A WOMAN’S HEAD Is level and her Very Much So. Judgment good "W e had alarming news at our when she puts house yesterday morning.’’ ber faith In Or. "What was It?” Tierces Favor­ “ Our alarm clock went off an hour ite Prescription. too soon.”— Exchange. There Is no beauty without Pure blood Is essential to Good good health. No- Health. Garfield Tea dispels Impuri­ Washington and Oregon. , body expects to ties, cleanses the system and eradi­ Tin- moat vital |M>irit of a truck attach become really cates disease.—Adv. nicnt ih the hearinu*. The Western is beautiful from tli« only truck attachment made with a the use of coiq- “ I wouldn’t go to that milliner for Two-inch Timban Itaaring. Other S|>e- > plexlon beautl- an opinion.” ciflrations in portion. Why Huy an Inferior make? “ Why not?” "Doesn’t her business make her a A . J. L O R M O R , Factory Distributor. Hrlghl eyes, clear skin, and rosy trimmer?"—Baltimore American. UJ M AU m S u ««. Portia ml, <>..«on. cheeks, follow the use of the “ Pre­ scription." All women require s tonic and nerv That's What We Think. Early rising In a cold flat imparta Ine ut some period of theJr lives. efficiency and speed In dressing.— | Whether suffering from nervousness, disslnees, fala twees, disptaeeaMat. ca Chicago News. tarrhal Inflammation, bearlngdown sensations, or general debility, the Watch Your Skin Improve. ’’ Prescription" Is sure to benefit. In On rising and retiring gently smear tablet and liquid form. the face with ('iitlnm i Ointment. Wash Dr. Pierce's Pellets were first put In nfT ointment in live minutes with Cu­ ready to use form nearly CO years ago, Kut less m e at if you feel Hack llen ra Soap and hot water. For free and will always relieve the Inactive ach y o r have H lnddcr sample address “Cutlcnra. Dept, X, liver and biliousness. Insist on getting tro u b le. ItoMton." At druggist* and hy mall. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets—there Is none so good.—Adv. Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.—Adv. Rood health cannot be maintained No man or woman who eats meal where there Is a constipated habit. regularly can make a mistake by When in Love. Miss Young— You can’t believe half (Jarfield Tea overcomes constipation. flushing the kidneys occasionally, says —Adv. a well-known authority. Meat forms a man says when he's In love. uric acid which excites the kidneys, Mrs. Wyso— That's easily accounted 1 Traditional Courage they become overworked from the for, my dear. Ilulf the time he doesn’t “ Pop, are the Crow Indians harder strain, get sluggish ana fall to filter knew what he's saying.—(exchange. the waste and poisons from the blood, to fight than any other kind?" “ Not that 1 know of. What makes then we get sick. Nearly all rheurna (¡arfleld Tea. taken regularly, will tism. headaches, liver trouble, nervous correct Imiti liver ami kidney dis you think so?” “ Well, pop. a crow never shows the ness, dizziness, sleeplessness and ur­ orders.—Adv. inary disorders come from sluggish white feather, does It?"— Kxchauge. kidneys. “ Miss Oldgtrl says she doesn't pre­ The moment you feel a dull ache In tend to be brilliant nor witty nor wise. the kidneys or your hack hurts or tf \ Hhc Is just n plain woman." the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of "Plain! (treat Hcott, but she is good sediment, Irregular of passage or at to herself."— Kxchauge tended by a sensation of scalding, stop eating meat and get about four I)r. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver, ounces of Jad Salts from any phar bowels and stomach. One little Pellet macy; take a tablespoonful In a glass for a laxative three for a cathartic of water before breakfast and In a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts Is made from the M O N E Y FOR Y O U . arid of grapes and lemon juice, com­ Thoiisari'U of trainral young n iv tl«!. ilehnkr W «lk «r lluuinsvta 4Y»II«w. t'orl!«n d. pi»-«»« bined w ith Hthla, and has been us< d «tiidcn t* In iMttilionu. Enroll any tim «. Free Try this yourself then pats Ouch I T ! ? ! ! This kind of rough for generations to flush and stimulate ('«UlütftWi It heard slong less to others. talk will be here In town If the kidneys, also to neutralize the works! people troubled It with corns will follow acids In urine so It no longer causes »*• «*»•« (-?