
you were an act­
Oregon and Northern California. A
ress ?”
W h y H la H ead Is B andaged.
m ilitary map is being prepared to out­
"Tho reporter*
line the work for the power company
alluded to me ns
“ John," queried
in that section. Every tunnel must be
one,” replied the his wife, " I f some
shown, with its capacity; every cul­
young lady stiffly, bold mnn were to
vert, train, highway bridge and ford­
“ throughout
my kidnap me, would
place must be shown.
testimony in
a you offer a re­
murder trial.”
Father’s old clothes cut down to fit
"Certainly,” he
W illie, or mother’s dress o f last season
responded. " I al­
S t r iv in g to Please.
transformed into dainty garments for
A certain young lady had been put ways reward those
the little g irl o f the fam ily, as a re­
on tho program at a concert to “ try who do me a fa­
sult o f the war and the national call
her out.”
A fter her song the audi­
for economy and thrift, are to be given
ence wns “ cold,” and she did not re-
places o f prominence in the list o f pre­
celvo even "a hand.”
Not discour­
miums to be offered by the Lane
H la W ife K n e w H im .
aged, seemingly, the manager an­
Congressman-Elect — Bill
Smith County Fair next fall.
nounced :
wants me to get him n Job— says that garments are to be given the place o f
“ Miss Bawl will sing ns nn encore, ho voted for me.
Provision w ill be made for
'I f at First You Dou’t Succeed, Try.
for knitting and the
W ife— And how can such a hooo-
T ry Again.’ "
making o f Red Cross supplies.
head expect to hold down a JobT
Cut out tho following recipe« and
pasta them in your cook book to halp
you Hooverixe.
They have been
thoroughly tested by instructor* and
special lecturer« in the department
of home economics at the University
of Wuhington.
Eugene and I,ane county w ill have
approximately 150 motorcyclists ready
to come to their defense when the
plans started Friday night are fully
matured. A branch o f the American
Federation o f Motorcyclists was or­
ganized with 50 enrolled at the first
meeting. Motorcyclists from all over
the county w ill be invited to join.
Professor E. B. Fitts, o f the Oregon
Agricultural College dairy extension
service, spoke to Douglas county far­
mers and dairymen at the Roseburg
city hall Saturday.
The lecture dwelt
more particularly with the marketing
o f dairy products, and was listened to
with attention by representatives of
the industry there.
Professor Fitts
struck a responsive chord when he
stated that organization was absolutely
necessary among dairymen in order to
O ne Man T a k e n In.
get the full benefit o f prices and mar­
Bacon— Whale meat Is good to eat,
ket conditions.
you know.
Egbert— N o; really?
“ Oh, y e s ; people have eaten it for
"D o you suppose that’s what Jonah
wns trying to do when he was taken
War Recipes
Soft W hite— Palouse bluestem, forty­
fold, white valley. Gold Coin, W hite
Russian, $2.03.
W hite club— L ittle
club, Jenkins club, white hybrids, So­
Red Walla — Red
Russian, red hybrids, Jones fife, Cop-
pel, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less. No.
3 grade 6c less. Other grades hanledd
by sample.
Flour— Patents, $10.
M illfeed— N et mill prices, car lots:
Bran, $30 per ton; shorts, $32 per
ton; middlings, $39; mixed cars and
less than carloads, 50c more; rolled
barley, $66(368; rolled oats, $66.
Butter — Cubes, extras, 51c; prime
firsts, 50c. Jobbing prices:
extas, 52c; cartons, lc extra; butter-
fat, No. 1, 55c delivered.
Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­
ceipts, 35@35$c per dozen; candled,
37c; selects. 39c.
Poultry— Roosters, old, 20® 22c per
pound; stags, 24®26c; springs, 27@
28c; broilers, 35c; ducks, 32 @ 35c;
geese, 20®21c; turkeys, alive, 26(3;
27c; dressed, 35<337c.
Veal— Fancy, 20@20Jc per pound.
Pork— Fancy, 21(321ic per pound.
Sack vegetables— Carrots. $1.50 per
sack; beets, $1.50(3 2.00; turnips,
$1.50; parsnips, $1.50®2.00.
Potatoes — Oregon Burbanks, $1@
1.25 per hundred; Yakimas, $1.50;
sweet potatoes, 5@5Jc per pound.
Onions— Oregon, buying price, $1.75
per hundred.
Green Fruits — Apples, $1(3:2.25;
pears, $2.25; cranberries, Eastern.
$17.50 per barrel.
March 19, 1918.
Med. to choice steers... .$10.50(3)11.80
Good to med. steers........ 10.00®; 11.00
Com. to good steers........ 9.00(310.00
Choice cows and heifers. 8.5(ku 10.00
Com. to good cows and hf 8.50(3 9.50
C anner*..........................
4.25(3 6.25
Bulls................................ 6.00(3 9.00
C a lv e s ............................
7.50®) 12.00
Stockers and fe e d e r s .... 6.50(3 9.50
Prime light h o g s ............ $17.00®jl7.20
Prime heavy h o g s .......... 16.75(317.00
P i g s ................................ 14.00(315.25
Bulk .............................. 16.90@17.00
Western lambs................ $15.00(315.50
Valley lambs................... 14.50(315.00
Yearlings........................ 13.00(313.50
Wethers........................... 12.50(313.00
B w e * ............................