Little Willie Bold. Th« German campaign of corruption —Holoisrn, an It has been called—led Reserve strength for mother Representative Dupre to bay, In Baton hood is of two-fold importance Rouge: "Thin Hololftrn, this getting at us In­ l « » « 9 l> lh and Ho|rl S u . P u rlla n d , O r * . and thoughtful women before directly, In a fiendish thing. It remind» L O U HIM KM, M a n aifv r.l mo of little Willie. and after maternity take KATKM 7ta to 12. S P E C I A L W m I i or Month " ’My sinter's feller kicked my dog yesterday,’ said Willie, ‘but I'll get Eat less meat if you feel Hack- even with him, alt right. W i s h hn ’IlmcK A tt ,\ i iimknt 3R0PER WIDTH OF HIGHWAYS achy or have Hlaclder “ ’How’ll you get even?’ said Willie’s friend. trouble. ’’ Tin goln’ to mix quinine,’ said Wil­ Afrlter Advocate* Narrower Roads and lie, ‘with my sister's lip rouge.’ ’’— Restoring Acres of Valuable Washington Star. Meat forms uric aci 1 which exciter Land to Farming. and overworks the kidneys in their Over 1000 Satisfied Owners in Force of Habit. efforts to filter it from the system. JuMt ut thin time ninny are Intr-r- It supplies pure cod liver oil “They sent the marine reporter in Regular eaters of meat must flush the Washington and Oregon. •nted In the r|ui‘Ntlrin, ln»w with* h I idii M ^ absence of the society editor to kidneys occasionally. You nruat re­ The most vital point of u truck at tarh >ur | hi l>lI>■ rnuilN he? A number of ] for r ic h blood and contains the write up the wedding of the heiress lieve them like you relieve your bow­ merit in the bearing«. The Western I n lime and soda with medicinal to a foreign nobleman and how do you els; removing all the acids, waste and the only truck allachnurlit mail« with a tilings should be considered In un-j poison, else you feei e dull misery la iwerlriK this question, says it writer glycerine, all important ingredi­ suppose he headed It?” Two-inch Timben Hearing. Other M|HJ* "How?” the kidney region, sharp pains In the ii CJtnla Farmer. Tint kind of mute- ents for s t r e n g t h e n i n g the cifii'Htiorm in |H>rtion. "'T ied Up to Her Peer.’ ” — Ex­ back or sick headache, dizziness, your -Inl to In* uniu I lri milking the road. Why Huy an Inferior make? stomach sours, tongue la coated and nervous system and furnishing change. A. J. LORM OR, Factory Distributor. The topographli'iil condltIona through when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is U U IU k J*«*. Portland. Oragoa. which the road will pa mm , the proper abundant nourishment. Fiery Red Pimples. Irulunge of the road. The npvclul use It is free from alcohol. A hot hath with Cotlmra Soap followed cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get irritated, obliging you to get Gopbm. Moles, to which the mad muy he put. If any. Insist on th e genuine by an application of Ciiflenra Oint­ up two or three times during the For yearn very little attention ha* ment to distressing eczemas, etc., night T h e N on rfffcM l cod liver o il la Rats. Squirrels ■»een given to the wuste of land In our S c o tt 's Em u lsion is now refined in out provea their wonderful properties. For To neutralize these irritating acids ow n A m rn < «ii U D orstories w h i c h Exterminated 'oud building. I.and hn* been cheap free samples address “Cntlcurn, Dept. and flush off the body’s urinous waste m a k e s it pu re anti palaUDle. tnd plentiful and yearn ago we dirt not X, Boston.” At druggists and by rnnll. get about four ounces of Jad Salta $2.00 P er kage p re­ Hr*rft A JV»W*i* Wlnr*«nH*M v J. 17-y* from any pharmacy; take a table- Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.—Adv. paid. («urantm d. Ks*|fULrr** feet. They have been too wide If ist tO the farmer, as he drew up along . tve were to Judge by the condition In side of the field. ‘Tm looking for a road to take me into Squiggles- Ahlch we Hud many of them. Wasted decent vllle.” land on either side la used only to ’’I'm derned glad to hear it," replied jrow weeds. the farmer. “Ef ye happen to find It. !*osj^and Oinlswm io each tvvnj v> herv\ \ Why not make them the width thnt stranger, send me a tellygram, will rt used nnd plant trees on either side ye?" huve advocated In these col* /fi/NEt Granulated Eyelids, j is iiiiih we before? Then the thousands of / / .