FLOWER NAMED FOR NATION’S WAR LEADER lant, called a grow th stim ulant, which Is found In all these foods. It Is found also In clover and alfalfa In abundance nnd unlm uls fed on such foods sto re up th is fut soluble In the fut o f th eir b«*dles. W hen a b u tte r su b stitu te Is m ade w ith suet and milk, some of th is w onderful grow th detcr- ' ml nan t In th ere . A dults as well as i children need f«*od containing It, aud we a re told th a t the wounds of our soldiers do not heal well unless th«*y have food w hich supplies this growing principal. p le n ty of good whole m ilk—a bottle to «'urry for luncheon—Is the best kind of a drink une choused out of her posses­ Tli«« Indifference of m ankind to Ills sions, but she couhl not bo deprived of body h as ulwuya l«r««n beyond my them . T he Instuut she m arried, how­ com prehension. Ilia value aa an Indi­ ever, she becam e fem m e covert, and vidual u a lt am ong 1 1 1 h kind depends every u ttrlb u to of ow nership ceased. Upon th e condition of the living o rg an ­ ic m achinery w ith in tils body. This re p re se n ts n a tu re 's g re a te st effort. It Cleanliness and Neatness l* upon th e p erfectio n of th is m a­ Most Important Factors in chinery th a t o u r nntlon will have to Arranging Invalid’s Tray depend to succeed In tho h o rrib le w ar wo have been plunged Into to preserv e ('lenullm*ss and n eatness nre Im por­ our nntlonnl liberty. ta n t facto rs to be considered In a r­ Mari should he tau g h t from child- ranging tho tra y o f an Invalid, points hood to he proud of his body. He o u t Miss I.ouls Kennedy, In stru cto r Should be ta u g h t early In life th n t It In dom estic science In th e K ansas l> tho homo of his b rain und very soul. Htnte A gricultural college. Lie should >>«« ta u g h t how com plicated T he food should he so arran g ed th a t It la and w hat g reat care Is noccasary the p atien t will not have to put fo rth to keep It In ord er, and th n t every m uch effort to obtuln It. T he a rtistic tim e It Is out of o rd e r It falls below touches count for much In arran g in g Its norm al stum lnrd of accom plish­ th e tra y . D aintiness aro u ses th e eye m ent. nnd c re a te s an In terest In th e food. T he c are of th e body inenns the T he best dishes nnd linens obtainable c a re of Ita o u tw ard p arts, like the nre not too good for the pntlcnt. limbs, and of Its In tern al organs, p a r­ T he food should be fresh , nnd of ticu larly thoso of digestion. th e b est quality. It Is d esirable to N o tw ith stan d in g tho fuct th n t the hnvo as g reat a variety as possible. body Is th e m ost valuable pro p erty T he cooking should be done w ith the M ankind possesses, th ere Is nothing u tm o st care. H ot foods should be towmrd which th e m a jo rity of m en dis­ served hot, nnd cold foods cold. play m ore Indifference. T h ere seem s Kuough food should be given to s a t­ lo ho a general Idea thnt th e body Is isfy th e p atien t hut the p la te should Indestru ctib le. T h n t Is why we see so not he overloaded, und It m ust he ninny poor, m iserab le specim ens of served regularly. Serving m eals on m ankind w ithin o u r m idst. If they realised w hat o b jects of pity they tim e Is ns Im portant as giving medi­ cine on time. really nre, «»very effort would ho m ade to “spruco up" an d p resen t th e best •••••••••••••••••••••••••• possible npponrnuce to th e ir fellow c re a tu res. I have h eard people say of o th e rs : "T h ey n re too proud to cure fo r a p ­ p earan ces." Yet th ese sam e people The School Lunch. would he ap t to s h a re otir common In prep arin g a luncheon fo r school feeling of being proud of th e npponr- Htice o f th e ir hnmt-s, of our meehnn- children, tw o things should he kept Icnl m achinery, o r o f our anim als, p a r­ In m in d : providing good, wholesome n u tritio u s food and packing It nttrac- ticu larly o u r horses. M any n man allow s Ills children to tlvely. In these duys when all house­ grow up