- Somctblng a movement or peritap» I Will Double Vont Parla Five lo SiiWreki. By a n II u M sound had druwn hls alien Ira«hiña You How lo Drive, Kepair and Iloti frolli Ilio wotnan. 11« auw lite Adjust Automobile« and (ias turino other man standing tioldly In full iiioonllght. all hls attentloii concentrai- PS, od mi III« hrlllliint pitture friimed bv ilio window. Ile w i i s unqueatlnualdy ultimili ktmwlcdge of thè nearness of Ih« other of Whltakcr In III« shail nws. And Ululigli hls back una lo thè n ioti nini hls face further ahiulowed hy a peak ed cnp, Wlutnker wna alt*«*- lulely Mire of Ilio inali li« was cer tiilidy I»ruminomi. Wltlmut pansé for tlmught, h« aprnng lownrd him. In a guaided voice ulter- ing hls mime “Ortliuiimud I” Bui thè fellow provcd tuo alert and qulrk for hlm. Whltnker's lunula elosed mi imth- I f itimi h « v e (w u lug more Mubstaiiilal tinti« thlu a lr ; al I imim I*. rofm iM in •«’ »l»«*. n I mm *k lw»l»e*. thè sitine tini« In- reeelved a lilow u | hui (m it « w ln li bmi«*) Ids brulsed slmiildcr smart and forclbl* r o ti)« lai Itiy ne li«« »1 ftar IW « o r a li cimiigli lo stagger Idin and cvnk« un In- w u i'k a « itti I w ili iruikt* ytiu «ri r»». abruptly Into the clcmlng of the Fiske place. HAVE YOU ANY “ SAND?* Here he pulled up. for the Hist time alive lo the Intrinsic Idiocy of his con­ If you should be mysteriously beaten up when you stepped Into duct, uml diverted b e s i d e s by the dis­ your home some night, and the following day should be warned that covery that Ills I m p r e s s i o n of the early you would be killed next trip, do you think you'd hurry to hiding—or evening, that the cottage was tenanted, would you take defense steps and defy the Mystery to do its worst? hud been well founded. The ground floor w ludow s shone with Supposed to be dead, Hugh Whitaker turns up in New York after n dim but warm illumination, lie could five years and hunts for the girl he married there to protect her good see distinctly part of a living room name. During the midst of a brilliant theatrical performance, he and rather charmingly furnished In a sum- she recognize one another across the footlights. (She Is known as I tuery way. At Its further end a dark- Sara Law, a noted actress.) The play stops abruptly, She refuses haired woman in a plain black dress to see him. Drummond, his former law partner, engaged to marry , with a short apron and luce cap sat the supposed widow, is reported a suicide. Whitaker's friend. Mar- t)* r t A lito A lili i$um reading t>y lamplight evidently a k n if t r ie HMD. You tin Ember, former detective, doubts the report and warns Whitaker maid. Her mistress Judging hy ap­ wlll thfifi In» f»r«» to beware of violence from a mysterious source. The warning is Ig p f l r n l l o Aa r a p i a« pearances—was o ut si de on the lawu |MMIitl4>ll A4 nared Whitaker is murderously assaulted and goes to Ember’s coun- below the veranda, strolling to and fro A a I a Drifff try place to recover. Strange things happen there as told In this In­ In company with a soiaew hat short and Tratttr F iiunt stallment. Queer goings on! heavy man who wore an automobile F i| iar«f duster ami vIsor«-tI cap. By contrast, A Al« Mrrka«M A a I a lite rufti Sft her white-clad figure. Invested with C H A P T E R IX. “Xo more than I. But 1 11 try to get the Illusion of moonlight, seemed un­ — 10 — I h t> U • A 11 <1 • u t hack tomorrow. If I don’t, the next usually tall. Her hair was fair, shin- nkilliw ) ru« M- hA li i< day—or ns soon ns I possibly can. lug like a headdress of palest gold