Patriotism and Business Hoover’s War-Time Food News Published by the Schultz Pure Food Store At this time every flood citizen should do his share to­ ward strengthening the Federal Reserve Ranking System which our government has created, with its billions of re­ sources. to stand back of its member banks and all thrir de­ positors. You can contribute directly to the strength of this system and at the same time secure its protection by depositing your money with us, since part of every dollar you deposit with us goes directly into the new system, where it is always ready for you when wanted. Send for B ooklet, "H ow Doe* It Benefit M e?” The First National Bank of Forest Grove, Ore A Strong Bank in a Good Town M IM ltR > t D € * A L R ISIRVI *Y *T*M Safe Deposit Boxes for Kent Directors—M. R. Johnson, President; Chris Peterson, Vice President; A. J. Demorest, Cashier; Allan Rice and J. E. Loomis. “ Kat Plenty, Wisely and Without Waste’* Phone 0(»1 United States Food Administration License No. G 34147 Vol. 1 We Are Ready with a substantial supply of Wheat Flour SUBSTITUTES for your selection - Corn, Bar­ ley. Oat Meal, Potato, Buckwheat and Rice Flour; also Corn Meal, Hominy, Brown Rice, Rolled and Steel-cut Oats. Seventeen pounds of these MUST be sold and USED with every 49-pound sack of Wheat Flour, Graham or Wholewheat. Yes, they cost more, but they are STKONtiKK food and, furthermore, it’s our patriotic duty to BUY, BAKE and EAT VICTORY BREAD NOW. School Children’s War Saving Stamp Campaign. Headquarters for Ruinlxiw Membership Contest here. Buy Stamps ut Cashier’s desk and mention name of solicitor, in order that we may credit contestant. Kream Krisp is a Winner Purely Vegetable Shortening; use in place of Lard or Butter for all Cooking purposes. We have it in bulk at 3?c per pound. It’s the UNIVERSAL SHORTENING. Milk and Cream Depot Peanut Butter We are agents for O. Waddle’s Home Dairy Milk and Cream Fresh Every day. We have just opened a fresh barrel of Al Peanut Butter. Try it. Business Hours Miss Genevieve Reeher visited friends in Hillsboro Thursday. From 7 A. M. to 6 p . M.. ex cept Mesdames A. A. H:tB, A. I ’. S atu rd ay s, w hen we close at 9 I*. M. Mrs. C. L. Crosley of Timber is Marsh and C. E . Hawke enter- To accom m odate o u r p atrons, we visiting friends in this city. tained the Congregational Work- have resum ed th e sy stem of rem ain ­ Dr. Hawke, physician and sur­ ing society yesterday afternoon. ( ing open u n til » P. M. on S atu rd ay s geon : office and residence in First Price suits always fit National Bank bldg. Phone 803. and Ed. the V. fabrics used are of late ■ Mrs Viola Hanson of Gardner design and top-notch quality, seer Mrs. J. F. Lewis were elected ening, he will give his addrcHS un is visiting her daughter, Crystal, Mp_ ^hprivtr - , Spring samples now on display at as delegate and alternate to the "L in co ln , the M an.” and her sister, M.-s. ^nerrett, at t John Anderson s. State Grange meetings at Salem, A t the m orning w orship the new S e r­ the Laughlin hotel The “negative” debating team May 14 to 17 inclusive. The vice Flag will be unfurled, w ith its 40 For Sale—Team of good work of the Forest Grove high school afternoon program was carri'd s ta rs . If th e re any om m iasions from mares, S and 9 years old, weight will go to Amity tomorrow night out as previou-ly announced and th e en rollm ent, th e p asto r w ishes to be about 1300 pounds taeh ; also set to debate the _ _ government _ ____________ in fo rm ed . O th e r s ta rs m ay be added. owner worthy of a larger attendance. The roll to d a te o f those from our con­ harness and 3}_>-inch wagon. In- ship of railroads with the team of quire of Joe A. Wiles. 4-tf that town. Prof. Handlin Off for War Service g re g a tio n who have answ ered the call The machinery is being in- A black team, mare and horse. Professor Handlin l e f t last to th e colors are as follows: stalled at the Beaverton potato well-matched and a splendid farm Mondav evening for Camp Lewis G ra n t A lexander Roland A lexander ■torch facto.y and it is expected team, for sale or trade for draft wht>re ’he Ls tû u k e lip his new H arold B enjam in Geo. B errem un Ivan D onaldson Vernon B urlingham the plant will be running by the team Callup phone 88o or call . . . . . . . Iv . . Ju lia n F en enga end of next week. This creates a on owner, J. D. Conger. North wor* 48 Athletic I rector in the M. J . F en en g a good market for cull potatoes of Main street. 