WORLD HAPPENINGS Of CURRENT WEEK TREATIES DENOUNCED Supreme Allied War C'ouncil Flay* Ger­ man Policy of Plunder in Rusaia - Entente Will Not Falter. (I. S. MAY HAVE TO EAT LESS WHEAT ADVANCE CONTINUES Teutons Take Nikolayev, Near Odessa, Where Rich Wheat Storage is Sewed No Itesistanre Met. ALLIES WILL TAKE London The Germans have occupied Iondon — The supreme war council Nikolayev, in addition to Odessa, ac­ f the allies issued a statem ent Mon­ Brief Resume Most Important ty night condemnning German polit­ Food Authorities Contemplate cording to a Reuter dispatch from Million Tonnage Available in Petrograd. ical crimes against the Russian and All Parts of the World. Daily News Items. Further Restrictions. Both Odessa and Nikolayev were the Roumanian peoples, and refusing taken without lighting. The fleet at i to acknowledge Germany’s peace trea­ Odessa had fled to Sebasto|sd. ties with them, and also declaring: The Germans immediately suppressed “ We are fighting, and mean to con­ the soviets in Istth cities and seized HOLLAND TO BE PAID COMPILED FOR YOU tinue fighting, in order to finish at SUPPLIES ARE SHORT the naval yards at Nikolayev. once for all with this policy of plun- The German advance continues in ; der, and establish in its place the the direction of Kherson. reign of organized justice. ” Event* of Noted People. Government* peaceful The council’s statem ent, which is Allies Have Been Promised 90.#00.0U0 The first trains direct from Berlin Besides Compensation U. N. Will Per­ arrived in Odessa Sunday. issued through the Foreign office says : Bushel* Between January 1 and mit Export of Breedstnffs Which and Pacific Northwest and Other “ The Prime m inisters and Foreign Nikolayev, about 40 miles north­ Holland Sorely Needs. Thing* W orth Knowing. Julv 1. and Will Receive It. m inisters of the entente assembled in west of Kherson, on the Bug ’ London feel it to be their bounden duty River, has occupied an im|>ortant place to take note of the political crimes in the naval defenses of Russia. It which, under the name of a German All Abiline, Tex., churches will be­ peace, have been committed against Washington, D. C. — While the food has a great navy yard and is the seat Washington, I). C. — A million tons a m ilitary governor who is com­ of Dutch ships, now held in porta the gin a series of prayer meetings to the people. Russia is un­ adm inistration was making plans to of mander of the Black Sea fleet. The world over, through Holland's fear of pray for rain, and continue until the armed. Russian Forgetting that for four years meet the critical wheat shortage by a approaches city are strongly Germany’s threat to sink them if they extended drouth is broken. j Germany had been fighting against the further reduction in consumption, the fortified. to Its the population i* about venture out, will be brought into the independence of nations and the rights Teenie Johnson, mother of Jack service of the United States and Great senate again took up and debated 100, 000. Johnson, ex champion pugilist, died in of mankind, the Russian government, Britain on March 18. Nikolayev lies about 70 miles north­ legislation to increase production by in a mood of singular credulity, ex­ Chicago Tuesday night. Jack is sup­ Unless the Netherland government east of Odessa, and is reported to be pected to obtain by persuasion that raising the price on the 1918 crop. posed to be in Barcelona, Spain. Russia’s great wheat-storing center. braves the menace of Germany’a pres­ ‘democratic peace’ which it had failed The food administration was stirred H aw aii’s second tied Cross drive An American grain cx|>ort, who re­ sure and voluntarily acrepta an agree­ by war. to action by reports from the depart­ turned will be held in May. The date has to “ obtain recently from that area, saiil ment under whirh the ahi|Mi would be The results were that the interm e­ ment of Agriculture showing that the been as May 6 to 13, and the amount diate armistice had not expired before supply of wheat on farms and in coun­ that the storehouses of Nikolayev con­ put in trade, the United Stales and to be raised has been set at $250,000. the German command, though pledged try elevators is far less than it was a tained 6,000,000 bushels of wheat. Great Britain will take them over un­ der international law, availing them ­ W’ithin recent years the ini|>erial The Delaware senate has ratified the not to alter the disposition of its year ago. constituted Nikolayev the selves of a sovereign right which Ger­ Federal prohibition constitutional troops, transferred them en masse to The senate considered a bill by Sen­ government base for the Black Sea many herself has hitherto exercised amendment by a vote of 13 to 3. It the western front, and so weak did ator Gore, of Oklahoma, to fix the shipbuilding under the same authority. passed the house last week. Delaware Russia find herself that she dared to price at $2.50, or 30 cents a bushel Ilf t. The naval works have an area of notice haa been presented to raise no protest against this violation is the ninth state to ratify the amend­ more than set in a recent proclamation nearly 200 acres and equipment for the The Formal Hague by the American