IKitri’at (Srmtc iExpreaa COM)KNSKI) NKWS NOTES Don, the 6 year-old son of Mr and Mrs. A. B. Caples, is recover­ ing from a severe illness. Entere«! Judge Hollis last Thursday ev­ ening attended the annual meet­ ing of the Portland chapter of the Subscription Rates Red cross. Twelve directors were Raid in advance On Credit One year S i. on One year $1.60 elected. Six months ,60 Six months F'td A. Everest, deputy county Three Months .88 Three months ¿ .40 recorder, has an announcement on page 4 of his candidacy for the THURSDAY, MARCH 7. 1‘JIS republican nomination fo r re­ corder. A PARABLE them much of the time, but, oc The soldier threaded his weary casionally, you can’t fool any of John K Pollock, executive s c retary of the state Council of De­ way back to the Colonel’s dug- them any of the time writes the editor that h<- out He had been in half a dozen Sick ’em, Heney! Portland fens«*, will be in For«st (¡rove to attend skirmishes with the enemy with­ News. a Liberty Loan meeting on March in as many weeks. He was still in­ If the price of waste paper con­ 15th. tact, but scratched and wearied tinues to rise, many editors can Make some soldier boy ban, \ from crawling through barbed make this week by sending him a Stud* - extra spending money l age wire and in and out of shell baling some Book. Don’t let Forest < ¡r.. . c and selling (he stuff that is be cons «lend a slacker in this craters. sent them for free publication by campaign. only costs a dollar He entered th e dugout and various candidates and organiza- and will give It our boys a humlred saluted with click of h els and tions. I dollars’ worth of happiness. Other hand to cap ¡communities have done their bit “Colonel,” he said, “ I think I ARE YOU GUILTY? in scattering sunshine in the camps l/.»t us do ours it will help the will have to quit. The battles are That person w ho willfully war. getting to be so many. It’s rather hoards any necessities shall, upon patriotic rally will be too much of a good thing I have conviction thereof, be fined not held A great in Hdlsboro on Saturday, exceeding $5,000 or be imprisoned given about all I can of time and March 16th, under strength and blood to this war. I for not more than two years, or of the Patriotic League the of auspices Wash­ both. Nee ssities shall be deemed ington county. N«>ted shakers, am going home.” the various war ac­ No, the incident didn’t happen hoarded when either held, con­ representing such as Liberty Loan, But why shouldn’t it? There are tracted for, or arranged for by tivities Savings, Food Conservation, lots of civilians here at home turn­ any j>erson in a quantity in ex­ War Red Cross M . C. A., etc., will ing down such appeals as the Red cess of h is reasonable require­ address the Y. meeting and it is Cross and the Liberty Loans be­ ments for use and consumption hop« d that every patriotic citiz« n Washington <*ounty who can cause “the calls are so many.” for himself an 1 dependents for a of possibly arrange to attend will l e reasonable time.”—U. S. Food present. Further details of pro­ MORE HIDES, Administration Act. gram, t me and place will be an MORE SHOES nounced next week Watch for Uncle Sam’s Agents Have you been paying more for this announcement and pr pare to Thrift Stamps and War Savings shoes? We think you have. attend. Certificates may be purchased Says F. E. White, vice presi­ any of the following-named Woman's ('lull dent of Armour & Co.: “The price from firms and individuals: Regular meeting of the Forest of hides is not responsible for the The Postoffii-e First N at’l Hank Grove Woman’s b Monday, W. F. Schultz Co. Forest Grove N at’l Mar. II, 5 p. m., c at l u Langley high price of shoes.” hail. Shearer & Son Hank According to the big packers Caples Executive committee will meet at & Co. Got! Pros. 2:30 All members are asked to and Attorney Francis Heney, who VanKoughnet & A G Hoffman & Co. be preparer! to pay a half year’s Reder Chas l.ittler is after them: Shearer K F Hurlingham dues. Abbie J. Whitebouse, Sec- The quantity of hides stored by Ottice V I Fuqua Gordon & Gordon retary. G Paterson H T Giltner the five large Chicago packers in­ G Copeland Anderson Red Cross Workers creased 45 per cent since early in Cready & Me- John M J Abbott The Red Cross work rooms O M Sanford C V B Russell 1916. Prices increased 45 per H R Hernanl C S McNutt will be clos d this we« k and next, cent to 180 per cent. The num­ G H Baldwin Pac. Barber Shop because of a lack of materials R P Nixon Claude E Smith ber of cattle increased 22 per cent Chas with which to work. Hines W C Benfer in July last year. Embargoes cut J J Wirtz Mrs A. B. Todd, Chairman. Brady Chowning W F H artram pf M S Allen & Co. off foreign trade and imports from Good Register Your Rallies t Co. News-Times Oflice Argentine increased the hide sup­ Ask Investm any agent for particulars. The Eugenics contest to be put ply in the Uuited States; never­ on by the Woman’s will be Not haunted nor infested with held March 22d and club theless Swift & Co., alone, sold 20 spooks, parents un­ dwelling, asked to icgister their childnn per cent more hides during 1917 good lot; a can five-room be purchased by months to 5 years) with Mrs than in the previous year. paying $10.00 per month. No (6 You can fool all the people! interest. J. N. Hoffman. Why Clifford Walker before that date. 8-tf i Job [irinting -phone 821. some of the time and some of ^ pay rent? hs Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon. W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher. second-class m atter Jan. 12, 101«». at the poatofflee at Forest Grove, Oregon, under the Act of March 1879