ff NOTES AND PERSONALS Plans Prepared for Liberty Loan Drive rrr* Resolutions Headquarters Archil* Bryunf visited his par­ James B. Mathews Post No. 6 ent« at Gaston Sunday. Department of Oregon, ^ Money tu loan Valley | Realty Plans for the coming liberty G. A R. Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 1 ii-tf Whereas, It has pleased the loan campaign were mapped out Warranty «I íhh J and mortgage at a meeting in Hillsboro Friday great Captain General of the uni­ Fruits and Vegetable« in Seatton hlanks for sal« at this office. verse to promote from our ranks of member« of committees repre­ to the Supreme Ranks in the senting the eight districts into Lime-Sulphur spray, «i r y or Grand Army above, our beloved which Washington county ha« liquid, in any quantity, at Van- comrade, William Ridgeley, late P H O N E 4 7 0 1 been divided. John K Kollix-k. Koughnet & Heder’« drug store. member of Company F, 29th secretary of the State Council of Huy your groceries, fish, veg­ Defense, outlined methods adopt- Regiment Iowa Volunteer In­ South Main Street - Forest Grove, Ore etable« and second-hand house­ i-d by the general committee at fantry. hold good« of the Economy «tore the morning session and the dele­ Whereas, By h i s death his Dodge hldg., cor. 3d «treet and gates were entertained at lunch at within any of the other zones), sent free of postage. For con­ family has lost a kind father, Pacific avenue. 6-tf the Hotel Washington by the! nor greater in size than eighty- ditions of sending mail to prison­ guide and protector, the country Dr. Quentin Tucker ha« re­ Hillsboro committee. At the af­ four inches in length and girth ers of war call on your local post- a t-ue and loyal citizen; now I therefore, be it turned, after «(lending two months ternoon meeting district boundar-j combined, nor in form or kind ! master. Resolved, By this Post tftat we in simly at San Francisco and ies were agreed upon and dele- i likely to injure the person of any tender the family and friends of gates discussed plans for carrying postal employe of damage the l¿>s Angele«, and has resumed his our deceased comrade our sincere on the work. mail equipment or other mail practice of medicine. 11 tf sympathy in this our great be­ Joe A. Wile« would like t o j A feature which received atten­ matter, and not of character per­ reavement, and that his last rest­ ishable within a period reasonably tion was the levying of quotas in 1 write your insurance. Will give required for transportation and Oregon peop e may eat potato ing place be adorned with the you service that will he to your districts where there are no banks delivery. (starch, potato flour, farina and flag he so dearly loved, and be it advantage. West side Main St„ and where residents patronize I further banks without the county. As in­ Registration o f War Having« north of Tucker’« garage. meal from the factory of the Pa­ Resolved, That a copy of these Certificate« dividual quotas are figuied on the H. L Christensen, formerly cific Coast Starch company,which resolutions be presented to the The Treasury Department has was formally opened at Beaver­ with the Stout Auto company,! bank deposit of the individual, family, and a copy be deposited has opened an auto repair shop in * representatives of such districts advised that war savings eertifi ton Saturday, with extensive cere­ in the records of this Post, and be cates may be issued to arid reg­ monies staged by the Beaverton the hig room at the corner of Pa­ labored under a handicap. ! it further John A. Thornburgh, of Forest istered in the name of two per­ Commercial club and attended by cific Avenue and Second street Resolved, that the Charter of Remember, friends, you must! Grove is chairman of the Wash­ sons but not more than two, in prominent visitors from all over this Post be draped in mourning pay in advance to get the Express ington County committee and the alternative, as. for instance, the state. for thirty days. Potato st irch will be immed­ at one dollar per year. The r e g ­ district committees are as follows: "John Jones or Mary Jones.” C h a p l a in . Forest Grove—J. P. Hurley, Such certificates shall be payable iately ft rthc >ming, according to ular price i« $1 50. We pay you Turks Not All Bad chairman; M. R. Johnson, S. G . to either of the person* so named, J. W Griffith, who installed the 60c to collect from yourself. Hugh«, W. H. Hollis, R. F. without the signature of the other. faciory and worked out the Miss Ruth Parmalee, M. D., Mm. L. C. Morley and littlei Clarke, B. J. Simpson, J F. For- War savings certificates may be method wnich was formerly a medical missionary to Turkey, daughter are visiting their son bis, C. W. Creel. O M. Sanford. issued also in the name of and German trade secret. spoke a t t h e Congregational and brother, Will, and family a t ! W. J. McCready and J. W. held by corporations, partnerships, The factory w a s established church last Thursday night, tell- Huxton. A new son, the third, Hughe«. as-ociations or joint stock com­ largely through the efforts of John ; ing a large audience of the terrible arrived March 