WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK NOTICE GIVEN TEUTON IVeaident Wilson, in Address Before i A A A f W ar Recipes ('o n im s , I> N ltrr* IVrtrnt (Irr- man Policy Spoils More War. M T A T E S s Cut out ths fo llo w in g rvcipoa and paata them in your cook book to help you H o o v e rn e . T h e y have been thoroughly teated by inatructora and apecial lecturera in the departm ent o f hom e econom ica at the Univeraity r I T A A A A A A A A A . A A A A A A A A , n ew s IN B R IE F. a a A a A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A : I A A A The Lincoln county court at a meet­ ing recently adopted resolutions in­ dorsing the work of the State Highway commission and deploring any attempt to make state road work a |M>litical pawn. Washington, D. C.— President W il­ son addressed congress Monday to clear Brief Resume Most Important the atmosphere o f any confusion re­ o f W ashington. sulting from the recent speeches on Daily News Items. peace terms by the German chancellor For the first time in more than two Baked Lima Beans — 1 c dried lima years the Southern I’aciflc company and the Austro-Hungarian foreign beans, 1 pimiento, 3 tb olive oil or ba­ minister, and to reiterate that until con fat, 1 small onion. A ts salt. 1 ts has overcome its car shortage in Ore­ gon and Saturday reported to the Ore­ the m ilitary masters o f Germany are paprika. Soak the lima beans in one gon Public Commission a aurpula o f 91 ready to consider peace on principles qt o f cold water for several hours or cars. The surplus was 38 closed and o f justice the United States w ill con­ over night. Drain off the water. Put 53 open cars. the beans in an earthenware dish or Fry the thinly Events o f Noted People. Governments tinue the fight it is just beginning for covered casserole. For the second time within 13 the safety o f itself and mankind. sliced onion and the pimiento cut in months Mrs. Henry Sherman, o f Pais­ and Pacific Northwest and Other In the speech o f Count von Hertling, small pieces, in the oil or fat for five ley, Wednesday underwent a Caesarian Things Worth Knowing. the German chancellor, the President minutes. Add them to the beans. Add operation at the Lakoview hospital and the salt, the paprika, and enough boil­ as a result is the mother of a six-pound found no approach to the path o f ing water to cover the beans. Hake girl. Mr. Sherman is only 40 inches peace, but rather a proposal to end the the mixture slowly until the beans are tall and weighs but 70 pounds. The The French government has ordered war on German terms and to set up a soft---about two hours. Add more wa­ baby’s father is almost six feet tall : 1,000,000 footballs for the army, to be league o f nations to maintain the bal­ ter as it is needed. I f the beans are and weighs 175 pounds. delivered within seven months. cooked in boiling water after soaking ance o f power so established. The board o f directors o f the Salem in the odd water, they may be liakrd General Pershing reports four Am er­ Count Czernin, the Austro-Hungar­ in one hour. Commercial club has practically ap­ ican soldiers killed,one severely wound­ proved a plan for the hiring a com­ ian spokesman, employed a very ed and three missing in the actions on Green Pea Loaf 1 c dried green munity reporter to meet problems of friendly tone, seemed to see the funda­ peas, 4 c cold water, 2 qt boiling wa­ February 7, 8 and 9. the community a* they arise. Among mental elements o f peace with clear ter. 1 f c soft, stale bread crumbs, 1} other things he w ill be called upon to General Juan Banderas was shot and Amsterdam, Feb. 11. — Russia has c milk, 1 ts salt, A ts pepper, A ts furnish Eastern publicity for the city. killed Tuesday in a Mexico City cafe eyes and probably would have gone paprika, A ts grated onion, 1 egg, 3 tb declared the state o f war to bo at an His main duties w ill lie to interest the by Colonel Miguel Peralta. General much farther i f it had not been for fa t— oleomargarine, beef drippings, or farmers in growing products that are end and has ordered the demobilisation Banderas took a prominent part in the Austira’s alliance and her dependence bacon fat. Soak the peas in cold water marketable directly in Salem, and his revolution led by Madero and Carranza. upon Germany. over night. Cook them in boiling wa­ immediate duties will be to handle the o f Russian forces on all fronts, accord­ Lieutenant Egbert McLean was Members o f congress accepted the ter until they are soft. Rub them labor shortage, which is said to be con­ ing to a dispatch