The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 14, 1918, Image 5

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1L It. Bernard had business in
Portland Saturday.
Fatty and Shorty and Me
Money to loan Valley (Realty
Claude Smith had business in
Co., Fore»t Grove, Oregon. 19-tf Portland Saturday.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
George G. Hancock, real ch -
The Express print» butter wrap­
tute, farm loan* and tire insur­ pers with non-poisonous ink.
ance, new Anderson block.
Jim Magruder and son, Sam,!
A. J. Cook came down from departed Monday for Toppenish,
Schofield Saturday and report» Wash., where Jim has a position
ir»<> men working for the Standard in a drug »tore.
Box company.
J. C. Wilson, who is working
Fruits and Vegetables in Season
Mr. and Mn». II. R. Bernard for the Standard Box company at
South Main Street
Forest Grove, Ore
will move to apartments over the Schofield, visited his family in
First National hunk uh soon a» this city over Sunday.
B A T T L E ( B Y O F P E E D 'E M
[ soldiers, hut friends, don’t forget the
the rooms are remodeled.
Mrs. Eunice Rogers returned
Hindi Spark» iias lieen invited Sat u day to her home at McMinn­ Yen, w e’ll rally round the farm, hoys, | nurses. They are our “ pals,” have
given up all and come to he friends to
by i he Port land Y. M. C. A. to ville, after a Wl ek’s vi it with her W e ’ll rally once again,
uh when we need them most, and those
deliver one of his famous chalk parents, Mr. and Mrs. II R. Ber­ Shouting the battle cry o f Feed ’Em
; of you who offer prayers to the God of
t ilk» to soldiers some Saturday nard
W e ’ve got the ships and money
nations and the souls of humanity,don’t
night in the mar future.
M rs. W . R . Ives and son, Ken- And the
of fighting men, , >c,
.. .
forget the little Red Cross nurse. She
. . .
We have on hand all sizes of neth, visited friends in this city Shouting the battle cry of reed h.m. I. loves . to . think
she is remembered, too.
drain tile for farm drainage
Bet over Sunday, and had another The onion forever, the beans and the
work and never complain, but the
u quote y o u p r i c e s. Forest load of their »household goods
soldier cusses and swears each in their
their “ bit.”
moved to
Vancouver, Wash., Down with the tater it's up the next ,<wn w ay are
(¡rove Planing Mill Co.
mom -
Here's a paragraph not so full
Buy your groceries, fish, veg­
While we rally round the plow, hoys,
j of sympathy as the one in regard
etables and second-hand house­ Eleventh street
hold goods of the Economy store
Dodge hldg., cor. ltd street and
Pacific avenue.
Joe A. Wiles would like to
write your insurance. Will give
you service that will be to your
advantage. West side Main St,,
north of Tucker’s garage.
Remember, friends, you must
pay in advance to get the Express
at one dollar per year. The reg
ular price is $1 lit). We pay you
iiOc to collect from yourself.
Jame» H Pruett, former high
school teacher, passed throuvh
town Thursday enroute from vis­
iting his wife at McMinnville
hack to his work for CncleSam in
S. W. Dry Ume Sulphur is a^t-
nally Lime and Sulphur not Sol­
uble Sulphur. There is only one
dry Lime-Sulphur on the market;
that is Sherwin-Williams.
by Littler’s Pharmacy.
Hugh and I^ee Sparks, who are
building a fine re idence in the
Roy district for John Bernards,
spent Sunday with their folks in
this city. They have almost fin­
ished the carpenter work and Ed
W irtz is now working at the
All persons or firms engaged in
importing, manufacturing, storing
or distributing fertilizers or fertil­
izer ingredients must secure li-
c nses on or before March 20
Application must be made to the
Law D e p a r t m e n t ,
Divisen, United States Food Ad
ministration, Washington. D. C
For United
States Senator
Abraham Baldwin is putting
himself up a store building just
west of the Brodersen paint shop,
on First Avenue, south, where
will conduct a second-hand »»ore,
agate-grinding shop and real es­
tate office.
J. M. Thacker, who was for­
merly employed at the local milk
condenser, is now a pump man at
• he Standard Box mill at Scho-
field. He report» that his son,
Bill, has arrived in England and
was well at last writing
And take the hoe again,
Shouting the battle cry of Feed ’Em.
to the nurses:
“ We are most encouraged by the
: glowing reports we hear from home of
i n n
, the gigantic preparations to push the
U . A . L . I rOfflOtHIJ'
j war to a victory, and good friends, if
] you had been here five months you
would have mighty little sympathy for
anything or anyone who blocks that
Corvallis, Ore., Mar. 12 As progress. I confess to have been a
the first move in the campaign to German sympathizer for three years,
secure greater production of poul- because I was blinded by the fact that
ti V, the Department of Agricul- they make among our best citizens, and
clean, noble people. 1 thought
ture announces ihe appointment
ne wrong could come from them. But
of Mr. U. L. Upson of jranis never ag ajn> To see is to believe, and
Mrr. C. II. Hamilton of L o -
Pass Oregon, as Extension PouI• the Hun system and gang of autocrats
tine, Ore , says she had rheuma­
fry Husband man, to co-ope. ate are from hell breathing damnation, and
tism for 38 years and was help­
w ith the Oregon Agricu 'U ra l Col- they must be driven home. I thought
less most of the time. Went to
lego, and w ith office at Corvallis, they were lied about, but that’s im-
Dr. Darland 59 days and has
possible. Earth is no place for liberty-
Poultry Industry
been able to do her own work
ever since. Now CG years old.
