WORLD H A P P E R » OF CORRERE WELK 400 VESSELS Y EA R LY RUSSIANS IN FLIGHT Oregon Terrorized Bolsheviki Move Capital to und Washington Spokesmen Say Standardized Program Nec­ essary I’lenty o f Lumber. 10 Moscow While Germans Continue Advance llomb Petrograd. SECRETAR! OF WAR BAKER III FRANCE London — The evacuation o f Petro- Washington, D. C. — Oregon and grad has Itegun. Three state minis­ n . , _ « i l i i l Washington can furnish between 400 brier Kesume MOSI I mportsnt and BOO wooden sh it» a year, witnesses President Sends Message of tries, according to a Reuter dispatch Inspection of Front Planned by from the Pacific Coast told the senate from Petrorgad dated Tuesday, have Minister and Staff. I committee, i f the Emergency Fleet Sympathy to Slavs. Daily News Items. started to leave the capital, from 1 Corporation would furnish the lumber- which the population also is lleeing | men with a standardized program. Fears o f the Shipping Hoard that hastily. ; the lumber supply in the Northwest is The Bolsheviki government purposes inadequate were declared unfounded. to declare Moscow the Russian capital H. H. Van Dusen, o f Oregon, de­ and Petrograd a free |>ort. clared the mills in his state had not reached their maximum capacity and Marva, 100 miles southwest o f I’e- ■„arge Crowd Welcomes I’arty at l'ort Events o f Noted People, Government» said production o f wooden ships on the Chief Executive Takes Momentous Ac­ trograd, has been raptured by the Ger­ o f Entry — W ill Meet I’ershing West Coast could be accelerated. He mans, and the enemy is reported to bo tion on Eve o f Meeting to Pass and Pacific Northwest and Other praised the loyalty o f Oregon lumber­ continuing his advance on Petrograd, and OthrrajWhlie in l’aria. On German Peace Terms. Things Worth Knowing. ing men and asserted that there is no according to an Exchange Telegraph necessity for the commandeering o f dispatch from Petrograd dated Mon­ timber. day. The car situation in that state, he A Petrograd dispatch to the E x­ A French Seajwrt Newton D. Bak­ Billy Sunday, the evangelist, said said, was very bad, and he knew o f Washington, D. C.— On the eve o f change Telegraph com|>any says that, Tuesday that as soon as his Chicago several mills that w ill be compelled to the gathering at Moscow of the Rus- er, the American secretary o f war, notwithstanding the cessation o f hos­ engagement is completed, he w ill go close unless the situation improves. Soviets, which is to tilities, a German airplane appeared with a staff o f seven persons, arrived sian congress of to France to visit the trenches. J. H. Bloedel, o f Seattle, chairman of pass judgment on the German-made | over Petrograd at 6 o’clock in the a f­ here Sunday on an American armored China, in response to an inquiry the fir production board, said he had ternoon and dropped tiomlui. Airplanes cruiser. The party was met at the by the Bolsheviki at from Tokio, has signified her intention just completed a survey o f the lumber peace accepted also were seen Hying over Nevsky pier by a French general, representing to co-operate with Japan in the protec- ' supply In Washington and had submit Brest-Litovsk, President Wilson has Prospect, and the belief prevailed that Major General tion o f allied interests in the Far East, ted the information to the Shipping sent a message of sympathy to the j the enemy was aiming at Nicholas the French army, t ,, . , . . . Board. He said there must be a Russian people through the congress. ! Station. Squier, representing the American The upper house o f the Austrian - .. .. . , .v ... .. . . , standardized schedule for ship timber, Sunday night Zeppelins were ob­ army; Admiral Moreau, representing reichsrath, a Vienna dispatch says, has , . , .. ___ , ,, . . The message also conveys a pledge , . . ’ . . . r . but believed one would shortly be pre­ served at Gatchina, 35 miles from Pe­ the French navy; Rear Admiral W il­ adopted a provisional war credit o f 6,- j ^ that the United Stales will avail itself trograd, Hying toward the cap- son, representing the American navy, 000,000,000 kronen for the next four * o * _ :n • ,,, D1 ’ . ’ bawmills in Wasnington. Mr. Bloe­ o f every opportunity to aid them in | ital, but they were driven off by the and the mayor and councillors of the del said, have ample capacity to pro-1 driving out autocracy and restoring anti-aircraft batteries. municipality. “ Pastor Russell’s ” w o rk .