received here today killed and Lieutenant Charles E. Cum­ address not as a peace message, but as through a sieve. To one cup o f this dated Hrest-I.itovsk, on Sunday. The fronting some Salem industries. mings received injuries Monday when pea pulp add the bread crumbs, mild dispatch follows: notice to the central powers that the an airplane which they were operating seasoning, egg (slightly beaten), and Last year 1201 Industrial Club mem­ “ The president o f the Russian dele­ crashed to the ground near Jennings, United States cannot be turned aside the melted fat. Turn the mixture into bers o f the boys’ and g irls’ clubs pro­ gation at today’s (Sunday's) sitting La. from the object for which it is fight­ a small, greased bread pan. Set this duced food materials valued at $31,- stated that while Russia was desisting The death Monday o f Abdul Hamid, ing, and a warning to congress and the pan into a second pan, containing wa­ 182.92, and they w ill exceed that this ter. Bake the mixture forty minutes, year, according to a booklet on the from signing a formal (xiace treaty, it ex-Sultan o f Turkey, from inflamma­ American people that the task o f send­ tion o f the lungs, is announced in a ing the nation’s fighting men to the or until it is firm. Remove the loaf club work just issued by the depart­ declared the state o f war to lie ended from the pan. Serve the loaf with ment o f Education. The book con­ dispatch received at Amsterdam Tues­ front must not be interfered with by plain cream sauce. One-half cup o f tains a sketch o f the ramp at the State with Germany, Austro-Hungary, Tur­ day from Constantinople by way o f equivocal and misleading utterances of cheese may be added to one and one- fair set aside for the boy and girl club key and Bulgaria, simultaneously g iv ­ Vienna. A state funeral w ill be held. Teutonic statesmen. half cups o f the sauce. workers; gives a number o f first-hand ing orders for complete demobilization That France and England are in There apparently was no division of stories from the fair, and also a large o f Russian forces on all fronts.” Hooverized Shrimp a la N ew bu rg— number o f articles from the boys and agreement concerning the establish­ opinion in official and diplomatic quar- ment of a national home for the Jew ­ tres on the point that President W il­ lc shrimp., 2 tb oil (M azola) or chick­ girls themselves as to how they suc­ ish people in Palestine was affirmed son’s prime object was to bring the en fat, A t» salt, cayenne, 2 ts lemon ceeded so well with their work. Tuesday by Foreign Minister Pichon in “ extra official negotiations,’ ’ as some juice, 2 ts cornstarch, A c milk, yolks The government has abandoned as Paris, according to an official dispatch. observers have termed the speechmak­ o f 2 eggs, 1 ts minced parsley, paprika, pepper. Cook shrimp three minutes impracticable its original plan o f con­ Transports W ill Be U-Boat P r o o f - ing o f the chief statesman o f the na­ The railway strike in Buenos Aires tions at war, back to the fundamental in oil. Add seasonings and lemon juice structing wagon roads into the Lewis apparently is failin g through the re­ High Officer o f Consulting Board issues, the settlement o f each question and cook one minute. Remove shrim[»s and (Dark river district to haul aero­ fusal o f Italians and. Britons to quit Cook until plane timber from the forests on motor! Makes Statement o f Facts. on principles o f justice: the cessation and add flour and milk. work. These men Have declined to Add beaten yolks o f eggs, trucks says an Astoria dispatch. In- ; o f the barter o f provinces and peoples, thick. leave their jobs, notwithstanding the Serve on but­ stead it w ill foster the building o f a ' the settlement o f territorial questions parsley, and shrimp. New York— Mean* have been found threats o f Spanish agitators to destroy tered toast. railroad by the Oregon Pacific Mill A for the benefit o f the populations con­ property. to make trans|iorts unsinkablu by sub­ cerned, and finally the recognition o f Shrimp Salad — 1 c shrimps, 2-3 c Lumber company from Stavebolt Land­ Secretary Baker has approved the national aspirations as a basis o f per­ finely cut celery, 1-3 c cooked salad ing, on the I,ewis and Clark river, marines, according to a statement proposal now pending in congress to manent peace. dressing, lettuce leaves. Mix shrmp along the old Reid grade a distance of made Saturday night by W illiam L. make army officers in the field either Another purpose served, it was and celery together. Moisten with I I