and B rit­ of Germany’s plighted word. ment. by President Wilson. In the house employment ish diplomatic representatives of the of 10,000 men. followed was of like charac­ Monday also a bill was introduced by Free moving picture shows at which ter, “ What allied government*’ intention. As a when ‘the German peace’ was Representative Morgan, of Oklahoma, patriotic speeches and the doctrine of translated into action. It was found to appropriate $300,000,000 to compen­ result, Saturday, the Netherlands min­ O R G A N I Z E G E R M A N C A P T I V E S ister, August PhillifM. acting under in­ buying war savings stam ps will be ex­ to involve the invasion of Russian ter­ sate producers for the losses they sus­ pounded is an idea worked out by the the destruction or capture of all tained when the government establish­ German* Mobilize Prisoners Into Two struction* of his government, made a Japanese war savings stamps sales ritory, final |s-r*onal ap|s-al to President Wil­ Russia’s means of defense and the or­ ed its 1917 prices at a figure lower committee of Honolulu. son at least to modify the decision. Full Army Corps. ganization of Russian lands for Ger­ than the then market price. Plans of the Coreans' in Hawaii to many’s profit—a proceeding which did Senator Williams, of Mississippi, Tokio—It is reported that the Ger­ The Associated Press is able to say organize into m ilitary bodies, train not differ from annexation, because Democrat, opposed price-fixing legis­ mans are trying to organized two army that the President saw no reason for the decision, and that unless secretly and on a certain date secure the word itself was carefully avoided. lation, declaring farmers should be al­ corps German war prisoners in altering the shifts turned over Monday a passage to Corea and there begin wag­ “ Meanwhile those very Russians lowed a free market for their products. Russia. of One corps, it is said, is being Presidential are proclamation lie is­ ing a war against Japan were disclosed who had made m ilitary operations im­ The seriousness of the situation is secretly organized Irkutsk, Siberia. sued taking over the shifts in will Ameri­ in the Honolulu Circuit Court in the possible found diplomacy impotent. shown by a frank admission at the Two cavalry corf» at also are being can ports, of which there are alsiut 80. Corean riot case. Their representatives were compelled food administration that existing flour formed. Many more, however, are in British or proclaim that, while they refused to stocks are only 80 per cent of the nor­ Because of a government order pro­ to other port*. read the treaty presented to them, quantity needed until July 1. Tokio—Premier Terauchi and Fore­ From allied hibiting the use of certain grades of they had no choice but to sign it; so mal Food the American official (stint of administration officials thought ign Minister Motono told parliament leather in the m anufacture of army they signed it, not knowing whether the departm ent’s estimate of 180,000,- view, the action is one into which the shoes, several plants at Brockton, in its true significance it meant peace 000 bushels of wheat in elevators and Monday nothing had been decided u|s>n allied governments have been forced with reference to the Siberian situa­ Mass., were forced to suspend opera­ or war, nor m easuring the degree to on farm s March 1 was optimistic and by the German duress of Holland, tions in some departm ents until the which Russian national life was re­ said their best information was that tion. whirh may now see her ships in trade The m ilitary situation has reached a m atter is adjusted. again, and can point out to Germany duced by it to a shadow. 125,000,000 bushels was the greatest state of perfected pareparedness. that they were taken through no will Men engaged in planting or culti­ “ For us of the entente governments amount that could be expected. Sunday night the Seiyukai (constitu­ of her own. vating a crop are to be allowed by ex­ the judgment which the free peoples The allies have been promised 90,- tional) party, the largest in the diet, Coming emption boards to continue their work of the world will pass on these trans­ 000,000 bushels of grain between Jan­ held a conference at a time when the dire and reaffirmed its until finished, although their draft actions would never be in doubt. Why uary 1 and July 1. There is no inten­ fiosition taken at a recent meeting in need of the allied cause is fur shifts, numbers are reached, according to or- waste tim e over German pledges when tion of failing to carry out this pro­ opposition to immediate mobilization. this acquisition of a million tuna is of ders received at Springfield, 111, from we see that at no period in her history gram which is regarded as the most The press is almost unanimous in urg­ tremendous importance. the W ar departm ent. of conquest—not when she overran Si- important duty now confronting the ing mobilization. The Ashai Shimhun Every arrangem ent has been made and the Yorodzv Choho say they are for the compensation of the N ether­ Preparation of February pay allot- *e8' a nor w'hen she partitioned Poland American people. she exhibited herself so cyni­ Owing to shortage of