as The Window. ar«» rischi TWtigli lhoy loft Now York not Ions Meanwhile, please consider yourself she bent her head, attentive to her n v w fo r t h « Airi«» l'Ut»*- Al>«t o t h e r ITA« after three In the afternoon, twilight lord and master here. Sum Fat will companion. And Whitaker thought to e r ig i l i « «l«»i-Ar<| lights clove a path through darkness, get Into waterproof*—it’s raining like gruclousaeas of mien rarely to lie m>- le tte r a u- A lee " r iir h t o li t h è like a splendid sword : on either hand all get-out. hut I can’t wuit for u let­ tlred even In the most beautiful of >t»b" n m b in if i?»«i(| woodlnuds imd desolate clearing» up." At t h è A uto AI m I the women lie had known. i r + r Ut r Itu ain eo a. By the time Whitaker was ready for blurred into dark and rushing w ails; Of a sudden tin* man paused, pro­ JtiA t w r t t « y o u r fu u n e aih I AaltlrcwM o r , « ( « « « t a i breakfast his host hail splashed off to only the wonderful wilderness of stars rAT»l «sr A lalAtn |*A|»er Alni tliA il i l U» m e I d i . I l i duced a watch from beneath Ids dust­ N tlW a m i >ou Mrlll » tittiu .h * l« -ly H e re tv e My II y his motor car. remained Imperturbable. er, consulted It briefly and shut the Illu n i raU-H! ( AtAUiff aih ] a M l r r t h a l a ili ruA ke y o u Whitaker, braced against the Jolting, The wind, freshening and driving ease with a snap, lb- said something a f i te m i o f m in e f r u m th è « l a r i . v tolled begrudgtHl mouthfuls of air very respectable If miniature rollers ’ In n brusque t one, and was answered THE ADtOX AUTO & GAS tNONE SCHOOL. - rong of the sea. He had no very defi­ against the bench, came in heavy gusts, try what sounded like a pleasant nega­ Cor. Uhlun Ave. |bp|>t. I*. N. nite Idea of their whereabouts, having alternating with periods of stefldy. tive. Promptly, as if annoyed, he P O M I L A N D . u K M .O N neglected through sheer ludlfference to strong blowing. At times the shining turned and strode hastily away. dlsat>- •)i estion Ember, but he knew that they lances of the raiu seemed to drive penrihg round the house. v.er drawing minute by minute closer almost horizontally. Whitaker poked Alone, the won n watched him ns his head Into the kitchen. In that tm- , long as he was m sight, her head to Are made frmn your OIJ) CAK» to the Atlantic. PETS. IU k Buffa woven all stasa. After some time the car slowed to maculate place, from which every one side with an effect of crltleul Mail orders rocefve pronipt and care- n palpitant pause. Ember Jumped out hint of breakfast had disappeared as amusement. Then, with a low laugh, ful attenlion. Sona for booklet. if hv magic. Sum Fat was religiously to open a barred gate. then. returning, she crossed the veriindn uud entered NORTHWEST KUC CO. swung the car Into a clear but narrow cleaning his teeth—for the third time the lighted room. At the same time E. 8th and Taylor Sts. PortUnd. Or. woodland road. “Mine own domain.” that morning, pi Whitaker's certain W hi taker, lingering and watching V* U 4SI he informed Whitaker with a laugh. knowledge. without lu the least understanding or When he had finished, Whitaker put even questioning why lie was doing He Sat Up Tense. Rigid With Surpris« “Now we’re shut of the world en­ Speaking Gently. a question: tirely.” this thing so contrary to Ids Instincts, " You say ho has a lovely dlspool- Whitaker bent forward. Inquiring; "Sum Fat, w hich way does the wind heard the heavy rumble of a motor »1»I. l i u i n n M , A hundred yards distant the lighted shelres stocked with