NOTES A ND PERSONALS Paul Heck of Dilley had busi­ ness in I his city Saturday. (/luudr Smith had I iusuii ' hh in _ Money to loan Valley Realty Portland Saturday. Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 1 9 - t f Valentine, comic and #enti- Found Child’s b r o w n kid, at the Hook Store glove. Call at Express office. 6 - t f M r«. Oliver Kvarm of Newher« W. R. Ives of Vancouver was vl*lt«d Mr*. C. E. Roy in thin looking after business in this city Sunday. city Keveral day* this week. A tine line of spring and sum­ Mr*. W. W. MrKIdowncy en­ mer suit*« for men and boys now tertained the Kleur-de-Li* club at on display at Anderson's. Costs her home yesterday afternoon nothing to see them. George (I. Hancock, real e*- Miss Mildred Woodruff was out tate, farm loan* and fire insur­ from Portland Sunday for a visit with her uncle and aunt, Mr and ance, new Andernon block. 50 Mrs. M. T. Sherett. Hilly Martin of Portland visited M. T. Sherett brought a load of his many friends in this city Sat­ cattle from Douglas county to urday. He is a sidesman for the Portland Saturday and spent Sun­ Burroughs Adding Machine Co. day with Mrs Sherett in this Joe A. Wiles would like to city. write your insurance. Will give J. C. Turner, late of Umatilla you service that will be to your county, but now living at C o r­ advantage. West side Main St„ nelius, visited his old crony, Jim north of Tucker’s garage. Ritchey, in this city last Satur­ day. Lieutenant Chas. Robinson of Huy your groceries, fish, veg­ Camp ¡¿-win visited hi.s parents in etables and second-hand l ouse- this city Friday, visited friends at hold goods of th»* Economy store Corvallis Saturday and spent Dodge bldg., cor. 3d street and Sunday in this city. Pacific avenue. 6-t f Remember, friends, you must Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kunkle pay in advance to get the Express have received a letter from their at one dollar per year. The reg­ son, Harry, who is with the 41st division of ngineers in France ular price is $1 fit). We pay you and Harry says he is well and is .r>0c to collect from yourself. satisfied with military life so far. Harold Robinson left Monday to enter (). A. C., where he will take the milita y training to make him a more formidable foe of the Huns in case he is called under the draft. "I>ove in a cottage” is all right if the cottage is good to look at and comfortable. We can fit up your cottage floors with beau­ tiful and lasting rugs and furnish either wall paper or paints for your walls and ceilings. Co^ts If you want a bookkeeping po­ you nothing to leirn our prices. sition in the reclamation service, I>‘t’s talk it over. Claude E. Smith. It write Secretary 11th U. S. Civil Service district, 303 Post office 1918 Flection Calendar Huilding, Seattle, Wash., for in­ (Paste this article in your scrap hook) formation and application blanks. Registration hooka now often, will re­ Sidary from $000 to $1200 per an- j main oped until April 10. All regis­ num; examinations March 9th, tered voters who have changed resi­ 1918. dence since last registration must re­ register. New arrivals |n state, who Elmer Harper, aged 29 years, a have completed first six months of son of Mr. and Mrs. James Har­ residence, may register. Minora who per, pa sed away last Thursday at have just attained majority may reg­ ister. Minors who will attain major­ the family home, above C.ales ity between April 16 and May 16 Creek town, pneumonia being may register between March 18 and the case of death. Funeral ser­ April 16. A fte r primaries, registra­ vices were held at the Buxton tion books will be re-opened for gen­ chapel Saturday and the remains eral election. were interred in Forest View, Rev. P R IM A R IE S April 12 I.ast day for filing nominat­ Putnam officiating. Nearly one hundred men and women attended the musical and card party given at the K. of P. hall last Saturday night for the benefit of the French and Belgian refugees and the charatab'e ladies who gave the party cleared a nice sum for this worthy cause. The program included vocal solos by Mrs. McKIdowney and Miss Ma bel Rasmusen, readings by Mrs. Merle Redcr and Miss Mildred Scobee and piano solos by Russell Heals. All numbers were well ren­ dered and vigorously encored. After the card-playing cake and coffee were served in the banquet hall and this was followed by a half-hour of dancing. Order Spray Material Now Insect pests and fungous dis­ eases are always with us and must be combatted. Due to transpor­ tation difficulties and a possible shortage of spray material, grow­ ers are utg»d to consider their seasonal needs and order their in­ secticides and fungicides now. Both Prof. IiOvett and Prof. Barss, O A. C. specialists, think that growers had best order as early as possible. Lead arsenate has practically doubled in price, and in many cases it may be ad­ visable to substitute arsenate of lime, (calcium arsenate). This material is satisfactory and safe when used properly Representa­ tive samples of the material (one- half pound) should be sent to the chemist of the Oregon Experiment Station, Corvallis, for analysis and advice as to the dilution to use and the proper procedure when mixing. ing (»etitions for state offices and for filing portrait* and