miles. Under the contract the gov­ Saunders, vice chairman o f the Naval in the United States or in Europe the pointed out, was to remind the German salad dressing, and serve on crisp let­ ernment w ill do the grading, while the mill company will furnish the rails, Consulting Hoard, in an addreaa at a same extra allowance for quarters they reichstag o f the great distance that tuce leaves. dinner o f the Univeraity o f Pennsyl­ ties and rolling stock. would receive otherwise when away Count von Hertling has traveled from from their posts. vania alumni in this city. its resolutions o f last July regarding McDonald A Vaughn, o f Marshfield, self-determination o f the rights o f Mr. Saunders said that one o f the Indorsement o f the Federal amend­ who have a three-year contract for ment for woman suffrage was voted by small nations and peoples, no annexa­ "M cutting et spruce and white cedar on the shi|»s recently commandeered by the the executive committee o f the Na­ tions, contributions or punitive dam­ Loos Bay peninsula, in the intereata o f government “ now lie» at an Atlantic tional Democratic committee in Wash­ ages. Wheat— Bulk basis for No. 1 grade: the government aeroplane programme, fiort, and in such shape that she cannot Responsive echoes among the Ger­ Hard W hite— Bluestem, Early Bart, have a crew of surveyors in the field ington, D. C.. Tuesday, after a refer­ endum to the committeemen represent­ man Socialists and Liberals may in the Allen, Galgalua, Martin Amber, $2.05 laying out the logging road which is to be sunk by an exploding torpedo.” end bring cumulative pressure to bear Soft W hite— Palouse bluestem, forty­ ” 1 can conceive o f no reason why ing the 48 states. tap the area, and w ill construct the upon the war lords at present control­ fold, white valley. Gold Coin, White this infomation should be withheld,” camps as fast as possible. Dr. E. I.. A mass meeting held Sunday to ex­ ling the fate o f Germany. Russian, $2.03. " W h ite club— L ittle Holt, secretary o f the state board of he added. "O n the contrary, I believe press the popular indignation at the Still another object o f the address, seditious incidents at Lamia, 90 miles it was said, was to serve notice in ad­ club, Jenkins club, white hybrids, So­ eugenics, is advised by Attorney Gen­ it is well that the enemy may come $2,01. Red Walla — Red eral Brown in an opinion Saturday from Athens, where Greek infantry vance that any peace treaties resulting nora, Russian, red hybrids, Jones fife. Cop- that it is the duty o f the board, when­ to realize that the time has been regiments recently mutinied, was the from the Brest-Litovsk conferences pel, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less. No. ever an inmate o f an institution de­ reached when American transports are biggest seen in Athens for years. would not o f necessity be regarded as 3 grade 6c less. Other grades hanledd sires to appeal from ita findings, to ready for the transportation o f our Nearly 40,000 persons were present. binding upon America or the entente by sample. forward transcript o f all the proceed­ troops which that enemy cannot sink. Mrs. William B. Leeds, a wealthy allies. Flour— Patents, $10. ings to the Circuit court o f the county “ This ship may have a hole 30 or 40 We canont have general peace for American widow, and Prince Chris­ M illfeed— N et mill prices, car Iota: where the institution is located in the asking, or by mere arrangements feet in diameter blown in her side and topher, o f Greece, according to the Bran, $30 per ton; shorts, $32 per which the inmate in question is con­ London Daily Sketch, have been o f a peace conference,” Mr. Wilson ton; middlings, $39; mixed cars and fined. she w ill remain afloat. Such a hole quietly married in Switzerland, where said. ‘ ‘ It cannot be pieced together less than carloads, 50c more; rolled would waterlog but ono-tenth o f the W. B. Oldman, a specialist in dis­ Mrs. Leeds has been staying for a out o f individual understandings be- barley, $66 ui 68; rolled oats, $66. honeycombed airtight cells.” eases o f grains, arrived in Baker re­ time with a son who is in delicate i t ween powerful states. Butter— Cubes, extras, 48c; prime “ A ll the parties to this war must firsts, 47Ae. Jobbing prices: Mr. Saunders described in detail the health. Prints, cently from Portland and will begin a join in the settlement o f every issue extras, 52c; thorough investigation o f the grain plan to keep ships afloat after they had cartons, lc extra; A special train loaded with 250 ex­ anywhere involved in