•» the simple advice of this Cincinnati Irritation, thus ending bladder weak- a n d rotile, sr itami U '. s i r r s fty authority, who claims that a few drops ness. M U H U P-A 4 0 1 D T A M IT O Jad Salts Is Inexpensive and can­ of u drug called freexone when applied 25« to a tender, aching corn or hardened not Injure; makes a delightful effer­ llthla-water drink which callous stops soreness at once, and vescent soon the corn or callous dries up and everyone should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active lifts right off without pain. Cuticura S oa p is lie says freexone dries Immediately and the blood pure, thereby avoiding and never Inflames or even irritates serious kidney complications.—Adv. E a s y Shaving for the surrounding skin. A small bottle of freexone will cost very little at any Sensitive Skins drug store, but will positively remove T k a N a w t p - ln - d s ls (!a t l< u rs M a ib o d PRICES PAID BY every hard or soft corn or callous from one’s feet. Millions of America s US FOR RAW women will welcome this announce­ . FU R S ARE S M U R IN E , Granulated Eyelids, ment since the Inauguration of the , high heels. If your druggist doesn't EXTREME­ / / ► , - S t ir « I r\, K v r * I n l U m a d b y have freexone tell him to order a small / '« 4 V k ■ S" “ I Wm./ , LY HIGH « O H J- by Murine. Try It In bottle for you.— Adv. Over 1000 Satisfied Owners in t The CORRECT TREATMENT FOR COLDS Colds are contracted when strength is low ered and the inflammation easily develops bronchitis or lung trouble, while grippe and pneum onia frequently follow and any cold should have im m ediate treatment with which first builds up the forces b y carrying rich nourishment HEAVY MEAT EATERS HAVE SLOW KIDNEYS to the blood streams and creates real b o d y warmth. Its cod liver oil is the favorite of physicians for correcting bronchial disorders and chest troubles. The imported N orw egian cod liv er o il alw ays turd in S c o tt't EmuUton U now refined in our own Am erican laboratories which guarantees it free from impurities. Scott & Bowse, Bloomfield. N . J. 17-19 New H o u sto n H otel ^ CHAS. r y«»ur Lye*ami In llaby't Kye». Murine Eye Remedy ■ ye» ts lv e, In T««»-* t&e. F-r Un ok u f l>« Ave f f Atk Al u r i n a K y e R c n c d r C o . , C h i c a g o BIG, STRONG CHICKS E. R . S K IN N E R 112 1 TOOffT S T I B T Manaser. Courthouse. 2 block» from ^ | Opposite Pire Proof. S. P mnd O regon Electric Postoffiee» pas* door. 20 CORDS A D A Y A M oney Saver ! A Tim e Saver ! A L abor Saver! TW On(im*l Ucb Wnck Dr« ! » For cutting cord wood, clearing: land or sawing lojfx. Our machine naturally fit* itself to the d ifferen t position* while saw­ ing without any adju«tm ent. A N E X C L U S IV E F E A T U R E THE VAUGHAN C rosshead o r Saw holder SAVES TWO HOURS’ tim * a day. In a jiffy the »aw blado i* put in or taken out o f the holder and the operator lose* no time fuaxin? with nut» or adjusting: the holder. This feature is covered by patent and is only on the V A U G H A N . The holder bolt engraves under side o f blade and holds it firm ly up airainst lujfs on top and face o f sawplate crosshead. W rite fo r further information, special terms and prices. Write tor fnct U « ALLKN'H POOT-KASB DOKS IT. Wh«*n your .hoe« pinch or your Corn, in d Run* Ion. Ach e, y r t A lle n '. Knot-Ka.r. the A n t i s e p t i c powiler to lie .hmken into ahoea ami .p r in k l«! in ■ the foot t«th . G ive« In.fant re lief to Tired. Ach- m*. Tender Feet. Sami 1« FR E E . A d d re «« Allen 8. Olmsted. LeKny. N ew York- C. H O P K IN S . 75c to $1.50 per da j : $2.50 to $5.00 per week. Sure Thing. Without knowing exactly what a pe­ tard is. we hope the kaiser has one In "This sugar shortage is terrible.” good hoisting condition.— Washington “ Yes; it's getting the country into Post. a sweet mess."— Exchange. VAGR AGRIPPE IwiM L . T L J N o S m . r l i D f , J u »t EyrCuStforl Rates: Four Mock* from Union Detxit. T w o block« from NVw Poaluffice. Modern and fireproof Over 1 Ml outaide room«. Kates 75c to 12.00. I IlM J R O n « hundred and sixty-ftve Room*, all Modern ¡m provemenu: free phone« on every floor. Sixth and Kverett SU . Portland. Ore. Laugh When People Step On Your Feet V / .. H o t e l R o w la n d r VAUGHAN MOTOR WORKS, Inc. & CO. 461 East Main St., Portland, Or. SACRA MIXTO, CAL. BETHLEHEM MOTOR TRUCKS !■ the rreult o f uninff IVt*- lunm lncutxetora an I Hruod- •ni. That'« the kind you w ant W rite for our bl* Free Cateloif No. 60. 0223484823535323485348004823230023 PETALUMA INCUBATOH CO. Petaluma. California BLACK wiTC losses m Iteih, **■> simar prevented ; | ■ ■ m W ■ M U J U fl w f l Mr p r r l e r r e