IN THE TRENCHES people from exercising their fret* death rate p e r a n n u m from ill in rejecting despotism and disease was 15 soldiers out of u PiMir, common, late despist'd Spud, Anse, and slinking olT thy mud, choosing democracy. The Ignited thousand. Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon. Accept the throne. W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher. States does not tight to force any In the Russo-Japanese war the For now that war doth hold us in ita Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1816, at the nos to ilice at Forest Grove, government to adopt the theory death rat»- per annum from disease bloody clutch, Oregon, under the Act o f March *, 1878 of our government, nor does the ! was 20 out of a thousand.- Ex- It hellooverH un to own United Slates tight to force any tracts from speech by Senator That thou art king. or "gut In Dutch.” Subscription Kates foreign people to take our form of Olile James We serve thee, glorili«'! Potato, On Credit Paid in advance $ 1.50 government against any form of Forgetting gladly and accelerato ........ $1.00 One year ............. One y e a r.............. . Huns Kill American Poet What thou hast hin .50 Six months .75 government they may choose for Six months ... London, March 11.—The bodies We root for thee, O, Murphy, for we .25 Three months Three Months ■<0 themselves. Hut America does of- Mrs. Ix>na Guilbert Ford, an love thee much; THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1018 tight to prevent any foreign gov- American poet, and her son, about Yea, fervently do we ” dig in. eminent thwarting any land from years old , were discovered to- And on our own soil "heat the Dutch.” against a soldier during his ab- - enjoying In the wreckage^oT — — democracy ,i ................. if it so wills day ’ ‘ * a house ‘ MARY H. FORCE. sence* by the voice of its own people, j destroyed in the German air raid A Navy base hospital with a If a soldier is sued, the courts And this United States fights now 'l**t week. In this house 12 per- capacity of 500 beds has reached shall postpone action until h e c a n jand wij| eVer tight to theexpendi j®ol?3t wor‘* kj,l' d ; Mrs. Ford formerly lived in El- It will take care of attend to it. ture of its last dollar and the sac mira, N'. Y. She was the author the war zone If a so'dier have a mine, timber rdice uf every son, rather than 0f “ Keep the Home Fires Hurn- Navy personnel, both ashore and ! or farm claim, assessments on submit to any monarch wresting mg. one of the mlwt* popular' of jalloa\am l if accommodations ex- which are overdue, it shall be held • our democracy from us, to the the English and American war i*t will also be available for Army j for him. death of our liberty and the end songs. She had made her home and allied sick and wounded. Honor t h y soldier a n d thy ,>f our republic.” —Senator James recently with her son, Walter, in Register Your Babies the northwestern section of l gin- sailor, that thy days may he long Hamilton Lewis of Illinois. don. The Eugenics contest to be put What have you given the Red in the land of Liberty on by the Woman’s club will lie Cross for their “ Superfluity” sale [ No man hath greater love than W HAT WAR-SAY 1N(«S Appeal Board Acts held March 22d arid parents are next Saturday? Any article th at! he that oflVreth his life for the STAMPS WILL BUY Appeals of married men, claim ¡asked to legi^tcr ihtir children is salable will be thankfully re-j world’s sake, and it is commended ! A single Thrift Stamp will ing exemption were acted on as I ¡6 months to 5 years) with Mrs I Clifford Wadker before that date. that neither lawyers, nor the loan ; buy a tent pole or five tent pins, follows: ceived. l sharks, nor the gatherers of title« a waist beit or hat cord, shoe Farm claims denied: Fred R , Public sale bills pi inted at the So far, Forest Grove is behind laces or identification tags; two Werre, Jus. L. Hopkins, Herman Express office. schedule in her purchase of Smil- shall fatten on him. will buy one trench bwil or a pair 'G . 4Hamel, Peter Vanl/m, Fritz Congress is content to call this age Books for soldiers This is ANNOUNCEMENT of woolen gloves. Four Thrift L. Fischer, Fnd G. W illis, John not the Forest Grove way. Get bill the civil rights hill. Intel­ F. Danzer, Alfred Hamel, Albert To the Ri-publii-unN of Washington Stamps will buy two pair* of can­ A. H. Meyer, Willis E. Hall. busy. Books may be secured lectual sloth. It’s t h e divine County: vas leggins; six will buy five pairs Farm claims allowed: Ewing M from B. J. Simpson, W. J. Me- rights bill.