it, because what prospects in Baker county. been torpedoed and the manner in pert ship builders from Holland passed we are asking is a peace that we can butterfat, No. 1, 55c delivered. which it had been developed by W il­ E ggs— Ranch, current receipts, 48c; through Omaha, Neb., Monday night, all unite to guarantee and maintain Word was received at Eugene this liam Donnell, a New York marine en­ candled, 50c; selects, 52c per dozen. en route to a Pacific port, where they and every item o f it must be submitted week o f the death o f J. W. Morgan, Poultry — Hens, 25Afa26c; springs, Jr., Lane county boy who has been gineer, working under authorization of w ill enter the employ o f some big to the common judgment whether it be the Naval Consulting Board. shipbuilding company. Their work right and fa ir; an act o f justice rather 24; broilers, 290;,30c; geese, 160/,18c; serving in the navy and who had been “ O f course it will take some time to turkeys, live, 240/25c; dressed, choice, stationed at Mare Island. w ill be, in a measure, under the direc­ than a bargain between sovereigns.” The cause equip similarly the large number o f 30c. tion of the United States government. o f death was not given in the message. transports we have,” continued Mr. Nowhere in his address did the Pres­ Veal— Fancy, 20c per pound. ident depart from any o f the principles Only 10 names were added to the Pork— Fancy, 20Ac per pound. As further testimony to the mild, Saunders. “ It is rriy belief, however, that noth­ roll of survivors o f the liner Tuscania he has laid down in common with the Sack vegetables— Carrots. $1.50 per springlike weather that has prevailed by dispatches to the War department British, French and Italian premiers sack; beets, $1.50 00 2.00; turnips, during the winter season at Cottage ing w ill be left undone by the adminis­ Monday and Tuesday. The list of in their preceding public utterances $1.50; parsnips, $1.500/2.00. Grove, J. L. Orr has found a patch o f tration to safeguard the lives o f large American soldiers who were on board regarding war aims. Potatoes — Oregon Burbanks, $lfi£ wild strawberries in full bloom. Un­ troop contingents to he moved across Diplomats o f the older school are 1.25 per hundred; Yakimas, $1.50; doubtedly the hillsides about the city the A tlantic.” the liner and who have not been re­ Mr. Saunders, in a statement cred­ ported rescued now stands at 340, al­ watching with keen interest the “ ex­ sweet potatoes, 50/,5Jc per pound. are covered with the blooms, but it is ited to him last May, asserted that a though it is certain that about 200 o f tra official negotiations” which depart Onions -Oregon, buying price, $1.75 not likely that any berries w ill be pro­ so radically from all the ancient and per hundred. solution o f the submarine problem hail these and probably more are safe. duced from them. accepted practices of diplomacy. probably been found by the board and Green Fruits — Apples, HO/,2.25; The Earl of Derby, secretary for President Wilson seemed to recog­ pears, $2.25; cranberries, Eastern. The old courthouse building, which in the opinion o f the board members war, has notified Field Marshal Vis­ nize and call attention to that fact has done service for JoeHphine county the scheme as approved would put an $17.50 per barrel. count French, commaner o f the home when he inquired: “ Is Count von for nearly 30 years, is being torn down. end to the submarine menace. He did February 12, 1918. forces, o f his decision to reduce the ra­ Hertling not aware that he is speaking The material will be used in the con­ not enter into details. Cattle— tions o f meat, sugar and tea for all the in the court o f mankind, that all the Other members o f the board, includ­ struction o f bunkhouses and other Med. to choice steers.. . . $10.350tl 1.00 home forces except youths under 19 awakened nations o f the world now sit ing Robins, its secretary, and Frank buildings at the Collard A Moore years training for abroad. He ex­ in judgment on what every public man Good to med. steers........ 9.350/, 10.35 chrome mines, near Takilma, and for J. Sprague, a member o f the commit­ Com. to good steers........ 8.00O n 9.40 plained that the reduced ration com­ o f whatever nature may say on the is­ buildings on the Barton A Griffin cin­ tee on submarines, took issue with Mr. pares favorably with the field ration sues o f the conflict which has spread to Choice cows and heifers. 8 . 0001 10.00 nabar mine on Diamond creek, Curry Saunders that the solution o f the U- Com. to good cows and h f 6.75 (