w ithout p ro p e r cares o r a t ­ wives wish to conform to th e requests ten tio n fo r th i'lr bodies, the t««mple «if of o u r food n«lm lnlstrntor, sandw iches all they have, w hile his driving horse m ust he m ade of o th e r th a n w heat Is kept In n stilt«* of perfectio n so Ihiur. B ran bread, rye nnd bnrley thnt It limy not only he ndinlred, tint bread , nnd steam ed brown bread will, «Iso p erform Its d u ties to th e highest w ith an occasional roll of w hite flour, degree. give a needed v ariety . As m ost all A pot d riving-horse bus Its body bread s need some w heat flour to add kept d e n n , Its bed and living condi­ gluten, th e re Is m uch w hite flour us««d tions most c arefu lly looked a fte r, and even w ith the best of plunnlng. S an d ­ Its food p rep ared w ith th e g re a te st wiches and cakes, If w rapped In waxed care. If 0110 day It does not get ns paper, will keep fre sh and m oist. T he m uch physical exercise as on another, care In packing so th a t th e food Is th«j food Is reduced so th a t Its physical not Jolted over rough roads or Joggled condition may h« m aintained. If It In th e hands of the little people, is g ets over-w arm wlillo traveling, It Is very Im portant, fo r sm all people nre a t once cover«*! w ith a blanket to p re­ fnstldlous, being offended w ith hash vent ta k in g cold. when out of Its pro p er course. I.ot us give th o u g h t to w h at we are B read s tuay be varied by adding doing nml see th n t o u r bodies nnd nuts, rulslns und d ates, o r oatm eal those of our child ren aro nt least ns bread to which dried fru its a re add­ well tak en core of ns those of our ed, o r n u ts If p referred , Is a m ost nnlm nls, end th a t w e value them ns w holesom e bread well liked by the highly ns o u r o th e r possessions. Let children. us nt onco learn to he proud of our A h an dful of d ates, figs or raisin s bodies nnd realize th e fnct th n t they or an occasional piece of candy is a l­ a re com plicated nnd req u ire th e g re a t­ w ays a delight to th e child. e st caro to keep them In order. C u stard s, egg sandw iches, cheese In J u s t now o u r nntlon dem ands th a t various form s, n u ts nnd snlnds will all each Individual he of th e g re a te st tuke th e place of m ent. C hicken and v alue th a t we m ay w in th is w a r upon fish cannot he shipped ab ro ad so we w hich o u r lib erty depends. nre told to Indulge In them In place of pork, m u tto n or beef. Beef h e a rts and liver sw eet b reads a re m eats th a t a re A Hard Row to Hoe. perish ab le and so a re not shipped. F o r c e n tu rie s th e s ta tu s of a wom­ Such m eats m ake m ost ta sty dishes an w hile single w as solem nly defined If they a re not alw ays cooked and ns fem m e sole nnd a f te r m a rria g e ns served In th e sam e way. In all o u r conserving we m u st re ­ fem m e covert. V eritably it m ay be said th a t tho second e sta te of th n t m em ber th a t th e children m ust he womnn Was fa r w orse th a n th e first, well fed. llllk , b u tter, cheese, and concludes Ju d g e R o b ert O rnnt In Bcrlb- the yolk of egg an well as vegetables ngr*». A fem m e sole w as In legal such M cabbage, spinach nnd o th er fihraseofogy an “In fa n t" u n til b e t m a­ green leaves add an Im portant stim u­ Machinery of the Body • Mother’s Cook Book. • N cur the city o f Hanta Cruz, Cal., th ere Is a low tublelund along the shore, w ith a b ru p t chnlkllke cliffs some 20 feet high. In s«-veral places th«* action of th e waves has worn pictu resq u e arch w ay s through pr«jjec- tlons from th«*ne cliffs. At one place an arch ed tu n n el extem ls directly Inshore und Into a sm all open pit- like space In th e rocks. As th e ocean sw ells come shore­ w ard in rhy th m ic succession with the reg u lar pulse o f th e vast I'a d flc th e ir h y d rau lic p re ssu re in term itten tly forces th e w a te r up in the pit to a level hig h er th a n th u t of the surface of th e w ater. So there, in th a t n atu ru