The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, February 21, 1918, Image 2

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Ralph A. llorr. Aspirant fur Mayor uf
Seattle, Felied on Eve o f Klee-
tion l>ay — Will Recover.
A A A A A A A A . A A A A A A A A
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A m e rira n P a tro l Hemmed in liy Klee-
tric Wlrea lllir u v r r D aniirr and
l a ; Low in No Alan's Land.
C irc u it Judge Kakm ha* rendered a
decision m the ease of A. G. S p e x a rth
S eattle, Wash. — Ralph A. llorr,
W ith the American Army in France
and othe rs a gainst Clatsop county,
prom inent Red Gross w orker and c an­ holding th a t the tax levy made by the
An A m erican patrol having passed
Brief Resume Most Important dida te for the m ayoralty nom ination at A storia road d istr ic t on the 1917 roll the first line of G erm an entanglem ents Battle Line Forming in Ukraine
the municipal p rim a rie s here Tuesday, is void.
and approaehed the second line Sunday
Territory for Onslaught.
Daily News Items.
F ire which apparently sta r te d from night, was suddenly cut off by a c u r­
was shot Monday nig h t by an unknown
man, who concealed him self in l l o r r ’» an overheated forge Thursday night rent of electricity along tho first wire
d am aged tools and machinery in the line.
office. The man who fired the shot, as
Instead of a tte m p tin g an im mediate
welding and machine shop belonging
well as another m an who accompanied to H. R. Riley, of ltend.
The build­ re tu r n to th e ir trenches, which would i
i have m eant c e rta in death from electro­
him. escaped.
ing w as saved.
cution or machine gun fire, th e A m eri­
l lo r r was able to d ra g him self to hia
Miss Eunice Ramsdoll shipped on cans clung close to the ea rth, and later,
desk telephone and summon the police. Monday’s outgoing tr a m the last two
E vents o f Noted People, Government*
when the e le c tric ity was cut off, re­ Berlin Fears Prisoners Held by Slavs
At the city hospital doctors said he of th e four boxes of ready-to-w ear turned in sa fe ty to th e ir positions.
May llr Killed One-Day Strike
and Pacific N orthw est and O ther
would live, the bullet having punctured clothing contributed by c itizens of
It was a th rillin g experience for th e ^
Cove and vicinity for im m ediate relief
( ailed Monday in Poland.
T hings W orth Knowing.
the fleshy lower p a r t of his left shoul­ j of d e s titu te Belgium children and men. A number of men set out from
the American jiosition in the hope of
encountering a number of enemy a t a
No reason for the shootirg could be
The Beaver Cem ent company, of |M>int in the G erm an trenches.
Many persons have been injured and given by Horr. He declared, however, Gold Hill, has announced t h a t it is
They had aucceeded in g e t t i n g ' A m sterdam German fore«» are a l­
more than 100 houses collapsed by th a t he has reoeived several w ritte n ready to make delivery of four carloads through the first lino ami had crawled ready being concentrated in U kra ine
e a rth q u a k e shocks a t Amoy, China, th r e a ts which w ere to the effect th a t of lime to farm e rs in Corvallis. The on until th e second line was reached. to a tta c k the Bolsheviki, according to
if he did not cease his denunciation of price is $4.55 jkt ton in bulk and $7.55 When they w ere ju s t about to s ta r t
a Berlin dispatch to the Tidd, and d ec­
a n ti-p a trio ts he would be killed. Mon­
The Prussian budget for 191S calls day, H orr said, he received a le tte r ad­ in sacks, w ith a r e b a te of 12} cents under the second line th e re was a blu­ laration* haiking to the active proao-
ish glow, and, tu rn in g around, they cution of th e w a r a gainst th e Hoslshe-
for 2.250,000 m arks to be devoted to vising him “ for the last t i m e ” to " c u t for re tu rn of sacks.
saw long, livid sparks playing through viki in North Russia also will be made
G erm an propaganda in Polish t e r r i ­ out the pink-cuff t a l k . ”
Miss Evelyn Hanks, of Perdue, a
tho barbed w ire of the first line. The
tory. according an official dispatch
Horr, who is an attorney, w ent to small se ttle m e n t in Douglas county, enem y had tu rn e d on a jiowerful elec­ a t Berlin this week.