arguments for and against candidates for state office. April 16 Registration books close for primaries. April 17 Last day for filing nominat­ ing |>etitions for county offices. May 8 Last day on which official pamphlet may he mailed to registered voters. May 16 Last day on which candidate may withdraw nominating |>etitinns. May 16- Last day on which vacancies caused by death or removal may be filled by petition. May 17 Primary Nominating Flection; polls o|>en 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. May 27 Last day for filing report of campaign expenditures by individuals (not candidate*) extending $50.00 or more each. June 1 Last date for filing report of campaign expenditures, by candi- March 9, 1918, proceed to sell at pri­ vate sale for cash in hand, at the office o f E. I. Kuratli, in the Hillsboro National Bank building, in Hillsboro, Oregon, all o f the following described real property in Washington County, Oregon; Truitt* and Vegetable« in SeaHon All o f the west half o f the northeast quarter o f section 33, T. 2 N. R. 2 W. Will. Mer., saving and excepting a tract o f about 6 acres sold to and P H O N E 701 owned by Washington County. Bids will be received at the office o f South Main Street - Forest Grove, Ore E. I. Kuratli, located as aforesaid. Dated this February 6, 1918. E. I.n C U R A T L I, dates, political agents and political Administrator’ s Notice to Creditors D A V ID K U R A T L I, committees; candidates limited to 15 In the County Court o f the State of Executors. Oregon for Washington County. [>*r cent o f first year’s salary, mini­ H. T. B AG LE Y. In the matter o f the estate o f Pit mum I100.ÍX). Attorney. Blarrin, deceased. June 12 Date on which district attor- First pub. F eb. 7; last Mar. 7. 1918. Notice is hereby given, that the un­ torneys are required to institute pros­ dersigned ha;, been duly appointed by ecution for failure to file re|a>rts o f the County C o u r t o f Washington Notice o f Final Settlement campaign exftenditure*. County, Oregon, Administrator o f the Notice is hereby given that the un­ estate o f Pit Blarrin, deceased. All dersigned Executor o f the estate o f GENERAL ELECTION July 3 I.ast day for filing initiative persons interested or having claims as Johan Albert Pearson, deceased, has against said estate are hereby required filed in the County Court of the State (»etitions; signatures required, 22,533. to present the same to me at the o f­ o f Oregon, for Washington County, his July 13 Last day for filing arguments fice o f J. N. Hoffman, in the city of final account and report, and said for initiative and referendum meas­ Forest Grove, Oregon, properly veri­ Court has fixed Monday, March 11, fied, as by law required, within six 1918, at 10 o ’clock A. M. as the time, ure*. months from the date o f this notice. and the County Court room in Hills­ July 23 Last day for filing arguments Dated this 14th day o f February, boro, Oregon, as the place, for the against initiative and referendum 1918. hearing o f objections, if any, to said (»etitions. The first date o f this publication of report and the final settlement o f said estate. Sept. 10 Last day for filing nomina­ notice being February 14, 1918. Dated this February 7, 1918. ting certificates by parties independ­ P A U L BECK, A N D R E W D A N IE LSO N , ent o f those made at primaries. Administrator o f the estate o f Pit Executor. Sept. 25 Last day for filing independ- Blarrin, deceased. 6-5t H. T. B A G LE Y , ent nomination petitions by electors. 5-5t Attorney. Notice to Taxpayers Sept. 26 I.a*t day for filing arguments Notice is hereby given that on Mon­ for and against candidates. Notice o f Final Settlement day, Feb. 18. 1918, the tax rolls for the Oct. 5 Registration books close. year 1917, will be open for collection of In the County Court for the State o f Oct. 26 Last day for mailing official taxes, and the first half o f all taxes Oregon for Washington County. pamphlet to registered voter*. shall be (»aid on or before April 5 fol­ In the matter o f the estate o f Her- Nov. 4 Last day for withdrawing lowing, and the second half on or be­ i>ert G. Hazlitt, Deceased. fore October 5 following. Interest nomination. Notice is hereby given that Bertha shall be charged and collected at the Nov. 4 Last day for filing nominat­ rate o f one percent per month or frac­ Agnes Hazlitt, executrix o f the estate ing (»etitions to fill vacancies on bal­ tion o f a month in case o f delinquency, of Herbert G. Hazlitt, deceased, has until paid. Interest at said rate ap­ rendered and presented for settlement lot caused by death or removal. ; her first and final account o f her admin­ Nov. 5---General Election— Polls open plies to the first half i f not paid by istration o f the estate o f said deceased, April 5, and to the second half if not from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. paid by October 5. All taxes remain­ and prays for allowance o f said account Nov. 15— Last day for filing statements ing unpaid on October 5 shall be delin­ and for the distribution o f the residue of said estate to the persons entitled o f campaign expenditures by indi­ quent and on November 5, 1918, a pen­ thereto; that the County Court has alty o f 5 percent will be