The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, February 14, 1918, Image 8

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    Do You Understand
Your Uncle Sam ?
Business Hours
From 7 A. M. to 6 P. M., except
Saturdays, when wo close at 5* P. M.
To accommodate our patrons, we
have resumed the system of remain­
ing open until 9 P. M, on Saturdays
Our Uncle wants us to raise the $2.000, (XX). 000 Thrift Stamp
fund ($20 per head) during the year 1018 by investing what
we have heretofore wasted. Citizens o f a nation at war can­
not afford to waste a dollar, a pound o f food or a yard o f
cloth. Our government needs our money and our soldiers
and sailors need our surplus food and clothing.
The farce comedy, “ All a Mu*
take” is to be put on at the Star
theater, March 4th, by local tal­
ent and it promises to be a di -
peller of the blues, as it teems
with comedy from start to finish*
Let us abolish all forms o f extravagance, conserve
It is for the benefit of the local
our products, improve our health and thus be in a position to
branch of the Red Cross. The
say, “ America won the war and I did my share by lending
east is made up of some of Forest
my government money and denying m yself luxuries during
Grove’s best entertainers— Her-
birt Duell, Miss Lena Duyck,
the terrible contlict for world dem ocracy.”
Frank Doane and Iva Conger are
Let us set our children examples o f thrift, so they may
p'aying the leads while R. E.
be proud o f us and we o f them. We sell Thrift Stamps and
Burns, Miss Evelyn Patten and
Mr. and Mrs Fred W. Jones suj-
so do 34 other local business houses. It’s up to you.
ply the comedy in character parts.
If you want to enjoy a good
laugh and at the same time help
the soldier boys In* sure to remem­
ber the date. Specialties will be
Directors— XI. R. Johnson, President; Chris Peterson,
put on during the action of the
piece by Ray Jackson, Herbert
Vice President; A. J. Demorest, Cashier; Allan Rice and
Duell and Mr. and Nits. Jones.
J. E. Loomis.
The piece is under the direction
of F. W. Jones and he promises
us a real treat.
Job printing—phone 821.
Rememhi r entire proceeds go
Father J. R. Buck of Salem to Soldier Fund.
All the late popular musical visited friends in this city over
hits at the Book Store.
For Benefit o f Bed Cross
New Cretones, beautiful pat­
Silver-laced Wyandotte eggs
faculty members of Pacific
terns, for shopping bags. A. G. for hatching, $1.00 per setting.
conservatory of Music
Hoffman & Co.
J. H. Shearer, phone 636. 6-tf
are preparing a program to be
Mrs. C h a s . VanDoren and
Service-flag and allied-flag box , rendered at Marsh Hall in the ev­
children of David’s hill visited stationery is the latest patriotic ening of Feb. 28 h, at 8:15, for
their daughter and sister, Mrs. sentiment. See it at the Book the benefit of the local branch of
Geo. Levick, in Portland Sunday. Store.
I the Red Cross. Admission will
Ed. V. Price suits always fit
A black team, mare and horse, ! be 25c.
Among the performers are Mrs
and the fabrics used are of late well-matched and a splendid farm
design and top-notch quality. team, for sale or trade for draft j Virginia Spencer Hutchinson, con­
Spring samples now on display at team Call up phone 885 or call tralto; Mrs Nina Marie Walker,
John Anderson’s.
on owner, J. D. Conger, North pianist; Miss Wilma Waggener,
pianist; William Wallace Graham,
For Sale— Team of good work Main street.
mares, 8 and 9 years old, weight
“ Spring time is paint time.”
Program will be published next
about 1300 pounds each; also set We have paints oils and varnish-
harness and 3 } ¿-inch wagon. In­ je so f all kinds. Make the home week.
quire of Joe A. Wiles.
A Fine New Store
cheerful. The cheer will last af­
Manager McCready of the Main ter the cost if forgotten. Claude
The big stock of A. G. Hoff­
street lumber yard is going to E. Smith
man & Co. has now been trans­
give 60 boys and git Is 25c each
ferred to the new building on Pa­
next Saturday afternoon. See
cific avenue, where Mr. Hoffman
offer in display ad on page 4.