The G erm an a u th o ritie s are anxious
Wednesday from Sw itzerland.
his office late a f t e r finishing the clos­ has th e distinction of being the largest tr ic current.
a rd in g the f a te of G erm an prison­
As he
The pa trolle rs quickly flattened out ers in North Russia, whom tho Bol-
Women who can qualify will be e m ­ ing speech of his campaign.
stam ps, having purchased $500 worth.
on th e ground, thinking they hail been shuviki are holding as hostages arid
ployed as ship d ra ftsm e n in the Navy
A cam paign is on among th e school
d e p a rtm e n t and in th e navy-yard se rv ­ tw o men, one of whom was arm ed w ith children of Roseburg for th e w a r cause discovered and e xpecting m om entarily who, Berlin dispatches say, may be
to h ear machine gun bullets g o singing killed if the Bolsheviki are driven to
ice throughout the country, th e Civil a revolver, facing him.
“ You w on't heed our warnings, e h ? ” and m any are investing.
overhead. N othing of the kind h a p ­ des|H-ration.
Service commission announces.
Germany has already
H orr asserts the man declared, as he
T he S ta te board of
control has pened, however.
A pparently,
the served notice on the lloslnheviki a u ­
The first woman and child in the
aw arded a contract to F. A. Erixon, of G erm ans merely turned on the current thorities th a t she will enforce re p ris­
E a ste rn sta te s to be interned as enemy shot the men fled.
Salem, for the construction of the new by chance, hoping th a t if any A m eri­
prisoners are
It was 20 m inutes before H o rr m an­ o io n e e rs’ memorial building a t Cham- cans w ere w ithin the entanglem ents als if the G erm an
aliens w ere placed in a dete n tio n cam p
a t Gloucester, N. Y.
They a re Mrs. aged to summon the police.
poeg. a t a cost of $4298.
U nder the they would be killed on the wire or
Count Cernin, the Austro H ungarian
H o rr is 35 years old, m a rrie d and te r m s of the bid. th e b asem ent is while tr y in g to get out. The patrol
Matilda Hansen and h e r 12-year-old
m inister, has notifieri Berlin
has resided here 12 years. H e is a om itte d and other charges in construc­ returned safely to the A m erican lines.
th a t A ustrian troops must not be used
g ra d u a te of the U niversity of W ash­ tion will reduce the cost below the
The G ermans, apparently having dis­ a ga inst Russia to sup|>ort any jioltry
P riv a te J. W. Boucher, of the 257th ington, and for several years g ra d u a te
$5000 appropriation.
the m eaning of some of the which A ustria lias not approved, hut
Canadian Railw ay Battalion, has been m a n a g e r of the stu d e n t body w ith the
of self-defense
A segregation of re giste re d men in A m erican rocket signals, caused the only for purposes
sent home from France because he is university.
C latsop county under the
m ilitary A mericans for a considerable distance against m arauding bands.
“ too old to fig h t.”
He is 73 and
d r a f t, completed by the exem ption along tho front to prepare for a gHS
fought in the A m erican Civil W a r
tta c k . A t first the G erm ans sent
A m sterdam
Tho Bolsheviki are
w ith the 23d Michigan Volunteers.
C A P I T A L OF U K R A I N E F A L L S board shows that, out of a to ta l of a into
the a ir a rocket of a certain color m aking wholesale arresta of Germana
2445 r e g istra n ts,
1081 have been
Twenty-five thousand Filipinos are
placed in class 1. This does not indi- which is the A m erican signal for gas in Russia anil holding thorn as hr>a-
under arm s and drilling in th e hope 4000 Killed and 7000 W ounded When clude approxim ately 140 men who a tta c k s, b u t the hoax was discovered tages, according to a Riga dispatch r e ­
Bolsheviki C a p tu re Kiev.
of being called into th e U nited S ta te s
T hree hun­
w ere in Alaska last sum m er and whose soon a f t e r tho troops adjusted their ceived by way of Berlin.
gas masks.
A rm y for service in F rance, according
dred Germana and many pro-German
Petrograd, S a tu rd a y — Kiev, one of questionnaires have not been returned.