transportation, unable to understand A m erica's “ ex­ lands for the ships. m ent and government allowance checks —has of national inde­ the greater part of the export program cessive generosity” toward Russia, They will be insured ami armed, and for dependents of soldiers has been cally as a destroyer the implacable enemy of the remains to be carried out and the now giving supplies to Germany and if any be lost they will be replaced. delayed by receipt of more than 60,000 pendence. of man and the dignity of civil­ wheat must be obtained from the scant imperiling the stores in Vladivostok. Besides m aterial comfs-nsaion for their letters of inquiry concerning the pay­ rights ized nations? Poland, whose heroic supply in this country by curtailm ent Suspicions in regard to Japan weak­ use, the United States will perm it the ments, and two weeks more may be spirit has survived the most cruel of of individual consumption. en the allies, they assert, adding that export of breadstuff* and rattle foods, required to complete the work. national tragedies, is threatened with Wheat holdings at country mills and it is Japan’s duty to work in the in­ which Holland needs sorely for her Official notice appears in the O tta­ a fourth partition, and to aggravate on March 1 were estimated terests of peace and humanity by as­ own people, and in addition will re­ wa, Canada, Gazette of an order in her wrongs, devices by which the last elevators by the departm ent of Agriculture at sisting to crush Germany. The Ko- store the interrupted trade of Holland council prohibiting the export of news trace of her independence is to be 68,972,000 bushels. That is about 2o,- kumin Shimbun issued a call to arms, with her colonies by guaranteeing print paper and wood pulp from Can­ crushed are based on fraudulent prom- 000,000 bushels less than was held saying for her ships in that trade. that America is sincerely bunkers ada except under license. Licenses ' ises of freedom. By this arrangem ent, officials (joint March 1 last year, and 86,000,000 friendly, but mistaken. are to be issued by the m inister of cus­ “ W hat is true of Russia and Poland bushels less than in 1916. further responsibility for final The Ashahi Shimbun, of Osaka, out, toms at the request of the W ar Trade is no less true of Roumania, over­ shoratga in The Nsthnrlanda, if there voices the opinion widely held among board. whelmed in a flood of merciless passion the middle classes that extensive mo­ be one, will rest on Germany. P E A C E T R E A T Y IS R A T I F I E D bilization would create acute distress Mobilization of women workers for 1 for domination.” industrially and in regard to the food C O N G R E S S TO SIT IN C O U N C IL industry and for the farms will be The protest includes: taken up at a conference of women’s “ Peace is loudly advertised, but un­ Final Action Taken by Bolsheviki to supplies. organizations in Washington March 25, der the disguise of verbal professions Make I’eace With Germany. Iondon—The evacuation of Petro­ War Department Invites legislators to called by the United States Employ­ lurk the brutal realities of war and the Keep in Tosrh With Fighting. Moscow- The all-Russian congress grad has been completed, according to m ent service. The aim is to build up untempered rule of lawless force. a reserve army to answer emergency “ Peace treaties such as these we do of soviets has ratified the peace agree­ a Reuter dispatch from that city, quot­ Washington, D. C.—The adm inistra­ not and cannot acknowledge.” ment with Germany by a large m ajor­ ing an official communication. calls. tion formally embarked Saturday on a “ As incidents of this long war un­ None of the population will be per­ ity. [*>licy of taking congress completely Wonderful results in the curing and roll themselves before our eyes, more A Bolshevik resolution approving mitted to leave the city hereafter and, into its ronfidenre as to the progress treatm ent of leprosy by the use of an and more clearly do we percieve that the acts of the government of the in order to make certain that the order of war preparations and developments oil extracted from an obscure East In­ the battles for freedom are every­ workmen’s and soldiers’ delegates and is obeyed, all passenger train service on the fighting front in Europe. dian plant, known as “ chaulmoogra, ” where inter-dependent; th at no sepa­ of the peace delegation, and calling has been suspended. At the invitation of Acting Secre­ have been secured by the French gov­ rate enumeration of them is needed and for organization of the defense of the The council of commissaries of “ the tary Crowell, members of the senato ernm ent in Tahiti and other Polynesian that in every case the single, but all- commune of Petrograd,” which will be country by the creation of a national m ilitary committee were suasion at possessions, according to Dr Felix sufficient, appeal is to justice and army of both sexes was passed after the official designation of Petrograd the War departm ent for in nearly two Gautier, chief, of the French govern­ right. and surrounding district in the future, Lenine’s restoration of peace among hours with the full memljership of the m ent’s medical service in