Gold W on by O ur Ships Americans Most Reckless Consumers of Candies and Sweet Drinks in the World W a r R ecipes A fter all American talk about the Cut out the fo llo w in g recip e» and saerlllee» America U making for the p a «te them in you r cook book to kelp allies, tin* figures produced hy Mr. you H o o verize. T h e y have been Hoover respecting Amerlcnn consump­ thoroughly t o t e d by instructor* and tion o f sugar are enough to make special lectu rer* in the departm ent American» feel uncomfortable and l<»ik Washington. Tim prn rn t jr* 200 per cent profit on her first voyage hypocritical. The plain facts nre that o f home econom ic* at the U niversity rrii fur American shipping, r«'»ulMng to China, In min. American cnn-umptlon of sugar during o f W ashington. from great «l**iiinn«I for • M-fiin ton 11 ■■ k <*. The Oriental, an Amerlcnn dipper a period of distressing shortage has at and U h > extraordinary profit» lliut h iv * | built In New York In IK-1!», to compete best slightly diminished. Each Ameri­ OPERATION OF A ROAD DRAG Washington Shrimp Salad — 1 tb l«*«1» mnde In our carrying trade by with (tie English tea ship», earned can consumes over twice as much as Mi'ii, tinvf* been shown liy re»enreli to $IH,»NN» in freight money on her first filch Englishman nnd almost four granulated gelatine, ) c cold water 1} Mistake for Operator to Think That !••• ii recurrence of Mlmllur <•01111111111111 cargo of ten from Hong Kong to Lon­ times as much as each Frenchman. c vegetable broth (w ater from cooking All He Has to Do Is to Drive celery or peas, etc.) or meat broth, 1 c ttint tinv«» |>n»vnll«'il tliri'i* tlmi'M before don. Her cost wa» $70,00*). Surely It Is time, say» the New Repub­ Team— Get Best Angle. shrimps, 2 tb lemon juice, 1 c cooked In thf lilHtory of Dm Atni'rli’iiii mer- In tin* gold nul» to California, In , lic, to deal more drastically with such ll 11 if »»ml tin* top plico reached was $W a Indulgence o f Ids ordinary desires. improved if cooked with bay leaf, 2 or : operators seern to think that nil they him followei), Miiy expert» of the Unlt- toil. Americans nre the most reckless con­ 3 peppercorns and slice o f onion, and linve to do 1» to drive the team and At tills rate tin1 ship Samuel Rim- sumers of candles and sweet drinks In eil States shipping hoard. strained before being used for the the drag will automatically do the »< •1 1 earm' the ahlp Mt. Vernon of of different constituent«. A potato 1» j per. Add the grated cheese. Cook it is used the tendency is to raise the H o w lo G et I here. Ruletii made a profit of $100.1100, four until it melts. Pour the mixture into front edge of the drag, while a longer largely compoaed! time» her original coat, on a »Ingle a greased pan. When it is cold cut hitch makes It cut deeper and move of starch, whereas round trip to China, going out with Most o f the army camps nre pre­ it into two-inch squares. Fry the more material. The correct length of heefstenk I* large- j hitch to use depends upon the height augur, and returning via the Mediter­ pared to receive visitors and there Is a \ squares in a small amount o f fat. ly composed o f nl- j ranean, where »he took on »Ilk » and great ilemund on the purt of relatives j Another method: Arrange a layer of the team, arrangement o f harness, trogen or protein. wlnoa for the American market. and friends to visit their soldiers and o f the seasoned mush in a greased bak­ etc., and must be determined by trial. Starch represent» j The amount o f skew or angle which sailors. For those who are unacqualnt-! ing dish. Cover this layer with one- The owner of the Mt. Vernon, Kiln» so many heat-pro­ ed with the locations of camps and how half o f the cheese. Arrange a second the drag makes with the center lino Ha-ket I n-rhy, died w hile ahc wua on ducing unit», and thl» v o y a g e and left an estate valued layer o f mush and cheese. Cover this o f the road also affects the results. to reach them Mils list Is published: heefstenk likewise layer with bread-crumbs. Brown in a The greater the skew (I. e., the small­ at ll.taio.tNN». the largest American produce» It» own « ’amp Muster, Xutlonal army, on Grand hot oven. er the angle between the drag and the fortune to that time. Trunk and Michigan Central roads j quota. i center line o f the road) the more Salem captain» were ever on the I near Rattle Creek, Mich.; also This In »0 when alert for new ventures In those tiny» Cheese Fondue — 1 c grated cheese, 1 earth w ill be moved toward the cen­ reached hy trolley. One-way fare you consider the o f rich profits. When In IT'.».'» t ’npt. from Rattle Creek to ( ’amp Custer 1 c bread crumbs, 1 c milk, 1 egg, 1 ter. Usually this skew angle should matter from a lnb- tb fat, i ts salt, t ts mustard, | ts be about 45 degrees, but here again Jonathan Carnes of Salem hoard hy via Michigan