The G erm ans n ext sent up a rocket Ksthomans a t Dorpat have been a r ­
to C. W. O ’Brien, an attorney, who
Inform ation which has been received calling for b a rra g e by the Americans, rested and tra n sfe rre d to Kronstadt.
has j u s t r e tu rn e d to San Francisco th e principal cities of th e U k ra in e and
seat of governm ent of the new re p u b ­ in Salem is to »he effect th a t th e g re a t but the A m erican officers on observa­ All the final in the D orpat d is tr ic t baa
from Manila.
lic, w as captured by th e Bolsheviki on H o rst B ro th e rs’ hop ranch n e a r Inde­ tion duty in an advanced position, see­ been confiscated and it is almost im-
Pre sid e n t W illson’s intervention has
pendence, said to be one of th e largest ing whence the rocket came, sent a |siasible to feed the G erm an women
te r m in a te d th e
E a ste rn
shipyard Friday a f t e r sa n g u in a ry fighting. The in the world, will be converted largely m essage to th e a r tille ry in tim e to arid children.
strikes. Reports Monday n ig h t to the s tre e ts w ere filled w ith dead or wound­ into a vegetable ranch and th a t the prevent it from laying down the need­
The lives of those arrested, a* well
S hipping Board from union heads in ed. While the fighting was a t its d ry e rs will be used for evaporation of less shell fire.
as G erm ans and German supporters
all d istric ts in which c a rp e n te rs are h e ig h t on T hursday th e city was bom ­ vegetables. It is sta te d th a t 400 acres
who have not y e t been arrested, are
out said th e str ik e r s would be back a t barded by Bolsheviki aviators. The of th e ranch a re to be leased for vege­
hourly in g r e a t danger, adds the dis­
work by noon Tuessday.
P R O F I T E E R F R A U D C H A R G E D patch, as the Bolsheviki th re a te n
casualties a t K iev a re e s tim a te d at table growing.
wholesale butchery.
The Bolsheviki
W. S. Brown, Oregon A gricultural
W ith th e
and 4000 killed aud 7000 wounded.
o f Manv T hou­ have officially declared th e Baltic no­
college extension specialist, will open
Searles mines idle, s trik e s of coal m in­
bility outlaws.
sands in W orthless SteeL
ers in the B irm ingham d istric t o f A la­ contained in an official dispatch re­ a p runing school in Dallas n e x t Wed­
The Ixikal A nzeiger of Berlin saya
This school is to
bam a had spread to th re e new com­ ceived by Bolsheviki headquarters. nesday morning.
Francisco — Profiteering by th e re is g r e a t e x c ite m e n t at Warsaw,
panies, w ith appro x im a te y 15,000 m in­
wholesale in steel p a rts of engines
ers idle. The m iners claim th e G a r­ vieff, who defeated K erensky a t the prune tre e in the form ative period in destined for ships under construction Cracow and Lemberg as a re su lt of the
U kra ine tr e a ty . The W arsaw n e w s­
field proposals a re n e t being lived
entered the city, from which the for f r u it in a bearing orchard.
R e ju ­ a t Pacific ('o a st shipyards for the Fed­ papers arc app e a rin g in black borders.
up to.
1 U kra ine forces had fled, a f t e r re le a s ­ v e n a tin g of old orchards also will be era l Em ergency F le e t corporation is Soldiers, mounted and on foot, are
charged by the Federal, civil and m ili­ patrolling the s tr e e ts to prevent dem ­
Count Em erich Karolyi, according to ing the Bolsheviki authorities, whom given some a tte ntion.
ta ry a uthoritie s, following a secret onstrations. T he director of affairs,
a dispatch from Budapest to th e A m ­ they had imprisoned.
Zadoc Riggs a Salem d ru g g ist, has raid Friday n ig h t on the offices of the
ste rd a m F r a n k f u r te r Zeitung, has sub­
Count Roatvorovski, has resigned.
announced his intention of becoming a Edwin F o rre st Forge company and the*
m itte d to the H ungarian m ilita ry a u ­
t Cracow the pafa-rs appeal to Pol­
T ASK O F F A R M E R S I M M E N S E candidate for the lower house in the a rre s t of its se c re ta ry and m anager, ish A parties
th o ritie s a charge of alleged high t r e a ­
to declare on one-day g e n ­
n e x t legislature. He has never before Pros|>er J. F orrest.
son a g a in st his cousin. Count Michael
era l strike.