‘ ‘ The Fin-1 duce what timber the government Russia to her place in the world with Although the arrival had not been ished M ystery,” w ill be immediately needs for ships. announced previously, the news spread complete sovereignty and independ- JAPAN W I L L ACT IN S IB E R IA rapidly, and a great crowd soon gath­ removed from circulation in Eastern A law authorizing the government Washington, according to a Spokane to commandeer timber was favored by j ence. dispatch. I. N. Day, o f Portland. He explained ; The United States now recognizes Interests o f Western Powers W ill He ered at the pier and packed the streets through which the party rode to the .irn i.m ,» . . , ^ 1 p . - i. w . . he did not think such powers were now no government in Russia, but the Safeguarded by Move. railway station, preceded by French German airplants raided aria Mon- necegsarv but believed the govern- President cabled his message to the day night. The first alarm was given necessary, dui oeiievea me govern fnr .l*liv and American m ilitary escorts. / o .in v .u i i. ment should be in position to take such American consul at M oscowrorUtliv- Washington, I). ('. The United Secretary Baker’s party remained at 9:10 o clock, when seven squadrons Day opposed extending ery to the congress, which is made up of German airplanes were reported on thjg go ^ to enab|e tbe govern- 1 o f soldiers’ and workmen’s representa- States is in agreement with Japan, here only a few hours and left for their way to Paris, ment to take over and operate saw- | tives, and speaks for at least a con- Great Britain and the other co-bellig­ I’aris, in a s o c ia l car attached to the erents on the principle o f action in regular night train. General I ’ersh- iderable part o f the Russian people. Captain W illiam Redmond has be­ mills, at least at present. The message, made public Monday Siberia, but the details remain to be ing, Ambassador Sharp and represen­ come a candidate for the parliamen­ tatives o f the French government will night by the State department, was as tary seat from Waterford, made vacant worked out. meet the secretary on hia arrival in by the death o f his father, John Red- WATCH OUT F O R WAR RU MORS follow s: This became known Wednesday, as I’aris. ______ “ May I not take advantage o f the mand, the Nationalist leader. He is the cabinet met with President Wilson meeting o f the congress o f the Soviets opposed by Dr. White, Sinn Feiner. Administration Asks People to Avoid Washington, I). C.— U|«n hearing to express the sincere sympathy which to discuss the subject. The Weser Zeitung, o f Bremen, says o f Secretary Baker’a safe arrival in Repeating Stories. \ the people o f the United States feel the majority parties o f the reichstag White House officials were disturbed France, through the Associated Press Finding that Northwest communities 1 for the Russian people at this moment intend to insist upon complete clear­ over published reports that the state­ dispatch from Paris, the War depart­ ness regarding the status'of the for- ere being fed up on falsehoods o f var- when the German power has been ment had been authorized that the ment announced that the secretary a thrust in to interrupt and turn back mer Russian border states before rati­ J ious kinds, that the people here as visit ia purely military and not diplo­ fication o f the peace treaty with Rus­ elsewhere are repeating these stories the whole struggle for freedom and United States was not in accord with ; matic and is for the purpose o f inapec- substitute the wishes of Germany for the attitude o f the allies toward the for truth and are thus creating a mor­ sia. tion and personal conference with m ili­ the purposes o f the people o f Russia? Japanese plans. It was explained that tary officials. The Dry Chicago Federation an­ ale that is injurious to the cause which “ Although the government o f the no statement had been authorized ex­ No official report on the secretary’s nounced Tuesday that a committee o f brought the United States to declare United States is, unhappily, not now cept that the United States had not arrival had been recevied. The de­ seven would be sent to see Secretary war on Germany, the administration at ; in a position to render the direct and given its assent to the action under partment issued this statement: o f the Navy Daniels with a request, Washington is asking the people of effective aid it would wish to render, I consideration. “ A cable dispatch from Paria to the the granting of which would close this state to refrain from passing judg­ beg to assure the people o f Russia, The principle upon which all parties ment on the way the war is being won, Associated Presa announces the arrival every saloon in the downtown district or from saying and doing things that through the conrgess, that it w ill avail to the exchanges are said to be agreed at a French port o f the secretary of o f Chicago. itself o f every opportunity to secure is that if German influence is working will destroy confidence. war. For some time Secretary Baker The bodies o f Mrs. Lena Guilbert A favorite story is to the effect that for Russia once more complete sove­ harmfully in Siberia, and i f there is has desired to visit the headquarters of Ford, an American poet, and her son, food and supplies gathered and sent reignty and independence in her own imminent risk o f the loss o f the m ili­ about 30 years old, were discovered forward to soldiers are being divert­ affairs and full restoration to her great tary stores in Vladivostok, Japan will the American expeditionary forces. Monday in the wreckage o f a house ed; that articles are being sold and the role in the life o f Europe and the mod­ be justified in using whatever measure He sailed from an American port about February 27. destroyed in the German air raid on money not accounted for. o f force may be necessary to maintain A ll such em world. “ Secretary Baker has not