COMB » T E A IN Can you imagine yourself dead for five years? Suppose at the end of that time you turned up suddenly p, among old friends In New York city, asked for an accounting of your estate and announced your intention of finding the girl you had married under pressure before you disappeared— much to their shocked surprise! That’ s the position in which we find Hugh Whitaker in this Installment. How his plans ruin the Important plans of others about him, how he creates a furore at a big theatrical performance and how he finds his wife. Is told with ¡Ti dramatic effect. w J ^gOOOOOOOOOOeuOOCM MOtnOOOaoCMM KHM M natM CnoooaafO Oaooooooooa • » » • • • » • « » * • • • > ner, a pathetic frenzy In Ills hnbltually mild ami lustrous eyes. Advnnring halfway to the middle of the apron. he paused, begging attention with n pudgy baud. It was n full minute before the gallery would let lit in be beard. ‘‘Lad lea and gentlemen,” be an tiounee«l plaintively, “ | much regret to Inform you that Miss Law lias suf- fered a severe nervous shock” —his It’s Grundmother’a Recipe to gaze wandered in perplexed Inquiry to­ keep her borkx Dark, ward the right hsml stiigtiiox, then Gloxsy, Iteautiful. was hastily averted—” un«l will uot bo utile to continue.” Tho old time mlxturo of Hugo Tea Wave upon vvnve of sound swept and Hulphur for darkening gray, through (lie uudltorlmn to break, roar­ streaked and faded hair I* grand­ ing. against the olidurule curtain. Mai mother's rmi>S. and folks are again with difficulty contrived to make hlin- using It to k«*ep their hair a good, self dlaconneete«lly audible. even color, which Is quite sensible, as “ Ladles nnd . . . ” he shouto«!, we are living In an age when a youth­ sweat benillng Ills perturbed forehend ful appearance Is o f the greatest ad­ . . . ” r«>gret . . . ImpoMsIble to vantage. Nowadays, though, we don’t have continue . . . money . . . box the troublesome task of gathering the office . . .’’ sage and the inussy mixing at horns. An angry howl drowned him out. Ho | All drug stores sell the ready to use retreated at accelerate»! discretion. product. Improved by the addition of Whitaker, slipping through the stage other Ingredients, called "W yeth ’s Sage and Hulphur Compound" for shout 60 cents a bottle. It Is very popular because nobody can discover It lias been applied. Hlmply moisten your comb or a soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time, by morn­ ing the gray hair disappears, but what delights the ladles with Wyeth's Sago nnd Hulphur Compound. Is that. M*- sliles beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications. It also pro «lures that soft lustre and appearance of nhundance which la ao attractive. This ready to-uae preparation Is a de­ lightful toilet requisite for those who «lesire a more youthful appearance It Is not Intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease - Adv. the barest glimpse of her profile as, ami torn away; It bung only In shr«>«ls pausing momentarily, she eyed the anil tatters upon an Individuality Whltnker laughed quietly and turned other Hctors. Then, without speaking, wbolly strange to Whitaker: a larger, the conversation, accepting the mana­ she turned nnd walked upstage, her stronger woman seemed to have start­ ed out o f th«* musk. ger's pseudo-confidences nt their face back to the footlights. Applause broke «ait like a thunder­ value— that Is, ns pure bluff, quite con­ She turned, calling imperatively Into clap, |>ealing heavily through the big the wings: “ Ring down I” sistent with the managerial pose. They rose presently nnd made their auditorium, but the actress showed no With it rush the curtain descended way out into the crowded, blatant uight consciousness of It. She was standing as pandemonium broke out on both before u ch**ap mirror, removing Iter slll«‘.H of It. of Broadway. “ W e’ll walk. If you don’t mind.” Mas hat, arranging her hair with the suggested. “ It isn’t far, nnd I'd like typical, unconscious gestures o f a C H APTE R VI. to get a line on the house as it goes weary shopgirl; she was acting— living In.’ He sighed affectedly. “ Heaven the scene, with no time to waste In The Late Extra. knows when I'll see another swell au­ pandering to her popularity by bows Impulsively Whitaker got up to fol­ dience mobbing one o f my attractions!’’ and set smiles; she remained before low Max, tlu-n b«‘sltnted and sank tmek They pushed forward slowly through the glass, prolonging the business, un­ in doubt, tils heud awhlrl. lie was for the eddying tides, elbowed by a match­ til the applause subsided. the time being shook«•- "W ho Is that? What is her name?" SARA L A W ’S FAR EW ELL. "Th e divine Sara,” Max uuswere«], mnnee overthrown and altogether shut­ tered In a single day. He hnd lied, It was nearly half-past eight; the his eyes shining. lied desperately, doubtless meaning to house had been open since seven; nnd I mean, what Is her name off the encompass n marriage before Whltnker still a queue ran from the gallery doors stage. In private life?" to Broadway. The lobby Itself was “ The same,’’ Max nodded with con­ could find his wife, ami so furnish him crowded to suffocation with nn occi­ viction; "Sara Law’s the only name with every reason that could lulluem e dental durbnr of barbaric magnificence, she’s ever worn iu my acquaintance on