SAGE TEA DARKENS E OF Popularity of Testing Associa­ tions in United States. Don’t Stay Gray! Here’s un Old-time Recipe that Any­ NOW 459 IN THIS COUNTRY body cun Apply. The use of Hage and Hulphur for re­ storing faded, gray hair to Its natural color dates back to grandmother's time. Hhe used It to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and attractive Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple m liture was applied with won derfttl effe ct Hut brewing at home la mussy and out of date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a 60 cent bottle of "W yeth's Hage and Hulphur Com pound," you will get this famous old preparation. Improved by the addition of other Ingredients, which can be de­ pended upon to restore natural color and beauty to Uie hair. A well-known downtown druggist says It darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It has been applied. You simply darnpeu a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at a time. Hy morning the gray hair disappears, and after an­ other application or two. It becomes beautifully dark and glossy. W yeth’s Hage and Hulphur Com­ pound Is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire a mure youthful appearance. It 1s not Intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of die ease.— Adv. Total Numbsr of Animals July 1, 1917, Placed at 23,372,200. of Which 91 Per Cent Numbered In Theee Bocletlee. (Prepared by the United Htalea Depart- mant of Agrbultura i The popularity o f co-operative cow­ testing associations In the United State* Is shown hy the fact that there are now 460 In this country, In which records o f cows are systematically kept. Forty states now have nssoela- tlons. On July 1, 1017, there were 11,720 herds, with a total o f 211,900 cows being tested regulurly In these iiHMoelutlons. The totul number of milch cows In the United States at that time was 28,372,200, of which 0.91 per cent were numbered In these A POW ERFUL AID W estern TkucK A ttachment W h en you feel sluggish and nervous, tired and indifferent, you have the first symptoms of declining strength and your system positively n e e d s the special nutritive food-tonic in Over 1000 Satisfied Owners in SCOTTS EMULSION to r e p le n is h your blood power, enliven its circulation and bring back the snap and elasticity of good health. S c o ff’s Emulsion supplies Nature with the correct b u ild in g - fo o d w h ich is better th an a n y drugs, pills or alcoholic mixtures. Washington and Oregon. The most vital point o f a truck attach­ ment is the bearing«. The Western is the only truck attachment made with a Two-inch Timben Bearing. Other spe­ cifications in portion. Why Buy an Inferior make? A. J. LORMOR, Factory Distributor. 533 35 AUrr W ROAD BUILDING LARGE TASK President of National Highways Asso­ ciation Telia How a Great Sys­ tem Can Be Built. 200 Ro P o rtla n d . O r . , o n N a a r B o th D e p o t* A h a o lu t a ly K ir * p ro o f \ Hotel Hoyt 100 Hatha C orn ar Sixth and Hoyt St«., Portland, O ra . Thanks to the pushful, pervaxlve L O U H IM E S . M anager. motor car, American road building has R A T E S :— 7ie to 12. S P E C I A L - W e a k or Month I "got a move on” ut lust. There Is ev­ erywhere the cry for roads. The draw­ The NurwfgUn cod liver <41 In back has been that, as yet, there has Scott’« EnuUm i* now rrfiunl in our been no co-ordination of these multi­ own American tabulator» which tudinous enterprises. The president make» it pure aud mutable, M OTOR CAR REPAIRING I o f the Natlonnl Highways association, brott & Uowne.Bloomfield,N.J. 17-16 ¡('buries Henry Du vis. In a recent paper MACHINE WORK i stated that we spent lust year $249,- M AGNETO SERVICE STATIO N 1955,967, or more than two-thirds the organ ization s. A L L K IN D S O F Sore Eve«. Eye* Irfla m n l by totul o f money expended so far on the Five Aaeoclatlone. S u n . O u s t »11(1 W in d <| ij ; i kly construction of the I'unnrna canal— relieved by Murine. T ry It In The first cow-testing association wns KO your Eye* and in B aby's Eyes. for road Improvements throughout the organized In Newaygo county, Mich­ CYLINDER GRINDING NaSaurtiaf, Jort Eye Contort country. Mr. Davis’ contention Is thut igan, Janunry. 1000. Is still In exist­ PRO M PT A TTE N TIO N good roads, roads that run for thou­ Marine Eye Remedy ence, and now has 80 herds with a to­ t „ U b i , In T u l w B > . E r r t f o i . / U < « < •« . T O A L L ORDERS sands o f miles through state after tal o f 804 cows. The following year Ask M a r in e E y e R e m e d y C o .. C h ic a g o .- state, are, properly, not the responsi­ Brood way at Flandera, Portland, Or. three new associations were organized bility of the state, but o f the nation. In that state. In 1008 three were or­ The Explosion. He would have the federal government ganized In Maine, and one In New The palm for brevity In speech build a system o f national roads Join­ should be awarded to a naval man York. The next year five other states who testified about the explosion of a ing the West with the East, the North entered the list. A Punnlnglng Echo. gun on a battleship off the Atlantic aud the South, connecting every part "Alas," cried the Angel of IVac , Wisconsin Lesds. coast—an explosion which had sent o f the country, as Is the case with tin- “ how can the dream of my life be real­ Wisconsin now leads In the number him to the hospital for some months. national highways o f Europe, and, as SHIP TO NEAREST MARKET i z e d with all BorOM against It?" o f ussoclatluus, 81 being In operation “ T ell us all about It," he was askeJ history shows, such as was the essen­ BETTER PRICES - QUICK RETURNS And Echo BUM kingly replied: "You In that state. Other leading states are at the Inquiry In Washington. tial equipment o f every flrst-cluss are up against It."