10th at Will’s ¡ panies, and register-d by such E. Cronan of Portland and his conditions of the Armenians, who Banks W. O. Galloway, chap­ house. man; A E. Wescott, Banks; J holders, and cer tificates so issued father, L W. Cronan. The farm­ are being murdered, starved and Mr. and Mrs. John Brennan of M. Vanderzanden. Banks; L. L. and registered shall be paid to ers of the community are co-oper­ by the Turks. Miss Rapid City, S. 1>., visitad the Crawford, Manning; C. A. Peter­ any officer or agent designated on ating with the owners and will 1 outraged Parmalee says the Young Turk Myron Willsie and VanKoughnet! son, Buxton. the registration card to receive share in two thirds of the profits. party is trying to exterminate all families last Saturday. For years i Beaverton— Roy Gray, chair­ payment, or to any other officer “ This is what Oregon needs J Christians, with a determination Mr. Brennan was Indian agent at man; W. C. Me Kell. W. E. Pegg, or agent presenting satisfactory more than anything else, factories , ro get rid of all races except their the Pine Ridge, Neb., agency. Dan Shaw and J. Frank Straud. proof of his or her authority to that make finished products from own, but she gave out a piece of our own resources,” said L. J. news—at least to the writer— S. W. Dry Lime Sulphur is aet- Cornelius— F. H. Sholes, cha.r- receive payment. Certificates may pe held by an Simp*on of North Bend, one of the when she said there were many nally Lime and Sulphur not Sol- man. nhle Sulphur. There is only one Gaston—Glenn Stapleton.chair­ infant who is capable of fi ling speakers at the meeting. “ The kind Turks in the Ottoman em­ dry Lime-Sulphur on the market;: man; V. S. Abraham, M. J. out and signing a registration ca d biggest profit on goods is that pire who would put a stop to the that is Sherwin-Williams. Sold Crunican, Dr. James A. Baker. and be registered by such infant; which the man makes who places persecution of Christians if they a certificate held by an infant in­ the product in shape for the con­ dared. The writer had long ago by Littler’s Pharmacy. II. W. Scott, Cherry Grove. capable of registering same may sumer ” Hillsboro J. W. Bailey, chair come to the conclusion that the In renewing his subserption to J. F. Griffith told some of the only good Turk was a dead one. be registered by the infant’s par­ man; C. B Wells, W. Mahon, H the Express, R . M Taylor writes ents or duly appointed guardian. things about porato starch and from Ferndule, Wash., that he is i T Bagley, R R. Easter. We have on hand all sizes of North Plains— Elmer Mays, Mail addressed to soldiers at the reasons why the region around suffering from the grip, but hopes ¡ drain tile for farm drainage. Let Beaverton is ideal for the indus­ to be O. K. in a few days. He, chairman; E. M . Mays, A. K. Camp Devens, Mass., should be try. u< quote y o u p r i c e s . Forest sends his regards to his Forest Reynolds, J. L. Grog, A. Guer- addressed as follows: Grove Planing Mill Co. 9-tf Other speaker* were J. E. Lar­ Private Grove I. O. O. F. and other ber, Sr. son, county agricultural agent of Sherwood — L. S McConnell, Notice o f Final Settlement Company ............... friends. chairman; Ferd Groner, Fred B. Polk county; Otto Erickson, pres­ Notice is heraby given that the un- Regiment Mr?. C. H. Hamilton of Los- Clark, C. F. Tigard, W. P. Fisk. Camp Devens, Mass. ident of the Beaverton Commer­ , dersigned has filed in the County Court tine, Ore , says she had rheuma­ John Schmeltzer, J. E. Hedges, cial club: Mayor F. W. Cady and o f Washington County. Oregon, his The name of the post office tism for 38 year« and was help­ A. P. Todd S. B Huston of Portland J AY ER or FITCHBURG should Frank Stroud, R. L. Tucker. Roy final account as administrator of the less most of the time. Went to estate o f C. Frederick E. Braun, de­ not be included in he address POSTAL INFORMATION Dr. Darland 59 days and has Gray and R. H. Zonas acted as a ceased, and said Court has fixed Mon­ How mail to soldiers and ma­ been able to do her own work (Furnished by K. P. Wirtz, postmaster) committee to show the guests day, April 15, 1918, at 10 o ’clock A. M. ever since. Now (>6 years old. Effective March 15th, 1918, live rines of the American Expedition­ over the plant as the time and the County Court room ary Forces abroad should be ad­ At noon the Girls’ Honor Guard in Hillsboro, Oregon, the place for the W. B. Morrison of Aladdin, ¡ day-old chicks shall be accepted ! dressed: of Beaverton served a lunch and ! hearing of objections, if any, to said Wyo., who has been visiting a son for mailing, without insurance or Private John J. Jones a dinner was prepared for town final account and the settlement o f this in Portland for some weeks, visit­ C. O. D privileges, when the Captain Samuel L. Smith people and visitors. er! O S. Hig by and other old package in which they are con estate. Always write the full given Nebraska and South Dakota tained is properly prepared and name. Dated this March 14. 