honorable niun to disnppt-ar a see- : ond time. the city's supreme manifestation of with her." its religion, the ultimate rite In the On the other hand. Max to a cortuln- i At that moment, the applause hav­ Knew His Heart That 8he Was worship of the pomps of the flesh. ing subsid«»d to such an extent that It ty was Ignorant of the relationship be­ His Wife. “ Look nt that,” Max grumbled was possible for her to make herself tween his star and his old time friend. through his cigar. “ Ain’t it a shame?" heard, the uctress swun, round from Just ns he must have been Ignorunt o f ; door behind the box«-s, rnn Into the “ What?” Whitaker had to lift his the mirror nnd addressed one of the her Identity with the onu time Mary stage manager standing beside the first voice to make it carry above the buz­ other pln.v«-rs. Her voice was cleur, Ladlslns. For that mntter, Whitaker entrance, heatedly explaining to any­ zing of the throng. strong nnd vibrant, yet sweet; but had to admit thnt, dntnnlng ns was the one who would llst*-n the utt««r futility "The money I’m losing,” returned Whitaker paid no heed to the lines she evidence to controvert the th«»ory, of offering box-office prices In return the manager, vividly disgusted. “ I spoke. He was staring, fusclnuted, nt Drummond might he Just ns much In for s«-at checks which In the mnj<»rlly the dark ns Max wus. It wns only fair of Instances Imd cost tb«ir holder* top- could've filled the Metropolitan opera her face. house three times o ver!” Sight of It set the seal of certulnty to suspend Judgment. In the mean­ notch speculator prlc«*s. lie swung on hi« heel nnd began to upon conviction: She was one with time . . . "They'll wreck the theater," he push his way out of the lobby. “ Come Mary Ladislns. He had forgotten her The audience was getting beyond shout«*«! excitedly, mopping his brow ulong—no use trying to get in this so completely in the lapse of years as control. In the gallery tbe gods were with his coat sl«-eve, “ what f e l l ’d she way.” to have been unable to recall her fea­ beginning to testify to their normal In­ ivuna pull n raw one like tills for?” Whitaker followed, to be led down a tures and coloring, yet he hnd needed tolerance with shrill whistles, cat-calls, Whltnker caught his nrm In u grasp blind alley between the theater nnd only to see to recognize her beyond sporadic bursts of hund-rinppliig nnd a compelling attention. the adjoining hotel. An illuminated any j>ossiblllty of doubt. Those big. steady, sinister rumble of stnmplng sign advertised the stage door, through Intensely burning eyes, that drawn and feet. In the orchestra and dress circle which, via a brief hallway, they en­ pallid face, the quick, nervous move­ people were moving about restlessly Well, what's your guess/ Will tered the postscenlum and— Max drag­ ments o f her thin white hands, the and talking at the top o f their voices Whitaker's wife receive him with ging him by the arm—passed through slenderness of her tall, awkward. Im­ In order to tnuke themselves beard gratitude and open arms— be­ a small door into the gangway behind mature figure— In every line and con­ above the growing diu. cause he saved her honor long the boxes. tour, in every gesture nnd inflection, ago— or will she look him over Abruptly Max himself appeared at “ Curtain’s just up,” Max told him ; she reproduced the Mary Lndislus one side of the proscenium nrch. It calmly and chase him off the "Sara doesn’t come on till near the whom he hnd married. was plain to those nearest the stage 9 place? v middle o f the act. Make yourself com­ And yet . . . Max was whisper­ that he was seriously disturbed. There >T> $ >: >: > » : >:♦: *: >; > ‘«i ing over his shoulder: fortable; I’ll be back before long.” w-ns a noticeable hesitancy In his man- (T O HE C O N T IN U E D .) "Wonderful make-up— what?" He drew aside a curtain and ushered “ Make-up!” Whitaker retorte«!. his guest into the right-hand stage-box, Matter of Height. then vanished. The few empty stalls "She’s not made up— she’s herself to ODD PLACES TO HIDE CASHi We are Informed by un otherwise were rtlpidly filling up. There was a the last detail." Amusement glimmered in the mana­ Woman Concealed Savings on Her veracious friend that ho was standing fluent movement through the aisles. A In front of a department stor«?, gaz­ "You don’t Mother’s Grave— Safety Deposit subdued hum and rustle rose from that ger’s round little eyes: ing raptly Into one of the dlspluy in Cannon. portion of the audience which was al­ know her. Walt till you get a pipe at windows, when he hoard this conver­ ready seated. The business going on her off the stage.” Then he checked The woman who, ns Just revealed In sation : upon the stage was receiving little at­ the reply that was shaping on Whit- “ Tell me, Grace,” said n tnun whose tention— from Whitaker as little as nker’s lips, with a warning lift of his the law courts, hid her savings on her from unyone. The opening scene In hand and brows: “ Ssh 1 Catch this, mother’s grave In Forest Hill cemetery wife— or maybe she wasn’t— had made probably hit upon a unique cache. But him stop while she rubbered ut the the development of the druma Inter­ now. She’s a wonder In this scene.” ested the gathering little or not at all; The superb uctr*:ss behind the coun­ there is no saving. The person who