a discriminating for n moment In deep thought, her l( - in .l. r " l V. H. I '» l. windows of a one-story structure shone taste, and settled himself before tbe head bowed, the knuckle of a slender S»1 m c» . Slack i irkjfr Bii'j P mi I m J. Ore, What Is the connection be­ pleasantly through a scattering planta­ fire. forefinger tapping her chin—charm- tween Whitaker, Drummond and tion of pine. Prevent Abortion in Cow* The day wore out before his patience Whitaker abruptly un­ the mysterious girl? Is mo r« If ariy of your cow », hetfera or the Linking arms the better to guide his did. and with every Indication of ful- '•‘T’ttood why It was he loitered, peep- h e e l » ire have an u n n atu ra l <)!■- than one person eager to see guest. Ember drew him toward the filling the prognosis of Sum F at; by InK—"be wns absolutely beautiful, n rh arire wash them out w ith l*r Whitsker dead? lia ttf l Hubert»* A nliarptu and lights. nightfall the wind had developed Into tr,’!,lure both exquisite and sui>erb, a » I n .b in e Outfit. I’ rtre II Karti. “Bungalow." be explained, senten- an enthusiastic gale, driving before It r.iutchless ¡»ortrnit for th« galleries of Thousand» o f ilo llar» anil m any ralri-e ra n he saved l>y this sim ple *. -us, flourishing his free hand; “her- sheeted rnin and great ragged wastes his memory. (TO UK C O N T IN U E D .) p reven tiv e. Head the fiarted Hsat m.: a g«—retr **a L " of mist. I l C i w u im l 1st few hssbbt as U »IM a (sea. H M b .ln a rear ke»s et*r “Paralyse.“ Whitaker summed up. In And the second day was like unto Dr Olid Ralerls' lit. C*. 100 CriM kit.. NmtktUi. Sis Fish Couldn’t Submerge. the same manner. “No neighbors?" the first. The third day broke full of MANY BIRDS UNABLE TO FLY Sitting mi ||| porch the Othir morn- ! “Oh"—Ember motioned to his left as the spirit of the second; but toward M uh P rices tor S o u p s ' 1* tV y f_ • -O the ater—“there's a mar- noon the rnin ceased. in the evening, Having No Necessity to Use Wings Ing. J. W. Stewart noticed n good- W h y Hlzed catfish floating downstream, to Escape Enemies, Those Mem- r • — •; .str -r,t over there some- weary of the sedulous attentions of u i n-c.'lv* by re tu rn m all O w orlh a l Statesville (N. ( ’.) correspondent o f re ta il u p * rlre am bers Ceased to Develop. v :.-re : ut we i n't bother one another. cloud of famished mosquitoes, Whita­ of W ash am i lla rn l Snaps, buret her the New York Sun writes. The fish w ith Auto sm l F u rn itu re iiolhihe» uml for a pretn. JO -, by the name of F:ske. I under- ker sat In darkness, not tired enough lurn. the Form ulas to m ake a t hotna a t v»-ry low Of ill»' 70 kinds of birds existing In was very much alive and was lu much coat. * the p'-tfe !« shut up—Fiske not to go to bed, too tired to bestir himself W rite today. commotion, apparently trying to go ?.nd seek distraction front a tormenting New Zealand, 30 ure found nowhere com ':.; d wb this year,” else, and of this number by far the under water and for some reason R . & F . M F ’ G . , C O . , I n c . , m better. I've been w ant-, train of thought 9 * E le v e n t h S t .. P O R T L A N D , O P E . larger portion Is flightless; this, no unable to. lr.g . -i t:.i* ti: summer without real- A pool of limpid moonlight lay like | doubt, owing to the fact that for ages, Mr. Stewart was Interested and he iz-r.r milk upon the floor beneath a window iheL. ìo II&if-a-Loaf and held his dreaming gaze while mem­ ever since the sea swallowed up a con- got Ills bout, went out tut the river and Hides, P e lls ,' C B a s