BE LOYAL TO YOUR COMMUNITY ! “ Every mother’s son of us” —and daughter, too—truly needs the assistance which accompanies our loyalty to OUR COMMUNITY; we are none of us self-sufficient. Hut can we expect our community to he loyal to us unless we are loyal to it? Think it over. By mutual assistance a com­ munity prospers. BUY IT AT H O M E! The First National Bank o f Forest Grove, Ore A Strong Bank in a Good Town Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent MC M B K S ’ flO H A l SYSTEM Directors M. R. Johnson. President; Chris Peterson. Vice President; A. J. Demorest. Cashier; Allan Rice and J. E. Loomis. Dr. Lowe, Mar. 29th. Blue Andalusian egg* for hatch in«. 15 for $1 (H). J. I. W. Hur­ ston. Route 1. 10-tf George (I. Hancock, real es- I tale, farm loans and lire insur­ ance, new Anderson block. 50 If you want to buy somethin« pretty and at the same time help ihe Red Cross, go to the "Super­ fluity’’ s a l e next Saiu'day One door south of the Smith furniture store. Allen Underwood of (¡rants Pass, cousin to Mrs. II. R. Ber­ nard, stopped off here Tuesday for a visit with his relatives, while enroute to McMinnville for a visit We sell the "Out o’ Sight" mole trap, recommended by the (). A. C mole ex|*ert. Come in and s e e how it works Cordon & Gordon. j SOCIAL NOTES « ì u i u Bm i H i n w w Stylish Spring Millinery The undersigned cordially invite the ladies of Forest Grove and vicinity to their pur­ lers on Monday, March 18th to an informal showing of new Spring Hats for Ladies and Children, Auto Gaps and Sport Hats of latest de­ sign, as well as an especially fine line of Ladies’ Collars. Our Price« Art* Very Reason aide An inspection of our goods does not obligate you to buy. Come in and get acquainted with Stith & Jones f i w Successors to Hcrtzog & McIntyre i West of Rogers Library FOREST GROVE. ORE. The card party at the I-aughlin hotel Saturday night for the ben­ efit of the Belgian Relit f fund was I Job printing—phone 821. Congregational Church New food Cards Saturday CONDENSED NEWS NOTES not very heavily attended due,! S te re o p tic o n lecture on J e r u s a le m M r . Hoover has issued a new Frank Doane was looking after no doubt, toother attractions in First showing of ladies' spring business in town yesterday. amt Palestine a t Sunday night. At fo o d card, t o be hung u p in t h e : the city. Those who attended had coats at Anderson’s. You’ll like the morning worship, Mr. P a tte n will American k i t c h e n s , t o remind t h e Mrs. James Nichols was shop­ a fine time, however, and were preach on "C h ris t, the Prophet the styles and fabrics. housewife of the meatless and ping and visiting in the city Tues­ served a fine lunch by Mrs. Hum­ Mrs. Robert Lilly and little day. A. H. PA T T E N , Paator wheatless days and containing phreys And the (lining room force daughter of Gales City were in other suggestions for helping win Hear the deba'e between P U ! of the Laughlin. this city Monday. SPEC IA L N O TIC E! _ „ . „ . ,, _ . „ j the war. These cards will Is- dis- t)r. Rath Parmalee, M I)., of Bar-1 tributed ¡n {.’or,^ t (;roVe n<.x, 0. A. Corl of Hillsboro was and Willamette at Marsh Hall to­ More than 100 Eastern Stars demonstrating the Master truck morrow night. union Urday by the Scouts of Troop No. and guests enjoyed an evening at pool. T urkey, w.ll address a . union in this city Tuesday. You can get the famous Holz- cards, dancing and lunch at the l m eeting a t the C ongregational church 2. They are not intended as Come in and see our display of meyer dairy butter at M cNutt’s. Masonic hall last Thursday even-' T O N I G H T (T hursday) a t H o'clock, on ornaments, so you should study 10 tf Silks. Prettiest line shown this None better made. the cards and try to do your mg, and the invited guests are ; her w ar-tim e ex|ieriencea there. The M ethishal and C hristian c o n g re ­ Spring. A. G. Hoffman & Co. and a little more, to bring For anything in Dry Goods, loud in their praise of the enter­ ga tions will m eet early and then ad- share, w ar a tainment given them. The lunch We can handle acute, as well as Notions, Shoes or Furnishings journ to a tte n d this aervice. was prepared by Mrs. Humphreys. The public ie invited. chronic, c a s e s . Dr. Darland, call on A. G Huffman & Co. A new line of ladies’ silk -kirts Chiropractor and Natureopath. u ... « , e just put on display at John An- Miss Margaret Raines of Aber Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith i Ask Lidyard, the shoemaker, deen, Wash , is the guest of the Tuesday evening entertainer! at I Metnodist (huren Services derson’s. what Dr. Darland, the Chiro­ J. S. Buxton family this week. The re g u la r servicea of the church cards the “ Neighb >rhood Club,” practor and Natureopath, did for those in attendance, beside the will tie held n e x t Sunday beginning Judge and Mrs. T. J Cleeton him. host and hostess, being Messrs, with the Sunday School a t 9:48, and the of Portland visited at the Fred "Superfluity” sale next Satur­ Gardner home in this city Sun­ and Mesdames Frank Crabtree. paator will preach a t II and 7:30. A SWELL LINE OF day. Lots of pretty and useful day. E. B. Sappington, Byron I,a.Mont, Claaam eeting at 7:00 p. m. and the d e ­ votional m e e ting of t h e E pw orth MEN’S articles for sale. Miller building. C. W. Creel returned Tuesday E. E. Lyons, Mi»s Pearl Smith League will lie held a t t>:30. Topic: Main street. evening from his trip to Washing­ and Messrs. Ralph Parker and "M a k in g the Moat of O ura e lve a .’’ A fine line of spring and sum­ ton state on business for Uncle Ralph Lyons. The m onthly m eeting of the official mer suits for men and boys now Sam. board will be held n e x t W edneaday In honor of Mrs. J. E. Rich- on display at Anderson’s. Costs William Ridgley, the well-known 1 mond, secretary of Martha Wash evening, being postponed one week on nothing to see them. Grand Army veteran, is quite ill ington chapter. O E S. of Port­ account of the lecture in Marah Hall. A bargain in cedar chests $4.50 and his friends are worried about land, Mrs L C Misz last Friday to $12.50. Furniture made to or­ his condition. Christian Church afternoon entertainer! at card- der. Repairing and upholstering. and luncheon Me-dames M. J. N e x t Sunday ia " T h r i f t S u n d a y " in Mrs. G. H. Baldwin left yester­ Phone 264. A. R. Keagy, Forest Abbott. J. W. Hughes, C. A. the churches. B. J . Simpaon will d e ­ day for the Good Samaritan hos­ Grove, Ore. 6-5* B-odersen, C. O. Roe, II. A. Hat- liver the morning address. In the e v ­ pital, Portland, where she will William VanAntwerp reports take treatments for a chronic ail­ fie d, O. S. Higby and C. N. John ening the p a s to r will deliver a sermon son of this city and Mrs. Norris on " T h e Conversion o f a Roman O f ­ the sale of the H. W Emmerson ment. property, on A street, to Walter Rogers of McMinnville. In the f ic e r ." are hereby notified th a t No other garden tool is such a evening husbands of some of the th e M re embers W. Benjamin of Canada. The will lie no p ra y e r m eeting a t the purchaser has gone back to Can­ labor saver as the “ Iron Age” guests dropped in and assis'ed in church tonight and instead will join in ada to move his family to this : combined seeder and cultivator. completing the card games. a union Missionary service a t the Con­ HARDEMAN gregational church to hear a re tu rn city. He looked over a big part See it at Gordon’s Hardware .Vuüyot v u n Mrs. R ( ’. Hill Tuesday even­ missionary, I>r. R uth Parm alee, who ! Store 10 tf of California and Oregon before has been a medical missionary in Mrs. W. W. Irving, who is ing entertained members a n d Turkey. deciding where to locate. visiting her brother. O. A. Corl, guests of the Azalea club to the, E very one invited to the services. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Mills, who number of twenty, the entertain-1 R. L. PU T N A M . Minister. were called to Arnold, Neb., three and family in Hillsboro, spent ov-nt consisting of music, stories. \ weeks ago, when their son, Ar­ Sunday in this city with her sis recitations and an excellent lunch. thur. was injured while cranking 1 ter, Miss Mary Corl. The decorations were in green, in a gasoline engine, returned home Schultz sells Forest Grove and honor of St. Patrick and were I Friday and report Arthur almost ! Gold Crest creamery butter and very pretty. Even the lunch recovered from his injuries. While Forest Grove and Holsum Victory (Hooverizedi was suggestive of Mr. and Mrs Mills were away and Liberty breads. It’s up to the Emerald Isle, being composer!, Co-Operates with the U. S. “ Food Man”~Hoover the former’s brother, W. G., ar­ the people to decide whether they in part of potato cake, well seas­ rived from California for a visit. want local or Portland bread and oned with rice flour and corn­ (U. S. Food A dm inistration License No. G 34147) He is still at the Mills home. butter. (Advt.) starch. The members of the club voted Mrs. Hill a capital enter­ SEVER ALWAYS TO SAVE SUGAR-WHICH IS YOUR WAY tainer. Mrs S. E. Todd yesterday af­ ternoon entertained the Fleur-de- Lis c lu b .____________ Just Received Spring Hats A.G. Hoffman & Co. SCHULTZ’S Rjgg STORE Your C i i i f Next O l i l i « # » Housewives to Meet If you appreciate the value of good clothes—clothes with inimitable style, fit and needle work—and if you expect every dollar you spend to bring you a dollar’s worth of clothes service, then by all means have your next suit tailored to order. Over 550 samples from which to select. Suits - $17.50 to $50 Trousers $ 5.75 to $15 C. E. ROY & CO. j Kinj^andT’aples Do not forget the second meet­ ing of the demonstration group to be held Tuesday afternoon, March 19. at 2:30 p m. at the home of Miss Minnie Myers, in Forest Grove. At this meeting the subject of m^at and fat conservation will be taken up in the form of a Meat Substitute demonstration. Come prepar d to make this meeting a succ-ss. All the women who are in'erested in this work are invited and a good attendance is expected. The group leaders are all urged to be present so that they will be able to continue the service which they have already begun. EDNA L. MILLS, Emergency Home Demonstra­ tion Agent. The Food Administration has ruled that a pound of wheat sub­ stitutes must be sold with every pound of wheat flour. We have a good assortment of substitutes. Ask us. Phone 0 6 1 Personal Attention FOREST GROVE Gents’ Furnishings JEWELER and OPTICIAN M I A h lv n li- Abbott building • J . A b U O tt Forest Grove