The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 21, 1918, Image 1

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Ifarcat Gkmu' Expresa
Vol. 3
/w r
r ,
No. 11
Clothing Badly Needed
for War Refugees
Miss Winifred Littlehales visit­
ed friends in Portland yesterday.
When you think of spring un-
The Red Cross having sent out
Th<* director» of the Forest
derwear, think of C. E. Roy & a caj| for dothing for the war
Grove Commercial cluh met at
k °-
refugees of Belgium, the military
the Rogers City Library Monday
Attorney Manche Langley had relief committee o f t h e local
evening and elected officers as
business at the county seat yes- branch is asking the people of
; Forest Grove for donations of
A. G. Hodman President
Work Shirts, the big roomy worn clothing for men, women
B. J. Simpson, Y’ ice President.
kind, sizes to 18 / x t . C. E. Roy and cTii’dren No matter what
R. W R*der. Secretary.
the vintage of the clothing, just
& Co.
W. W. McEldowney, 'I'reasurer.
so it is clean and whole. The fol­
Sergeant Major Enoch I. Will
and wheatless lunch after an initi­ lowing ladies have been appointed
of the U. S. aviation service was
receiving agents and donations
ai ion last evening
present, on invitation, and gave
M i» Lillian Thins of Gales “ »7 &
‘ ¡“ “ j
iiis private opinion as to what the
; Creek has accepted a position as *. AT? Tho as,
government should have in the
bookkeeper at the Pacific Market. ^ « hara-„ M " , R “ ' “ 8 Cheney,
way of aviation field, provided, of
j . j U
, c- ■
Mrs F. S. Whitehouse, Mrs W.
cou se, thai it was decided to es-
A dandy new line of Spring fjronk, Meg. a . G. Hoffman, Mrs.
who last Friday celebrated in this city their fifty-eighth
lahlish a field in the Pacific North
ties for men and boys just re- j p Wegner or Mrs. W. C. Em-
west. In his opinion, the field
wedding anniversary.
ceived a t J o h n
Anderson s. merson.
Phone either o f t h e
should contain not less than (¡00
Come and see.
above ladies or Mesdames J. C.
acres, should fa* moderately level, ter he stated that he was getting I
Misses May, Florence and Clau ; Smith, Chas. Aydelott or R . M.
| o H io c V ic if
on ground t h a t w a s neither all he wanted to eat and wear and L U td l LdU lC » Tl&ll
dien Humphreys of Portland vis- j Stevens if you have clothing you
swampy nor sticky. He had heard that the Germans were as kind t o 1
¡ted their mother, Mrs. L. A. want called for. Collections are
I L ir llu m l
that t h e government officials him as could be asked for Hej
r O r U a ilt l r a C lO lie S Humphreys, in this city Sunday, being made today and another
were rather inclined to the belief also said he was «ending her his
Almost 100 Washington county
“ Easter time” is ‘ ‘dress-up collection will be made Saturday,
that there were too many cloudy watch as a keepsake. Later »he J women, chaperoned by Mrs L. time.” You’ll want some fixin’s The clothing will be taken to the
days in both Washington and Oie- got the watch and when she went A. Humphreys and P L Schultz, to freshen up. The newest jn Miller building, Main street, and
gon to make this section desira­ , to wind it, it would not wind; she yesterday made a trip to Portland Shirts, Ties, Hosiery, etc. C. E. sorted for shipment to New York.
ble as a training camp for flyers, carried it to a jew* lor and flown and visited vaiious factories in Roy & Co.
The Red Cross ladies will also
as too much time was lost wait­ in the works the man had a note which is produced and packed
gladly accept old papers or rub­
^ party of girls from the Con-
ing for the giound to d>y. Rut in which he stand that all he had much of the food which finds its grecationai church called on M r., bers, which will be sold to pay the
this part of the W ilia me te valley aid in the letter wa- a lie; that way to Willamette valley tables. an(j ^jrs j) jsj Morris Sunday freight on the clothing. What
was as good as any other part of his nose and ears had been cut off korest Grove sent 4t> delegates, an<j enlivened these est imable old , have you to offer for this worthy
either Washington or Oregon.
by Germans and he would nev. r Hillsboro do and Ga>ton, Dilley, people with cheerful songs,
Sergeant Will is at Ellington see her again for he was a sight Cornelius and other points sent
Methodists Enjoy Family Dinner
Field, near
Houston. Texas, that would tun, ,hc .irongw t .•mailer partieu.
j , * ■ ‘" r*
where he has c h a r g e of the Htomach into a vomiting fit.
Atui oavMiidia onivcu
* . . p
Fully 25 0 Methodists, men,
i When I he excursionists
arrived o, hHo.ol
recruits, as t h e y c o m e in.