a c i a k r , a Wool & Mohair ory marshaled for his delectation a | tinent, leaving only the islands cotn- captured the fish. He jiut It lu n tub 9i mut alt res h» Sia» b» Pt»»» ¡»J Sleps, T»r» T H E H . T. N O R T O N C O M P A N Y , and deep Uv- pageant of wasted years. Infinitely des­ ! prising the present Dominion of New of water and found that It wouldn't h \ Zealand, there have been no destruc- sink. This led It» further examination l'orth in d. Ore.. S e a ttle , Wn . Ilellinirham . W n. ••-eled logs and, olate and dreary In his vision. j tive carnivora In the land, except those anti Mr. Stewart says tie found the eplace wherein nt How long he sat unstlrring, preoccu­ fish Imd swallowed a large quantity '.hZ*r*ì betxr tily. At a cotn- pied with fruitless inquiry, he did not I small ones Imported recently to aid In of t « wheat— having access to the Wheat - u t * fren n the hearth guess. But later he reckoned it could j abating the rabbit pest, and, having no as a result of the recent floods—th« enemies, tin* birds also had no use for R augh t, SoUI. K «nt«ri and K ap airA l bright *1 th linen, silver not have been long after ten o'clock WAVeKKK KMCCTKIC W ORKS wheat grains had swelled so the fish HuniAitl««, «o r. 10th . ro rtln m l. Or«, cover« for two. The rear when he was disturbed. The sound of wings, which ceased to develop, and as eouldn't digest them ami altogether ! yours rolled by left many species with ' ken by t hree doors, la a footfall, hu^h*-«l and ->t*-n*tJiy on the eh a roti jnd Chinaman veranda, roused him with a start, and i only little nubbins for wings and nb- that gorge of wheat had put that fish in a Imd fix. lit; not only could not Kmber hailed almost at the «arue Instant he became j solutely without power of flight. bea: go under the water, hut lie was doubt­ title of Sum Fat, ex- aware of bici the ' !1 " * *° tber* Wer* 1,1 less suffering much “misery” on Ills In­ :.:s name, but pool of moonlight, the for. shortened ! ,*,'cc‘ Ht pii., VMr,«’,,t’" ,,f sides. * citi ì ' ue of exquisite shadow of a man s head und shoulders tlc ,,ir'lK- tww of wt,lrh " " r'' l“rí{•, In all tils long experience on the W ill irunrnntne yr u t >p m ark et p rirm a t all tim e* fé:. He sat up, tense, rigid with surprise 1,1 ,,H ,he fMblwJ r,M'' ,he r,,*',u,’r river Mr. Stewart says he had never for yo ur V ia l, lln ir», I'o u ltry, Firer*. Itu ite r. Ilidcs, Ft»-. If you have not shipped to us. try ua. tb‘‘ *a**or- ^hese Included come ncross n case like that. T y servant in to^ ■ n. here man- and wonder, and -'nn-d at the sllhou- «•« I>l«ornls or Mon of­ : P f« : . 30 for years; etted borly at pans.; Just outside the 1 ,h" PORTLAND, OR. 113 Front, fa; fui ar.d Indi »pensa window. J he fellow was stiKiping to and the ( ’neiitiornls. which was a gl On Eugenica. T r.vard the end of ai excellent din- peer in. Had Drummond hunted him gantlc g'tose. The Mon became ex­ I’rof. Herbert L. Flower said In no Veal, Pork, B e r i , ner Whitaker caught 1 rnself nodding down to this I-oíate hiding place? On tinct some 500 years ago. It was u Poultry, Butter, F.ggt anU blinking with drowsiness. Era- j the thought he leaped up, In two flightless bird, said Ity tradition to address on eugenics In Bustini : and Farm Produca. “Youth’s point of view Is better ber took laughing compassion upon strides slammed out through the door. have been a hunter of huiimns, a man to th e Old ItaHaMa F v n n iln * ho'ian w ith a hi ri, nd led him forthwith to a bed­ “I say 1” he mied loudly. But he eater, was of varying slse and ex­ than age’s when It comes to questions! rocord of 4A y a r » ol Snuar»- I s-slln es, and tremely plentiful. •if eugenica. l»o aasured uf I O f M A RK ET PRICES. room lurru.