— Boston Transcript. Vermont with 47, New York with 43, "W ell," he said, " I was standing be­ power of the past, according to the Iowa and Ohio with 30 each, Minne­ side the gun; there was an awful rack­ W e Want Immediately The Exception. Boston Evening Transcript. "Money has a tendency to intoxicate sota with 20 and Pennsylvania with et, and then the nurse said, Sit up anl How would such an enormous con­ 24. I>urlng the year ended June 80, take this.’ " — Exchange. people." struction be paid for and kept up? "Hut strange to say. not when It 1017, 06 new organizations were estab­ "Suppose,” asks this eminent engi­ To keep clean and healthy take Dr. lished. gets tight.” — Exchange. Fierce’s Pleasant Pellets. They regu- neer, "the government built 100,000 miles of properly plann«*d roads, and 1 late liver, bowels and stomach. W hy r a y Soaps? GOOD FEED RACK FOR SHEEP ut the same time purchased, say, 300 Slips of Language. ftorv! us fc* ami r«v«*ire by retu rn m ail 13 w orth at ‘ "Funny, isn't It?” reta il p rira o f W ash and Hand S«* a i > a . to g rth r r Conciee Directions Given for Making "W h a t’s funny?” w ith A u to and F u rn itu re poluhea and fo r a ; Convenient Device— Trough 8sves lum. thw F orm u la « to m ake at | M M at v« ry low "Jaggs and I met Snaggs yesterday Leaves and Chaff. coat. W r it e txaJaf. wheeling his bzby carriage and Jaggs said he was a man with no push about 4 Inc.. A good feed rack for sheep mny eas­ im."— Baltimore American. ily be constructed ns follow s: Use a « 4 E le v e n th SI.. P O R T L A N D . ORE. pole for the bottom rail and a 2x0 Inch Comfort Baby’s Skin scantling for the top rail. The cross When red, rough and Itching with hot S to p p a g e of th e b o w e la M<.r«* cat tir* tile o f paralyata o f the I burs (o f any old piece of timber) nre baths o f Cuticurn Soap and touches of U iw r U and Mng drenched than four feet long and one and oue-hnlf Cutlouru Ointment. This means sleep fro m all oth er bow el trou b le* l>r H a « Id K t ib c r t u ’ Inches In diameter. for baby nud rest for mother. F o r ; L A X O T O N IC , P ric e 50c The bottom rail Is held In place free samples address, "Cuticurn. Dept. \ Dont. K fnd d ry on the U m g ti« w ill over- j coni* paralyaia and » t o p p a * « o f the against the side o f the barn by two X. Boston.” At druggists and by mall. Raw Fur Dealer* and Fur Manu­ I mi w eis thus a void in g d ren ch in g strips of heavy sheet-iron which have Soup 25, Ointment 25 and 50.— Adv. w hich La dan gen m a In ita e lf facturera H e a d t h e h s n a s J Hem V H Smi been bent to fit around the pole. taw i H at 149-151 Broadway, Portland, Or. The top rail Is secured by n piece of Military Stuff. half Inch rope which passes over n Correspondent— And you are per-! Dr Oind Roberts’ Vtl. Ct. 100 Crud lit., W s M m U. Wit fectly sure of your position, general? General— Oh, I'm sure enough of my U no more nas-eaaary W e Pay the position, but what worries me Is the ; Ilia n . S m a l l p o x , k t m f possible position of the confounded caparleoca baa drnooaualrd Highest Market Prices ti.r aim-at mlraculoua a w ­ enemy.— Richmond Tmes Dispatch. R. FRED DUNDEE Granulated Eyelids, W E L D IN G m MONEY IN FURS MUSKRAT SKUNK COYOTE RACCOON MOLE MINK FOXES OTTER AND OTHER FURS. F .M P G ., CO., Prices are higher than ever. Send for Raw Fur price list today. H. L1EBES & CO. TYPHOID ea ry, amt harmlManaw, <-T Antityphoid Vaccination. Be v*. - lnatr-1 N O W by you» »h y ih la a , you aod f o r fam ily. It la m an vital than buuaa Inauratxe. Aak r a i l phyiblam druggie, or »<-nd tor " H a n fo u had Typhoid/" trlllog of T y p h o i d Vacrloa, fesulu fman ua , and dangw trtan Typhoid Carrion. TIC CUTTTt LABOSATOtY. BfMELTY, CAL paoaacaaa « «c ia t a a aaauaa uaara a. a. a n . ucaaaa A B S O R B I n e ® W illy Ain't No Rose. The kaiser's evident motive in his speech is to prove that Germany is still offensive, and nobody w ill deny it. — New York Sun. .-« aoi mark . dig . a s . pat o f f will reduce inflamed, swollen Hia Limitations. Convenient Sheep Rack. Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Soft Tommy— The kaiser's an over-lord, Ì Hunches; llcals Boils, Poll pulley located In n hole In the wall ain't he? E vll.y u itto r, Fistula and above the rack, n weight being at­ Sammy— Yes, but you bet he ain’t infected sores quickly an over-the top lord.— Exchange. at it in a positive antiarptic tached to the outside end of rope, and jjermicidr. Pleasant to serving to nlways keep the rack uses d o r s n o t h lis tr r or remove ii gill list the wall. lite hair, an