y ©In* ¿farvat <6rmt* tx jirw a Published every Thursday a t F orest Grove, Oregon. ________________w- c Honfer- K,liu,r a,ul |,ul>li»ht‘r-________________ Entered ss second-clsss matter Jan. 12. 1916, at t1-. (flee at Forest Grove, Oregon, under the A ct o f March 8, If*is* Subscription Hates Paid in advance One year Six months Three Months $1.00 .......... 50 .25 On Credit One y e a r Six months T hree months T H U R S D A Y , F E B . 14 1018 “ 1 am sorry th a t you do not w e a r a flag e v e ry day and 1 can only ask you if you lose the physical emblem to he mm th a t you w e a r it in your HEART ; the h e a rt of America shall in te r p r e t the h e a r t o f th e w orld.” President Wilson. NOTES AND CO M M E N T S twenty-five million p o s t cards asking the receivers to purchase War Savings Stamps will he sent out by Secretary McAdoo. Says Secretary McAdoo 1 ta k e my pen and w rite to you; For since this Hohenzollcrn crew $1.50 Continues hell’s own broth to brew, j(( Until the whole w orld's in a stew, Their course we ought to m a k s them rue - Says Se c re ta ry McAdoo. Our boys will go abroad to fight, And it is only fair and right T hat we should help w ith all our might, And so this le tte r 1 indite To say, Please loose your purse-strings tight. Says S ecretary McAdoo, On t h e next page w ill be found protect (h e bondholders against Addressing me and also you. some useful election information. ill-advised disposition of t h e i r j Come, give your governm ent a lift. Invest, i t 's really not a gift; Clip it out and paste it in your bonds. The Secretary expresses t h e ' l-et's m ake in w a r 's dark cloud a rift, scrap album. purchaser of a Alul svt lhis Prussian crew adrift. We will excuse the Armenians hope that every We can, if we will practice thrift. will realize that _ the Says Se c re ta ry McAdoo, ______ . if they ___ fail ________ to wear ________________ sack cloth and Liberty Bond ashes over the death of old Abdul only genuine ht',p that ht* «lves A-meaning me. and also you. his Government is keeping his Two-bita I a*k to beat the foe; Hamid, ex sultan of Turkey. bond as an investment so long as Two-bits to sink the U-boaU low; The federal Farm Loan board it is possible for him to do so. Two-bit» to end this Hun-made wo«; warns farmers to beware of fake He states, however, that no just Tw°-biu to th* k,,ow “agents,” who are trying to col objection lies to the sa e of a L ib-,., . I Satan complains th a t he is slow lect fees of . $300 . for forming , farm erty Bond where real n< cessity Two-bits, aays William McAdoo, loan associations. Demand ert- exjs^s for ds J u s t ta k e the hint, from me to you! dentials from so-called agents and E l u s M krkm th . The writer is pleased to see a if they haven’t the documents, disposition on the part of the turn old Shep loose on them. trustees of Pacific University to The keel for the fir-t of a num- place local men on the board. At r* L r * ber of submarine chasers to be a recent meetinR j ohn R Forbis U O piier C a m p a ig n built by the Ford Motor company an(j j p jjur'ey of this city were Theo. H. Sheff* r, of the U. S. was laid a week ago today and it 0flfered places on the board. Ix>cal Biological Survey, will hold mole is announced that when the work men are more apt to know the an i . i _ m iv:_ d».m 60 Children Wanted from country or town schools of the eighth grade or under, who do not already own Thrift Stamps, to accept, as a gift from us, with no strings to it, a Thrift Card, on which will be one 25-cent Thrift Stamp. You will be asked what they are for, bow many it takes to get a War Savings Stamp and how much 21 War Savings Stamp will be worth in January, 1923. Ask your Dad or your Teacher. Time-2 o’clock Saturday, February 16th. IMace—The MAIN STREET LUMBER YARD, FORKST GROVE, OREGON (Copeland & McCrcady) eon he produced by a whole nation making up it» mind really to help win the war. The difficulties of equipping the army would be easily rut in half if every individ­ ual in this country would recog­ nize his responsibility in helping to equip the army, his re«ponsi- bility to get on without demand- ing new things he can get along without, and by so doing leave a greater amount of labor and ma­ terial to produce the things the government must have. Kvery yard of linen that is bought Irom today on |»uts the buyer in conqretition with the opfa ov«rpmati7Pd I ’ nrlp Hnnrv j , . , and gopher meetings, giving deni gets s\ sterna izea, Lncie rnnrx needs of the institution and to and . in Aeroplane Board in equipping the will turn out one chaser pet day. j nave have a a greaier erreuter incenuve incentive 1 to 0 worn work onstrations , prt.paration *• in trapping , hides ................... (ht> of . the for fleet of aeroplanes which we hope If he says he’ll do it, he’ll do it. for greater success than men who tnarjtl.t. These meetings will be to put over the German lines, That the flag will not be live at great distances and rarely. held at the xhoolSt so that the That should be very plain to ev­ neglected so long as any of Abe if ever, visit the college. j boys and Kjr|s may have the op- ery one when it is known that tin* Lincoln’s “coffee coolers” live was portunity of learning the trapping need of linen for aeroplane pro­ Do You Know O atm eal? demonstrated Tuesday morning, bu ine F r a n k A. part of their Thrift Campaign. in the world. But the same men marched to the Congrega makes delicious puddings and \ and, flip. rule applies in almost every direc­ tion'al" church" square""and buiiTcd I S°°d •*"**» 0f >»“ £ £ ^ ¡ iL T 'I n d '^ h o tion that we turn. '¡n u ntr,r,.” in honor of Lincoln’s know’ breakfast food- but is e . are ,n , . . thl Hardly a day passes but there ‘Old Glory I even better fixed up fbr dinner or are 1-0 planned, it 19 ex­ is some fresh illus: ration of the in­ There can be only two reasons birthay. it makes excellent pud- that a I communities will ability on the part of govern­ why men should not see in their supper. be reached. The schedule is. Addressing a (»rants Pas^ au d -, dings ; wholesome bread a nd cook- ments to buy with money some­ personal expenditure their individ­ March 4—10:45 a m.. West ual responsibility for equipping ience recently, Robert N. Stan- ¡es; an appetizing soup for a cold thing essential for war prepara­ the army. One is a belief that a field, republican candidate for day; a baked dish for dinner in Union; 2:45 p. m.. B th any tion. We are now discovering United States senator, declared p]ace meat_ March 5 10:45 a. m., Reel- fully equipped American army is that there is not linen enough in v ille ;l:0 0 p tn., Beaverton ; 2:45 not going tn be necessary; that strongly for the improxement of Oatmeal bread is delicious with the world to cover the aeroplanes p m , Union. rivers and harbors He said h e ,a]| meajs—try ¡t. war either will be won by our al­ March 6 10:15 a m., Kinton; that the allies are producing. The lies, or it has already been won not only favored such improve­ 1 cup milk or water 2:45 p. m , Scholls Eng ish government has just de- ments but considered them ab­ 2} 2 cups wheat flour by the exhaustion of our enemies. i March 7 10:45 a m. Laurel; cided that at least 10,000 acres of 1 teaspoon salt solutely essential to the future de­ There is little in the situation 2:45 p. m., Hillside. English soil must be devoted to i 3 yeast cake velopment of the state. upon which tolia.se such a belief. March 8—10:45 a. m Bloom 1 the production of flax, instead of 1 cup rolled oats. The other reason must be that The Forest Grove churches may food. That government is mak­ Scald the liquid, add salt and ing; 2:45 p. m., Verboort. March 11—10:45 a. m , Roy; not federate, and the Express does pour over the oifs, cool half an ing terms with the farmers, which people believe that there are labor 2:45 p. m., Kama* City. and materials enough to produce not believe they will, but the city hour, add the yeast mixed with will h ad to the planting of that Ma ch 12 10:45 a. m., Roy; everything that they want for has secured a lot of advertising in * 2 CUP lukewarm water, and th crop j their individual uses and every* the Portland papers because of ^ou!\ *fnead and k f r*se untl] 2:45 p.m . Dilley. The illustrations art* endless of March 13 10:45 a. m , Gaston; ! thing that the government must the proposal to federate. And, jet rj e in the p«in until size is 2:45 the fact that there are not labor p. m , Hills, ., , , , . . . , . . have. Absolute blindness to what while the Portland churches are doubled. Bake in moderate oven March 14 10-45 a. m ; Mid and materials enough to produce . , . . , ... i u : . . , i_ * l :__ .i . , |the total is when you add two not federating, the papers of that for 50 minutes. Makes one loaf dleton; 2.45 p. m Laurel Ririg**. the things that the people want! exeu-e there city think it would be a fine w e m h .n ^ l^ lb s. March. 15 10:45 a. m.. Tual- and the thin«, that the «overn- i “"l1 l* ° “ O 5 p ... m. lizard. , r . try , this Brown Pud.lin« ati„ ;2 :4 ...... „ ............ rp. can be for b lieving thi*re are thing fo r t h e Forest Grove „ when you have a light dinner or „, * 1 K * mtnt wants. J here are wo ways , , , . , . . T h e l S Denartment of Ai/ri-1 r l i. • i . l , , churches. supper. i nt i.. o u parimr ni oi agri ! of helping solve the problem. One labor . . and , , materia , enough , for the culture has asked that a survey ¡8 to s,)et,d UD nroduction and in- ,n<,,v,dual comfort8 and military The national food administra­ 2 cups cooked oatmeal 1 ■> cup molasses of crops and labor be made heb . . I needs of the country. The man tion has placed a ban on the mar­ ,-„7* ;V„ 11 to 16 This survey will be dustry. The other is to cut down . . . . . Yi cup raisins . . ., V • , rv . 1 > . .• ,, | who is not prepared to economize keting of hens and pullets until ^lix and bake for one-half hour made by the Agricultural Council, unnecessary consumption. Ly . . either believes there is no April 30th, by which time it is ex- Serve hot or cold, This will serve ' und that the labor the latter method every one can ^ , ... needs everv iarm fiirrn oe tie IcjirneH* *-, 1 »» himself u »r • in an effective *• way m necessity , for ... militnry . prep.ired- iiciu» of ui evtr> i carneu, pUt . . pected we will have a new crop five people, of pullets hatched sufficient to Oatmeal is a good, inexpensive, ,he ,m^ a front trench. Every one can | T hl', w‘" n" 1 look lh' alV ?[ buy> l0w?fth, er —,b,. .... ,u... the plainest facLs in regard keep up the poultry and egg nutritious food. Let it help-olve with the Wlsh“ acrcac*“ to, of crops. Blanks mak(i sacrifices that will i___ be re­ face to industrial capacity. The gov­ supply. Dealers who do not ob­ the “save the wheat” problem. will be furnished by the Depart- fleeted in a quicker and better ernment has provided the easiest EDNA L. MILLS, ment, and each farmer will fill out equipment of armies, The pro- serve this rule will lose their , . ‘ , ¡possible road for the individual Emergency Home Demonstra­ the blank for his farm. The data .... J .u » „ i licenses. to be strictly . ^ u »rr> P h o n a l sacrifice into tion Agent. confitlvnUa!?*^ “ ‘° | ¡"K «P Production can be exceed-1 ^¿4„M c a id ^ a V i' and buy Wa'r HOLDYOUR Ben F. West of Salem an­ N. C. Jamison, County Agent e(J mariy fold by the effect which j Savings Stamps. LIBERTY BONDS nounces himself a candidate for Secretary of the Treasury Me the republican nomination for Local Klection B oards Adoo urges the purchasers of Lib- stat" treasurer andI there are many The county court has appoint- erty Loan Bonds of both the of his friends in Washington ed tbe following iudves and clerks First and Second i-sues to hold county who will assist him in at- ing judgis and clirks . irst ana becona issues to noia tajn jn„ bis desires. election for Forest Grove for Under the new management, this market has been fast to their bonds. They are the ---- ‘ ‘ _ the year R>18: stocked up with a tempting line of best investment in the world. In renewing his subscription to Northwest Forest Grove- Day The Secretary's statement wa, Express. Jack Latta writes g d . q s f . j h xt oil I tirof t ih that he and his family have left f T° dra' " ^antora, Jonn wc called forth bj the fact that Lib j p:nensburg and art, now located Earner, judges; G. H. Baldwin, erty Bond holders are being ap- at 1011 South 17th street, Tacoma, Harvey Emmerson, Eva Adams, Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Hamburger, Wieners, etc. proached from time to time by Wash. __ cleiks. Night Board: J. C. Clark, Also Bread, Cookies, Pickles, Spices, agents seeking to induce them to Now is the time to get pre- H. B. Johnson, judges; Ed Boos Fruits and Vegetables. part with their Liberty Bonds pared for the spring spraying. Arthur Sheaier, Rufus Cheney, and take in exhange securities All fruit trees must be sprayed, c|er|(Sa Fresh Fish Tuesdays and Fridays which in a number of cases are of w^h Lime-Sulphur. Call in and Northeast Forest Grove—Day Free Deliveries We pay Cash for Veal, 9 a. m. and 3 p. m. Pork, Hides, Poultry a very questionable value, and g_w Dr/ Lime.Si,I^hur. Littler’s Board: Harvey Nauffts, H. T Phone 0 3 01 . and Eggs was prompted by the desire to pharmacy. Buxton, judges; Joe Carpenter, E. j J Schedule of Mole and B. Catching, Don Giltner, clerk», Night Board: Walter Roswurm, John Taylor, judges; George II Jackson. Geo. Ldtlehales, Leslie K. Webb, clerks. Southwest Fore-t Grove Day Board: A. G. Hoffman, W. J. McCriady, judges; Mrs. A E. Scott, Walter Sears, Cha-. O. Roe. clerks. Night Board: John Wirtz, H H. Bernard, judges; J . P . Hur- ley, A. B. Caples, Ives J . Hoar, l.>rk ‘ ( ’ Southeast Forest Grove—Day Board: H. K. Inlow, J A. Parker, judges; Kmma Pitman, Margaret Hinman, Violet Glaisyer, clerks, Night Board: C. L. Mocroft, K F. Burlingham, judges; Archie Bryant, L. I). Bell, Fred I). Gard* ner, clerks Fliers at the Front Are Handicapped The Pacific Market Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork Mutton and Poultry. . . »