A general s tr ik e was
been a candidate for s ta te office. John
Sim ultaneously w ith th e a r r e s t of called a t L em berg for Monday, when
Karolyi, president of the H u n g a ria n S ecretary H ouston Urges E x tr a Ffforts
Dinwoodie, of Woodburn, well-nown F o rre st and his release on bail of
Independence party.
for Big Crops This Year.
work was suspended in all the Polish
fa rm e r, who was in Salem recently, $5000 by Commissioner F rancis Krull,
factories, shops and governm ent office*
W ashington, D. C.— Prediction th a t
A t a p riv a te conference of leaders
A ssistant U nited S ta te s A ttorney Cas­ and the schools will he closed.
of th e F a r m e r s ’ N o n p a rtisa n L eague th e c o u n try ’s fa r m e r s will overcome becoming a candidate for th e same par Ornbaun announced t h a t the case
in Sioux Falls, S. D., Tuesday, a t ­ th is year, as they did last, the difficul­ office and sta te d he would m ake his would be ta k e n before th e Federal
form al announcem ent in the n e a r f u ­ grand jury.
tended by A. C. Townley, N ational
president of the organization, i t was tie s in respect to labor and otherw ise, ture.
I t is said th a t tho F o rre st company
decided not to e n te r th e South D akota was made Monday by S e c re ta ry H ous­
T w enty Pendleton G ermans have r e g ­ has already defrauded the governm ent Relief S ta tio n is Shelled W ith o u t Suc­
p rim a ry race n ext May, according to ton, o f the d e p a r tm e n t of A griculture, istered as enem y aliens w ith P ostm as­ out of hundreds o f thousands of dol­
cess No F a ta litirn Occur.
reliable inform ation.
but he said th a t th e r e should be no let­ te r Tweedy. All but four have taken lars, and it is declared by Ornbaun
o u t th e ir first papers. Several have th a t sim ila r practices are being inves­
W ith the American Army in France
A r th u r Soule, a w ealthy r a n c h e r of up th is y ear in efforts to b e t t e r the served in th e G erm an army.
tig a te d all over the country.
— An American field hospital in a town
Sanders county, Mont., who is a w a i t ­ record of laat y e a r and to conserve
T hreatened destruction o f evidence w ithin fiur lines a ppa re ntly was the
H e r e a f te r physical exam ination will
ing tria l a t Thompson F alls for th e food.
t a r g e t for a German airplane which
be made o f boys com m itted to the p re c ip ita te d the a r r e s t here.
m urder of Ben Soule, his neighbor and
Following a conference w ith the f l e w over it Sunday nig h t ami dropped
S tockraisers in Oklahoma a r e feed­ s ta te industrial school for boys, and
nephew, la st month, is charged w ith ing w heat to hogs on account of a
parole violators m u s t report to the m ilita ry a uthoritie s, Ornbaun indi­ several unuRually heavy bombs.
th e m urde r of his own baby d a u g h te r
The hospital, in which w ere a num ­
sho rta g e of corn, th e senate a g ric u l­ su p e rin te n d e n t at least once a month. cated th a t o th e rs in San Francisco
21 ye a rs ago.
The in fo rm a tio n was tu r e com m itte e was told by Jo h n A.
w ere involved and th a t a r r e s t would ber of sick and wounded officers and
filed by th e county atto rn e y .
The prosecutor hinted tha t men, was th e building n e a re st the
Simpson, of W eatherford, Okla., who of the Loyal Legion has brought a 25- follow.
will not stop with places w here the G erm an airm an
D ischarge of E. D ana Durand, for­
cent rise in th e N orth Bend mills and
dropped tw o different sets o f bombs.
m e r director of th e census, from his be provided to g ive the O klahom a the lowest pay for th e th r e e industries the present case locally.
Thousands of tons o f mteal, it is
Fortunately none of the missiles
position in the economics d e p a r tm e n t f a rm e r full protection. The co m crop is $3.75, com m encing a once. The
said, have been turned into steel pro- 1 reached th e ir m ark, although the hos­
of the U niversity of M innesota was in most sections of Oklahoma w as a mills rem ain on 10-hour shifts.
peller sh a fts by th e F o rre st firm since pital p a tie n ts and the re side nts of the
demanded a t a m eeting of th e regents failure, he said.
The ‘•ervice flag given to th e M eth­ C hristm as, and it is into some o f these town were severely shaken by the e x ­
Women m ust go to work on fa rm s
of th a t in stitu tio n Wednesday by a
odist Episcopal church of Drain by the
delegation of re p re se n ta tiv es of o rg a n ­ and perform manual labor before an Epw orth League la st Sunday has been sh a fts th a t th e company is accused of plosions. A m erican a n ti- a ir c r a f t guns
engaged th e enemy, b u t w ithout suc­
ized labor and the N onpartisan League, increased production can be effected, given a p e rm a n e n t place on the wall ' using d efective steel.
Mr. Simpson told the com m ittee.
a f a r m e r s ’ political organization.
