S P A R R O W OF G R E A T B E N E F I T Influence of Good Sense Always Made Itself Felt Bird Has Been Unjustly Maligned, In Guiding the Russians 8ays Kansas Expert— Devours THE TW O SWORDS "Next to fr«*e speech nnd free listen­ ing, free action I* a popular pastime,” writes William G. Shepherd In an article on «llstrauy after day I rid«« aloft on the shadowy horse* In the Vulley of Cypr«.***«1* and a* I rhle 1 draw forth the life hi«»»] of every enemy'* *«in that «lares to dlNpute my path. It la meet uml right that I shouhl cry aloud In my pride, for utn I not the flaming messenger of the Lord Almighty 7 Germany I* so far uhove arid beyond all the «ither nation* that all the rest of the earth, he they who they may, should feel theuiHelv«.«* well done by when they are a llo w e d to fight with the dogs for the crumb* that fall from her table. When Uermnny tho divine Is happy, then the re*t of the world ha*ka In arollen; hut when Germany Buffers, U« m I In person 1* rent with anguish, and, wruthful uml avenging, he turn* all the waters Into rivers of blood. THE AMERICAN SW ORD I uiu the American sword. 1 have never been unsheathed except In the «-uusc of Justice and human­ ity. 1 punish only under solemn and compelling obligation. In my presence national p«-r!ldy ami dishonor never go unrhalleng««d. I opened In generous trust to all nations the portal* of American oppor­ tunity and gnve equal rights to ull In the Inheritance created by the toll and bl«MMl of our ancestors. In me everything that Is goo«l finds approval, everything mean meets re­ buke. My people nre enticed to love me hy the gentle persuasiveness of my life. 1 am the visual enchantment of the downtrodden and the oppressed; the emblem «if national honor; the embodiment of the world's hope. In me I* llnh«-«l th«« command «if