Supplement to Forest Grove Express Vol 3 Forest Grove, Ore., Thursday, March 14, 1918. No. 10 | Saver! Why not? NO TES A M ) P E R SO N A LS 1 Everybody can lend Uncle Sam A Program for Every Patriotic 25c today. You can lend ? 1 li Bernard Ortman has traded his American every month Ford for a new Maxweil, making Sales to Mar. 11—$11,438 95. the deal with M. S. Allen. 1. I/earn what you can about Total apportionment — $534,- Uncle Sam's war work. Let us make your next suit. 000 . 00 . 2. (live what you can to help Spring Summer samples on The school children have in­ display and our boys and to relieve the suf­ now. A. G. Hoffman & vested $3,828 75 in War Savings. ;co. ferers. Watch it grow 3 Cons rve and produce w hat Lieutenant Ray T Williams of N. A. FROST, you can of food and clothing. Chairman War Savings. Camp Lewis visited his parents, 4. Save what you can and lend wife and little daughter in this Boys Win and Girls Lose to Uncle Sam. Start now. Huy city several days last week. Thrift Stamps and War Savings Pacific University gyrn was L M. Graham w e n t t o a Stamps. packed with basketball fans last specialist in Portland yesterday to District No 22. Middleton, re­ Friday night to see two games be­ take treatment for a stubborn ports four more Rainbow Regi­ tween the boys’ and girls' teams case of lumbago. ment m mbers, making a total of of th Hillsboro and Forest Grove The second offering of ‘‘All a eight. high schools. The game between The first district to report for the girls was played first and was Mistake,” made by local talent at the Honor Roll in war savings is won by the Hillsboro girls—5 to the Star Theater Monday even­ District No 96, Mountain Home, 25. While rather one-sided, there ing, was fairly well attended, con­ M N. Honham, teacher Every was much of interest in the game sidering the large crowd which witnessed the first performance, pupil is a War Saver, also teaeher. j for the spectators. and the audience appreciated the Washington county teachers Hut the Forest Grove boys own $4,800 worth of Liberty more than evened things up with comedy immensely. John K Pollock, executive sec­ Bonds and pupils $9,100 worth; the visitors by taking the big retary of the State Council of De­ teachers own 119 $5 War Saving game of the evening by a score of Certificates and 234 pupils own 25 to 32. Galley of Portland was fense, writes the Express from Portland that the general Liberty 630; teachers own 211 two b it1 referee in both games. Loan meeting heretofore sched­ Thrift Stamps and 657 pupils own Next Saturday night the two uled for this city will be held, in­ 2715; 466 pupils belong to a War Forest Grove teams will close the Savings society and 792 have gar sea-on in twin games at Hillsboro stead, in Hillsboro on Friday, dens and are raising poultry, and quite a bunch of fans are ex­ March 15th Dr. C. E. Hawke has been sent swine or o lnr live stock; 1118 pected to accompany the players by the war department to Clatsop pupils contributed $509.17 to war to the county seat. station, near Seaside, where he work during the month. looks after the health of a gang of Pacific O rator Makes Good The teacher had a fine meeting spruce workers. His son, Mal­ at Sherwood, Saturday, March 9. Representing Pacific University State Superintendent Churchill in the Inter-Collegiate Oratorical colm, joined him Friday, having been offered a clerical position, made a fine talk on high schools and one on the course of study for contest, held at Salem last Friday, and Mrs. Hawke and Helen ex­ grades. Mr. Maris, State In­ Martin Bernards of this city took pect to move soon to Seaside. dustrial Club worker, was present second place, with Abraham Ros- For the Children, first because and told of the value of that and enburg of the University of Ore- of the last. Buster Brown Shoes, plans for its promotion. Prof. gun taking first and Irl S. Mc- of course. A. G. Hoffman & Co. Patton's address on ‘‘Play” and Sherry of McMinnville College Word has reached this city of Miss Wood’s class demonst’ation bringing up in third place. Mr. the death at Victoria, B. C , of Bernards’ subject was ‘‘The Soul were of special practical value. There wfas considerable interest in of Belgium” and those who heard John Miller, who years ago lived the discussion of the effect of the him say he made the most of his at North Mound, on the north­ western outskirts of this city. He extra war wo:k on the regular opportunities. had four or five sons and one of Mr. Bernards will take part in work of the schools. This was led by Prof. Reinemerand Mrs. Dow. the debate with a team from them, John, graduated from Pa­ The work in reading, history, Willamette University at Mar^h cific University. Another s on, geography and composition seem Hall tomorrow night, his collegue Robert, went to India as a mis­ to be helped and other subjects, being Miss Donna Mack. Go and sionary. Deceased was generally not hindered by the interest in hear this debate; 25c; begins at 8 referred to as “Scotch” Miller, on account of his broad brogue. war work. The people of Sher­ sharp. wood gave the teachers a cordial The funeral services for Mrs. Filling First Quota reception and fine dinner. Julia M. Owens, who died last Word came from Washington Wednesday at the home of her Mr. Maris is working Washing­ ton county this week and next Tuesday that Oregon should raise daughter, Mrs. J. W. Kyle, up and will visit as many schools as by March ‘29th 369 more men for Clear Creek, were held at the possible in the interest of ihe in­ the final quota of the first draft. | graveside, in the Gales Creek dustrial work. Washington county’s share is cemetery, at three o’clock Thurs­ N. A FROST. eleven men. Congress is now day afternoon, Rev. Daniel Staver working on a bill calling for a officiating Deceased wTas nearly War Savings News second draft of 800,000 men, eighty years of age and had made Every man, woman and child who will be called in small lots her home with her son-in-law and in Washington county a War, during the present year. daughter for some years. COUNTY SCHOOL NKWS