determ­ London last week. Mrs. Ford was the statements may be branded as false. “ The whole heart o f the people of the peace in the Far East. ined the length o f time he will remain author o f “ Keep the Home Fires Burn­ In Portland more than 20 such rumors the United States is with the people Differences o f opinion are under­ in France, but his stay w ill be long ing.” have been traced down and found to be o f Russia in the attempt to free them­ stood to relate to the measures o f sup­ enough to enable him to make a thor­ selves forever from autocratic govern­ port to be given to Japan in such an The house naval committee has be­ unfounded. ough inspection o f the American forces gun consideration o f the annual naval They were probably started by Ger­ ment and become the masters o f their undertaking. abroad and to hold important confer­ appropriation bill, as framed by the man agents. own life. One diplomat remarked that public ences with American m ilitary officials. N avy department and a naval sub-com­ discussion o f the Siberian question A ll war news w ill be given out at "(S ig n e d ) WOODROW W IL S O N .” “ It ia expected that not only w ill mittee. The bill carries approximately Washington. Thus in his first formal word to Rus­ seemed to lose sight of the existence Secretary Baker visit the American $1,300,000,000 for the Navy for the sia since that revolution-torn country, o f a special treaty between Great Brit­ headquarters, hut his inspection tour next fiscal year, but the amount would under the leadership o f the Bolsheviki, ain and Japan, making it obligatory w ill rover construction projects, in­ be made immediately available so that U. S. S O L D I E R S AID IN RAIDS deserted the allied cause, the Presi­ upon the latter to protect not only her cluding docks, railroads and ordnance the Navy can meet promptly any emer­ dent • indicates the purpose o f the own interests but that o f her ally as bases, now under way back o f the gencies that might arise. Penetrate German Position to Depth United States to disregard the hard well on the continent o f Asia. American lines. terms upon which the German and Under this treaty, it is said, in dip­ An important embargo in Western o f 600 Yards. “ The secretary o f war ia accompan­ Austrian war lords have promised lomatic quarters that, while, as a mat­ territory was announced in Chicago ied by Major General William M. W’ ith the American Army in France, peace to the Russians and to demand ter o f courtesy it behooved Japan to Monday by R. H. Aishton, regional di­ Black, Lieutenant Colonel M. L. Brett rector o f railroads, owing to conges­ Sunday— American troops, co-operat­ an accounting upon a very different keep the entente allies and the United and Ralph Hayes, private secretary to ing with the French, have carried out basis when victory at last shall be States government o f her purposes, it tion on lines east o f Chicago. Be­ Mr. Baker.” was necessary to make any proposition tween 15,000 and 20,000 cars are tied three raids opposite the American sec­ achieved by America and the allies. Two o f the raids The President does not urge the to the United States government and up at Western gateways because of tor in Lorraine. the inability o f Eastern railroads to were executed simultaneously Sunday so veils to reject the peace treaty, probably not to her allies except VICTOR L. B E R G E R IN D IC T E D though the delivery o f his message at Great Britain. move them. The embargo will last night. It was explained at the State de­ Ex-Congressman, Socialist, is Charged until the congestion is cleared, prob- , The Americans swept past the Ger- this time may be interpreted as sug- man first line and penetrated to the gesting such a course, partment that no direct proposal had ably a week or two. With Encouraging Disloyalty. enemy’s second line, 600 yards back. In fact it is conceded in official cir­ been received from Japan regarding Federal authorities in New York are The two simultaneous raids, one cles that there is scant ground for Sibreia. It is known, however, that Chicago— Victor L. Berger, former said to be investigating a report that northwest and one northeast o f ------ hope that the congress and what re­ the department has been fully informed congressman from Wisconsin; Adolph a number o f women, one an American (deleted), were made after intense ar­ mains of a government in Russia w ill o f the Japanese plans through the Germer, national secretary of the So­ who is prominent socially and who re­ tillery preparation lasting for four refuse to g ive approval to the German British government. cialist party; Irwin St. John Tucker, a turned recently from Europe, have de­ hours, in which the German positions terms. The status o f the matter, so far as Chicago Socialist; J. Ixiuis Engdahl, vised a new method for transmitting were leveled. A t midnight two forces. Trotzky, the Bolsheviki foreign min- can be gathered, is that Japan has and W illiam F. Kruse, were indicted important m ilitary information to Ber­ each one o f ------ (deleted), with small ister, has resigned, and from Lenine, learned that her allies heartily ap­ by the Federal grand jury Saturday, lin. It