The giil who received the letter in Portland they were met by Sa.t,n i, amisdes Envelope C he • women and children, attended the
It is his duty to try them out and lives at Nacogdoches and there automobiles and taken to t h e mlse- } hey arl>fc' beautiful and the quarterly supper and get-together
ascertain, as best he can, for what are people in Kemp who know her Crown Mpls, where the ladies saw
are ntrht" A -
Hot,mdn meeting of the Aid Society given
phase of the aviation service they and the story to be true.— Kemp how Hour of various kinds is made & Co
at the church last evening and en-
and here they saw hundreds of . Sergeant Major E. I. Will, who i joyed a very hearty meal and
are best adapted. Win n he left (T e x ) News.
tons of w hite Hour being loaded *s now located near Houston, | several hours of visiting after the
to come home on furlough, he had
on a big st-^uner for Uncle Sam. i Texas, in the aviation service, supper.
(¡00 recruits in his squad. He
says a two-unit field, such as
The next visit was to the plant of visited his wife and child and
While the supper was not meat-
the Pacific Coast Biscuit com other relatives in this city over less, brown bread, potatoes and
cou'd be accommodated on GOO
acres, would accommodate nearly
pany, where the making of wafers, t Sunday and Monday, leaving for many other foods recommended
Next Tuesday evening, at the cookies and candie*» was demon- his duties Tuesday evening.
200 machines, rtquiring 500 offi­
j by the food administration were
cers, 150 laborers and mechanics M. E. church dining hall, the siratid. At the Log Cabin Bak-
George F Schroll, wife and used quite freely in the menu,
and from 3 000 to 5,000 students. numbers o f t h e Forest Grcne ery 'be
were served a daughter, Hub' , arrived Satur-j The affair was supposed to take
The location of such a field would brotherhood wi l l h o l d their 6Weil dinner, made up of contri- day from Halsey, this state, to on the nature of a welcome, but
be of great benefit to the com monthly meeting and dinner and butions from t h e Union Meat make their home in this city, the new pastor’s wife is ill with
munity lucky • nough to be chosen. the same will be in t he nature of Company, the Crown Mills, the They are father, mother and sister | the measles and the speaking pro-
The club gave Sr rgeant Will a a reception to Kev. John Ebert p.lCjfic Coast Biscuit Co and the to J. B. Schroll, the garage man, gram was postponed until a later
vote of thanks for his talk, which new pastor of the local M . h ., ^
Cabin Bakery. After the din- and Mrs J. H Sturgus.
¡date. Miss Milam of the O. A.
was both interes ing and edifying. church. Ihe-tdenl Inlow will pre |m,r, , were made by I-res-
The Conservatory of Music. C. made a very interesting talk on
President Hoffman called at­ side as toastmaster, Rev. Patten ident Rittman of the Baking com Pacific University, wi l l present the great need of food conserva-
tention to the fact that ren's were ^
- r - ' v l p 1D V k ' WO I' i ! w pany; D. A Pattulo, manager of students in voice and piano num tion.
soaring in Portland and there
0n Tuesda>’ « « i n * Mr. and
were many empty houses in For­ fort lie * h ( .u ¿ A G. Hollinan ! ¡ ¡ ' « < ^ ‘na?v“ T P 1 m " ¡ ¡ V F i , ¡ m ' I ’ L i S
for the Commercial c u b and B. 1 u . 100 ^ i at C .TPüT/ V »
’ I
Hall eight ^ jrs j ohn Anderson pleasantly
est Grove. He thought if ow J. Simpson’s subject will be “ Or- ^°^n89 n» sale!5 na‘ nager 1r°.r tb‘' ■0_ clock. The pub ic is invited to entertained at cards the members
commutation rates could be se­ gunized Patriotism,” after which biscuit company, Mr. Wright 0 these recitals and theprogram of the «Neighborhood Club, ’ ’with
cured from the railroads between
^ ° f ¡a few additional guests,^follow s:
Portland and Forest Grove, some Í - Kbert will respond to t £ SchulTz,^whiT
Messrs, and Mesdames B. E La-
of the local houses could be fil ed
was to be the chaperone of so in-
Clarence Rice, a former studentj Mont, John McNamer, Hugh
Members will he permitted on telhgent and interested a delega-'a t pacjfic University a n d a Smith, E. B. Sappington, Frank
up. It. J. Simpson, loc I agent
occasion to bring their wives
for the Southern Pacific, said
Mrs. M. J Abt?ott ex' nephew to Prof, and Mrs. F. C. Crabtree, W. C. Benfer, Mes-
that under government control lo the dinner, tick ts for which pressed appreciation of the cour- Taylor, arrived Wednesday of last dames Mary Hughes, Phoebe
it was doubtful if any rates could may be had of A. E. Scott. H. L. testes shown the delegates by the week for a visit with the Taylor j Ward and Fred Ramsey, Miss
be secured, as those in charge of Bates, J. A. Parker, Roy YanKirk J ortland manufacturers and Mr». famj|y . He is a student aviator Josephine Ward, Dr. Ward, E. E.
the railroads had cancelled the or H F. Wilson.