1918. William Kappel of David’s hill friends in this city last Saturday can be delivered to the addressee E. I. KURATLI, Administrator. Use substantially, well-made was trading with local merchants He knew the Higbys and W. H. within 72 hours from the time of H. T. BAGLEY, Attorney. Saturday. envelopes of good quality. Greer years ago at York, Neb. mailing. First pub. Mar. 14; last, Apr. 11. Always place the return ad­ Effective March 15th, 1918, Charley Odell who, with his Why suffer with head ache and Administratrix Notice dress of the sender on all letters sister, Mrs Showers, is spending eye strain when pro|K*rly fitted fourth class mail matter (parcel and parcels. Notice is hereby given, that the un­ post) shall embrace all other mat­ the winter at Long Beach, Calif., glasses will relieve this while, if dersigned has been appointed by the Parcels should be well wrapped ter, including farm and factory appears to he getting gay. as Jim you neglect them your eyes may , ' County Court o f Washington County; get beyond the help of glasses? j products not now embraced b y , with heavy paper of good quality McGill has received a picture Oregon, as administratrix o f the estate I)r. Ixjwe can refer you to hun- i law in either the first or second or with canvas or cloth; when postcard from Mr. Odell, showing of Dale J. Stewart. All persons hav- dreds he has relieved of head ■ class or (with the exception of canvas or cloth is used the address the latter perched on the back of 1 ing claims against said estate will pre­ ache«—with g l a s s e s . Consult, books) in the third class, not ex­ should be written on a shipping a bigostrich. When Charley start­ sent the same, properly verified, at him at Forest Grove Hotel, Fri­ ceeding seventy pounds in weight, tag, with the name and address ed for California in a Ford, his the office of Langley & Langley, at (when mailed for delivery within of the sender on the reverse side friends thought he was a little day, March 29. the first, second or third zones,' of the tag. NEVER USE LEAD reckless, but since he has become Forest Grove, Oregon. ANABEL KLEMM, Dr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Darland,1 nor exceeding fifty pounds in PENCIL. a rider of ostriches they know not Administratrix o f Estate o f Dale J. both of whom are chiropractic weight when mailed for delivery Mail to prisoners of war will be what to make of him. Stewart. physicians, h a v e received, un­ MANCHE LANGLEY. solicited, licenses to practice their Attorney for Administratrix. professions in North Dakota First Publication Feb. 21, 1918. 7-5t When the Drs. Darland were in W h o is Going to Send Him charge of a school at I^iGrande, a another pouch of member of the North Dakota DR. H. C. FORTNER board of medical examiners vis­ Real GRAVELY Chewing Ping Successor to ited them and was so impressed DR. H. W. VOLLMER Real Gravely Plug is the tobacco to with their methods that he has the license issued to them. send the Boy—not ordinary plug loaded OFFICE up with sweetening, but condensed Ed Ahlgren and Tip Goir of this „ I n First National Bank Building q u a lity —with the good Gravely taste city and Herb Kappel of David’s Telehones that satisfies and comforts and lasts a hill were initiated into the M c­ Residence 332 Office 333 Minnville lodge o f E l k s last long while. G iv e any m an a ch a w o f R ea l G ra v ely P lug, an d ha w ill Thursday night and, just to see to!) y ou th a t* a the kind to sen d. S en d the bast! D. D. & M. B. BUMP that, the boys got all that was! O rdin ary plug is false e c o n o m y . It coats less p ar w eak to c h e w R e a l G r a v ely , b e ca u se a sm all c h e w o f it lasts a Ions coming to them, Willis Goff, Al Attorneys at Law w hile. Ahlgren, Charley Roy, Claude1 If y o u sm ok e a p ip e, slice G ra v ely w ith you r k n ife an d Loans and Real Estate Smith, John Wirtz, E. I). Stout ad d a little to y ou r sm oking t o b a c c o . It w ill give fla v o r — im p rov e y ou r sm oke. ' D. D. BUMP, M. B. BUMP, and Joe Lenneville of this c ity ,! S E N D Y O U R F R IE N D IN T H E V . S . S E R V IC E Tom Sain of Scoggins Valley and Residence Residence Hillsboro A POUCH OF G R A V E L Y j Forest Grove. Chas. Follett of Hillsboro went D ealers e ll around h ere carry it in 10c. p o u c h e s. A Sc. Phone 444 Offices -HILLSBORO along. The lodge served a big stam p w ill put it into his hands in any T raining C am p o r S et* p ort o f tha U. S . A . E ven " o v e r there** a 3c. stam p will take lunch at midnight and the Forest: it to him . Y ou r d e a le r will supply e n v e lo p e an d g iv e y o u N . HOFFMAN Grove contingent remained until o fficia l d irection s h ow to address it. after breakfast Friday morning. P . B . G R A V E L Y TO BACCO C O .t Danville, Va. Attorney At Law A week from next Saturday the A Zittir mor# o f this bomb practico, Tha P a ta n t P o u c h k e e p » it F rea k a n d C lea n a n d G o o d amt b e’It be ready to ait down ana — it la n o t R e a l G ra v e ly w ith o u t th is P r o ta c tio n S ea l same candidates will be taken to Patent Office Business Solicited enjoy a Utile chew o f the Real Gravely EtHnhlDhcH« 1 * 3 1 Portland, where an extra degree the folk* ba