is reported that these women, French forces on their Hanks, moved the premier, who apparently controls prove o f her entry into Siberia i f that charged with obstructing recruiting, taking advantage o f the freedom al­ upon the German objectives behind a the regime, nothing is expected. should be necessary to carry out her encouraging disloyalty anil interfering lowed their sex under the enemy alien creeping barrage, each on a front of Whether or not anything resembling obligations. with the prosecution o f the war. regulations, have been meeting secretly 600 yards. When the Americans a strong central government capable of So far as the United States govern­ Advices from Milwaukee quote Mr. in New York hotels. reached the enemy first lines the bar­ making organized resistance on a large ment is concerned, the officials appar­ Berger as saying o f the indictments: The British food controller says that rage was lifted so as to box in the Ger­ scale is developed, the hope here is ently believe that it is not necessary “ It is a political move, pure and sim­ if English farmers could get 1,000,000 man positions at both points. that the determination o f the great for them to give formal assurances on ple.” acres of potatoes under cultivation this The men dropped into the enemy’s numbers o f the Russians to fight op­ the subject, though it is believed this Mr. Berger, who is a canddiate for year there would be no fear o f starva­ trenches, expecting a hand-to-hand pression w ill find expression in some course can be outlined to Japan in a nomination for United States senator tion. fight, but found the Germans had fled. way that w ill give the Germans much way to make it perfectly clear that from Wisconsin on ths Socialist ticket, Despite orders from the high com- Continuing the advance, they went to do in the east until the ultimate there is no lack o f understanding of in announcing hia platform this week, mand for the German people to beflag forward 600 yards to the second Ger- victory in the west, about which no Japan’s position, so that no strain will said that, i f elected, he would work for thsir towns and rejoice over peace man line. A ll the time American ma- doubt is entertained, puts the United be placed upon the relations between the passage o f a resolution by congress with Russia, notes o f doubt are not chine guns were firing on each flank o f States and the allies in the position to the two countries through the failure directing the President to summon lacking in the German press in regard the two parties to prevent the enemy g ive that direct and effective aid of o f America to record a formal ap­ warring countries to an immediate ar­ to the future in the East. i undertaking flanking operations. which President Wilson speaks. proval mistice and peace ronferenree. COMPILED FOR YOU Sir Henry Babington Smith arrived Swiss Press Scores H aas. in the United States Thursday from Geneva — Physical reprisals against England to assist Lord Reading, Great Britain’s special ambassador to the Germany are unanimously demanded by the allied portion o f the Swiss United States. press for the sinking o f the steamer In response to the Finnish govern Sardinero, with 3855 tons o f cereals ment’s request for military assistance, destined for Switzerland. It has de­ it is announced officially in Berlin, manded that the Swiss government German troops have been landed on shall not send the usual harmless note the Aland islands. This official an­ o f protest to Germany, but w ill order nouncement confirms recent prees dis­ a 50 per cent diminution in the breed patches concerning the movement o f rations granted the German colony in German troops to Finland. Switserland, numbering 230,000. VISIT MILITARY ONLY U.S. STANDS FRIENDLY Draft Called ia HawaiL Honolulu— H aw aii’s first draft call has been sounded. Ralph Taylor, for­ mer civilian employe o f the quarter­ master’s department here, is in the National army. W ith all the formal­ ity prescribed in the selective service regulations Taylor was inducted into service Tuesday. He is not only proud o f the fact that he is wearing the uni­ form o f a private in the army, but also o f ths fact that he is the first man to be called from HawaiL M arias Ceaspaay Insured. Nsbraaka Haabe Co-Kda. Washington, D. C.— The 80th com­ pany, U. S. marines, on active service somewhere in France, is insured for $2,545,000. This undoubtedly estab­ lishes a record for individual company insurance subscription. O f the 255 men in the company, 254 took out in­ surance fo r 110,000 each, the remain­ ing member subscribed to a $5000 pol icy. In addition to thin, 188 men o f the same company made allotments totaling $2830.50 for the " fo lk s back home.” Lincoln, Nah. No F.aatsrn college girla ars wantstl <>n Nebraska farina this aummer, aecordlng io thè execu­ tive board o f thè woinan’a commlttee o f thè State ( ‘oimcll o f Defenae, whlch Saunlsy adopled « resolullon oppoalng any rffort to seni! women and girla to Western farina The resolution wsa simod si thè woinsii’a lumi army, under whose direction Vessar sud Bernard and othor college girla bava been or- ganiicd f 'r fumi work nasi aummer.