Uge (he Old-time Sage Ten and Sulphur and Nolmdy Will know. S TO OUR FE M IN IN E R EA D ER S £ Young ladies, if you were liv­ ing in a secluded neighborhood and discovered a respectable, nice-looking young man on an adjoining place watching you daily, would you notify the po­ lice or would you encourage a bit of flirtation just for curi­ osity? What one young lady did in such circumstances is told entertainingly in this install­ ment. You remember, Hugh W hita­ ker, thinking he was about to die, married an innocent girl to save her honor and departed im­ mediately for the Southern seas. Five years later he returns to New York, healthy and wealthy, and finds the wife, now a fa­ mous actress known as Sara Law, engaged to marry Drum­ mond, his old friend and part­ ner. She disappears suddenly. Drummond supposedly commits suicide, as her previous lovers had done. Whitaker is murder­ ously assaulted in the dark and goes to the country home of his friend Martin Ember, near the sea. He discovers a mysterious spy there and thinks it is Drum­ mond. ^■Zotth- of "W yeth ’s Huge and Sulphur were neither «lend nor sleeping) that tion of the uttkle hadn’t proved greutly head and Intercepted ills whole-hearted I Compound," which la merely the old- he was watching the woman on the I encouraging. stare. For u thought wonder glim­ time recipe Improved by the addition beach. "Ililt I —ah— how did It happen?" of other ingredients. Tiousnndn of "A mere misunderstanding." he said mered in tlie violet eyes; then they folks recommend this reudy-to-use Indignation, righteous indignation, warmed Whitaker's bosom. It was all lightly. "I mistook the gentleman for flushed disconcertingly; tinally (hey j preparation, because It darkens the very well for him to catch sight of someone I knew, lie resented It, so became utterly col-' und disdainful hair beautifully, besides, no one ran “ W ell?" she demanded In a frigid possible tell, us It darkens a< natur­ the woman through her cottage win­ we started to scrap like a couple of ally and evenly. You moisten a I wish to voice, dow, by night, and to swim over to the schoolboys. Then . . . lie looked iiivny In complete confu­ sponge or soft nrush with It. draw- beach in her wake the next morning, heaven It had been his leg Instead of sion, und felt tils face burning to the j lug tills through tlie lialr, taking one but what right had anybody else to m ine!" small strand at a time. H> morning “ Hut still I hardly understand . . ." temples. constitute himself her shadow? Re­ tlie gray hair disuppiats; after an­ "W ell, you see. I ah— I'm visiting " I beg your pardon,” he mumbled un­ sides. it was possible that the man other uppllratlon or two. Its natural Ember— the cottage next to yours, 1 happily. was Drummond. color is restored and It becomes thick, lie essayed to wnlk. Twenty feet glossy and lustrous, nnd you uppeur He strode forward and stood over believe. That Is, If I'm not mistaken, and more of treacherous, dry, yielding | years younger. the man. looking down at his back. It you have the Fiske place?" She nodded. sand separated them from tlie flight of Wyeth's Sage and pulphur Com­ was true, ns he had assumed—the fe l­ “ And so, this morning. It struck me steps that nseended tlie bluff. It pound Is n delightful toilet requisite. low was watching the woman. And It Is not Intended for the cure, mitiga­ his back was Very like Drummond's. as a flue young Idea to swim over here proved no easy Journey. The stairway accomplished. he tion or prevention of disease— Adv. A little quiver of excitement mingled and have n look at the bench. And with untldpative satisfaction ran ! then I found that chap watching you—" limped to a wooden seat ami sat down That startled her. "H ow do you with much grim decision In his mun through him. Now, nt last, the mys­ Getting Even. tery was to be cleared up, ids future mean—watching me?" nor. Hut he mustered u smile to meet The druggist danced and chortled r latlons with the pseudo-suicide de­ "W h y —ah— that's what he seemed tier look of concern, and shook his till the bottles danced on the shelves. "W hat's up?" asked the soda clerk. bead. fined and established. to be doing." "Huve you t-een taking something?" Deliberately he extended his bare She slumk her head. “ You must be "Thus far und no farther." "No. Hut do you remember when our find and nudged the man's ribs. mistaken." "Oh, hut you must not be stubborn!” water pipes were frozen last winter?" "Drummond . . ." he said In n “ I im-un to be— horrid stubborn. In “ Daresay. I generally am when I “ Yaa, t.ut wiint — ” clear voice, decided but uunggrcsslve. Jump at conclusions. Anyway, he didn't fuet, I don’t mind warning you Hint "W ell, tho plumber who fixed them With an oath and what seemed a like It much when 1 called him out of there’s a famous strulu of mule In the has Just come In to have a prescription filled.” — I’ Utahurg Chronicle • T ele­ single, quick motion, the man Jumped tils name. I gathered. In fact, that he Whitaker make-up." to his feet and turned to Whitaker u was considerably put out. Silly, wasn't She was. however, not to be divert­ graph. startled and inflamed countenance. ed; mid her fugitive frown bespoke Im- it?" To keen clean and healthy take Dr. "What the d e v il!" he cried angrily. patience. If he were uny Judge. “ R ather!” she agreed gravely. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets, 'fhey regu­ “ Who are you? What do you want? For a moment or two they eyed one late liver, bowels and stomach. What d’you mean by coming round another In silence, Whitaker wonder­ Who do you think this girl 1« here and calling me Drummond?” ing Just how much o f a fool she wus Quelling the Panic. And what la the purpose of the He was no more Drummond than he thinking him ami dubiously consider­ One night nt a theater some scenery unrecognized spy7 Do you w as Whitaker himself. took fire and a very perceptible odor ing various expedients to Ingrutlute think the girl knows Whitaker? “ For that matter" — something himself. of burning alarmed the spectators. A clicker! In Whitaker’s brain and sub­ CrCrCrCrCr'Ct'CitrCt'CrCrCr'CT'iUu actor appfared on the stage "I don’t seem to think of anything consciously he knew that his temper t T U H I- t O N T I N U U D . J “ Ladies and gentlemen," he said, useful to say,” he ventured. "Cun you "compose yourselves. There Is no dan was about to take the bridge— "what help me out? Unless you'd be inter- . p r do you mean by spying on that lady ested to know my name's Whitaker— The audlenco did not seem reas- yonder?" I I igh Whitaker- r ■tired It being Indisputably none of his Humorous Situation When Man Once "Ladles and gentlemen,” continued She acknowledged the information concern, the unfairness of the question Imprisoned With Michael Davitt the comedian, rlsitig to the necessity merely by a brief nod. “ It seems to only lent It offensive force. The man Called Him by Number. of the occasion, "confound It ull, do made this painfully clear through the me," she said seriously, “ thut the you think If there was any danger medium of an intolerable epithet and pressing question Is, w hat are you go­ Tlie death o f James Collins, the nusl- ! I’d be here?" ing to do about that ankle? Shull Th e panic coltapsed.— Exchange. an attempt to land his right list on ern historian of Dublin, reminds one you be able to walk?" Whitaker's face. that Mr. Collins was engaged In com­ Simple. "Hard to say,” he grumbled, n trifle The face, however, was elsewhere pleting a work of bis friend, the late dashed. With Infinite pains and tin- "Th o kaiser Is undoubtedly l „ a hail when the fist reached the point for Michael Duvitt, Irish nationalist mid which it had been nlmed; and Whit­ aid of both hands nnd Ills sound foot. labor leader, once a mill lad In Huslliig- fix,” remarked the chatty man; "one not so easy to get out of as that the aker closed in promptly as the fellow ’s den. One of Dnvltt’s stories Intended | city youngster found himself In on the body followed his arm, thrown off bal­ for inclusion Is the following: 1 farm, lie was up on top of a tall hay- ance by the momentum o f the unob­ Tlie "Irish Tribune," as Davitt was slack and shouted to the farmer: ’Say, structed blow. called, having served many years In j Mr. Harnes, how am I goln’ to get What followed had entered Into the Chatham and other prisons as a po­ down?” "T h e farmer considered t’ c problem calculations of neither. Whitaker felt litical prisoner, hud been n free mun nnd finally solved It. himself suddenly falling through air some six months, when he wus ad­ " *Oh, Jest shut yer eyes an’ walk thick with a blinding, choking cloud of dressing a huge meeting in the Ro­ around a bit,’ he said."— Exchange. dust and sand. The body o f the other tunda, Dublin. was simultaneously wrenched violently Davitt bad worked tils audience up The Old Songs. from bis grasp. Then he brought up to a tense pitch of enthusiasm and eon- " I wonder why It Is that we love the against solidity with a bump that eluded n great speech amid a perfect old songs best?” asked the sentimental seemed to expel every cubic inch of I one. storm of Mppluuse. "1 think," said her workaday hearer, air from his lungs. And ho heard him­ When be hud resumed Ills seat and self cry out sharply with the pain of the applause was subsiding a voice j " It ’s because they’re not sung so I often."