The following poem was written
by a soldier at Camp Merritt, N.
J., and, while it can hardly be
classed as a classic, it shows the
feeling» of the hoys in olive drab
toward each other:
We were on our way to France one
Shorty and Fatty and me;
W e sat and we bunked and we ate in
our seat —
Shorty and Fatty and me.
Now ,
Shorty’s blood was of Norway
And Fatty a Dane was he;
But w e ’re off to fight for old Uncle
Sam —
Shorty and Fatty and me.
Fatty’s pate is as bare as a plate.
And Shorty comes up to my knee;
But w e ’re all good scouts when we
get out—
Fatty and Shorty and' me.
W e ’re after the kaiser’s wishbone now
And w e’re sure it’s got to be.
For we are loaded up with horse-shoe
Fatty and Shorty and me.
Now this is the song of the trio, bold,
As they’re sailing o ’er the sea;
With a yip and a yell, we’ll give ’em
Fatty and Shorty and me.
— W . L. Gardner.
“ The Salt Lake Poet.”
Warranty deed and mortgage
blanks for sale at this office.
Administrator’s Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Washington County.
~Ze.T " liT , !’’ ’ * pj,
Blarrin, deceased,
Notice is hereby given, that the un­
j dersigned has been duly appointed by
U he County C o u r t of Washington
This is the time of the year loving people as long as the “ wise wolf
when mcr* ased production must j is at large,”
~ - and this rot about German persons interested or having claims as
Jas Ritchey of Forest (¡rove, begin and it is planned lo initiate American citizens not taking an active against said estate are hereby required
wrfs in the c ity Saturday, and an a publicity Campaign in the im- i part in this war against Germany is all to present the same to me at the of­
hour was enjoyed in old-time visit mediate future. An itinerary is gone. W e fought kin three times for fice o f J. N. Hoffman, in the city of
Forest Grove, Oregon, properly veri­
wiih the Argus editor, who was a now being arranged, so that Mr. principle and freedom, which is more fied, as by law required, within six
boy in Eastern Oregon when Upson may present to the people precious than a brother’s blood. If months from the date of this notice.
Ritchey was wheat farming in old of Oregon, at first hand, the aims they can’t stand by their adopted
Dated this 14th day o f February,
Umatilla county.— Hillsboro A r­ and desires of the federal govern- country, but take up that which blocks 1918.
The first date of this publication of
men relative to poultry produc- her progress, let ’em have a traitor’s
Soldiers and sailors who have tinn. There is no doubt of the medicine, and that’s lead, followed by notice being February 14, 1918.
been buying Southern Pacific urgent necessity for greater pro­ six feet otearth. America was too full
Administrator of the estate of Pit
lands on the installment plan duction of poultry and eggs, in of fools like Ynyself, and now she is
need not worry about their pay­ order that tran-portable meats late in the game, and 1 am sorry. The Blarrin, deceased.
ments until the war is over. They | may be released for over-seas use. American Indian was never more cruel
Notice to Creditors
have Until nine months after that J The government has adopted than they. I ’ve seen where the bomb , Notice is hereby given that letters of
time before they have to resume the slogan ‘TOO hens to every lit in the residences of London and little administration, with the will o f de­
their obligations, according to B f arm; 100 eg gs from every hen ” children with their heads cutoff, and ceased annexed, have been issued to
the undersigned by the County Court of
A . McAllister, land commissioner and is urging that all rural, civic other things. Then we talk of quarter Washington county, Oregen, in the
of the company
This applies and patriotic bodies get behind ~ never- ” _______________
matter of the estate of Matt Still, de­
both to interest and to piincipal. j this movement in every possible
Now is the time to get Pre- ceased, the undersigned having duly
qualified as administrator o f said estate.
Packages c o n ta in in g dutiable way. A plentiful supply of posters,, parecj for t.he spring spraying.