5-tf Army Y .M . C. A. Mr. Handlin H askell E. F errin Byron Goodman W. G. H arrin g to n which large quantities are needed. S. W. Dry Lime Sulphur is act- has been connected with Pacific T ay lo r G raham K enneth H aw ke Nelson Johnson Now is the time to get pre- ually Lime and Sulphur not So!- University for a year and a haK H ow ard Jo n es L e ste r Jones pared for the spring spraying, uble Sulphur. There is only one ¡ as physical director and professor T hayne M. I.ivesay H arold Me Fee tern All fruit trees must be sprayed dry Lime-Sulphur on the market; j of biology. In addition to carry- C h arles McNeil Gail Miller with Lime-Sulphur. Call in and that is Sherwin-Williams. Sold ing this work he has this y*-ar R yder P a tte n G ilb ert Potw in been teaching biology at the high Glenn P otw in let us explain why you should use by Littler’s Pharmacy. J . W illiam Potw in school, and, also, working with Ja m e s K asm uscn R o bert Ray S-W Dry Lime-Sulphur. Littler’s The Bolsheviki are too tough a Pharmacy. proposition for the Russian au.oc- ^c’outs- H ow ard R eeher Max R icker It is superfluous to say that all C harles Roe racy, but they are no toucher H arry Romig The high school basketball Ju lia n Ryan boys are going to take Tualatin than our Congoleum rugs, which who knew Mr. Handlin will miss O rlando Rom ig F ran cis T aylor to a Waterloo next Saturday last almost a human lifetime, him greatly, but we are proud n „ Kh j sm ith W arren T u p p er night, at Pacific University gym with good care. It costs you that Pacific University and For- Floyd T u ck er Spend 25c with the boys and get nothing to examine them. Claude est Grove are able to provide a c i Hre t . W alk er Enoch I. W ill man for such an important woik g ay j W illiam s R ichard Wilson It your money’s worth of good, clean Smith. The fam ilies and friends of th ese d e ­ Mrs. Chas Hines entertained Mr. Handlin repeaedly objected sport. Game called at 7:45 Mesdames M. S. Allen, A. G. to leaving before the end of the fen d ers o f lib erty a re es|>ecial!y in v it­ Hoffman, J. E. Loomis, H . R. school year, but, finally, the im ed to have a p a rt in th e m orning s e r­ Kauffman a n d Misses Mary mediate need was presented so vice. Beach and Clara Kauffman Tues ! vigorously that he decided to ask A. R. PA T T E N , P asto r. day afternoon in honor of Mrs ; le-ave of absence, which was Christian Church J. H. McFeeters, who lef yester­ granted by the board at their N e x t Monday eve is the re g u la r day for her future home in Port­ midwinter meeting last Saturday. land. A delicious l u n c h was Everybody here felt that we| m onthly Bible Sch<*ol C onference. L et could not urge the claims o^his! ev ery m em ber o f the c a b in et be p re s­ served by the hostess. local work in the face of this Between 25 and 30 local Re- larger opportunity for patriotic en t. M E N ’S S H IR T S bekahs journeyed to Hillsboro service. Profes or Handlin'* year S ervices l o r d 's Day as follows: Bible School 9:45 a. m. Communion Men’s Dress Shirts, Saturday night, witnessed the and a ha'f here has meant great and Serm on 11 a. m. Ju n io r, In te r ­ French cuffs, - $1 to $5 initiation of a candida’e and en­ thing- for us and we are glad to m ediate and Senior C. E ., 6:30 p. m. joyed a short program and a nov* 1 know that the qualities of sterling Military collar Shirts, and appetizing Hoover lunch. manhood and cordial friendship Song service and serm on 7:30 p. m .; from - - $1.25 up Those in the party were M«-s-rv. are now made available to the S u b j.. " T h e Conditions of F o rg iv e­ Flat collar Shirts, SI.25 up n e s s .” and Mesdames R C. Hill, H. R. boys at Camp Lewis. *• Everylxxly welcom e. M E N ’S S H O E S Bernard, Bernard Ortman and R. L. PU TN A M , M inister. . C. Benfer; Mesdames John The volunteer firemen of For­ Gun metal button - $4.50 Templet or, L o u i s F. H u m- est Grove will give a dance iff, the Satin Calf lace - 3.50 Methodist Church Services burg, F. A. Moore, Robert II I- I. O. O. F. hall on the night of T he re g u la r services o f th e church Gunmetal lace, $4.50 & 5.50 linger, Josephine W’right, H H. Feb. 16th for the purpose of rais­ Vici Kid, rubber heel, Porter. J E Pogue, L. M. Gra­ ing funds to pay for their new will be held n e x t S unday beginning ham John Mc.’