Humphreys told how courteous! at Rerldey, Calif., and is recuper- Lyons and Ralph Lyons. After
tisual home - seek' rs’ excursion
been hei treatment b y jh e ating from a recent illness
He the playing the hostess served a
Knights Go Visiting
rates. No action was taken and
laoies ana business houses of For- wj]| return to Berkley tomorrow, nice Hoover lunch,
Twenty-eight members of the est Grove while engaged in dem-
the meeting adjourned.
local Pythian lodge went to Hill- onstrating the products of the W n c h in r ffn n f n i i n i v
Miss Sadie M cCoy Tuesday
Unbelieveable Atrocity
boro Monday night to see four houses visited.
n d o lllllg U M I C U U lllj
evening entertained Misses Beth
th e
A young lady living in a Texas I candidates initiatid b y
At the Union Meat company^
P r n v p « P i l i n o f i s m Potwin> Margaret Marsh, Mar-
* l i u ? c a I i aH
a u IU
i u lISIIl
u o m „nrot
garet \fnpoan
Morgan, A Audrey
iiit«« T Tour
aup unH
town not more than 125 m les Knights of the county seat and plants the ladies saw how meat is
from K e m p , received a let­ enjo) a ciab lunch and fraternal killed, cured and packed and a lso1 Every part of the county was Mary Olmstead at a taffy pull,
s o m e days
ago from visit with their bothers of that >aw how Gold Crest butter is represented at the big patriotic --------------------------------------------- —
Those from this city were made and packed. In the Log i |jy held at Hillsboro vesterday
h e r s w e e t h e a r t , w h o is a town
piisont rin Germany. In the let- Hugh and Claude Smiili, John and Cabin bakery they were shown an/ |ast night by the officers and
Ed Wirtz, Ed Ahlgren, E. B.
how bread is ,n?‘U ? to t e d a ug m(.mbers of the Patriotic League,
Sappington H. B. Johnson. W. city like Portland, with enough
,, mni
at 10:30in the mSrn.
C. Schul'z, Htnry Fog<*| John additional to supply Forest Grove .
| j
„ d
a conser
Martin, Ed Boos, A. A. Kirkwood, and many other towns in the
vat ion program was given in the
W P. Dyke Andrew Kelly, C A.
I Public Library, with talks and
Brodersen, Archie B yan , Chas valley.
1 hu ladies expressed surprise at j ,lem„ „ stralion9J ’ bv M ta Ava b .
Mertz, C . A . Li It 1er, A J Dem­ the cleanliness and sanitary c o n -iMH
f h Agricultural college
on st, Geo. H. Jackson J. S. Bux­ d.tiona ° f the places y,sited, as , d
ton, Kay Giltner. Bi n Whited, B. well as at the large amount of
_ . a.
E. LaMont, YV. J. MeCreadv, goods turned out The local c o n -: - ‘ resIdent R* J- Nmpson of the
Robert Alexander, Joe \\ iles and tingent return, d home about 7 League presided at meetings held
John Ireland
o ’clock, tired, but happy and full in the People s Theater at 1:30
Commercial Club
Brotherhood Will
Welcome New Pastor
A doubt exi-ting as to which ^ v W ^ d management ° ‘ welcomed’ 'the delegaTes°and ad-1
te .m W'»n the basketball game
— —
dresses were made by Arthur M.
p iyed by the Forest Grove and
In honor of the birthday of P. | Churchill, W. H. Wehrung George
Hillsboro high school boys’ team^ j M. McCollister of Portland, .«on- m . Caldwell, Mr. Spence of the ,
last Saturday, it was agreed tha in-law to M. S. Allen, Airs. Allen War Savings committee and Nf
the game should be played over will this evening entertain at din- a Frost The chairm an of the
on the floor of the Portland Y . ner Mr. and Mrs. McCollister |Q1 school districts were given
M. C. A. next Saturday night and and Mr. and Mrs. frank Allen helpful suggestions as to how best
j the winner of the game will be and little daughter._____
enlist the public in the movement
declared champion of Washington
The Oregon Food Administra- for food conservation and the sale
c i u n i y . ________
tion has ruled that 100 pounds of of War Savings Stamps.
Grand Army man, whose re-
New arrivals in men’s dress j potatoes may take th* place of
Many people from this city a t -.
interred in Forest view
Who HrikH from *he Repohlican party a
dress shirts, with French the purchase of a 49 pound sack terms of the great amount of good cemetery i#9t Friday, under the auspi-
renomirmtion, stHruiing on his record of of soft
cuffs. A G. Hoffman & Co.
of white flour.
¡ ces
“ *
the past four years.