Central, 14 cents. paprika. Mix the cheese, bread the Judgment and experience of the way of gossip when ashore nt Hnree- orutory standpoint, hut If you mnde a Camp I »evens, National army, on Ros - 1 crumbs and milk in a double boiler. operator must be brought Into play. lonn, Spain, that pepper grew wild on test of the same values hy feeding t<>n A Maine railway, about one-hall Cook this mixture until the cheese is The driver can control the opera­ the coasts of Sumutru, he noted the these foods to human being» you would mile from Ayer, Muss.; reached by Hud the values varied greatly because melted. Add the beaten egg, the salt, tion to a large extent by shifting his Information carefully. <>n his arrival electric line or auto. mustard, and paprika. Cook till thick position upon the drag. When he ap­ home lie Imparted It to Jonathan I’eele, of the variations of the human or or­ ganic machinery Which handled them. Camp I>lx, Nutlonal army, on Pennsyl-1 and perfectly smooth. proaches a high spot In the road he a Salem merchant, who forthwith lif­ vh nla road, t.t) miles from Lewis- can step toward the front, thus mak­ ted out the schooner Riijuli, ami dls Starch, for instance, In the case» of some Individuals, pusses through the town, I'u. One-way fare from I'hila- ing the blade cut deeper, while at a patched her to Sumatra. digestive system without the body a» delphla, 79 cents. depression he can step toward the The Itajah brought bark the first full rear, In this way raising the cutting cargo of pepper to he landed In Amer­ slmllntlng It ntid obtaining the nddltlon! Camp Dodge, National army, on Inter-j of Its heat units. In tin* cases of other urban (electric) Railway company.] edge and dumping the earth which Is ica, and her owner reaped the tidy being" pushed ahead o f the drag. By profit from Its «ale of 700 per cent on Individuals, the same thing would hap- i Fare from Des Moines: intrastate,20 pen with heefstenk. cents; tnterurhan state, 27 cents. Wheat— Bulk basis for No. 1 grade: 1 stepping toward the end o f the drag his Investment. Kor this reason we must remember, Camp Funston, National army, located j Hard W’ hite— Bluestem, Early Bart, nearest the center o f the road he enn Certain ships, known for their lucky when advising foodstuff for n commu­ at Funston. Kan., on muln line of | Allen, Galgalus, Martin Amber, $2.05. ; Increase the skew and so move more voyages, made fortunes for their own­ I'nlon Pacific, 8.8 miles from Fort Soft W hite— Palouse bluestem, forty- earth toward the center line, while ers. One famous In the* of thnt nity, ttmt wtint Is one mnn’i meat is another man'» tsilson. Thus It be- Riley, Kan. One-way fares from j fold, white valley, Gold Coin, White , stepping to the other end o f the drag period was the ship (Jeorge— known ns W hite club— L ittle has the opposite effect. In road drag­ Junction City: interstate, 22 cents;' Russian, $2.03. the "Sah'in frigate"- which made regu­ lusive» those who have the power to regulate foodstuffs for a community to club, Jenkins club, white hybrids, So­ ging it is especially «rue that “ prac­ intrastate, 15 cents. lar voyages to the Knst Indie» for 22 $2,01. Red Walla — Red tice makes perfect” provided that com­ years, accomplishing 21 voyage» In all, he liberal enough In drawing up their Camp Gordon, Nutlonal nnny, located, nora, list.» to meet the demands of the differ­ Russian, red hybrids, Jones fife. Cop- mon sense is used along with the and earned n fortune for George I’en- at Chamblee, Gn.. 18:5 miles from ent capabilities of the digestive system pel, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less. No. practice. hody, afterward famous a» n million­ Atlanta, on Southern railway. One-1 3 grade 6c less. Other grades hanledd of the different Individuals. In other aire philanthropist. way fare from Atlanta on Southern \ words, one capable o f making n ration­ by sample. The value of her cargoes may he railway, 35 cents; via electric line, HOW TO PREVENT ROAD DUST Flour— Patents, $10. Judged In thnt In her 22 years of nctlve al selection must linve a thorough 20 cents. knowledge of the physiology of food­ M illfeed— N et mill prices, ear lots: existence there was paid on them at Camp Grant, National army, on C., M. | Bran, $30 per ton; shorts, $32 per Breaking Up of Ridges Formed When stuffs. the Salem customhouse. In Import Roadbed Is Wet From Standing A G. railroad. 