-hed with the rigid Mmpllc- j Tied, apparently, to empty nlr. The "Here, for example, Is n dialogue to Hy of a summer camp. Then he slept man was gone—vanished as strangely F. M. CRONKHITE prove tny claim : In National Forests. round the clock. The shrill. Impera­ and as quietly as he had appeared. 5-47 F ro nt S tr e e t P o rtlan d . O raaoo "A beautiful girl said on n white! Increasing use of the National for­ tive rattle of a telephone bell roused j Pausing and glaring round the clear­ him. As he dressed he could hear the ing In complete bewilderment, he de­ ests for municipal camp sites und sum­ beach to her fashionable mother: “ ‘Yes, mother dear, I like Mr. (Johsa voice of Ember in the living room talk­ tected or eltu; fancied a slight move­ mer school locations Is reported by the ing over the telephone. Presently there ment In the shadows on the edge of the forest service. Permits have already (ioide, but Isn’t lie too old to ho con­ B U Y D IR E C T came a tap at his door, and his host encompassing woodland. Instantly, been Issued to several cities tuid educa­ sidered eligible?' "The fashionable mother compressed ¡ tional Institutions and other applica­ entered. heedless of the risk he ran If the man "Up, eh?" he said cheerfully. “I was were Indeed Drummond and If Drum­ tions are expected. Officials say thut her rouged lips. “ ‘On the contrary, my love,’ she a/rald I'd have to wake you.” His mond were Indeed guilty of the assault far more people use the forests for smile vanished beneath the clouds of now four nights old, Whitaker broke public playgrounds than for any other said ; 'ho Is too eligible to bo consul- ! [Do Your Own Plumbing | an Impatient frown. “This Is the levll for the spot. It proved to he the en­ purpose, and that this use promises to ered old.’ ’’ By h u y ln s d lro rt from na a t w holesale p r im of a note: I’ve got to leave you." trance to one of the woodland paths, be one of tbe most Important to which and aave the plum her’a pm flta. W rit* ua to­ they can be put. Making It Easier. "What’s the trouble?” and naturally—whether or no hls Imag­ d ay your need». We w ill r iv a you our roek- Yeast—The Jolt lias been taken out botlwn "dlrect-to-im ti" prieeo. f. a b. ra il or "That’s what I’m called upon to find ination were In fault—there was no- a c tu a lly save you from 10 to M per Just the Idea. of tho wheelbarrow hy n Mtilne man boat. A W ll e roods out. A friend of mine's In a tight body watting there to he caught. ru aran trw d . Barber — I want a motto from who tins Invented one with springs eent. place, and I've got to go and help pull But If anyone had been there, he had North W e s t h o ad 'iu artar» f i t l,e a d e r W ater him through. He Just called me up— unquestionably fled along the trnll. Shakespeare to hang up In my shop, between tho axlo ends and side burn. Ryatem a and F u ller A Johneon Knainea. t ’rimsonbeak—It won’t he so hard and I can’t refuse. D'you mind being Whitaker In u r a g e set himself to fol­ t.'an you give me one? STARK-DAVIS CO. Patron—Of course. I low will thla now for n fellow to pay an election SIS TMrd Street. left alone for a day or so?" low. Before he realized he could have Partlaad. Ore eon bet. will It? “Certainly not—only I’m sorry.” covered half the di tunee, he emerged do; "’ITien saw you not hls face.” a r BEAUTIFUL RUGS t ELECTRIC MOTORS THE VOGEL PRODUCE CO. SHIP