.amer. H T. Bux- hose wagon. Walker’s orchestra w ith th e Sunday school a t 9:45. P re a c h ­ wride toe - - 6.00 ’on, 7. A. Rov ard Dan Parsons; will furnish the mu-ic. Tickets ing service a t 11 and 7:30 o ’clock; class Box Calf, wide toe - 5.00 m eetin g and th e Young P eoples’ so­ .M. e-. Dee Darlir.g, Anna and 75c. Black Wax Veal (work) 3.00 cieties a t th e usual tim e. P ra y e r m e e t­ -d na 1 o ke, Haz i Stockman, Oates Carpenter has secured ing on T hu rsd ay evening. Tan Chrome (work) - 4.00 Ar>ce Crook, Mary Woell Marcia permission from the Washington Black Waterproof (w rk) 5.00 i hatcher, May Cooper, Theresa county exemption board to join Tom orrow ev ening a t 7:30 A. L. Peahen ard Mr. J F. McGill. , the navy and expects to lie called B anks, s e c re ta ry o f th e A nti-Saloon All-in-One Overalls L eague, will s(ieak in this church. The The majority of these went by I very soon. public ia invited. The one - piece work gar­ the Pierce auto truck and a few T he W om an’s Foreign M issionary ment, in dark grey, blue went by train. Congregational Church society will m eet in the L eague room with grey stripes, and two The church will observe Lincoln S un­ n e x t W ednesday aftern o o n . Leader, Attendance Was Light day, m orning and evening. A t 11 a. M rs. C. A. L ittle r. qualities of khaki. The bad roads kept a number m. the m em bers of G. A. R. and the T he Y oung P eoples’ M issionary so­ Back Order of of Grangers from the meeting of women of the Relief C orps will be our ciety will m e e t n e x t W ednesday ev en ­ Mackinaw Coats Gale Grange Saturday but those honored g u ests. The Boy S couts are ing w ith M rs. A lfred Davidson in the who attended were well paid for also cordially invited. Mr. P a tte n will ¡ ¡ ^ ¡ ¡ ' ¿ r t o f tow n, just received. Buy now the effort. Besides the routine speak in the morning on ‘ The Democ- -rj,e [errent. On o r as soon as p rac­ ticable a f te r O cto b er 5, th e tax col­ lecto r shall proceed to collect all tax es levied a g a in st personal p ro p e rty , which shall have been uniiani and shall levy upon sufficient goods and c h a tte ls of delin m q i l u en t tax p ay ers and sell sam e to Kfy said tax , or said sh eriff shall sa tisfy ch arg e said tiersonal tax a g a in st r.-al |> ro|M ?rty and said tax shall becom e a lien upon said real p ro p erty , and shall be enforced in th e sam e m an n er as o th e r real e s ta te ta x liens. In m aking re q u e st for s ta te m e n t o f tax es, tow n lots should he d esignated by addition anil lot and block num ber. A creag e should be desig n ated by S ec­ tion, Tow nship Hnd R ange. W henever |s«ssible d escrip tio n s should be copied from deed o r c o n tract. On paying second h a lf o f ta x it will be necessary to re tu rn th e original first-h a lf tax re ­ ceipt. J . C, A P P L E G A T E , S heriff and ex-officio ta x collector, W ashington C ounty, O regon. Mt N otice o f F in al S e ttle m e n t N otice is hereby given th a t th e un­ dersigned E x e c u to r o f th e e s ta te of JiJia n A lb ert P earson, deceased, has filed in the C ounty C ourt o f the S ta te o f O regon, for W ashington County, his final acco u n t and re|x>rt, and said C ourt has fixed Monday, M arch 11, 1918, a t 10 o ’clock A. M. as the tim e, and th e C ounty C ourt room in H ills­ boro, O regon, as the place, fo r the h earin g of objections, if any, to said re p o rt and th e final s e ttle m e n t o f said e s ta te . D ated this F e b ru a ry 7, 1918. A N D R E W D A N IE L SO N . E xecutor. H. T. B A G LEY , 5-5t A tto rn ey . Abbott Abbott building Forest Grove