The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, February 14, 1918, Image 10

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    s a f a r i *
Kebekahs to Kntertain
Service Han Dedicated
During last Sunday morning’s
at the Congregational
.aanf«argc.j w a a i M
a « a r a o i V
church a service flag, containing
Fleur de Lis Celebrate
the names of forty-one members
The Fleur de Lis club met in
the church who have enlisted
jollification Saturday night at the
branch of military service
home of Mrs. Willis (»ofT It was
an ‘ Allied Party” and each lady
under the American llag.was raised
came in costume to represent one
over the pulpit As each name
of the allied nations The Maid
The program committee of the was read, those relatives who were
of France, the Highland lassie, as
well as sturn Sandy with his Forest Grove Brotherhood is try­ in the Congregation arose to their
sw od; sturdy Belgium, maimed ing to arrange a Boy Scout mass feet, making a very impressive ex­
but smiling, the butterfly ladies meeting on Feb. 2(Jth, with a good ercise.
of fhe Flowery Kingdom fair speaker from Portland. An ef­
Rev. Patten preached on “The
Italy, turbaned India and our own fort was made to secure J. F. Democracy of Lincoln and Its
Columbia, all as gay and smiling Brockway, scout executive for
as though Kaiser Bill were num­ Oregon, but he says he cannot be New Developments for Our New
bered with the dead The affair here on that date, but would l>e Day” and the sermon was one of
was given by the club in honor of glad to come the following week. the best and most uatriotic this
a visiting member, Mrs. Tynnel Final arrangements will be an­ able pastor has preached since his
pastorate here.
Robison (nee Harriet Starret) of nounced next week.
Hepner, a former resident of For­
Members of the Grand Army
It’s Lieutenant Hawke Now
est Grove.
and Relief Corps were present in
Dr. Chas. E. Hawke, who of­ large numbers and the words
Those present were, Anna GofT,
Alyce Todd, Rena Caples, Dolly fered his services to the govern­ spoken in praise of the great eman­
Hinman, Bell Marsh, Carrye Ma- ment several months since, was cipator were highly appreciated
crum, the guest of honor, Mrs. Saturday summoned to Portland, by the men and women who
Robison, and an invited guest, passed the examination, was com waiched Lincoln’s course during
the trying days of the Civil war.
Mrs P. C. Starret.
missioned a lieutenant and assigned
Mrs. McEldowney entertained to the spruce division of the sig-: Rev. Patten expressed t h e
the Fluer de Lis Wednesday af­ inal corps, with headquarters at opinion that we would never have
ternoon. The members spent the Vancouver, Wash. He came home a world democracy of the nations
afternoon sewing on infant gar­ in uniform and visited with his until we got industrial democracy
ments t o b e s e n t to France family until yesterday, when he in the nations
In the evening he preached on
through the Red Cross. A de­ j reported at Vancouver for duty.
licious .-upper was served. Mem­
“ Lincoln, the Man.”
bers peresnt w e r e : Mesdames
Methodists Have a Minister
Goff, Caples, Maerum, Robison, ' Members of the local M E.
Cheney, Todd, Marsh, Misses church board have been notified
Langley and Hinmam.
by Bishop M att Hughes that he
has secured for the local pulpit
The Woman’s Club
Rev. John Ebert of Sisseton,
Monday afternoon’s business South Dakota. The new minister
meeting of the Woman’s club was is expected to be here by a week
a rather busy one. Mrs. Hines, from next Sunday.
chairman of the commitee having
charge of the recent Red Letter
Arthur Mills Injured
day entertainment, reported a
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Mills de­
profit of $55, which was better
than the average frofit from simi­ parted Tuesday morning for Ar­
lar events. A committee was ap­ nold, Neb., in response to a tele­
pointed to arrange for the show­ gram informing them that their
ing of a series of Lincoln pictures son, Arthur, had been seriously
New York hotel him a rranged
at the local theater in the near injured. No details were given. • One
thoroughly patriotic corn bread
future; Mrs. C. E. Walker of the
It cntnhlnes c o m meal with
public health committee reported ceived a telegram stating that her rye flour, both of which a re being con­
progress in the arrangements for brother was not worse, so local sumed In g re a te r qu a n titie s Ibis year
the eugenics contest to be held relatives are hopeful that the ac­ In order to release w heat Hour for the
next month; Mrs. P. L. Schultz cident will not prove fatal. Ar­ allied nations. T his recipe Alls a
reported her committee was get thur’s wife is a sister to Mrs. S. large p a n - lfl by 'SJ Inches and c o n !
tains the following Ingredients: One j
ting up an excellent Hoover L. Carlyle of this city.
qu a rt milk, four ounces b u tte r substl \
lunch for “Guests Day,” Feb.
Local Man Appointed
tute, ten ounces light syrup or honey, I
25th, and it was decided to invite
three eggs, plnyh salt, two pounds
club members from the surround­
com meal, one pound rye Hour and two
ing towns, instead of confining the pointed H. C. Atwell of this city ounces baking powder.
T he b u tte r and syrup a re thorough­
invitations to Forest Grove ladies,
tural board, in place of J. W. ly mixed. Then add the eggs g r a d u a l­
as in the past.
Pomeroy of Scappoose, who re­ ly, pour in the milk, then add the rye
A letter of congratulations was signed.
flour ndxed with the rornm eal and
ordered sent Lieut, and Mrs. Ray
bnklng powder. Ilako In a hot oven.
Mrs. E. M Mewhinney, who
T. Williams on the birth of Forest
Grove’s first war baby to them was operated on at the local hos­ E. H. Hoger of Portland was a
and a letter of sympathy was or­ pital Feb. 1st, is so far recovered dinner guest yesterday at the
dered sent Mrs. Hurley, because that she will be taken home to­ home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A.
of her recent severe illness.
The members of the Forest
Rebekah lodge will give a patri
otic entertainment on next Wed­
nesday evening, Feb 2()th, at I.
O. O F hall, with Hoover lunch
after the program. Each member
is entitled to invite one guest and
a silver offering will be taken for
the Y. W. C. A. war fund.