Grace Ritchey and Mrs Ritchey and his clerks are rapidly getting
S. W. Dry Lime Sulphur is act­ and her old-time friend, Mrs. J. it arranged to their liking. The
ually Lime and Sulphur not Sol­ C. Turner of Cornelius gave a room is 50x70, light, clean and
uble Sulphur. There is only one pa^ty in honor of the event, the just the righ* shape to save steps
dry Lime-Sulphur on the market; following being the invited guests: and is heated by a number of gas­
that is Sherwin-Williams. Sold Geraldine Watkins, Dorothy Bry­ burning radiators Mr. Hoffman
by Littler’s Pharmacy.
ant, Patricia Dyke. Elizabe h has a right to he proud of hi-
Robert A. Levick and Miss Effie Watkins. Clara Kauffman, Lucile new building.
McCrady were united in marriage Ryals, Fay Brodt, Betty Joy,
Just received, a very pretty
by Rev. Putnam at the latter’s Blanche Tucker, Maude Ki'gore,
of Voiles for spring. A. G.
residence last Saturday evening. Alice Johnson, Barbara
& Co.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. Marian and Katherine YanAnt-
and Mrs. William McCrady of werp. At 3:30 Mrs. Ritchey and
Christian Church
David’s hill and the groom is a Mrs. Turner served the little
of the congregation is
son of the late Chas. Levick and ladies a nice luncheon. Mr. and
present next Lord’»
is at present employed in the Mrs. J. F. Kilgore of Cornelius, Day morning and vote
on the question
yards of the Northwestern Steel grandparents of the little hostess, o f church federation. Brothers Simp­
Works at Portland.
son and Wilson will make short talks
i were also in attendance.
The First National Bank of Forest Grove
Just a Reminder
The place to buy good WORK SOX -
3 pair for 25c
Better grades in mixed blue and solid black, 2 for ?5c.
Dress Sox in Lisle, Fibre and Silk ; black, grey and
w h i t e ..................................................25c, 35c and 50c
Extra Heavy Wool Sox and good weight Cashmere
S o x ..............................................25c, 40c, 50c and 60c
Canvas Gloves, good quality, 2 pair for 25c ; a better
grade, 15c straight; extra heavy, 3 for 50c.
Lnion Suits, a dandy three-season rib cotton Union
Suit, $1.50 ; two-piece underwear in Cotton and Na­
tural grey Wool.
Overalls and Ju n ip ers, in blue and blue with white
stripe; just a few grey Coverts left.
All-in-O ne Overalls, the co m e -to -sta y Work Gar­
ment, in khakis, grey and blue stripe.
S H O E S , medium-heavy and heavy work, $3.00 to $5;
Street shoes, button or lace, in gun metal, box calf
and v i c i , .............................................. $3.50 to $6.00
Trousers, dark grey color; cuff bottoms, tubular belt
loops; a dandy knock-around trouser, $2.50 a pair;
men’s and young men’ s sizes.
Suits Made to Order
• H i»
v w .
, King
and Caples
“ Wal k a Block and Save a D ollar”
on the subject before the vote is taken,
The young people of the city invited
to the Christian Endeavor meetings at
6:38 p. m.
Song service ¡.nd “ermon at7:30p. m.
Subject, “ A Model Conversion.”
Everybody welcome.
R. L. PU TN AM , Minister.
Methodist Church Services
The regular services o f the church
will he held next Sunday beginning
with the Sunday school at 9:45. Preach­
ing service at 11 and 7:30 o ’clock; Hass
meeting and the Young Peoples’ so­
cieties at the usual time Prayer meet­
ing on Thursday evening.
A. L. Banks, representing the Anti-
Saloon League, will speak on Monday
| evening. Admission tree.
Tuesday evening Dist. Superintend­
ent T. B. Ford will he here to conduct
the 2d quarterly conference, at 7:30, in
the League room.
The Ladies’ Aid society will meet in
the Red Cross Rooms Wednesday after­
Congregational Church
“ The Democracy of Lincoln and Its
Twentieth Century Unfolding in the
New Industrialism’ ’ will be Mr. Pat­
ten’s Sunday morning theme. In the
evening the pastor will give an address
on ” Washington, the Man.”
Thursday afternoon, next week, at
2:30, the Woman’s Missionary Society
will hold an important meeting, to he
addressed by Miss Denton o f Japan.
A. B. BATTEN, Pastor.
Public sale bills printed at the
Express office.
Pure Food Store
Lincoln's Birthday
A Gloom-Killer
Delivery Rules
Orders for morning delivery must
be in before 9 A. M, Orders for a f­
ternoon dispatch accepted up to .1
P. M. Phone (Nil Private exchange
to all departments.