4.3 miles from R ock-' ton; middlings, $39; mixed cars and The people of the stnte of Pennsyl­ duties, not less than $ 1100 , 000 . W ater Causes Trouble. ford. III.; also reached by trolley. less than carloads, 60c more; rolled vania eat too much potato. The large The George was n tiny ship, ns ves­ barley, $66(ii,68; rolled oats, $66. Camp Jackson. National army, 4.9 proportion o f starch In the composition Dust in the road Is largely caused sels go nowndnys, being only 11-1 feet Butter— Cubes, extras, 48c; prime by the breaking up o f the ridges of (his vegetable produces n catarrhal miles from Columbia, S. C., on South­ long, yet »In- proved n shining example Prints, formed when the road bed Is wet from condition o f the digestive trnct, which ern railw ay; also reached by trolley. firsts, 47Jc. Jobbing prices: In other ways of the glories o f the cartons, lc extra; standing water. One-way fares from Columbia via extras, 52c; Interferes with digestion nnd leaves the I f the roadbed is early American merchant marine. She Southern railway, 20 cents; via elec-! butterfat, No. 1, 55c delivered. patient Insufficiently nourished, event­ kept well crowned end smooth water hud the reputntlon o f carrying ttie E ggs— Ranch, current receipts, 48c; will run off. The surface w ill soften ually over a long series of year» pro­ trie line, 10 cents. most Intelligent crews to tie found any­ candled, 50c; selects, 52c per dozen. ducing starvation. Camp National army, 7 miles from j up some in case of a long rain, but It where- except possibly on certain oth­ Meat, ns a rule. Is also overeaten hy Petersburg. Vn., on Norfolk A West - 1 Poultry — Hens, 25$(S26c; springs, will not be nearly so bad ns when er American »hips and was fumed for Pennsylvanians. Just now, however, ern railway; also reached by trolley. 24; broilers, 29(3 30r; geese, 16(■ ATTENTION TO SIDE DITCHES tain. C attle— from Military Junction, 15 cents. To the Point. The case o f the George has been Med. to choice steers.. . . $10.85(311.50 Camp Sherman, National army 2>-a Provision Should Be Made to Remova cited as an example o f the beneficial | miles from Chlllieothe, O., on B. A O. Good to med. steers........ 9.36«i 10.35 A face thnt never wears a A ll Surface W ater Rapidly— effect o f continued prosperity on a na- | Com. to good steers........ 8.00(310.00 railroad. One-way fare from Chllli- smile should he avoided. Guard Against Erosion. tlon’s merchant marine. 8.00@ 9.50 Choice cows and heifers. cothe hy taxi, 25 cents. lie who prnlses men and flat­ Not less than 7,INN) men signed arti­ Com. to good cows and hf 6.75@ 8.15 Camp Zachary Taylor. National army, Special attention should be paid to ters women lias many fair-weath­ cles In thp counting room of Joseph Canners .......................... 4.25@ 6.25 providing side ditches which will re­ located nt Dumesnll, K y„ on South­ Bulls................................ er friends. 6.00@ 8.00 Peshody to msn tils fleet, the vsrlous ern railway, ll.fl miles from Louis­ C a lv e s ............................ No, Robert, the starboard of a 7.60@ 12.00 move all surface water rapidly. Side craft which made 88 voyage* to Cal­ ditches on long, steep grades should ville ; also reached hy Louisville Stockers and feed ers.. . . steamer Is not reserved for the cutta, 17 to Canton, 82 to Sumntra, 47 6.50@ 9.50 be protected against serious erosion street car line. One-way fare from star boarders. Hogs— to St. Petersburg and 30 to other Eu­ Louisville; via Southern railway, 20 Prime light h o g s ............ $16.50(316.60 by riprap, transverse timbers or other A man can’t have his cake nnd ropean ports. cents; via electric line, 5 cents. eat tt, too— especially on his first Prime heavy h o g s .......... 16.40@16.50 beams. Culverts nnd bridges should In the Inter period o f the so-cnlled be o f ample size and be built ns per­ trip across the pond. Camp Travis, National nnny (F ort clipper ship era of the merchant ma­ P i g « ................................ 14.00(315.00 The bachelor Is the prune o f Sam Houston), on O., If. A S. A. Bulk 16.00(316.50 manent structures. Drain tile should rine, great profits were mnde hy Amer­ be laid to carry off underground wa­ the humnn family and the spin­ nnd M. K. A T. railways, 4.25 miles Sheep— ican stilps nt a time when the vessels ster is the preserved pench. from San Antonio, Tex. Western lambs................ $15.00@15.50 ter. Side ditches which are kept clean o f other nations were grubbing for It Isn’t necessary thnt a bril­ Valley lambs................... 14.50@15.00 and have sufficient slope to lead tho Camp Upton, Natlonnl army, on Long chnrters. This was due to the superior liant conversationalist should Island railroad, »14.5 miles from New Yearlings......................... 13.00@13.50 water away are usually preferable to ■peed o f the American veasels. know what he Is talking about. York city. Fares from New Y ork ; Wethers........................... 12.50(313.00 tile drainage, but the lattor la neces­ The Rainbow, the first distinctly E v n .............................. 9.00@12.00 sary in some places. one-way, $1.93; round trip, $3.54, clipper »hip built anywhere, cleared ' MHMWMMMNHMMWMHMMWMMMMMM m J Prosperity of Merchant Marine Due to the W ar Food Problem Our Army Camps »