Polynesia. “ Are justice and right going to win? the warring factions and his statem ent has authorized the reappearance of so- War Council, and beginning next week Joseph A. Susskind and his brother, Insofar as the issue depends on battles that this action was the only way out, called bourgeoisc newspapers, which will meet with that laxly «very Satur­ Harry J. Susskind, collected $750,000 yet to come, the nations whose fate is intim ating that the treaty m ight be had been suppressed since the begin­ day morning. Members of the house committee gross in tips for checking hats and in the balance may surely put their broken under changed circumstances. ning of the German offensive. will meet with the council and a sim i­ coats in New York restaurants and ho­ trust in the armies, which even under The opposition, notably the Social British Bomb Teuton City. tels in seven years, according to state­ conditions more difficult than the pres­ Revolutionaries of the left, made a lar arrangem ent for weekly meetings m ents made in the Supreme Court in ent have shown themselves more than valiant but futile effort to prevent the London — A British air squadron will be made with that committee. Brooklyn, by Joseph, who asked for a equal to the great cause entrusted to acceptance of the treaty, which was bombed Zweibrucken Sunday, says the Probably a large risim will be obtained characterized by the m inister of jus­ British official report on aviation. later so that the committees of both dissolution of the hat checking part­ ; their valor.” nership and the appointment of a re­ Meetings of the supreme war council tice as being “ anti-revolution and “ Fourteen heavy projectiles and ten houses may he received in joint ses- and im portant political conferences un­ anti-socialistic.” ceiver. lighter bombs were dropped on bar- aion. der the presidency of Prem ier David He said that the Social Revolution­ racks, munition factories and the Thus the War departm ent meets the It is confirmed th at the two Ameri- Lloyd-George were held in Downing ary party repudiated the responsibility way station at Zweibrucken,” the rail- insistent demand of congress for a re- can engineers captured by brigands in street Thursday, Friday and Saturday for the acceptance of the treaty, would port says. “ Explosions were seen all greater share the conduct of the Northern Honan and held prisoner for They were attended by the premiers of resign from the government and devote around the station. Our airplane war and removes in the cause which ransom are E. J. Pursell, of Philadel­ France and Italy and other ministers, all its power and influence to the or­ formation was attacked by hostile led the senate com m real ittee’s prolonged phia or St. Paul, Minn., and G. A. with their m ilitary and expert ad­ ganization of armed resistance to Ger- scouts and anti-aircraft guna, but all investigation of the army with its a t­ Kyle, of Portland, Or. visers. | man imperialism. tendant bitter criticism. our machines returned Hafely. ” A further extension of commercial Reutons Meet Resistance. Maxim Ship to Be Tested. Austrian Strikes Spread. Ukraine Grain Divided. relations between Argentina and Washington, D. C. — A resolution Washington, D. C. — Hudson Max­ Amsterdam — Strikes are again in Washington, I). C.—According to an France is provided for in an arrange­ asking Secretary Daniels for all infor­ m ent concluded by the French m inister mation in his possession regarding im ’s device for a non-sinkable ship has progress in Austria and Hungary and official dispatch received from Copen­ for the purchase in Argentina of a published charges that the troopship been accepted for experim ental pur­ are spreading rapidly, according to re­ hagen Friday and quoting from the poses by the Shipping Board, which ports appearing in German newspa­ National Tidende, Germany and Aus­ large amount of supplies. Tuscania, torpedoed off the Scotch announces some start should be made pers. A Vienna dispatch to the Weser tria will divide equally until July 31 Attacking over an 11-mile front on coast with 2000 American soldiers toward producing vessels th at could Zeitung, of Bremen, dated Friday, the amount of grain available in Uk­ the coastal sector in Palestine, East aboard, was abandoned by her crew not be sunk by submarines. says th at a strike in Budapest and Vi­ Anglian, South Anglian and Indian without effort to save the passengers Out of thousands of methods sug­ enna was suspended Thursday. A Vi­ raine. During the earlier portion of this troops have advanced to an average was introduced Tuesday by Represent­ gested, the ship protection committee, enna dispatch to the Ix>kal Anzeiger, period Austria will have two-thirds depth of three miles, according to an ative Steenerson, of Minnesota. headed by John A. Donald, has se­ of Berlin, confirms the report of last and Germany one-third of all grain official statem ent issuedjby the London One of the soldiers aboard the ship lected several for special tests, of week th at workmen In railway shops obtained. During the second half the w ar office. made such charges in a letter home. have gone on strike. which Mr. Maxim’s will be first. proportions will be reversed.