— Portland News. I hereby announce myself on n can­ , of woolen socks or three suits of Maxwell, W. H. Heisler, Clyde didate for the nomination on the Re­ Cready, the Red Cross or W. C OUTLOOK IS summer underwear; twelve will M. Trueblood, Arnie K. Dickason, < publican ticket for the office of Stale Benfer. ENCOURAGING buy a stee) he|met Mike Yunker, Roy Ber t, Win Representative. R Heisler “ Does it pay to advertise?” The Pacific Umversity “ Bulle- One War-Savings Stamp will I seek the nomination because I am Industrial claim allowed: Ward willing to work, to work bard, and to That depends on circumstances tin” for the month of February buy one hundred cartridges ora Ennes, still in Class 1, however. work all the time to win this war for and the advertiser can generally makes the announcement that, cartridge belt o r a scabba-d for Appeal marriedmen, claim ng control the circumstances. If you there will be no deficit this year, j a bayonet; two will purchase two denendenf. denied: Earl I, Hobbs, the free voice and rule of the |s-ople of the work!, to promote the beat inter­ would advertise garden seed in When w e s t o p to consider pairs of woolen breeches or two Frank (). Erickson. ests of the Stale of Oregon, and to Dependent parent claim denied: keep the home tires burning brightly in the months of November and De­ the difficulties under which the flannel shirts; two and a half will Walter Gray, still in Class 1; Washingion County. cember, he chances are you would College has labored during the ; buy a gas mask. Three War Sav- Harry E. Spencer, also still in I seek the nomination because I have waste a big part of your advertis­ past few years and the further ing> Stamps will buy an overcoat Class 1. hnd experience in Icgudution, -and be­ ing money. On the other hand, fact that ¡he war has taken half or twu woolen service coats; ihre* Clinton Shelton, placed in Class lieve I can give "value received” for buy three pairs of A, confirming local board; bis ap­ November a n d December are a hundred of its students, the an a half will every effort expended in my behalf. , , . c . , woolen blankets; four will buy a peal deni* d. showing made, in a financial way, rd| e good months in which to adver­ I seek the franchise o f the people Everald W. Minckley placed in . . „ . and. if chosen, I will serve them hon­ tise fuel and warm clothing. Re­ is certainly flattering to the man- ( ’ lass A reversing local board.— estly and economically, . People Are Saving cently a Forest Grove citizen, cm agement. It would appear that Hillsboro Argus. LOYAL M. GRAHAM. Evidences a r e accumulating ployed by the day, lost a day’s waste has been entirely eliminated. Advt) Forest Grove, Oregon. Making Fruit Boxes else Pacific could not make th e; ^u‘ ^abit of saving among wages hunting the town over for a the American people, especially - i At great exiiense, we have in- woman companion for his mother. financial showing it has made the among the patrons of - savings . ? , . , He wasted the day and found no present school year. Congratu- B a n k s a n d P o s t a l Savings Called a machine for making woman. Then he inserted a 3- lations, ladies and gentlemen of is outstripping the fin mcial de- Fruit Boxes of all sizes and we mands made upon them by the would like to quote prices to box line advertisement in the Express Pacific board and facul y. Government. users. Forest Grove P Inning and got what he was seeking— at a While no « xac' figures are avail- Mill Co. 9-tf cost of loc. In that case, aayer-; r»r*irkri> able at present it is known that .. , , Using certainly paid well. postal savings deposits have stead- I nc'e *^am -s Agents ----------------------- “ Who are they who mtsrepre- ily gained during the year 1917, Thrift Stamps and W’ar Savings UNCLE SAM ’S sent the purpose of democrocy and notably since the 1st of July Certificates may be purchased TEN COMNANDMENTS under Wilson that they may de- of that year, whieh was after the from any of ihe following named firms and individuals: President W’ ilson is about to feat all democracy to all men? fir-t issue of the Liberty Loan. T h e reports from savings banks The Postofflee First Nat’ l Bank sign a bill which takes its place These charge that America, under also show a steady gain, and the W. F. Schultz Co. Fore«t Grove Nat’ l as the . most liberal . leg- war , to same is true of cooperative build- Shearer & Son . in , history . , , W’ilson, _ would continue , Bank lslation in protection of a nation s force Governments and people of ¡nK and |oan associa'ions Caplea & Co. Goff Bros. A G Hoffman & Co. fighters ever known. It is good of foreign lands to take our form Nor have the people of small VanKoughnet & Chas Littler enough, strong enough to be ca led of government. Let the world means been the only savers. It (,t^ ,^ '> s hearer K I- Burlinghain Gordon & Gordon t h e National T e n Command- know that as George Washington ises'im a ed that the savings of V I Fuqua the whole piople of the United G G Paterson H T Giltner ments, and is, in effect, thus: fought for democracy as a right to States, ordinarily lò 000.000,000 Cope-land & Me­ John Andorssui M J Abbott Thou shalt not evict, for non- America and Thomas Jefferson to $0.000.000,000 annually, were _______ j . ------ . . C V B Russell payment of rent, a soldier’s de- proclaimed it as a necessity to incri a-ed $14.000.000,000 to $15,- „ penmrd C S McNutt | g H Baldwin Par. Barber Shop pendents, under penalty of $10,- mankind, while Lincoln made it 1)00,000,000 in 1917. Claude E Smith The respon-e of the people to j R R Nixon FRE1) A . E V E R E S T 000 fine. his creed of emancipation for all Hines W C Benfer the national need of economy and J Chas At present Deputy Recorder J Wirt/. Brady Chowning Thou shalt not cut off a soldier’s color and all clime—so, too, Wil- saving has been general and gen-1 W' F Hartrampf M S Allen tfr Co. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE life insurance because of delayed son fights for democracy as a erous. Good Investmt Co. News-Times Office for Nomination for premiums. 'right of the whole world The A-k any agent for particulars. RECORDER OF CONVEYANCES English as She Is Siamesed Thou shalt not foreclose a m ort-' promise of Wilson to ‘make the Primary Election May 17, HUH. A Siamese newspaper carries Warranty deed and mortgage gage on a soldier’s property. world safe for democracy’ is no (Paid Advt) the following at the head of its blanks for sale at this office, Thou shalt not take away a threat to make the world take editorial column: soldier's home on which he has democracy It is but the assur- “ The news we tell the latest. made part payment. ance of the effort to give to the Writ in a perfectly style and most Thou shalt not sell a soldier’s world its chance to take democ- earnest. Do a murder commit, we tell it. Do a ch’ef die, we property because of his failure to racy. This war of America is the publish it, and in borders of som- pay the taxes, national, state or announcement that we, by our en- [^¿r. Staff "and" "each writer been local. trance into the conflict, will pre- college, and write like the Kip ing Thou shalt not settle a law suit vent any despot depriving any and the Dickon-. We circle ev- If you are going to build a cry town and extortionate not for advertis'-ments ” — Luke Mr*Luke. Silo, Garage, House, Barn or Chicken Coop, let us tell Health Condition o f Army you the cost. We buy cheap The health condition of the and we sell cheap. American Army, notwithstanding Under the new management, this market has been Our Mr. Copeland does the stocked up with a tempting line of they have gone through the most ____ buying for all our yards, in­ severe winter in half a century, is cluding this one. Everything, like Doors, Roofing, Mould­ by far the best of that of any ing, as well as all Lumber and Shingles, is bought in car other army in the world. lots. We get prices the man with but one yard cannot get, The death rate from disease per and we are willing to pass this saving on to you. We want Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Hamburger, Wieners, etc. annum of 'the American troops is your business. Let us figure your bill. Also Bread, Cookies, Pickles, Spices, 8 soldiers out of a thousand. Fruits and Vegetables. In the Spanish-American War Fresh Fish Tuesdays and Fridays the death rate per annum of the Free Deliveries We pay Cash for Veal, American Army from disease was (Copeland & McCready) 9 a. m . and 3 p. m. Pork, Hides, Poultry 25 soldiers out of a thousand. Phone 531 Forest Grove, Ore. Phone 03 01 and Eggs In the China Japanese war the Œlî? Jfîarrat tërmi* üxpmiH * * * This paper has enlisted with the government in the cause o {A m erica for the period of the war IB LUMBER The Pacific Market Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork Mutton and Poultry. . . Main Street Lumber Yard