charged and viduals and organizations other than collected thereon in addition to the in­ fixed Monday, the 4th day o f March, candidates. A. D., 1918, at the hour o f eleven terest herein provided. o’ clock in the forenoon as the time, Nov. 20— Last day for filing statements Any day after the expiration o f six o f campaign expenditure* by candi­ months after the taxes charged against and the court room o f the county judge : in the court house at Hillsboro, Ore­ dates; candidates limited to 10 per any real property are delinquent, the gon, as the place for hearing thereon; Sheriff shall have the right, and it that all persons interested in said es­ cent o f first year’s salary. shall be his duty upon demand, to Dec. 5— Date o f governor’s proclama­ make out and issue certificates o f de­ tate are notified then and there to ap­ pear and show cause, if any they have, tion declaring nominees elected and linquency against such property. Said , why said first and final account should certificates to bear interest at the rate | not be approved and allowed and set­ measures enacted. 12 percent. On or as soon as prac­ tled. and the residue o f said estate dis­ O F F IC IA L S TO BE ELECTED ticable after October 6, the tax col­ tributed. as prayed for in said petition, National — National Committeeman; lector shall proceed to collect all taxes aad the estate closed o f record. United States Senator to complete levied against personal property, which Dated January 31st, 1918. unexpired term expiring March 3, shall have been unpaid and shall levy upon sufficient goods and chattels of B E R TH A AG NES H A Z L IT T . 1919; Unltad States Senator to serve delinquent tax payers and sell same to Executrix. six years beginning March 4, 1919; satisfy said tax, or said sheriff shall L. M. G RA H A M . Representatives in Congress to serve charge said personal tax against real Attorney for Executrix, property and said tax shall become a two years beginning March 4, 1919. 4-5t Forest Grove, Oregon. lien upon said real property, and shall State— Governor; State Treasurer; one be enforced in the same manner as Justice o f the Supreme Court; A ttor­ other real estate tax liens. DR. H. C. FORTNER ney-General; Superintendent o f Pub­ In making request for statement of lic Instruction; Labor Commissioner taxes, town lots should be designated Successor to and Public Service Commissioner at | by addition and lot and block number. DR. H. W. V O LLM E R Acreage should be designated by Sec- Large. I tion. Township and Range. Whenever Water Divisions— One Superintendent possible descriptions should be copied O FFIC E for Each o f Tw o Divisions, Eastern from deed or contract. .. In First National Bank Building On paying second half o f tax it will be necessary Telehones Oregon and W’estern Oregon. Circuit Court---Three judges Multno­ to return the original first-half tax re­ Residence 332 Office 333 ceipt. J. C. A P P L E G A T E , mah County, one Umatilla and Mor­ Sheriff and ex-officio tax collector, row, one Hood River and Wasco and Washington County, Oregon. D. D. & M. B. BUM P one Baker. 5-3t Attorneys at Law District Attorneys— 36, one for each Notice o f Sale county. Loans and Real Estate Notice is hereby given that by virtue State Senators— 15, two Marion county; D. D. BUMP, M. B. BUMP, one each from Linn, Lana, Jackson, o f the authority vested in us as joint Residence Residence Hillsboro Yamhill, Clackamas, Multnomah, executors o f the Last Will and Testa­ Forest Grove. ment o f Louis P. Kerman, deceased, Clatsop. Umatilla and Baker; one Phone 444 Offices -H IL L S B O R O each from following joint districts; which said last will and testament ex­ Lane and Linn; Benton and Polk; pressly authorizes us, as such execu­ J N . HOFFM AN Clackamas, Multnomah and Colum­ tors, to sell all the real and personal property belonging to the estate o f bia; Morrow, Umatilla and Union. State Representatives — 60, from all said deceased, at private sale, without order o f Court, said will having been Patent Office Business Solicited districts. admitted to probate in the County County Officers— These vary in the dif­ Court o f Washington County, Oregon, Forest Grove, - Oregon ferent counties. we will, from and after Saturday. H. T. GILTNER Staple and Fancy Groceries Attorney At Law ! t H E SERG EA NT A N D T H E W IS E R O O K ÍÍ] First-Class Italian W H A T D IFFE R E N C E DOES IT M AKE TO YOU W H E T H E R YO UR R E G IM E N T C H E W S r j W -B C U T OR NOT? f 9 i\ IF T H E Y C H E W W -B C U T l T H E Y 'R E ALW AYS SURE TO BE H A P P Y AND CON- T E N T E D !!----------- —----------- Prune Trees HE'S A KNOWING CUSS] T H A T R E C R U I T I j -----------' and a complete assortment o f other Fruit and Nut Trees, Shade Trees, Shrubbery, Roses, etc., for immediate or Spring delivery. Prunes and other fruit crops have paid growers good returns this year and existing conditions in­ sure good prices for all food pro­ ducts for many years to come. There is practically no undertak­ ing more promising at this time than a good orchard on suitable land, properly cared for. W* deal directly with our customers, grow our own trees and thu* in­ sure you good stock at correct prices. L et us know your need*. Oregon Nursery Co. Orenco, Ore.