Now, therefore, all persons having
gifts sent to the Expeditionary a,'d literature will soon be avail - 1 All fruit trees must be sprayed claims against said estate are hereby
Forces temporarily serving in able for distribution and organi-
required to present the same to me,
England will he delivered free of t zations wishing to take up this, with Lime-Sulphur. Call in and with proper vouchers, at the law office
duty, provided the contents are work are requested to write Mr. let us explain why you should u<e of H. T. Bagley, in the Hillsboro N a ­
tional Bank building, at Hillsboro, Ore­
bona fide gifts, the quantity is Upson for instruc tions as to how S-W Dry Lime-Sulphur, Littler’s gon, within six months from date here­
not beyond the personal require- i t ° proceed.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this Feb­
m en tsoflh e addressee, and that n
n J r»
Notice of Final Settlement
ruary 14th, 1918.
the parcels are addr ssed for de DOOSlS K C il ITO SS;
Notice is hereby given that the un-
livery lo the regimental address j
fn n r lo r r m c t h p
dersigned has filed in the County Court H. T. Bagley,
Of the recipient.
L O IK lem n S M e MUI1S |((f Washington County,
Beginning March 15. parcel
post packages in tne first, second
and third zones may weigh 70
pounds. It has l>ei*n hard to keep
packages of produce and fruit for j
short shipment under the old
weight and the increase in weight
is expected to laigrly augment
shipments of foodstuffs directly to
consumers. The packages must
still remain within the size limit
of 84 inches combined length and
Many Forest Grove people |ftnHl acc,ou" t „ J
t „
Administratrix Notice
~ ..
estate of C. Frederick E. Braun, de-
Notice is hereby given, that the un-
heard Monta . mithson, for- ,.easej ¿nd said Court has fixed Mon-
mer McMinnville College student, <iay, April 15. 1918, at 10 o’clock \ 1 4 dersigned has been appointed by the
when he debated with P. U. as the time and the County Court room ( <>unty Court of W ashington County;
students in this city on two oc- in Hillsboro, Oregon, the place for the Oregon, 88 administratrix of the estate
Oale J- Stewart. All persons hav-
casions. Monta is in France now hearing of objections, if any, to said
and he has written the editor of final account and the settlement of this *n8 cla>m9 against said estate will pre-
j sent the same, properly verified, at
the McMinnville Telephone Keg- estate.
j the office of Langley & Langley, at
Dateti this March 14, 1918.
ister so interesting a letter th it
Forest Grove, Oregon.
E. I. K U R A T L I, Administrator.
the Express takes th» liberty of
A N A B E L K LE M M .
H. T. B A G L E Y , Attorney.
reproducing two extracts:
“ You make a
Ufi, • ,v'f //
Stockraiser and Busi­
ness Man
A man who does things.
Who has accomplished some­
Who knows how to work and
get results.
Who knows Oregon’s needs,
requirements and resources.
Who has the experience, knowl­
edge and business understand­
Who, as a State Legislator for
six years, has already done much
for Oregon.
Whose Republicanism is un­
questioned and whose ability has
been proven.
(PnM iwIvertluPiTM-nt by StsnArlil Com­
mittee, StnnfleM, Or.)
First pub. Mar. 14; last, Apr. 11.
Send Rim a pouch
Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug
Heal G ravely CHexving Plug—there’s the
soldier’s tobacco, that he can use anywhere,
anytime. 'Just a email chew of Real Gravely
is enough—all good tobacco, rich, sappy leaf
made the Gravely way, not loaded up with
heavy sweetening like ordinary plug.
R. N. S T A N F IE L D
lot of fuss about us
Give any mxn a chew of R<-al Gravely Plug, and he
will tell you I ha t‘a the kind to send. Send the bestl
Ordinary plug is false economy. It costs less per week
to chaw Real Gravely, because a small chew of it lasts •
long while.
If you smoke a pipe, slice Gravely with your knife and
add a little to your smoking tobacco. It will give flavor
— improve your smoke.
D ealers sit around here carry it in 10c. poaches. A 3e. «tem p
ill put it into his h in d * in any T m in in a Cam p or S eaport o f the
J. S. A . Eeen " o v e r th e re " a 3c. stamp «rill take it to him. Your
dealer w ill supply -n r .lo p e and « i r e you o ffic ia l dir actions how to
address it.
fe r e ’s aae a/ fie fîmes etra a U b a
nefs thamkful te tie ft itaJ e ie seat
Aia rial mooch ef/íml Cree afe.
Tha Patent Poach heepi it Fresh and Clean end Good
— H is not Reol Gravely withomt this Protection Seal
E a tn b lis h e c l 1 S 3 1
Administratrix of Estate of Dale J
Attorney for Administratrix.
First Publication Feb. 21, 1918. 7-5t
Successor to
DR. H. W . V O L L M E R
.. In First National Bank Building
Residence 332
Office 333
D. D. & M. B. B U M P
Attorneys at Law
Loans and Real Estate
D. D. B U M P ,
Forest Grove.
Phone 444
_ • ____________
M. B. B U M P ,
Residence Hillsboro
Offices -H IL L S B O R O
Attorney A t Law
Patent Office Business Solicited
Forest Grove,