— Huffalo Express. his weak ankle newly twisted. . . . from the gallery cried out: He sat up, gasping for breath, "Bravo, X Tw enty-nine!" brushed the sand from his fuce and Davitt started and, looking up, be­ eyes, ami ns soon as his whirling wits held tiie grinning face of a well-known settled a little, comprehended what “ cracksman” whom lie bad left fl/ilsh- had happened. Ing a five years’ term In Ciiatliam i Ship ur your good. fat produce. No commUnion Immediate payment«. W e w ill pay you: H alf buried in the debris of a mini­ prison, and who had bulled Davitt by Dreased pork, 20c. ature landslide, he sat at the foot of his prison number. Lrcmicd v #* h I, nmnil, lflr v«n! up to lion I km.. 12c the bluff. Immediately above his bead It did not take nn Irish audience 1 L I Jig ive chicken««. 22c L iv e rooster*. I* c . a ragged break showed where the sand, long to scent out the liuinor o f the situ­ OrcNRed turkey» 30c. L iv e turkey « 20r L ive duck» 72c. I)re ««e d ««•«•««• 20c held together solely by beach grass, ation and tlie Rotunda rang with penis | L iv e ifoene 15c. Droruwd Mm«ll goat«, 12c. had given way beneath the weight of of laughter. In which both "her ma­ F R A N K L. S M IT H M E A T CO., the antagonists. jesty’s ex-guests" heartily joined. "F ig h tin g the lJeef T rust." 228 A lder St., P O R T L A N D . ORE A little distance from him the other Poison in Self-Defense. man was picking himself up, apparent­ While we very natnrully dislike a ly unhurt but completely surfeited. plant that poisons us when we touch Without delay, with not even so much It. yet If we investigate the reason for as a glance at Whitaker, he staggered Its poison we discover that a vnst num­ off for a few paces, then settled Into ber o f pin nt s develop poisons and near a heavy, lumbering trot westward [mlsons, and when we look over the along the beach. He did not wish the list we find that we would be rut her woman to recognize him; therefore he badly off without them, the National was putting himself out of her way. be lifted himself and contrived to Geographic Magazine states. It Is true For she was approaching. / / " b o z / y c o u ld When Whitaker caught sight of her, stand erect for an Instant, then bore a that most «if them are poisonous only ■he would a«k f o r ou tsid e support fu r her over w ir k s fi organ a o f milk p rod uctl..n T »f K » when eaten, nnd that few are poison­ little weight on the hurt nnkle— and she was already close nt hand. She K o s * , It e«N aa with g ro a t fon tr e ffe c t or» f he eye trm . p r e v e n t« disease, a aure rem ed y for had been running. Now as their blanched, paling visibly boneuth his In­ ous to the touch, but they have all «.«v A b o rtio n , H errenn eee R etain ed A fte r b ir th , • m u r in g , L e i A t,p e tite , lla iid ie e veloped these qualities In self-defense. glances met, hers keenly inquiring of eradicable tan. Huy K «iw K n re fro m fe e d d e a le rs »m l drurfgieta Some of them store their poison In "I don't suppose,” he said with e f­ Whitaker’s still bewildered eyes, she daim askciatioi co„ _ _ _ lyMtaflrlll«. ft. pulled up abruptly and stood astnre. fort—"they grow— crutches— on this their seeds, others In their root stocks and others In their roots to protect He saw, or fancied, something closely neck of land?” Botikijt, “ lh , Horn. Cow O h W , " frm. II.-— „ akin to fright and consternation In her And he was nbout to collapse again their progeny from linrm. They do not look. The flush In her cheeks gave upon the sands when, without wnrnlng, go about looking for trouble or seek­ on way to a swift pallor. The hands he found tin- woman hnd moved to Ids ing, like the «levll, whom they may «le- trembled that drew her bench elnuk side and enught his hund, almost stroy; hut they are prepared to resist close about her. She seemed to muke brusquely passing his arm across her Invasion of the rights o f their children. an Ineffectual effort to speak. shoulders, so that she received no little Nux vomica and aconite are two of this kind. On his part, Whitaker tried to get o f his weight. Others develop nlkalolds, like the up. A keen twinge In his ankle, how­ “ Oh, I say— 1" he protested feebly. ever, wrung an Involuntary grunt from “ Don’t suy anything,” she replied nicotine o f tobacco, the quinine of the Prom ptly treat martini, cold «, hoarsenem, him, and with a wry grimace he sank shortly. "I'm very strong— quite able cinchona tree and the thelne o f tea, to lirnnehiti* nnd sim ilar nnd irritnti-d back. to help you to the boat. Please don’t protect themselves. Strychnine, digi­ • und it ion* o f the til root w ith a teatrd remedy - “ O h!” cried the woman, impulsively. consider me nt a ll; Just see if we can’t talis nnd a hundred and one Indispen­ sable drugs that are poisonous In over­ “ You’re hurt!” She advanced n pace, manage this way." solicitous and sympathetic. He endeavored to withdraw his arm, doses are the gifts o f the plant world "Oh. not much.” Whitaker replied an effort rendered futile by her cool, to man as a byproduct o f plant prepa­ rations for self-defense. In a tone more of hope Ilian of assur­ Arm grasp on Ids lingers. GAVE AUDIENCE GOOD LAUGH ; SEE! S E E !! ? P ortland S eed (o si IRRITATING COUGHS PISO’S