Free (’hiropraetic Clinic
Beginning February (he 15th, I
The members of J a m e s B.
Matluvvs Post No. 6, Department will give a FREE CLINIC for
of Oregon, G A. R.. assembled in the grade children of the Forest
their hall at 1:30 p m Tuesday Grove schools, on Wednesday and
and celebrated Lincoln’s birthday Friday 8:80 to 5:00 P. M., oon*
in grand style. Hot coffee, bun tinuing for four weeks.
sandwiches, graham crackers, ap­ mother must accompany the
ples and otlier toothsome edibles child.
were enjoyed by the “ old boys”
after which there were a number
Chiropractic and Natureopathic
of splendid talks by Comrades
Hatch, Beahen. Van Nortwick,
A St. and First Ave. N.
Bennett, Crabtree and Baldwin,
Phone Main 676
some of w hom were more or less
acquainted with Abraham Lincoln.
If you need any Gent’s Fur­
Comrade Hatch read from a news­ nishings, see us. A. G. Hoffman
paper that wav printed at the & Co.
time of the assassination of Pres­
Card o f Thanks
ident Lincoln, a full account of
that terrible affair.
To our friends and neighbors,
Beach read extracts from a speech who were *> kind and helpful, not
on Lincoln which he delivered on only during the last sickness of
Lincoln’s birthday a few years Our wife and mother, but all
ago. At this time the W. R. C. { through the past years, we wish
“ came over the top” and captured to express our thanks, and es­
the Post. Peace being restored, pecially to the members of the M.
the W. 1C C. entered heartily into j E. Bible Class and Ladies’ Aid.
the celebration and made some
J. S. Thompson
very good talks. J, t . Butler
and Family.
closed the ‘ talkfeast” as only our
M's. J, l . Van Kirk, Mrs. H.
Joe can, you know Then came a
shower of ice cream by the W. R. Bi mis and Miss Jessie Greer at-
C. and those little cakes, so very \ tended a meeting of the Holiness
elusive, put in to mark the line associat ion in Yamhill last Friday.
between ice cream and something
We are now in our New Home,
a little more substantial. The
extend an invitation to all;
chairs were put aside, the drum
corps was pressed into service, a come and see what we have for
dance was staged and the "old you. A G. Hoffman & Co.
folks” were young again.
Notice to Creditor»
Mr. and Mrs. Wi'helm motored
out from Portland Sunday and
spent the day with Dr. and Mrs.
Pin be Ward. Mr. Wilhelm has
the distinguished title of champion
goif player of the Northwest.
Notice i» hereby given that letters o f
administration, with the will o f de­
ceased annexed, have been i»su«sl to
the undersigned by the County Court of
Washington county, ( »regen, in the
matter of the estate of Matt Still, de­
ceased. the undersigned having duly
qualified as administrator of said estate.
Now, therefore, all persona having
claims against said estate are hereby
required to present the same to me,
with proper vouchers, at the law office
of II. T. Ilagley. in the llillshom Na
tional Bank building, at Hillsboro, Ore­
gon, within six months from date here­
A bargain in cedar chests $4.50
to $12.50. Furniture made to or­
der. Repairing and uphol teeing.
Phone 274. A. R. Keagy, Forest
Grove, Ore.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this Feb­
Very pretty new wool materials ruary
14th, 1918.
for Skirts in plaids and black and
white stripes. A G. Hoffman & H. T. Bagley,
C h e v r o le t !
CHEVROLET cars ‘ Vet away” in a hurry or
just idle along, all to your choosing.
In crowded traffic it is satisfying to know that
you are master o f the car you are driving and that it
will respond to your slightest touch.
Chevrolet Motors are flexible and always do
your bidding —in the country, on straightaways or
on city streets.
Chevrolet cars are "all-around” good cars —
mechanically sound and answering every demand o f
the owner.
The GOOD motor car is not built in a minute,
a day or a month.
It requires years o f knowledge and experience.
The building o f a reliable car demands brains,
experience and ample resources and it takes a har­
monious combination o f these three to produce a
worthy product upon which a manufacturer can build
a lasting reputation.
Chevrolet cars have been good cars for years.
The reputation o f the Chevrolet is good.
Wiles & Sohler
Distributers for
W ashington, Yam hill and Columbia Counties
Salesrooms, Forest Grove, Ore.
M. J. AbbottAb“