P e rsh in g R eports F our Dead.
The hospital probably will he moved
The U nited S ta te s em ploym ent s e r v ­ under the U nited S ta te s flag and will j
The necessity for increased w ages ice will rely on each locality so f a r as rem ain till th e close o f the war.
W ashington, D. C. — General P e r­ to a less dangerous s|»ot.
for railroad employes was concedeed possible to supply the labor needed for
The experience of J u s tin a Heuper- shing advised th e W ar d e p a r t m e n t 1
Wednesday by re p re se n ta tiv e s of a producing the n a tio n ’s food crops this man, th e 13-year-old girl who ran Monday th a t four A m erican infantry-1
Belgian C o u rts Defiant.
m a jo rity of the railroads of the U n it­ summer. I f others a r e required they aw ay from home, intending to seek men have been killed in action, one [ W ashington, I). C. Belgian courts
ed States, appearing for the first tim e will be obtained from th e surplus of h e r fo rtu n e in San Francisco, was slightly wounded and two are missing. and lawyers have defied the G erm ans
before the governm ent’s railroad wage workers in industrial centers.
In the b ro u g h t to an end Sunday, when she Two men w ere killed February H, one in Flanders, an official dispatch r e ­
commission. They said they came, not collection and d istrib u tio n of both was found a t th e home of John Fram e, F e b ru a ry 9 and one on F e brua ry 14.
ceived here Sunday said. The trouble
to oppose requests of the employes, cases of labor, the fa rm e rs will have in an isolated and little -tra ve le d sec- i Those killed w e r e : P riv a te s Ferdi­ began w ith the in s titu tin g of proceed­
b u t merely to aid th e commission by fullest co-operation of th e service tion of th e fo re st, five miles w est of nand Saurs, W ashington, I). C . ; John ings in the court of apfiealn a g a in st tho
g iv in g information.
J. W hite, E pw orth, Iowa; J a m e s Na- m em bers of th e council of Flanders,
w ithout expense to themselves.
vasconi, Ouray, Colo.; and Louis W. composed of Flem ish supfiorters of tho
A big raid was carried out W ednes­
The work of r e g is te r in g G erm ans a t Sapacek, O klahom a City, Okla.
T he G erm ans ordered the
day by th e French southw est of B utte
the Bend postoffice is now practically
co u rt of appenls to c c h s a its sessions,
San Francisco — T he va lidity o f the complete. To d a te 25 have been r e g is­
Mesnil. The German positions were
Tuscania Dead Honored.
and in p ro te st all oth e r courts ad­
en te re d up to the third line and many w orkm en’s compensation a c t of A laska tered, and, although the tim e for re g is­
N ew York — Memorial services for journed and law yers refused to appear.
defenses sod shelters were destroyed. was upheld here Tuesday by th e U nited tra tio n has been extended, it is not e x ­
S ta te s c irc u it court of Appeals in a
the A m erican soldiers and British sa il­
S ir W illiam Goode, who, since the decision affirming th e aw ard of 11440 pected th a t any more will appear.
ors who lost th e ir lives when the
Glass F ound in Candies.
e n tr y of the U nited S ta te s into the under the act to J . W. Johnson, a
S t a t e V e te rin a ria n Lytle says he has tra n sp o rt T uscania was torpedoed,
Chattanooga, T e n n .- - T w e n ty e n list­
w a r has occupied th e im p o rta n t post of m iner for the K ennecott Copper com ­ received report* of a g r e a t outbreak were held here Sunday.
ed men of the 52nd in fa n try a t Camp
liason officer betw een th e B ritish food pany, for the loss of a foot. Johnson of rabies in N orthe rn K lam ath county,
T elegram s w ere received from many forest are confined to the haso hospital
m in is tr y and the U nited S ta te s food attacked the aw ard on the ground t h a t causing heavy losses o f cattle.
Rabid men, including Se c re ta ry o f th e Navy as the result of e a tin g candy contain­
adm inistration, discussed the present it was class legislation, and th e com ­ coyotes a re said to be running ra m p a n t D aniels and Earl Reading, British ing particles o f ground glass.
A t the
food situation in an address Thursday mon law porvided a more s a tisfa c to ry in the country th e r e and a tta c k in g c a t­ high commissioner and special am bas­ camp It was said th a t th e condition of
to the London R otary club.
a d ju stm e n t of th e accident.
sador to tha U nited States,
tle freely.
some of the asen ia serious.