The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, February 14, 1918, Image 9

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    Supplement to Forest Grove Express
Vol a
No. 6
Forest Grove, Ore., Thursday, Feb.. 14, 1918.
,,aci,ic University Notes
Lant Friday
negative deb atin g
The Pacific University orches team , conxiating of Evelyn M cFeeterx
I*. VV. Watkins had business in
tra met in Marsh Hall, Monday and A l b e r t Schneider, accom panied
Portland Tuesday.
to organize for the work by the coach, Mr. Irilow, le ft fo r
Fresh Jersey cow for sale. J. evening,
The orchestra is A m ity to m eet th e ir affirm ative team
1. W Durston, Route 1.
6 tf
under the direction of Professor In d ebate. A large num ber of the .
Mrs. Anna Dixon was in Port­ Graham and will practice revu- stu d en t body w ere a t th e tra in to see
land Monday at the wholesale larly on Monday evenings at 7:30. them off and Hpeed them on th e ir way
millinery houses.
At the chapel service next w ith some h e a rty yells. The team fully
Tony Sohler, Carmel Good, Thursday the speaker is to be justified th e high school's belief in
Harry Huzlett and Martin Her­ Miss M a r y F. Denton, from! them by bringing home a 3-0 decision
mans motored to the Portland Do-hi-ha
University, J a p a n . in th e ir favor. This is th« third debate
auto show Tuesday.
Miss Denton is acharming woman. in which F o re st Grove has p articipated
M. S. Allen took Albert Farrell, land this is a fine opportunity for th is year and gives th e local high
K. G Mills. R. C Simons, C VV- the people of Forest Grove to school the d istric t (ffiampionship. A fte r
Craft and Fred Gardner down to hear about her missionary ex­ th is an o th er series of d eb ates will be
the Portland auto show Saturday. periences The chapel exercises held to decide the s ta te cham pionship.
Litutenant ('has. Robinson and are at ten o’clock and all who are S atu rd ay n ig h t tw o very in te re stin g
b ask etb all gam es w ere played a t the
his friend, Lieut. Fred Shepherd, interested are urged to attend
both of Camp Lewis, visited at
Mr. Ilandlin received an ap­ Pacific U niversity gym nasium . The
the home of the former’s paren s, pointment to work for the U. S. first gam e played was betw een the
Mr and Mrs. II N Robinson, in Entomological Bureau with head­ b o y s’ b ask et ball team and T ualatin.
this city las Sunday.
quarters at Corvallis, at a salary T he boys played with a team which
as very n e a r th e ir size and stre n g th
I,ouis Albert Ranks will deliver considerably larger than he is re- w
th e last w histle blew the
a lecture, entitled, ‘ Making Un- ceiving at Camp Lewis, but he score when
of F o re st Grove.
cle Sam a Safe Leader for Democ declined, in order to continue his T he second gam in e favor
played w as betw een
racy,” at the M. E. church next
th e g irls' local team and the g irls ’
Monday night, at 7:30 Admis­
The first lecture in Mi s Wil­ team of G aston. Thto is th e first b a sk ­
sion free.
lard’s course on “ Food and the e t ball gam e in which the fa ir sex have
Mr. and Mrs R B Newton re­ War” was given to a large num­ p articip ated this y ear and m uch in te r­
turned Tuesday from Calgary, ber of interested people last Fri­ e s t was shown. The gam e w as hotly
Canada, where they were called day, and the lecture was well re­ contested to the finish and resulted in
by the illness and subsequent ceived The next lecture of the a tie. H ow ever, du rin g th e added five
death of their daughter, Mrs. series will be given tomorrow at 3 m inutes which was then played G aston
at the Colltge. These lectures are cam e out victorious.
Grace Parsons.
free to the public.
A com bined b ask etb all and d eb ate
The volunteer firemen of For­
w as held F riday aftern o o n a t th e
est Grove will give a dance at the manag< r of the Weekly Index, in
of school. A fte r som e songs and
I. O. O. F. hall on the night of
of Harold Robinson, who yells a p p ro p ria te to th e occasion the
Feb. 16th for the* purpose of rais­ place
rally adjourned to th e d ep o t to see the
ing funds to pay for their new leaves to enter O. A. C.
ebators off.
hose wagon. Walker’s orchestra
Tuesday m orning a “ L incoln” a s ­
will furnish the mudc. Tickets
sem bly w a s h e l d . E d ith e D arland
opened th e program w ith a d elig h tfu l
lege in inter collegiate contests.
Peter Blarzin Dead
Miss Doris Mace has been piano solo. Then th e assem bly san g a
Peter Blazin (sometime-, called elected president of the student num ber o f songs and M r. Inlow in tro ­
Pit Blarrin) passed away at the body, in place of Harold Robin- duced th e sp eak er. Rev. A. B. P a tte n ,
who gave a splendid ta lk upon “ The
Forest Grove hospital on Feb. son.
6th, of heart disease, after a pro- j The Freshman class of Pacific re a te st A m erican — A braham L in­
traded illness. Deceased was 49 University desires to announce to coln.” A t th e close o f his address the
years of age and was born in Hun- the people of Forest Grove and stu d en t body san g “ A m e ric a .”
gary. So far as is known, he was vicinity their annual Washington j
Prof. Bates Is Watching You
never married and his only known Birthday program on the evening
relative is a brother, living at Ak- j0f F\>b. 22, to which the public is
Prof. H. L. Bates has received
ron, Ohio. He owned a ten acre very cordially invited. The pro­ word of his appointment as For­
tract. on Spring Hill, where he gram will consist of piano and est Grove food commissioner, act­
lived up to the time of his illness, vocal solos, the prophecy of the ing under VV. B. Ayer, state food
Last June he was severely in- Sophomore class, singing by the commissioner, and is keeping his
jured, when his horse and buggy Freshman girls, quartet and col- eyes open to see how the food reg­
werestruck by a Southern Pacific onial dances. The special feature ulations are being observed in this
freight engine on South A street, | ¡s the play, “A Mount Vernon city. If you have anyt complaints
this city, and at the time of his' Fantasy” written by Miss Bag- to make, report them to Mr.
death he had a suit for damages stcd. It is staged in the time of Bates, so he can earn his salary,
pending in court against the rail- the Revolutionary war and por- which is non est.
road company. Interment was in trays some simplicity of circum-
Elmer Hamilton, a sailor from
Forest View cemetery last Friday, stances with present day situ-
Bremerton, arrived Tuesday for a
Rev Putnam holding services at ations.
visit with his parents, Mr. and
the grave. Paul Beck of Dilley I
has been appointed adm inistrator! Warranty deed and mortgage Mr- Chas. Hamilton, living near
of the Blazin estate.
blanks for sale at this office.