« ■ a - J S iim I •-<. Kyss Inflamed by ß * ' ' S L - ! ■ i ''“ ' '■ Hm./i; . / lores of land that are now practically relieved by M urlnr. T ry It In wasted could lie put to some good ' your I. yet »m l In Baby » l y c * . tNoSwartiBj, Juit EysCoafort a se. our Some of the Eastern railroads are Marine Eye Remedy Tails how to loosen a sore, lesson In this regard I r « » • • * * . in T u b « * ’¡ L t . F»»r U »o k o f tk s h'w* Wr— . teaching us a tender corn eo it lifts Ash M a r l a * E a r * K e r n e d y C * . . C h i c * * * j for they are funning their right-of- out without pain. way. On u recent trip Fust 1 saw treut long stretches of lund on either P R IC E S P A ID B Y dde of the railroad track planted to No humbug! Any corn, whether 1 1fnIf«. Acres were planted to truck hard, soft or between the toes, will US F O R RA W gardening. I understand similar con- loosen right up and lift out without F U R S ARE lltlons are to he found In some parts ' a particle of pain or soreness. if California. This drug Is called freezone and Is EXTREM E- a compound of ether discovered by a For the sake of economy In building „ LY HIGH ind upkeep let’s build our roads more Cincinnati man. Ask at any drug store for a small W rlir fo r m e t u » i larrow. Restore the acres of vnlunhle bottle of freezone, which will cost but and to farming. Build scientifically a trifle, but Is sufficient to rid one's E . R . S K IN N E R & CO. constructed roads the proper width feet of every corn or callous. I m rsciMT i u u t lACSAMLKTO. CAI. Helps md plant trees on both sides. Put a few drops directly upon any tender, aching corn or callous. In­ teeth. No Disrespect |* p°rk* B®*f* intervals or till the commissioner could IT'S DANGEROUS GROUND that you ^ r “| | r ^ Poultry, Butter, Egg« make the repairs. stand on—with a cough A ** anj Farm Produce. 'cause th$ flavor The time has come when we must or a cold, and your to the Oli! Kallabla Everting houae with ■ blood impure. Out of consider the roads an asset. Indis­ roeont of 4f< years ol .Square I Vnallnga, and lasts, anyway!” he assured of TOP MARKET PRICES. just these conditions pensable to the well-being of the farm­ comes Consumption. F. M. CRONKHITE er and his family. This being true, Is You must do some­ M 7 F ro n t S t r a a t P o rtla n d . O h i o * it not every man’s duty to do nil hr thing. Doctor Pierce's can to keep the roads In good condi­ Golden Medical Discov­ tion? ery cures severe, lin­ gering Coughs, Bron­ chial, Throat, and Lung 300D ROADS IN CONNECTICUT Affections, and every disease that can be MOTOR CAR REPAIRING Concrete Highways Being Built In reached through the Twenty-Two Cities and Towns— MACHINE W O R K blood. Nervous prostra- Cost $15,000 a Mile. ^ tlon and debility are MAGNETO SERVICE STATION i 9 conquered by it. When ALL KINDS O F The construction of concrete high­ * * you’re weak after an ways Is going on in 22 cities nnd towns attack of grip or fever—you will build n Connecticut, nnd when these con­ up health and strength and put on tracts have been completed there will needed flesh by taking the 'Discovery.' CYLIN D ER GRINDING COYOTE AND1* — — ■■■' ' ' OTH ER F U R S Obtain at your drug store a vial of be about 70 miles of concrete-surfaced PROMPT ATTENTION Y o u g * t th e h ig h e s t p ric e s a n d q u ic k re tu rn s pavement In that stnte. The highways "Pleasant Pellets,” made up of the TO ALL ORDERS w h e n y o u sh ip to th is old e s ta b lis h e d an d May apple, aloe leaves and jalap. This r e lia b le F u r H o u se. I t ’s y o u r n e a r e s t m a r k e t are 18 feet wide nnd cost $1.5.000 n is tho well known pellet made up near­ Broad way at Flanders, Portland, Or. mile. The longest single street of con­ ly fifty years ago, by Dr. Pierce, and SEN D r O R H . L I E B E S & C O RAW F U R crete rond In Connecticut Is two miles which can be had for a quarter from R a w F u r D ealers- Tur M a n u fa ctu re rs P R IC E L I S T 1 4 9 B r o a d w a y , D e p t O P O R T L A N D , O RE. In Cheshire, on the mnln highway almost any apothecary. Simply ask for No. 11, 1018 P. N. U. front Plninville to New Haven. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pelleta.—Adv. N««r Hoth ¿OO K u om i .04) Halli« O tp o la AI>»olul«l|p F ire p ro o f I H o te l H o y t 1 % GOOD ROADS GLASS OF SUITS IF Y o u n g M o th e re C C O T T ’C J e h u l s io n J BIG. STRONG CHICKS H SAVE THE CALVES! BousandGlfiSiC telearme Skin wiincuticura^ V E? It W ork s! T ry It Hides, Pelts, c Bac,k.a Wool & Mohair WRIGLEYS ■After every meal FRED DUNDEE WELDING Raw Furs Wanted W E W A N T AT ONCE T