l cham ber, som eone y ears ago built a float. It w orks up and down, safe from storm w aves, and Ita reg u la r p«rpendlcular tre a d is a tta c h e d to a wheel th a t tu rn s an electric g en e ra to r. T h e point Is, w rites an engineer, th a t p erh ap s o th e r cliffs im m ediately and contlpuously exposed to wave ac­ tion m ight be artificially equipped w ith sim ilar w ell boles and tunnels, bored th ro u g h from the land side and m ade to serve a s p ractical sea pulse m otors. Such an arran g em en t would a tta in conversion of ocean energy In­ dependently of high and low tides. It would ta k e advantage, w here topo­ graphy p erm itted , m erely of the pulse of th e ocean. And If successful w here th ere nre cliffs, why might it not be m ade so by c reatin g artificial tu n ­ nels and well holes m ade of concrete? t r C r t r ir ir t r C r C r t r t r f r C r t r t r ù t iù ir C r t TOLD IN FIGURES D enm ark hao 51 oleo fac­ tories. B razil in 1910 Im ported $4,- 327,307 w orth of cem ent. D enm ark in 1910 produced 124,781,020 pounds of oleom ar­ garine. J a p a n s 1916 ex ports to the U nited 8 ta te s w ere valued a t $109,004,040. P hilippines num ber 3,141 Islands w ith an area of 119,542 sq u are m iles. N orw ay fisheries In 1917 pro­ duced 50,918 h ectoliters of cod liv er oil. A u stralia last year se n t $85,- 787,058 w orth of products to the U nltetl S tates. U nited S tates last y e a r sent 215,288,133 pounds o f raw cot­ ton. valued a t $27,715,555, to Jap an . Erect Carriage. E re c t p o stu re is the p rim ary ele­ m ent In good bodily poise. I t is a very sim ple m atter. And y et It Is very, very uncommon. E rect p o stu re Is not only a facto r in b e a u ty ; It is a very Im p o rtan t fa c to r In h ealth . T his Is tru e not jm ly because it m enns a norm al condition of the spine, w ith a h ealthy s ta te of the nerve cen ters, but because of Its Influence upon th e func­ tions of nil th e in ternal orgnns. N a ­ tu re Intended these organs to occupy a ce rta in position In the body. T hey do th e ir best work only w hen they occupy these nlloted positions. W hen they nre crow ded out of position or p erm itted, through bad p o sture, to sag o r fall several Inches below, th e ir ef­ ficiency Is natu rn lly in te rfe re d w ith. T hey a re obliged to stru g g le ag ain st a sever handicap.—P hysical C ulture. Safety Pins Needed. Mrs. E. Roscoe M atthew s, a New Y orker, who has re tu rn e d from F rance, w here she was enabled to see th e A m erican troops n e a r th e fro n t line trenches, told of som e s p e d a t needs of our soldiers. Among the chief nre sa fe ty plus and chew ing gum, knitted body sc a rfs of sufficient length to wind aro u n d th ree tim es, and, if possible, ru b b er coats. T he safety pin, it seems. Is o f prim e Im portance, as being th e only prac­ tical device for fasten in g v arious a r ­ ticles of ap p arel from w hich b u tto n s have beeu flying ever since th e Amer- lean troops reached France. The boys of the United State» are doing much to help the country In the w ar crlele. T h le picture ehowe men of tom orrow learning tradee at New Y o rk 's Vocational school. One la doing electric w irin g in the shop. Robert Burns Never Went Uncle Sam Become? Teacher To School, but Read and And Adviser to Every Home Wrote at Very Early Age On Materials for Household A new book Just Issued on "M aterials fo r th e H ousehold" is of in te re st to every fam ily. I t w as prep ared by the ! bureau of sta n d a rd s in popular lan ­ guage to m eet th e need fo r reliable In­ form ation fo r hom e use and will be es- 1 peclally welcome to all who desire to 1 m anage th e home as efficiently as a m odern office or shop. In th is work Uncle Sam becom es te a c h e r and ad ­ viser to every household. In terestin g accounts are given of th e g reat variety o f m a terials used in building and fur- : nlshlng th e home and in the m any m inor Ind u stries and activ ities of the I househ